Add util/fpga/

This tool enables us to bisect over cached bitstreams, and optionally
narrow down ambiguous results in a second phase.


Signed-off-by: Dan McArdle <>
diff --git a/util/fpga/ b/util/fpga/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca222d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/fpga/
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+import unittest
+from typing import Tuple
+from unittest.mock import MagicMock, call
+from bitstream_bisect import (BisectLog, BisectSession, CommitHash,
+                              CommitJudgment, GitControllerABC)
+class MockableGitController(GitControllerABC):
+    """Provides stub implementations of GitControllerABC's abstract methods."""
+    def _git(self, *args: str) -> Tuple[int, str, str]:
+        raise Exception("_git unexpectedly called")
+    def _git_no_capture_output(self, *args: str) -> int:
+        returncode, _, _ = self._git(*args)
+        return returncode
+class TestCommitHash(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Test that CommitHash validates its inputs."""
+    def test_simple(self):
+        c = CommitHash("c1")
+        self.assertEqual(str(c), "c1")
+        c = CommitHash("deadbeef")
+        self.assertEqual(str(c), "deadbeef")
+        self.assertEqual(str(c), CommitHash("deadbeef"))
+    def test_non_lowercase(self):
+        c = CommitHash("C1")
+        self.assertEqual(str(c), "c1")
+        self.assertEqual(str(c), CommitHash("C1"))
+        self.assertEqual(str(c), CommitHash("c1"))
+        c = CommitHash("DEADBEEF")
+        self.assertEqual(str(c), "deadbeef")
+        self.assertEqual(str(c), CommitHash("DEADBEEF"))
+        self.assertEqual(str(c), CommitHash("deadbeef"))
+        c = CommitHash("DeAdBeEf")
+        self.assertEqual(str(c), "deadbeef")
+        self.assertEqual(str(c), CommitHash("DeAdBeEf"))
+        self.assertEqual(str(c), CommitHash("deadbeef"))
+    def test_invalid(self):
+        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+            CommitHash("")
+        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+            CommitHash("hello")
+        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+            CommitHash("HEAD")
+class TestParseBisectLog(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_one_line(self):
+        bisect_log = BisectLog("git bisect good c123")
+        self.assertEqual(bisect_log.judgments, [('c123', CommitJudgment.GOOD)])
+        self.assertEqual(bisect_log.candidates, [])
+        bisect_log = BisectLog("git bisect bad c123")
+        self.assertEqual(bisect_log.judgments, [('c123', CommitJudgment.BAD)])
+        self.assertEqual(bisect_log.candidates, [])
+        bisect_log = BisectLog("git bisect skip c123")
+        self.assertEqual(bisect_log.judgments, [('c123', CommitJudgment.SKIP)])
+        self.assertEqual(bisect_log.candidates, [])
+        bisect_log = BisectLog("")
+        self.assertEqual(bisect_log.judgments, [])
+        self.assertEqual(bisect_log.candidates, [])
+        bisect_log = BisectLog("git bisect start")
+        self.assertEqual(bisect_log.judgments, [])
+        self.assertEqual(bisect_log.candidates, [])
+    def test_unrecognized_actions_rejected(self):
+        """The parser should reject non-comment lines it doesn't understand."""
+        # Unexpected whitespace.
+        with self.assertRaises(BisectLog.ParserBug):
+            _ = BisectLog(" git bisect skip c123")
+        with self.assertRaises(BisectLog.ParserBug):
+            _ = BisectLog("git  bisect skip c123")
+        with self.assertRaises(BisectLog.ParserBug):
+            _ = BisectLog("git bisect  skip c123")
+        with self.assertRaises(BisectLog.ParserBug):
+            _ = BisectLog(" # git bisect  skip c123")
+        # Unrecognized action with commit.
+        with self.assertRaises(BisectLog.ParserBug):
+            _ = BisectLog("git bisect foo c123")
+        # Unrecognized action without commit.
+        with self.assertRaises(BisectLog.ParserBug):
+            _ = BisectLog("git bisect bar")
+    def test_unrecognized_comments_ignored(self):
+        bisect_log = BisectLog("# foo")
+        self.assertEqual(bisect_log.judgments, [])
+        self.assertEqual(bisect_log.candidates, [])
+    def test_candidates_simple(self):
+        bisect_log = BisectLog("")
+        self.assertEqual(bisect_log.judgments, [])
+        self.assertEqual(bisect_log.candidates, [])
+        bisect_log = BisectLog(
+            "# first bad commit: [c42] Commit description...")
+        self.assertEqual(bisect_log.judgments, [])
+        self.assertEqual(bisect_log.candidates, ["c42"])
+        bisect_log = BisectLog("""
+# only skipped commits left to test
+# possible first bad commit: [c123] Foo description
+# possible first bad commit: [c234] Bar description
+        self.assertEqual(bisect_log.judgments, [])
+        self.assertEqual(bisect_log.candidates, ["c123", "c234"])
+    def test_realistic_only_skipped_remain(self):
+        # This output was produced by `git` on a temporary repo.
+        BISECT_LOG = """# status: waiting for both good and bad commits
+# good: [0b47ff5f2ac78589cab7d9b93c4cabb9e4a1f736] First commit
+git bisect good 0b47ff5f2ac78589cab7d9b93c4cabb9e4a1f736
+# status: waiting for bad commit, 1 good commit known
+# bad: [4f166216806f44b1ddf67c4649d5e646cf9bbf22] Fourth commit
+git bisect bad 4f166216806f44b1ddf67c4649d5e646cf9bbf22
+# skip: [132c4e1f8773cd3e14e2f4de8a8b77422b74e28b] Third commit
+git bisect skip 132c4e1f8773cd3e14e2f4de8a8b77422b74e28b
+# skip: [8fe76ab59c4f7d43237292a57f1d84b774436224] Second commit
+git bisect skip 8fe76ab59c4f7d43237292a57f1d84b774436224
+# only skipped commits left to test
+# possible first bad commit: [4f166216806f44b1ddf67c4649d5e646cf9bbf22] Fourth commit
+# possible first bad commit: [132c4e1f8773cd3e14e2f4de8a8b77422b74e28b] Third commit
+# possible first bad commit: [8fe76ab59c4f7d43237292a57f1d84b774436224] Second commit
+# good: [8fe76ab59c4f7d43237292a57f1d84b774436224] Second commit
+git bisect good 8fe76ab59c4f7d43237292a57f1d84b774436224
+# only skipped commits left to test
+# possible first bad commit: [4f166216806f44b1ddf67c4649d5e646cf9bbf22] Fourth commit
+# possible first bad commit: [132c4e1f8773cd3e14e2f4de8a8b77422b74e28b] Third commit
+        bisect_log = BisectLog(BISECT_LOG)
+        self.assertEqual(bisect_log.candidates, [
+            "4f166216806f44b1ddf67c4649d5e646cf9bbf22",
+            "132c4e1f8773cd3e14e2f4de8a8b77422b74e28b"
+        ])
+        self.assertEqual(bisect_log.judgments, [
+            ("0b47ff5f2ac78589cab7d9b93c4cabb9e4a1f736", CommitJudgment.GOOD),
+            ("4f166216806f44b1ddf67c4649d5e646cf9bbf22", CommitJudgment.BAD),
+            ("132c4e1f8773cd3e14e2f4de8a8b77422b74e28b", CommitJudgment.SKIP),
+            ("8fe76ab59c4f7d43237292a57f1d84b774436224", CommitJudgment.SKIP),
+            ("8fe76ab59c4f7d43237292a57f1d84b774436224", CommitJudgment.GOOD),
+        ])
+    def test_realistic_has_first_bad_commit(self):
+        # This output was produced by `git` on a temporary repo.
+        BISECT_LOG = """git bisect start
+# status: waiting for both good and bad commits
+# good: [00722da469712cd917e59082601d189fe0c6507e] First commit
+git bisect good 00722da469712cd917e59082601d189fe0c6507e
+# status: waiting for bad commit, 1 good commit known
+# bad: [3e2031c1cb7b27e8bf36c85756c301279b8f9f30] Fourth commit
+git bisect bad 3e2031c1cb7b27e8bf36c85756c301279b8f9f30
+# bad: [dc5320f6d974d3fce7bcc03fd18d920c8b5e3cbf] Third commit
+git bisect bad dc5320f6d974d3fce7bcc03fd18d920c8b5e3cbf
+# bad: [d72b7491e6fdadb2ef742370410d5488a7bbfdba] Second commit
+git bisect bad d72b7491e6fdadb2ef742370410d5488a7bbfdba
+# first bad commit: [d72b7491e6fdadb2ef742370410d5488a7bbfdba] Second commit
+        bisect_log = BisectLog(BISECT_LOG)
+        self.assertEqual(bisect_log.candidates,
+                         ["d72b7491e6fdadb2ef742370410d5488a7bbfdba"])
+        self.assertEqual(bisect_log.judgments, [
+            ("00722da469712cd917e59082601d189fe0c6507e", CommitJudgment.GOOD),
+            ("3e2031c1cb7b27e8bf36c85756c301279b8f9f30", CommitJudgment.BAD),
+            ("dc5320f6d974d3fce7bcc03fd18d920c8b5e3cbf", CommitJudgment.BAD),
+            ("d72b7491e6fdadb2ef742370410d5488a7bbfdba", CommitJudgment.BAD),
+        ])
+class TestBisectSession(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_two_cached_only_fast(self):
+        """Simple case with two cached commits and only the fast command."""
+        BISECT_LOG = """git bisect start
+# status: waiting for both good and bad commits
+# good: [c1] Fake good commit
+git bisect good c1
+# status: waiting for bad commit, 1 good commit known
+# bad: [c2] Fake bad commit
+git bisect bad c2
+# first bad commit: [c2] Fake bad commit
+        git = MockableGitController()
+        git._git = MagicMock(return_value=(0, "", ""))
+        git.bisect_view = MagicMock(return_value=[
+            (CommitHash("c1"), "Commit description"),
+            (CommitHash("c2"), "Commit description"),
+        ])
+        git.bisect_log = MagicMock(return_value=BisectLog(BISECT_LOG))
+        session = BisectSession(git, cache_keys=set(["c1", "c2"]))
+        result: BisectLog ="c1", "c2", [""])
+        self.assertEqual(result.candidates, ["c2"])
+        git._git.assert_has_calls([
+            call("bisect", "start"),
+            call("bisect", "good", "c1"),
+            call("bisect", "bad", "c2"),
+            call('bisect', 'run', ''),
+            # We would expect `call('bisect', 'log')` here, but mocking
+            # `git.bisect_log()` prevented it from calling `git._git()`.
+            call('bisect', 'reset'),
+        ])
+        git.bisect_log.assert_called_once_with()
+        git.bisect_view.assert_called_once_with()
+    def test_only_fast(self):
+        """Mix of cached and uncached with only the fast command."""
+        BISECT_LOG = """git bisect start
+# status: waiting for both good and bad commits
+# skip: [c2] Skipped commit
+git bisect skip c2
+# good: [c1] Fake good commit
+git bisect good c1
+# status: waiting for bad commit, 1 good commit known
+# bad: [c3] Fake bad commit
+git bisect bad c3
+# only skipped commits left to test
+# possible first bad commit: [c2] Skipped commit
+# possible first bad commit: [c3] Fake bad commit
+        git = MockableGitController()
+        git._git = MagicMock(return_value=(0, "", ""))
+        git.bisect_view = MagicMock(return_value=[
+            (CommitHash("c1"), "Fake good commit"),
+            (CommitHash("c2"), "Skipped commit"),
+            (CommitHash("c3"), "Fake bad commit"),
+        ])
+        git.bisect_log = MagicMock(return_value=BisectLog(BISECT_LOG))
+        session = BisectSession(git, cache_keys=set(["c1", "c3"]))
+        bisect_log ="c1", "c3", [""])
+        self.assertEqual(bisect_log.candidates, ["c2", "c3"])
+        git._git.assert_has_calls([
+            call("bisect", "start"),
+            call("bisect", "good", "c1"),
+            call("bisect", "bad", "c3"),
+            call("bisect", "skip", "c2"),
+            call('bisect', 'run', ''),
+            # We would expect `call('bisect', 'log')` here, but mocking
+            # `git.bisect_log()` prevented it from calling `git._git()`.
+        ])
+        git.bisect_log.assert_called_once_with()
+        git.bisect_view.assert_called_once_with()
+    def test_fast_and_slow(self):
+        """Mix of cached and uncached with fast and slow command."""
+        BISECT_LOG_1 = """git bisect start
+# status: waiting for both good and bad commits
+# good: [c1] Commit 1
+git bisect good c1
+# status: waiting for bad commit, 1 good commit known
+# bad: [c5] Commit 5
+git bisect bad c5
+# skip: [c3] Commit 3
+git bisect skip c3
+# skip: [c4] Commit 4
+git bisect skip c4
+# good: [c2] Commit 2
+git bisect good c2
+# only skipped commits left to test
+# possible first bad commit: [c3] Commit 3
+# possible first bad commit: [c4] Commit 4
+        BISECT_LOG_2 = """git bisect start
+# status: waiting for both good and bad commits
+# good: [c1] Commit 1
+git bisect good c1
+# status: waiting for bad commit, 1 good commit known
+# bad: [c5] Commit 5
+git bisect bad c5
+# good: [c2] Commit 2
+git bisect good c2
+# good: [c3] Commit 3
+git bisect good c3
+# bad: [c4] Commit 4
+git bisect bad c4
+# first bad commit: [c4] Commit 4
+        parsed_bisect_logs = [BisectLog(BISECT_LOG_1), BisectLog(BISECT_LOG_2)]
+        git = MockableGitController()
+        git._git = MagicMock(return_value=(0, "", ""))
+        git.bisect_log = MagicMock(side_effect=parsed_bisect_logs)
+        git.bisect_view = MagicMock(return_value=[
+            (CommitHash("c1"), "Commit 1"),
+            (CommitHash("c2"), "Commit 2"),
+            (CommitHash("c3"), "Commit 3"),
+            (CommitHash("c4"), "Commit 4"),
+            (CommitHash("c5"), "Commit 5"),
+        ])
+        session = BisectSession(git, cache_keys=set(["c1", "c2"]))
+        bisect_log ="c1", "c5", [""],
+                                 [""])
+        self.assertEqual(bisect_log.candidates, ["c4"])
+        git._git.assert_has_calls([
+            call("bisect", "start"),
+            call("bisect", "good", "c1"),
+            call("bisect", "bad", "c5"),
+            call("bisect", "skip", "c3"),
+            call("bisect", "skip", "c4"),
+            call("bisect", "skip", "c5"),
+            call('bisect', 'run', ''),
+            call('bisect', 'reset'),
+            call('bisect', 'start'),
+            call('bisect', 'good', 'c1'),
+            call('bisect', 'bad', 'c5'),
+            call('bisect', 'good', 'c2'),
+            call('bisect', 'run', ''),
+        ])
+        git.bisect_log.assert_has_calls([call(), call()])
+        git.bisect_view.assert_called_once_with()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.main()