Update lowrisc_ibex to lowRISC/ibex@dd39ec0

Update code from upstream repository
https://github.com/lowRISC/ibex.git to revision

* Optimize use of RAM primitive in icache (Philipp Wagner)
* [DV] Tie test_en_i to zero (Tom Roberts)
* [dv] Add missing signal to i$ tb (Tom Roberts)
* Use vendored-in primitives from OpenTitan (Philipp Wagner)
* Move Verilator simutil upstream to OpenTitan (Philipp Wagner)
* [CI] Install wheel for easier package installation (Philipp Wagner)
* [CI] Add dependency on pyyaml (Philipp Wagner)
* Fix deprecation warning in ibex_config.py (Philipp Wagner)
* Add '.gitignore' entry for file generated by Xcelium (Tudor Timi)
* Add wave dumping to Xcelium simulation setup (Tudor Timi)
* Fix non-standard usage of '`"` operator (Tudor Timi)
* Add Xcelium simulation setup (Tudor Timi)
* Update lowrisc_ip to lowRISC/opentitan@249b4c31 (Rupert Swarbrick)
* Merge vendor scripts for opentitan imports (Rupert Swarbrick)
* Update opentitan vendor imports to lowRISC/opentitan@249b4c31
  (Rupert Swarbrick)
* [rtl] Add speculative branch signal (Tom Roberts)
* [assertions] Tweak xprop assertion qualifiers (Tom Roberts)
* [rtl] Prevent xprop from fetch fifo (Tom Roberts)
* [rtl] Fix PMP address matching (Tom Roberts)
* [dv/icache] revert ff5c0c5 (Tom Roberts)
* [dv/icache] Add qualifications in protocol checker (Tom Roberts)
* [rtl] Various small icache bugfixes (Tom Roberts)
* [rtl] Remove redundant assignment (Tobias Wölfel)
* [rtl] Update RVFI order (Tobias Wölfel)
* [rtl] Forward register data with status (Tobias Wölfel)
* [rtl] Set RVFI program counter (Tobias Wölfel)
* [formal] Create Ibex Verilog source (Tobias Wölfel)
* [rtl] Add RVFI IXL interface (Tobias Wölfel)
* [bitmanip] Add ZBR instruction group (ganoam)
* Make RAM size configurable in compliance test system (Philipp
* Use prim_generic_ram_1p in ram_1p (Philipp Wagner)
* [dv] Change performance counter access to DPI (Stefan Wallentowitz)
* Change simple system core file to provide default files (Stefan
* Get rid of some duplication in ICache virtual sequences (Rupert
* Use control knobs rather than subclassing in ICache core sequences
  (Rupert Swarbrick)
* Add passthru test for ICache (Rupert Swarbrick)
* Update google_riscv-dv to google/riscv-dv@7b38e54 (Udi)
* [rtl] Add dummy instruction insertion (Tom Roberts)
* added missing cmp_opts to Riviera compilation options (Dawid
* [syn] Add more Ibex parameters to flow (Greg Chadwick)
* [syn] Add STA util for investigating feedthroughs (Greg Chadwick)
* Search backwards for grant seeds in icache memory model (Rupert
* Apply new seeds to memory request in icache memory model (Rupert
* Use --start_seed rather than --seed in core_ibex/Makefile (Rupert
* Update google_riscv-dv to google/riscv-dv@e6a63ff (Rupert Swarbrick)
* Add a --start_seed argument to core_ibex/sim.py (Rupert Swarbrick)
* [bitmanip] Add ZBC instruction group (ganoam)
* Update ICache testplan after review meeting (Rupert Swarbrick)
* Move seed updates into sequence in ICache memory agent (Rupert
* [rtl] Fix instr_valid_i exception issue (Tom Roberts)
* [config] Change default PMPNumRegions (Tom Roberts)
* [rtl] Add data-independent timing to multdiv_fast (Tom Roberts)
* [rtl] data-independent execution for multdiv_slow (Tom Roberts)
* [rtl] multdiv_slow general tidy-up (Tom Roberts)
* [dv] Enable use of ibex configs in DV (Greg Chadwick)
* [cfg] Add PMP parameters to ibex_config.yaml (Greg Chadwick)
* [bitmanip] Add sext.b/h instructions (ganoam)
* [bitmanip] Add ZBF instruction group (ganoam)
* [bitmanip] Add ZBE Instruction Group (ganoam)
* Print commands in core_ibex/Makefile when VERBOSE=1 (Rupert
* Check for correct "high" bits in icache core protocol checker
  (Rupert Swarbrick)
* Weaken some checks on cache in ibex_icache_core_protocol_checker
  (Rupert Swarbrick)
* Fix assertion in ibex_icache_core_protocol_checker (Rupert
* Update google_riscv-dv to google/riscv-dv@162ea73 (Udi)
* Add an empty common_cov_excl.el (Rupert Swarbrick)
* Allow coverage collection in icache/dv/Makefile (Rupert Swarbrick)
* Always assert ready in core driver for ICache UVM testbench (Rupert
* [dv/cs_registers] Remove .* binding (Tom Roberts)
* Specify "-xlrm uniq_prior_final" for VCS (Rupert Swarbrick)
* Update google_riscv-dv to google/riscv-dv@ace2805 (Udi)
* [dv] Manually update dvsim config files (Udi)
* [dv] enable writeback stage and branch ALU (Udi)
* [rtl] Stop regfile writeback for load errors (Tom Roberts)

Signed-off-by: Philipp Wagner <phw@lowrisc.org>
147 files changed
tree: 7b5cbcaab3cc36efff33ae2ef36a97162ec5d038
  1. .github/
  2. ci/
  3. doc/
  4. hw/
  5. site/
  6. sw/
  7. test/
  8. util/
  9. .clang-format
  10. .dockerignore
  11. .flake8
  12. .gitignore
  13. .style.yapf
  14. _index.md
  15. apt-requirements.txt
  16. azure-pipelines.yml
  17. check_tool_requirements.core
  18. CLA
  22. meson.build
  23. meson_init.sh
  24. meson_options.txt
  25. python-requirements.txt
  26. README.md
  27. tool_requirements.py
  28. toolchain.txt


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OpenTitan is an open source silicon Root of Trust (RoT) project. OpenTitan will make the silicon RoT design and implementation more transparent, trustworthy, and secure for enterprises, platform providers, and chip manufacturers. OpenTitan is administered by lowRISC CIC as a collaborative project to produce high quality, open IP for instantiation as a full-featured product. See the OpenTitan site and OpenTitan docs for more information about the project.

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