This directory has some examples of using docgen. The example commands assume $REPO_TOP is set to the toplevel directory of the repo.
If packages have not previously been installed you will need to set a few things up. First use pip3
to install some required packages:
$ pip3 install --user hjson $ pip3 install --user mistletoe $ pip3 install --user pygments
The examples all use the -c flag to ensure CSS styles are included inline in the html file generated. If building a site this flag will likely not be used. If this flag is not given then md_html.css
from docgen and reg_html.css
from reggen should be put in the same directory as the html file.
Example 1 is the Simple Uart. There are a couple of changes from the actuall implemmentation: the registers are declared as 64-bit and the STATECLR register bits have been moved up by 16 bits.
$ cd $REPO_TOP/util/docgen/examples $ ../../ -c > /tmp/uartout.html
If you want it to tell more about progress add the verbose flag. Note that this causes a second validation pass that checks the output of the first pass, there should be fewer things to do on the second pass.
$ cd $REPO_TOP/util/docgen/examples $ ../../ -c -v > /tmp/uartout.html
You can open the output using file:///tmp/uartout.html
Example 2 is a 16550 style Uart. This shows 8-bit registers and registers at the same address.
Note this example has a deliberate error in the second waveform description.
$ cd $REPO_TOP/util/docgen/examples $ ../../ -c > /tmp/uart16550out.html
If you want it to tell more about progress add the verbose flag. Note that this causes a second validation pass that checks the output of the first pass, there should be fewer things to do on the second pass.
$ cd $REPO_TOP/util/docgen/examples $ ../../ -c -v > /tmp/uart16550out.html
The waveforms can also be generated using the browser-based wavedom javascript.
$ cd $REPO_TOP/util/docgen/examples $ ../../ -cj > /tmp/uart16550out.html
You can open the output using file:///tmp/uart16550out.html
Example 3 is an example of using the multireg key to generate registers.
$ cd $REPO_TOP/util/docgen/examples $ ../../ -c > /tmp/gpout.html