[usbdev] Add DIF Checklist and Progress

Signed-off-by: Sam Elliott <selliott@lowrisc.org>
diff --git a/hw/ip/usbdev/data/usbdev.prj.hjson b/hw/ip/usbdev/data/usbdev.prj.hjson
index e3a68d5..5600226 100644
--- a/hw/ip/usbdev/data/usbdev.prj.hjson
+++ b/hw/ip/usbdev/data/usbdev.prj.hjson
@@ -6,8 +6,10 @@
     name:               "usbdev",
     design_spec:        "hw/ip/usbdev/doc",
     dv_plan:            "hw/ip/usbdev/doc/dv_plan",
+    sw_checklist:       "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_usbdev",
     version:            "0.5",
     life_stage:         "L1",
     design_stage:       "D0",
     verification_stage: "V0",
+    dif_stage:          "S0",
diff --git a/sw/device/lib/dif/dif_usbdev.md b/sw/device/lib/dif/dif_usbdev.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd265db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw/device/lib/dif/dif_usbdev.md
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+title: "USB Device DIF Checklist"
+This checklist is for [Development Stage]({{< relref "/doc/project/development_stages.md" >}}) transitions for the [USB Device DIF]({{< relref "hw/ip/usbdev/doc" >}}).
+All checklist items refer to the content in the [Checklist]({{< relref "/doc/project/checklist.md" >}}).
+## DIF Checklist
+### S1
+Type           | Item                 | Resolution  | Note/Collaterals
+Implementation | [DIF_EXISTS][]       | Not Started |
+Implementation | [DIF_USED_IN_TREE][] | Not Started |
+Tests          | [DIF_TEST_UNIT][]    | Not Started |
+Tests          | [DIF_TEST_SANITY][]  | Not Started |
+Review         | Reviewer(s)          | Not Started |
+Review         | Signoff date         | Not Started |
+[DIF_EXISTS]:       {{< relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#dif-exists" >}}
+[DIF_USED_IN_TREE]: {{< relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#dif-used-in-tree" >}}
+[DIF_TEST_UNIT]:    {{< relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#dif-test-unit" >}}
+[DIF_TEST_SANITY]:  {{< relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#dif-test-sanity" >}}
+### S2
+Type           | Item                        | Resolution  | Note/Collaterals
+Implementation | [DIF_FEATURES][]            | Not Started |
+Coordination   | [DIF_HW_USAGE_REVIEWED][]   | Not Started |
+Coordination   | [DIF_HW_FEATURE_COMPLETE][] | Not Started | [HW Dashboard]({{< relref "hw" >}})
+Implementation | [DIF_HW_PARAMS][]           | Not Started |
+Documentation  | [DIF_DOC_HW][]              | Not Started |
+Documentation  | [DIF_DOC_API][]             | Not Started |
+Code Quality   | [DIF_CODE_STYLE][]          | Not Started |
+Coordination   | [DIF_DV_TESTS][]            | Not Started |
+Implementation | [DIF_USED_TOCK][]           | Not Started |
+Review         | HW IP Usage Reviewer(s)     | Not Started |
+Review         | Reviewer(s)                 | Not Started |
+Review         | Signoff date                | Not Started |
+[DIF_FEATURES]:            {{< relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#dif-features" >}}
+[DIF_HW_USAGE_REVIEWED]:   {{< relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#dif-hw-usage-reviewed" >}}
+[DIF_HW_FEATURE_COMPLETE]: {{< relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#dif-hw-feature-complete" >}}
+[DIF_HW_PARAMS]:           {{< relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#dif-hw-params" >}}
+[DIF_DOC_HW]:              {{< relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#dif-doc-hw" >}}
+[DIF_DOC_API]:             {{< relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#dif-doc-api" >}}
+[DIF_CODE_STYLE]:          {{< relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#dif-code-style" >}}
+[DIF_DV_TESTS]:            {{< relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#dif-dv-tests" >}}
+[DIF_USED_TOCK]:           {{< relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#dif-used-tock" >}}
+### S3
+Type           | Item                             | Resolution  | Note/Collaterals
+Coordination   | [DIF_HW_DESIGN_COMPLETE][]       | Not Started |
+Coordination   | [DIF_HW_VERIFICATION_COMPLETE][] | Not Started |
+Review         | [DIF_REVIEW_C_STABLE][]          | Not Started |
+Tests          | [DIF_TEST_UNIT_COMPLETE][]       | Not Started |
+Review         | [DIF_TODO_COMPLETE][]            | Not Started |
+Review         | [DIF_REVIEW_TOCK_STABLE][]       | Not Started |
+Review         | Reviewer(s)                      | Not Started |
+Review         | Signoff date                     | Not Started |
+[DIF_HW_DESIGN_COMPLETE]:       {{< relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#dif-hw-design-complete" >}}
+[DIF_HW_VERIFICATION_COMPLETE]: {{< relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#dif-hw-verification-complete" >}}
+[DIF_REVIEW_C_STABLE]:          {{< relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#dif-review-c-stable" >}}
+[DIF_TEST_UNIT_COMPLETE]:       {{< relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#dif-test-unit-complete" >}}
+[DIF_TODO_COMPLETE]:            {{< relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#dif-todo-complete" >}}
+[DIF_REVIEW_TOCK_STABLE]:       {{< relref "/doc/project/checklist.md#dif-review-tock-stable" >}}