[otbn,dv] Pass mnemonic in trace from ISS

This is a partial change, in the direction of adding some functional
coverage to OTBN. The problem is that we want to track things like
"did I execute ADDI?" but don't want to write (yet another) decoder in
the coverage model, which might be buggy or get out of sync with the
actual RTL and ISS, yielding bogus coverage data.

To solve this, the plan is to pass mnemonics from the ISS to the trace
comparison and then (over DPI) to the coverage model. We know that the
RTL trace items will be in sync with the ISS sync items (otherwise the
test fails), so we can just build two queues on the SystemVerilog side
to merge together instruction data as seen by the RTL trace interface
and information about decoded instructions as seen by the ISS.

This patch doesn't do any of the later work: it just adds a mnemonic
to the output from the ISS in stepped mode and teaches the C++ code
that receives it to understand what it's seeing.

Signed-off-by: Rupert Swarbrick <rswarbrick@lowrisc.org>
11 files changed
tree: 3b304b2641c6b1ec9086baf9bafba89437b9fa4f
  1. .github/
  2. ci/
  3. doc/
  4. hw/
  5. site/
  6. sw/
  7. test/
  8. util/
  9. .clang-format
  10. .dockerignore
  11. .flake8
  12. .gitignore
  13. .style.yapf
  14. .svlint.toml
  15. .svls.toml
  16. _index.md
  17. apt-requirements.txt
  18. azure-pipelines.yml
  19. check_tool_requirements.core
  20. CLA
  24. meson.build
  25. meson_init.sh
  26. meson_options.txt
  27. python-requirements.txt
  28. README.md
  29. tool_requirements.py
  30. toolchain.txt
  31. topgen-generator.core
  32. topgen-reg-only.core
  33. topgen.core
  34. yum-requirements.txt


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About the project

OpenTitan is an open source silicon Root of Trust (RoT) project. OpenTitan will make the silicon RoT design and implementation more transparent, trustworthy, and secure for enterprises, platform providers, and chip manufacturers. OpenTitan is administered by lowRISC CIC as a collaborative project to produce high quality, open IP for instantiation as a full-featured product. See the OpenTitan site and OpenTitan docs for more information about the project.

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