[test] Implement iteration 2 of e2e_bootstrap_rma

This new test uses OpenOCD to connect to lc_ctrl's JTAG TAP, requests a
transition to the RMA state, and verifies that the transition occurred.

Signed-off-by: Dan McArdle <dmcardle@opentitan.org>
diff --git a/sw/device/silicon_creator/rom/e2e/BUILD b/sw/device/silicon_creator/rom/e2e/BUILD
index 36067cc..8c0e9da 100644
--- a/sw/device/silicon_creator/rom/e2e/BUILD
+++ b/sw/device/silicon_creator/rom/e2e/BUILD
@@ -455,7 +455,7 @@
             name = "CREATOR_SW_CFG",
             items = {
-                "CREATOR_SW_CFG_RMA_SPIN_EN": "0x739",  # HARDENED_BOOL_TRUE
+                "CREATOR_SW_CFG_RMA_SPIN_EN": hex(CONST.TRUE),
                 "CREATOR_SW_CFG_RMA_SPIN_CYCLES": "10",
@@ -503,21 +503,32 @@
-    name = "e2e_bootstrap_rma_iteration_1",
+    name = "e2e_bootstrap_rma",
     srcs = ["rom_e2e_bootstrap_rma_test.c"],
     cw310 = cw310_params(
         bitstream = ":bitstream_bootstrap_rma",
-        tags = ["vivado"],
+        tags = [
+            "jtag",
+            "vivado",
+        ],
         test_cmds = [
-            "--bitstream=\"$(location {bitstream})\"",
-            "--bootstrap=\"$(location {flash})\"",
+            "--bitstream=\"$(rootpath {bitstream})\"",
+            "--bootstrap=\"$(rootpath {flash})\"",
+            "--openocd=\"$(rootpath //third_party/openocd:openocd_bin)\"",
+            "--openocd-adapter-config=\"$(rootpath //third_party/openocd:jtag_adapter_cfg)\"",
+    data = [
+        "//third_party/openocd:jtag_adapter_cfg",
+        "//third_party/openocd:openocd_bin",
+    ],
     targets = ["cw310_rom"],
     test_harness = "//sw/host/tests/rom/e2e_bootstrap_rma",
     deps = [
+        "//hw/top_earlgrey/sw/autogen:top_earlgrey",
+        "//sw/device/lib/base:macros",
diff --git a/sw/host/opentitanlib/src/app/config/opentitan.json b/sw/host/opentitanlib/src/app/config/opentitan.json
index aa83e85..9e5309a 100644
--- a/sw/host/opentitanlib/src/app/config/opentitan.json
+++ b/sw/host/opentitanlib/src/app/config/opentitan.json
@@ -62,6 +62,19 @@
+      "name": "PINMUX_TAP_LC",
+      "pins": [
+        {
+          "name": "TAP_STRAP0",
+          "level": true
+        },
+        {
+          "name": "TAP_STRAP1",
+          "level": false
+        }
+      ]
+    },
+    {
       "name": "RESET",
       "pins": [
diff --git a/sw/host/tests/rom/e2e_bootstrap_rma/BUILD b/sw/host/tests/rom/e2e_bootstrap_rma/BUILD
index 1f943a0..069a4de 100644
--- a/sw/host/tests/rom/e2e_bootstrap_rma/BUILD
+++ b/sw/host/tests/rom/e2e_bootstrap_rma/BUILD
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_binary")
+load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_binary", "rust_test")
 package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
@@ -16,6 +16,23 @@
+        "//third_party/rust/crates:num_enum",
+        "//third_party/rust/crates:regex",
+        "//third_party/rust/crates:structopt",
+    ],
+    name = "e2e_bootstrap_rma_test",
+    srcs = [
+        "src/main.rs",
+    ],
+    deps = [
+        "//sw/host/opentitanlib",
+        "//third_party/rust/crates:anyhow",
+        "//third_party/rust/crates:humantime",
+        "//third_party/rust/crates:log",
+        "//third_party/rust/crates:num_enum",
diff --git a/sw/host/tests/rom/e2e_bootstrap_rma/src/main.rs b/sw/host/tests/rom/e2e_bootstrap_rma/src/main.rs
index a55e573..b3392ad 100644
--- a/sw/host/tests/rom/e2e_bootstrap_rma/src/main.rs
+++ b/sw/host/tests/rom/e2e_bootstrap_rma/src/main.rs
@@ -4,45 +4,302 @@
 use anyhow::{bail, Result};
 use opentitanlib::dif::rstmgr::DifRstmgrResetInfo;
+use opentitanlib::transport::common::fpga::ClearBitstream;
 use regex::Regex;
+use std::fs::File;
+use std::io::Write;
+use std::process::{Command, Stdio};
 use std::time::Duration;
 use structopt::StructOpt;
 use opentitanlib::app::TransportWrapper;
+use opentitanlib::chip::boolean::MultiBitBool8;
+use opentitanlib::dif::lc_ctrl::{
+    DifLcCtrlState, DifLcCtrlToken, LcBit, LcCtrlReg, LcCtrlStatusBit, LcCtrlTransitionCmdBit,
+    LcCtrlTransitionRegwenBit,
 use opentitanlib::execute_test;
 use opentitanlib::test_utils::init::InitializeTest;
 use opentitanlib::uart::console::{ExitStatus, UartConsole};
+const CONSOLE_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(5);
+const JTAG_TAP_NAME: &str = "lc_ctrl.tap.0";
 #[derive(Debug, StructOpt)]
 struct Opts {
     init: InitializeTest,
-    #[structopt(
-        long, parse(try_from_str=humantime::parse_duration),
-        default_value = "50s",
-        help = "Console receive timeout",
-    )]
-    timeout: Duration,
+    #[structopt(long, help = "Path to OpenOCD binary")]
+    openocd: String,
+    #[structopt(long, help = "Path to OpenOCD JTAG adapter config")]
+    openocd_adapter_config: String,
-/// Orchestrate iteration 1 of the rom_bootstrap_rma testpoint. This never
+// RAII-style struct that clears the FPGA's bitstream when it goes out of scope.
+struct ScopedBitstream<'a> {
+    transport: &'a TransportWrapper,
+impl Drop for ScopedBitstream<'_> {
+    fn drop(&mut self) {
+        self.transport
+            .dispatch(&ClearBitstream {})
+            .expect("Should dispatch ClearBitstream command successfully");
+    }
+/// A domain-specific language for reading and writing lifecycle controller
+/// registers. It compiles to TCL that OpenOCD can interpret. The goal is to
+/// provide a notation for our tests rather than map one-to-one with TCL syntax
+/// or OpenOCD primitives.
+enum OpenocdTclBlock<'a> {
+    /// Exits OpenOCD with a non-zero status when the register does not contain
+    /// the given value.
+    AssertRegEq(LcCtrlReg, u32),
+    /// Polls the register a finite number of times until its value matches the
+    /// expectation. Exits OpenOCD with a non-zero status if it runs out of
+    /// tries.
+    PollUntilRegEq(LcCtrlReg, u32),
+    /// Writes the given value to the register.
+    WriteReg(LcCtrlReg, u32),
+    /// Echoes the given string to stdout. The string must be trivially
+    /// quotable, so it must not contain double quotes, backslashes, etc.
+    Echo(&'a str),
+impl OpenocdTclBlock<'_> {
+    /// Compiles this operation to a JimTCL string that OpenOCD can execute.
+    fn to_tcl(self) -> String {
+        match self {
+            // Contrary to OpenOCD's documentation [0], I can't get `shutdown
+            // [error]` to affect OpenOCD's exit code.  My hacky workaround is
+            // to create my own fatal error by using a nonexistent command.
+            //
+            // [0]: https://openocd.org/doc/html/General-Commands.html
+            OpenocdTclBlock::AssertRegEq(register, expectation) => {
+                let reg_offset = register.word_offset();
+                format!(
+                    r#"
+set reg_value [ {JTAG_TAP_NAME} riscv dmi_read 0x{reg_offset:x} ]
+if {{ $reg_value != {expectation} }} {{
+    echo "Expected {register:?} == 0x{expectation:x}, but it is $reg_value"
+    nonexistent_command_that_causes_openocd_to_exit_with_error
+                )
+            }
+            OpenocdTclBlock::PollUntilRegEq(register, expectation) => {
+                const MAX_ATTEMPTS: u32 = 1000;
+                const SLEEP_MILLIS: u32 = 5;
+                let reg_offset = register.word_offset();
+                format!(
+                    r#"
+for {{ set i 0 }} {{ $i < {MAX_ATTEMPTS} }} {{ set i [expr {{$i + 1}}] }} {{
+    set reg_value [ {JTAG_TAP_NAME} riscv dmi_read 0x{reg_offset:x} ]
+    if {{ $reg_value == {expectation} }} {{
+        break
+    }}
+    sleep {SLEEP_MILLIS}
+if {{ $i == {MAX_ATTEMPTS} }} {{
+    echo "Ran out of attempts before {register:?} became 0x{expectation:x}"
+    nonexistent_command_that_causes_openocd_to_exit_with_error
+                )
+            }
+            OpenocdTclBlock::WriteReg(register, value) => {
+                let reg_offset = register.word_offset();
+                format!("{JTAG_TAP_NAME} riscv dmi_write 0x{reg_offset:x} 0x{value:x}")
+            }
+            OpenocdTclBlock::Echo(s) => {
+                // Do the bare minimum validation before we naively quote `s`.
+                assert!(!s.chars().any(|c| ['\n', '\r', '"', '\\'].contains(&c)));
+                format!("echo \"{s}\"")
+            }
+        }
+    }
+/// Resets the device with the given strappings applied. Clears the UART RX
+/// buffer. Removes the strappings before returning.
+fn reset(transport: &TransportWrapper, strappings: &[&str], reset_delay: Duration) -> Result<()> {
+    log::info!("Resetting target...");
+    for strapping in strappings.iter() {
+        transport.apply_pin_strapping(strapping)?;
+    }
+    transport.reset_target(reset_delay, true)?;
+    for strapping in strappings.iter() {
+        transport.remove_pin_strapping(strapping)?;
+    }
+    Ok(())
+/// Orchestrates iteration 2 of the rom_bootstrap_rma testpoint. Issue the life
+/// cycle RMA command and ensure the RMA transition is completed successfully.
+fn test_rma_command(opts: &Opts, transport: &TransportWrapper) -> Result<()> {
+    use LcCtrlReg::{
+        ClaimTransitionIf, LcState, LcTransitionCnt, Status, TransitionCmd, TransitionRegwen,
+        TransitionTarget, TransitionToken0, TransitionToken1, TransitionToken2, TransitionToken3,
+    };
+    use OpenocdTclBlock::{AssertRegEq, Echo, PollUntilRegEq, WriteReg};
+    // This is the preimage of the RMA token. The postimage is already stored in
+    // the OTP's SECRET2 partition.
+    let token = DifLcCtrlToken::from([
+        0x53, 0xa3, 0x81, 0x2b, 0x5a, 0x4c, 0x04, 0xa4, //
+        0x85, 0xda, 0xac, 0x25, 0x2d, 0x14, 0x5c, 0xaf,
+    ]);
+    let [token0, token1, token2, token3] = token.into_register_values();
+    let script_transition_to_rma = [
+        Echo("--- Waiting for controller to be ready..."),
+        PollUntilRegEq(
+            Status,
+            LcBit::union([LcCtrlStatusBit::Initialized, LcCtrlStatusBit::Ready]),
+        ),
+        Echo("--- Lifecycle controller is ready!"),
+        AssertRegEq(LcState, DifLcCtrlState::Prod.redundant_encoding()),
+        AssertRegEq(LcTransitionCnt, 5),
+        WriteReg(ClaimTransitionIf, u8::from(MultiBitBool8::True).into()),
+        AssertRegEq(ClaimTransitionIf, u8::from(MultiBitBool8::True).into()),
+        AssertRegEq(
+            TransitionRegwen,
+            LcBit::union([LcCtrlTransitionRegwenBit::TransitionRegwen]),
+        ),
+        WriteReg(TransitionToken0, token0),
+        WriteReg(TransitionToken1, token1),
+        WriteReg(TransitionToken2, token2),
+        WriteReg(TransitionToken3, token3),
+        AssertRegEq(TransitionToken0, token0),
+        AssertRegEq(TransitionToken1, token1),
+        AssertRegEq(TransitionToken2, token2),
+        AssertRegEq(TransitionToken3, token3),
+        WriteReg(TransitionTarget, DifLcCtrlState::Rma.redundant_encoding()),
+        AssertRegEq(TransitionTarget, DifLcCtrlState::Rma.redundant_encoding()),
+        Echo("--- Initiate the life cycle transition"),
+        WriteReg(TransitionCmd, LcBit::union([LcCtrlTransitionCmdBit::Start])),
+        AssertRegEq(TransitionRegwen, 0),
+        AssertRegEq(Status, LcBit::union([LcCtrlStatusBit::Initialized])),
+        Echo("--- Poll the STATUS register while device erases flash..."),
+        PollUntilRegEq(
+            Status,
+            LcBit::union([
+                LcCtrlStatusBit::Initialized,
+                LcCtrlStatusBit::TransitionSuccessful,
+            ]),
+        ),
+        AssertRegEq(LcState, DifLcCtrlState::PostTransition.redundant_encoding()),
+        Echo("--- Lifecycle transition complete"),
+    ];
+    let script_contents: String = script_transition_to_rma
+        .map(OpenocdTclBlock::to_tcl)
+        .join("\n");
+    const SCRIPT_FILE_PATH: &str = "tmp_script.cfg";
+    File::create(SCRIPT_FILE_PATH)?.write_all(script_contents.as_bytes())?;
+    // In subsequent runs of this test, OpenOCD will fail with the following
+    // error unless we preemptively clear the bitstream.
+    // ```
+    //     Error: dmi_read is not implemented for this target.
+    //
+    //     Error: Unsupported DTM version: 15
+    //     Finished test test_rma_command: Err(OpenOCD exited with code 1
+    // ```
+    //
+    // There's another failure mode: after starting the transition, sometimes
+    // OpenOCD will complain that the DMI operation timed out. Retrying the test
+    // never resolves it, but clearing the FPGA bitstream *sometimes* resolves
+    // it.
+    // ```
+    //     Error: DMI operation didn't complete in 2 seconds. The target is
+    //     either really slow or broken. You could increase the timeout with
+    //     riscv set_command_timeout_sec.
+    // ```
+    //
+    // To minimize flakiness, clear the bitstream before leaving this function.
+    let _scoped_bitstream = ScopedBitstream { transport };
+    reset(
+        transport,
+        opts.init.bootstrap.options.reset_delay,
+    )?;
+    let openocd_exit = Command::new(&opts.openocd)
+        .args(["-f", &opts.openocd_adapter_config])
+        .args(["-c", "adapter speed 200;"])
+        // Tell OpenOCD how to connect to the lifecycle controller's RISC-V TAP.
+        // This works because lc_ctrl uses an instance of the RISC-V debug
+        // module [0]. Its IRLEN is hardcoded to 5 [1] and its IDCODE is 1 [2].
+        //
+        // [0]: https://docs.opentitan.org/hw/ip/lc_ctrl/doc/#life-cycle-tap-controller
+        // [1]: See where `dmi_jtag_tap` is created in hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/src/dmi_jtag.sv
+        // [2]: See where `dmi_jtag` is instantiated in hw/ip/lc_ctrl/rtl/lc_ctrl.sv
+        //
+        // Because these commands are command-line args, they *must* end with
+        // semicolons to satisfy the TCL lexer. When a TCL program is read from
+        // a file, newlines are sufficient to separate statements.
+        .args([
+            "-c",
+            "transport select jtag;",
+            "-c",
+            "jtag newtap lc_ctrl tap -irlen 5 -expected-id 0x00000001 -ignore-bypass;",
+            "-c",
+            &format!(
+                "target create {JTAG_TAP_NAME} riscv -chain-position lc_ctrl.tap -rtos hwthread;"
+            ),
+            "-c",
+            "init;",
+        ])
+        .args(["-f", SCRIPT_FILE_PATH])
+        .args(["-c", "shutdown;"])
+        .stdout(Stdio::inherit())
+        .stderr(Stdio::inherit())
+        .spawn()?
+        .wait()?;
+    if !openocd_exit.success() {
+        bail!("OpenOCD exited with status {}", openocd_exit);
+    }
+    // Reset the device and confirm that its lifecycle state is now RMA by
+    // reading the "LCV:" line from the UART.
+    let uart = transport.uart("console")?;
+    reset(transport, &[], opts.init.bootstrap.options.reset_delay)?;
+    let mut console = UartConsole {
+        timeout: Some(CONSOLE_TIMEOUT),
+        exit_success: Some(Regex::new(&format!(
+            "LCV:{:x}\r\n",
+            DifLcCtrlState::Rma.redundant_encoding()
+        ))?),
+        exit_failure: Some(Regex::new(r"LCV:[0-9a-f]+\r\n")?),
+        ..Default::default()
+    };
+    let result = console.interact(&*uart, None, Some(&mut std::io::stdout()))?;
+    if result != ExitStatus::ExitSuccess {
+        bail!("FAIL: {:?}", result);
+    };
+    Ok(())
+/// Orchestrates iteration 1 of the rom_bootstrap_rma testpoint. This never
 /// issues the life cycle RMA command. It verifies that the ROM times out on
 /// spin cycles, automatically resets the device, and logs the expected reset
 /// reasons.
 fn test_no_rma_command(opts: &Opts, transport: &TransportWrapper) -> Result<()> {
-    let reset_delay = opts.init.bootstrap.options.reset_delay;
     let uart = transport.uart("console")?;
-    log::info!("Applying RMA_BOOTSTRAP strapping...");
-    transport.apply_pin_strapping("RMA_BOOTSTRAP")?;
-    log::info!("Resetting target...");
-    let clear_uart_rx = true;
-    transport.reset_target(reset_delay, clear_uart_rx)?;
-    log::info!("Removing RMA_BOOTSTRAP strapping...");
-    transport.remove_pin_strapping("RMA_BOOTSTRAP")?;
+    reset(
+        transport,
+        &["RMA_BOOTSTRAP"],
+        opts.init.bootstrap.options.reset_delay,
+    )?;
     log::info!("Waiting for reset reasons on console...");
@@ -50,7 +307,7 @@
     // sw/device/silicon_creator/rom/e2e/rom_e2e_bootstrap_rma_test.c.
     let expected_bitfield = u32::from(DifRstmgrResetInfo::Por) | u32::from(DifRstmgrResetInfo::Sw);
     let mut console = UartConsole {
-        timeout: Some(opts.timeout),
+        timeout: Some(CONSOLE_TIMEOUT),
         exit_success: Some(Regex::new(&format!(
             "reset_info_bitfield: 0x{expected_bitfield:x}\r\n"
@@ -64,19 +321,59 @@
-/// Orchestrate iteration 2 of the rom_bootstrap_rma testpoint. Issue the life
-/// cycle RMA command and ensure the RMA transition is completed successfully.
-fn test_rma_command(_opts: &Opts, _transport: &TransportWrapper) -> Result<()> {
-    // TODO(lowRISC/opentitan#15677) Implement iteration 2 of rom_bootstrap_rma.
-    Ok(())
 fn main() -> Result<()> {
     let opts = Opts::from_args();
     let transport = opts.init.init_target()?;
     execute_test!(test_no_rma_command, &opts, &transport);
     execute_test!(test_rma_command, &opts, &transport);
+mod tests {
+    use super::*;
+    #[test]
+    fn openocd_statements() {
+        assert_eq!(
+            OpenocdTclBlock::AssertRegEq(LcCtrlReg::LcIdState, 0x3c).to_tcl(),
+            r#"
+set reg_value [ lc_ctrl.tap.0 riscv dmi_read 0xf ]
+if { $reg_value != 60 } {
+    echo "Expected LcIdState == 0x3c, but it is $reg_value"
+    nonexistent_command_that_causes_openocd_to_exit_with_error
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            OpenocdTclBlock::PollUntilRegEq(LcCtrlReg::TransitionToken0, 0x1234).to_tcl(),
+            r#"
+for { set i 0 } { $i < 1000 } { set i [expr {$i + 1}] } {
+    set reg_value [ lc_ctrl.tap.0 riscv dmi_read 0x6 ]
+    if { $reg_value == 4660 } {
+        break
+    }
+    sleep 5
+if { $i == 1000 } {
+    echo "Ran out of attempts before TransitionToken0 became 0x1234"
+    nonexistent_command_that_causes_openocd_to_exit_with_error
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            OpenocdTclBlock::WriteReg(LcCtrlReg::TransitionToken3, 0xabcd).to_tcl(),
+            "lc_ctrl.tap.0 riscv dmi_write 0x9 0xabcd"
+        );
+        assert_eq!(OpenocdTclBlock::Echo("bar").to_tcl(), "echo \"bar\"");
+    }
+    /// Stringifying echo statements should panic when they contain unsupported
+    /// characters.
+    #[test]
+    #[should_panic]
+    fn openocd_statements_echo_panic() {
+        let _s = OpenocdTclBlock::Echo("bad string \"").to_tcl();
+    }