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<title>Sheet.1369</title> | |
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<title>Circle.1344</title> | |
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<v:textRect cx="25.4808" cy="586.519" width="44.6" height="38.2212"/> | |
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<text x="14.85" y="583.22" class="st13" v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>Boot<v:newlineChar/><tspan | |
x="14.72" dy="1.2em" class="st4">Start</tspan></text> </g> | |
<g id="shape1372-128" v:mID="1372" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(13.2205,-348.846)"> | |
<title>Circle.1344</title> | |
<desc>Boot Run</desc> | |
<v:userDefs> | |
<v:ud v:nameU="visVersion" v:val="VT0(15):26"/> | |
</v:userDefs> | |
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)"/> | |
<v:textRect cx="25.4808" cy="586.519" width="44.6" height="38.2212"/> | |
<path d="M0 586.52 A25.4808 25.4808 0 0 1 50.96 586.52 A25.4808 25.4808 0 1 1 0 586.52 Z" class="st3"/> | |
<text x="14.85" y="583.22" class="st13" v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>Boot<v:newlineChar/><tspan | |
x="16.72" dy="1.2em" class="st4">Run</tspan></text> </g> | |
<g id="shape1374-132" v:mID="1374" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(574.533,511.759) rotate(122.798)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1374</title> | |
<path d="M0 605.36 A29.6043 19.0775 -32.8 0 0 29.83 608.34 L30.14 608.16" class="st9"/> | |
</g> | |
<g id="shape1375-137" v:mID="1375" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(64.1821,-295.481)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1375</title> | |
<path d="M0 612 L17.92 612" class="st14"/> | |
</g> | |
<g id="shape1376-142" v:mID="1376" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(-439.518,-118.156) rotate(-55.5629)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1376</title> | |
<path d="M-0 606.52 A34.6254 15.5193 -160.33 0 0 35.74 610.24 L36.03 610.02" class="st9"/> | |
</g> | |
<g id="shape1377-147" v:mID="1377" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(67.5859,-382.291)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1377</title> | |
<desc>Fail</desc> | |
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)"/> | |
<v:textRect cx="16.1154" cy="602.286" width="32.24" height="19.4272"/> | |
<rect x="0" y="592.573" width="32.2308" height="19.4272" class="st10"/> | |
<text x="8.06" y="605.29" class="st11" v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>Fail</text> </g> | |
<g id="shape1378-150" v:mID="1378" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(88.2589,-270)"> | |
<title>Circle.1378</title> | |
<desc>Boot Done</desc> | |
<v:userDefs> | |
<v:ud v:nameU="visVersion" v:val="VT0(15):26"/> | |
</v:userDefs> | |
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)"/> | |
<v:textRect cx="25.4808" cy="586.519" width="44.6" height="38.2212"/> | |
<path d="M0 586.52 A25.4808 25.4808 0 0 1 50.96 586.52 A25.4808 25.4808 0 1 1 0 586.52 Z" class="st3"/> | |
<text x="14.85" y="583.22" class="st13" v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>Boot<v:newlineChar/><tspan | |
x="13.57" dy="1.2em" class="st4">Done</tspan></text> </g> | |
<g id="shape1381-154" v:mID="1381" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(650.701,263.154) rotate(90)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1381</title> | |
<path d="M0 612 L21.72 612" class="st14"/> | |
</g> | |
<g id="shape1382-159" v:mID="1382" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(39.7692,-324)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1382</title> | |
<desc>Pass</desc> | |
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)"/> | |
<v:textRect cx="16.1154" cy="602.286" width="32.24" height="19.4272"/> | |
<rect x="0" y="592.573" width="32.2308" height="19.4272" class="st10"/> | |
<text x="5" y="605.29" class="st11" v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>Pass</text> </g> | |
<g id="shape1383-162" v:mID="1383" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(607.5,-417.442)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1383</title> | |
<desc>Fail</desc> | |
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)"/> | |
<v:textRect cx="16.1154" cy="602.286" width="32.24" height="19.4272"/> | |
<rect x="0" y="592.573" width="32.2308" height="19.4272" class="st10"/> | |
<text x="8.06" y="605.29" class="st11" v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>Fail</text> </g> | |
<g id="shape1385-165" v:mID="1385" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(656.25,-331.531)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1385</title> | |
<desc>Fail</desc> | |
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)"/> | |
<v:textRect cx="16.1154" cy="602.286" width="32.24" height="19.4272"/> | |
<rect x="0" y="592.573" width="32.2308" height="19.4272" class="st10"/> | |
<text x="8.06" y="605.29" class="st11" v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>Fail</text> </g> | |
<g id="shape1386-168" v:mID="1386" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(618.385,-360.369)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1386</title> | |
<desc>Pass</desc> | |
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)"/> | |
<v:textRect cx="16.1154" cy="602.286" width="32.24" height="19.4272"/> | |
<rect x="0" y="592.573" width="32.2308" height="19.4272" class="st10"/> | |
<text x="5" y="605.29" class="st11" v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>Pass</text> </g> | |
<g id="shape1387-171" v:mID="1387" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(541.885,-372.442)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1387</title> | |
<desc>Pass</desc> | |
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)"/> | |
<v:textRect cx="16.1154" cy="602.286" width="32.24" height="19.4272"/> | |
<rect x="0" y="592.573" width="32.2308" height="19.4272" class="st10"/> | |
<text x="5" y="605.29" class="st11" v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>Pass</text> </g> | |
<g id="shape1388-174" v:mID="1388" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(540,-295.942)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1388</title> | |
<desc>Pass</desc> | |
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)"/> | |
<v:textRect cx="16.1154" cy="602.286" width="32.24" height="19.4272"/> | |
<rect x="0" y="592.573" width="32.2308" height="19.4272" class="st10"/> | |
<text x="5" y="605.29" class="st11" v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>Pass</text> </g> | |
<g id="shape1389-177" v:mID="1389" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(655.332,-462.258)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1389</title> | |
<desc>If 2 fails,then Alert</desc> | |
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)"/> | |
<v:textRect cx="43.5" cy="595.565" width="87.01" height="32.8696"/> | |
<rect x="0" y="579.13" width="87" height="32.8696" class="st10"/> | |
<text x="15.15" y="592.57" class="st11" v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>If 2 fails,then <tspan | |
x="33.22" dy="1.2em" class="st4">Alert</tspan></text> </g> | |
<g id="shape1390-181" v:mID="1390" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(405.686,-377.502) rotate(-26.715)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1390</title> | |
<path d="M-0 612 A41.8029 21.0384 26.72 0 1 41.2 609.44 L41.52 609.59" class="st9"/> | |
</g> | |
<g id="shape1391-186" v:mID="1391" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(-55.2291,865.192) rotate(-120.131)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1391</title> | |
<path d="M-0 612 A46.5192 27 30.13 0 1 48.34 609.12 L48.66 609.28" class="st9"/> | |
</g> | |
<g id="shape1393-191" v:mID="1393" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(404.441,-93.0384)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1393</title> | |
<desc>If consecutive fail cnt > thresh, then Alert</desc> | |
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)"/> | |
<v:textRect cx="49.7795" cy="586.519" width="99.56" height="50.9616"/> | |
<rect x="0" y="561.038" width="99.5591" height="50.9616" class="st10"/> | |
<text x="11.43" y="577.52" class="st11" v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>If consecutive fail <tspan | |
x="11" dy="1.2em" class="st4">cnt > thresh, then </tspan><tspan x="39.5" dy="1.2em" class="st4">Alert</tspan></text> </g> | |
<g id="shape1396-196" v:mID="1396" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(18,-486)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1396</title> | |
<desc>Boot Entropy Sub-State Machine (non-FIPS entropy)</desc> | |
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)"/> | |
<v:textRect cx="49.7795" cy="586.519" width="99.56" height="50.9616"/> | |
<rect x="0" y="561.038" width="99.5591" height="50.9616" class="st15"/> | |
<text x="20.87" y="577.52" class="st11" v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>Boot Entropy<v:newlineChar/><tspan | |
x="5.87" dy="1.2em" class="st4"> </tspan>Sub-State Machine <tspan x="7.26" dy="1.2em" class="st4">(non</tspan>-FIPS entropy)</text> </g> | |
<g id="shape1398-201" v:mID="1398" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(572.336,-541.184)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1398</title> | |
<desc>Startup Health Test Sub-State Machine</desc> | |
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)"/> | |
<v:textRect cx="49.7795" cy="595.565" width="99.56" height="32.8696"/> | |
<rect x="0" y="579.13" width="99.5591" height="32.8696" class="st16"/> | |
<text x="6.7" y="592.57" class="st11" v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>Startup Health Test <tspan | |
x="7.25" dy="1.2em" class="st4">Sub</tspan>-State Machine</text> </g> | |
<g id="shape1402-205" v:mID="1402" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(474.077,-165.104)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1402</title> | |
<desc>Continuous Health Test Sub-State Machine</desc> | |
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)"/> | |
<v:textRect cx="64.4616" cy="595.565" width="128.93" height="32.8696"/> | |
<rect x="0" y="579.13" width="128.923" height="32.8696" class="st16"/> | |
<text x="12.21" y="592.57" class="st11" v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>Continuous Health Test <tspan | |
x="21.94" dy="1.2em" class="st4">Sub</tspan>-State Machine</text> </g> | |
<g id="shape1403-209" v:mID="1403" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(1187.42,298.092) rotate(90)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1403</title> | |
<path d="M0 612 L20.84 612" class="st14"/> | |
</g> | |
<g id="shape1411-214" v:mID="1411" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(39.6614,-175.801)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1411</title> | |
<desc>If sw directed, then leave Alert state</desc> | |
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)"/> | |
<v:textRect cx="49.7795" cy="595.565" width="99.56" height="32.8696"/> | |
<rect x="0" y="579.13" width="99.5591" height="32.8696" class="st10"/> | |
<text x="7.81" y="592.57" class="st11" v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>If sw directed, then <tspan | |
x="13.93" dy="1.2em" class="st4">leave Alert state</tspan></text> </g> | |
<g id="shape1412-218" v:mID="1412" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(-178.092,137.547) rotate(-63.6879)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1412</title> | |
<path d="M-0 612 A120.502 86.245 158.81 0 1 156.26 607.74 L156.52 607.99" class="st9"/> | |
</g> | |
<g id="shape1413-223" v:mID="1413" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(327,-265.5)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1413</title> | |
<desc>SW directed</desc> | |
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)"/> | |
<v:textRect cx="27" cy="596.323" width="54" height="31.3545"/> | |
<rect x="0" y="580.646" width="54" height="31.3545" class="st10"/> | |
<text x="18.95" y="593.32" class="st11" v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>SW <tspan x="9.21" | |
dy="1.2em" class="st4">directed</tspan></text> </g> | |
<g id="shape1414-227" v:mID="1414" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(423,-245.75)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1414</title> | |
<desc>Startup Passes</desc> | |
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)"/> | |
<v:textRect cx="27" cy="596.323" width="54" height="31.3545"/> | |
<rect x="0" y="580.646" width="54" height="31.3545" class="st10"/> | |
<text x="10.88" y="593.32" class="st11" v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>Startup<v:newlineChar/><tspan | |
x="10.6" dy="1.2em" class="st4">Passes</tspan></text> </g> | |
<g id="shape1423-231" v:mID="1423" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(884.148,-235.013) rotate(16.8946)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1423</title> | |
<path d="M0 612 A29.8221 9.05759 163.11 0 1 25.9 608.8 L26.21 608.99" class="st9"/> | |
</g> | |
<g id="shape1427-236" v:mID="1427" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(781.546,678.343) rotate(165.392)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1427</title> | |
<path d="M-0 608.38 A34.6771 9.03756 -165.39 0 0 30.54 611.52 L30.85 611.33" class="st9"/> | |
</g> | |
<g id="shape1435-241" v:mID="1435" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(737.251,-107.133) rotate(22.7)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1435</title> | |
<path d="M-0 612 A25.4608 10.6504 157.3 0 1 22.57 608.45 L22.86 608.65" class="st9"/> | |
</g> | |
<g id="shape1436-246" v:mID="1436" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(411.526,-326.485) rotate(38.9495)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1436</title> | |
<path d="M-0 604.97 A27 21.8248 -38.95 0 0 29.59 608.38 L29.89 608.18" class="st9"/> | |
</g> | |
<g id="shape1437-251" v:mID="1437" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(301.5,-56.3228)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1437</title> | |
<desc>Always Testing</desc> | |
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)"/> | |
<v:textRect cx="27" cy="596.323" width="54" height="31.3545"/> | |
<rect x="0" y="580.646" width="54" height="31.3545" class="st10"/> | |
<text x="11.16" y="593.32" class="st11" v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>Always<v:newlineChar/><tspan | |
x="10.6" dy="1.2em" class="st4">Testing</tspan></text> </g> | |
<g id="shape1440-255" v:mID="1440" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(600.899,-417.35)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1440</title> | |
<path d="M0 612 L48.27 612" class="st14"/> | |
</g> | |
<g id="shape1441-260" v:mID="1441" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(189,-174)"> | |
<title>Circle.1441</title> | |
<desc>Alert State</desc> | |
<v:userDefs> | |
<v:ud v:nameU="visVersion" v:val="VT0(15):26"/> | |
</v:userDefs> | |
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)"/> | |
<v:textRect cx="43.5" cy="568.5" width="76.13" height="65.25"/> | |
<path d="M0 568.5 A43.5 43.5 0 1 1 87 568.5 A43.5 43.5 0 0 1 0 568.5 Z" class="st17"/> | |
<text x="32.56" y="565.2" class="st13" v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>Alert<v:newlineChar/><tspan | |
x="31.92" dy="1.2em" class="st4">State</tspan></text> </g> | |
<g id="shape1444-264" v:mID="1444" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(844.5,272.249) rotate(90)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1444</title> | |
<path d="M0 612 L72.59 612" class="st14"/> | |
</g> | |
<g id="shape1448-269" v:mID="1448" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(-60.2072,-173.068) rotate(-30.436)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1448</title> | |
<path d="M3.53 607.39 L3.74 607.11 A172.174 116.04 32.04 0 1 210.49 612" class="st7"/> | |
</g> | |
<g id="shape1449-274" v:mID="1449" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(104.608,975.397) rotate(-156.997)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1449</title> | |
<path d="M0 601.68 A63.7368 27.0591 -23 0 0 63.52 603.97 L63.86 603.84" class="st9"/> | |
</g> | |
<g id="shape1455-279" v:mID="1455" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(306,-90)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1455</title> | |
<path d="M64.5 585.82 A28.5 26.1777 0 0 1 36 612 A36 27 0 0 1 0 585 A21.7116 34.8418 0 0 1 15.7 551.52 L16.05 551.44" | |
class="st18"/> | |
</g> | |
<g id="shape1543-284" v:mID="1543" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(168,-112.646)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1543</title> | |
<desc>If alert fail, then hang</desc> | |
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)"/> | |
<v:textRect cx="32.25" cy="596.323" width="64.51" height="31.3545"/> | |
<rect x="0" y="580.646" width="64.5" height="31.3545" class="st10"/> | |
<text x="9.19" y="593.32" class="st11" v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>If alert fail, <tspan | |
x="10.01" dy="1.2em" class="st4">then hang</tspan></text> </g> | |
<g id="shape1544-288" v:mID="1544" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(168,-146.829)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1544</title> | |
<path d="M64.5 585.82 A28.5 26.1777 0 0 1 36 612 A36 27 0 0 1 0 585 A21.7116 34.8418 0 0 1 15.7 551.52 L16.05 551.44" | |
class="st18"/> | |
</g> | |
<g id="shape1546-293" v:mID="1546" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(-104.382,-159.731) rotate(-22.1134)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1546</title> | |
<path d="M5.5 610.17 L5.85 610.06 A70.0475 6.25972 5.09 0 1 70.41 612" class="st7"/> | |
</g> | |
<g id="shape1548-298" v:mID="1548" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(104.231,-420.694)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1548</title> | |
<desc>If consecutive fail cnt > thresh, then Alert</desc> | |
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)"/> | |
<v:textRect cx="49.7795" cy="586.519" width="99.56" height="50.9616"/> | |
<rect x="0" y="561.038" width="99.5591" height="50.9616" class="st10"/> | |
<text x="11.43" y="577.52" class="st11" v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>If consecutive fail <tspan | |
x="11" dy="1.2em" class="st4">cnt > thresh, then </tspan><tspan x="39.5" dy="1.2em" class="st4">Alert</tspan></text> </g> | |
<g id="shape1549-303" v:mID="1549" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(197.269,-301.534)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1549</title> | |
<desc>Alert</desc> | |
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)"/> | |
<v:textRect cx="16.1154" cy="602.286" width="32.24" height="19.4272"/> | |
<rect x="0" y="592.573" width="32.2308" height="19.4272" class="st10"/> | |
<text x="5.83" y="605.29" class="st11" v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>Alert</text> </g> | |
<g id="shape1550-306" v:mID="1550" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(310.885,-322.536)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1550</title> | |
<desc>Alert</desc> | |
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)"/> | |
<v:textRect cx="16.1154" cy="602.286" width="32.24" height="19.4272"/> | |
<rect x="0" y="592.573" width="32.2308" height="19.4272" class="st10"/> | |
<text x="5.83" y="605.29" class="st11" v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>Alert</text> </g> | |
<g id="shape1551-309" v:mID="1551" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(298.135,-216.411)"> | |
<title>Sheet.1551</title> | |
<desc>Alert</desc> | |
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)"/> | |
<v:textRect cx="16.1154" cy="602.286" width="32.24" height="19.4272"/> | |
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