[util] make topgen run multiple pass.
- This is an UBER hack
- This is needed because the generation process has dependencies on itself. Normally this can be worked around, but for tops such as top_englishbreakfast that are generated on the fly, it becomes probelmatic.
- The basic idea is that for each dependency the generation process is invoked again to make sure updated information is used to generate new correct modules.
- The final run is the one that is actually used for final merging and deployed by the rest of the script.
Signed-off-by: Timothy Chen <timothytim@google.com>
[util] slightly tweak topgen multi-pass
Signed-off-by: Timothy Chen <timothytim@google.com>
diff --git a/util/topgen.py b/util/topgen.py
index 2bf04c9..b100619 100755
--- a/util/topgen.py
+++ b/util/topgen.py
@@ -838,6 +838,158 @@
gen_dv.gen_ral(top_block, dv_base_prefix, str(out_path))
+def _process_top(topcfg, args, cfg_path, out_path, pass_idx):
+ # Create generated list
+ # These modules are generated through topgen
+ generated_list = [
+ module['type'] for module in topcfg['module']
+ if 'generated' in module and module['generated'] == 'true'
+ ]
+ log.info("Filtered list is {}".format(generated_list))
+ # These modules are NOT generated but belong to a specific top
+ # and therefore not part of "hw/ip"
+ top_only_list = [
+ module['type'] for module in topcfg['module']
+ if 'top_only' in module and module['top_only'] == 'true'
+ ]
+ log.info("Filtered list is {}".format(top_only_list))
+ topname = topcfg["name"]
+ # Sweep the IP directory and gather the config files
+ ip_dir = Path(__file__).parents[1] / 'hw/ip'
+ ips = search_ips(ip_dir)
+ # exclude filtered IPs (to use top_${topname} one) and
+ exclude_list = generated_list + top_only_list
+ ips = [x for x in ips if not x.parents[1].name in exclude_list]
+ # Hack alert
+ # Generate clkmgr.hjson here so that it can be included below
+ # Unlike other generated hjsons, clkmgr thankfully does not require
+ # ip.hjson information. All the information is embedded within
+ # the top hjson file
+ amend_clocks(topcfg)
+ generate_clkmgr(topcfg, cfg_path, out_path)
+ # It may require two passes to check if the module is needed.
+ # TODO: first run of topgen will fail due to the absent of rv_plic.
+ # It needs to run up to amend_interrupt in merge_top function
+ # then creates rv_plic.hjson then run xbar generation.
+ hjson_dir = Path(args.topcfg).parent
+ for ip in generated_list:
+ log.info("Appending {}".format(ip))
+ if ip == 'clkmgr' or (pass_idx > 0):
+ ip_hjson = Path(out_path) / "ip/{}/data/autogen/{}.hjson".format(
+ ip, ip)
+ else:
+ ip_hjson = hjson_dir.parent / "ip/{}/data/autogen/{}.hjson".format(
+ ip, ip)
+ ips.append(ip_hjson)
+ for ip in top_only_list:
+ log.info("Appending {}".format(ip))
+ ip_hjson = hjson_dir.parent / "ip/{}/data/{}.hjson".format(ip, ip)
+ ips.append(ip_hjson)
+ # load Hjson and pass validate from reggen
+ try:
+ ip_objs = []
+ for x in ips:
+ # Skip if it is not in the module list
+ if x.stem not in [ip["type"] for ip in topcfg["module"]]:
+ log.info("Skip module %s as it isn't in the top module list" %
+ x.stem)
+ continue
+ # The auto-generated hjson might not yet exist. It will be created
+ # later, see generate_{ip_name}() calls below. For the initial
+ # validation, use the template in hw/ip/{ip_name}/data .
+ if x.stem in generated_list and not x.is_file():
+ hjson_file = ip_dir / "{}/data/{}.hjson".format(x.stem, x.stem)
+ log.info(
+ "Auto-generated hjson %s does not yet exist. " % str(x) +
+ "Falling back to template %s for initial validation." %
+ str(hjson_file))
+ else:
+ hjson_file = x
+ obj = hjson.load(hjson_file.open('r'),
+ use_decimal=True,
+ object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
+ if validate.validate(obj) != 0:
+ log.info("Parsing IP %s configuration failed. Skip" % x)
+ continue
+ ip_objs.append(obj)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise SystemExit(sys.exc_info()[1])
+ # Read the crossbars under the top directory
+ xbar_objs = get_hjsonobj_xbars(hjson_dir)
+ log.info("Detected crossbars: %s" %
+ (", ".join([x["name"] for x in xbar_objs])))
+ # If specified, override the seed for random netlist constant computation.
+ if args.rnd_cnst_seed:
+ log.warning('Commandline override of rnd_cnst_seed with {}.'.format(
+ args.rnd_cnst_seed))
+ topcfg['rnd_cnst_seed'] = args.rnd_cnst_seed
+ # Otherwise, we either take it from the top_{topname}.hjson if present, or
+ # randomly generate a new seed if not.
+ else:
+ random.seed()
+ new_seed = random.getrandbits(64)
+ if topcfg.setdefault('rnd_cnst_seed', new_seed) == new_seed:
+ log.warning(
+ 'No rnd_cnst_seed specified, setting to {}.'.format(new_seed))
+ topcfg, error = validate_top(topcfg, ip_objs, xbar_objs)
+ if error != 0:
+ raise SystemExit("Error occured while validating top.hjson")
+ completecfg = merge_top(topcfg, ip_objs, xbar_objs)
+ # Generate PLIC
+ if not args.no_plic and \
+ not args.alert_handler_only and \
+ not args.xbar_only:
+ generate_plic(completecfg, out_path)
+ if args.plic_only:
+ sys.exit()
+ # Generate Alert Handler
+ if not args.xbar_only:
+ generate_alert_handler(completecfg, out_path)
+ if args.alert_handler_only:
+ sys.exit()
+ # Generate Pinmux
+ generate_pinmux_and_padctrl(completecfg, out_path)
+ # Generate Pwrmgr
+ generate_pwrmgr(completecfg, out_path)
+ # Generate rstmgr
+ generate_rstmgr(completecfg, out_path)
+ # Generate flash
+ generate_flash(completecfg, out_path)
+ # Generate top only modules
+ # These modules are not templated, but are not in hw/ip
+ generate_top_only(top_only_list, out_path, topname)
+ if pass_idx > 0 and args.top_ral:
+ generate_top_ral(completecfg, ip_objs, args.dv_base_prefix, out_path)
+ sys.exit()
+ return completecfg
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="topgen")
@@ -951,154 +1103,40 @@
except ValueError:
raise SystemExit(sys.exc_info()[1])
- # Create generated list
- # These modules are generated through topgen
- generated_list = [
- module['type'] for module in topcfg['module']
- if 'generated' in module and module['generated'] == 'true'
- ]
- log.info("Filtered list is {}".format(generated_list))
- # These modules are NOT generated but belong to a specific top
- # and therefore not part of "hw/ip"
- top_only_list = [
- module['type'] for module in topcfg['module']
- if 'top_only' in module and module['top_only'] == 'true'
- ]
- log.info("Filtered list is {}".format(top_only_list))
+ # TODO, long term, the levels of dependency should be automatically determined instead
+ # of hardcoded. The following are a few examples:
+ # Example 1: pinmux depends on amending all modules before calculating the correct number of
+ # pins.
+ # This would be 1 level of dependency and require 2 passes.
+ # Example 2: pinmux depends on amending all modules, and pwrmgr depends on pinmux generation to
+ # know correct number of wakeups. This would be 2 levels of dependency and require 3
+ # passes.
+ #
+ # How does mulit-pass work?
+ # In example 1, the first pass gathers all modules and merges them. However, the merge process
+ # uses a stale pinmux. The correct pinmux is then generated using the merged configuration. The
+ # second pass now merges all the correct modules (including the generated pinmux) and creates
+ # the final merged config.
+ #
+ # In example 2, the first pass gathers all modules and merges them. However, the merge process
+ # uses a stale pinmux and pwrmgr. The correct pinmux is then generated using the merged
+ # configuration. However, since pwrmgr is dependent on this new pinmux, it is still generated
+ # incorrectly. The second pass merge now has an updated pinmux but stale pwrmgr. The correct
+ # pwrmgr can now be generated. The final pass then merges all the correct modules and creates
+ # the final configuration.
+ #
+ # This fix is related to #2083
+ process_dependencies = 1
+ for pass_idx in range(process_dependencies + 1):
+ log.debug("Generation pass {}".format(pass_idx))
+ if pass_idx < process_dependencies:
+ cfg_copy = deepcopy(topcfg)
+ _process_top(cfg_copy, args, cfg_path, out_path, pass_idx)
+ else:
+ completecfg = _process_top(topcfg, args, cfg_path, out_path, pass_idx)
topname = topcfg["name"]
- # Sweep the IP directory and gather the config files
- ip_dir = Path(__file__).parents[1] / 'hw/ip'
- ips = search_ips(ip_dir)
- # exclude filtered IPs (to use top_${topname} one) and
- exclude_list = generated_list + top_only_list
- ips = [x for x in ips if not x.parents[1].name in exclude_list]
- # Hack alert
- # Generate clkmgr.hjson here so that it can be included below
- # Unlike other generated hjsons, clkmgr thankfully does not require
- # ip.hjson information. All the information is embedded within
- # the top hjson file
- amend_clocks(topcfg)
- generate_clkmgr(topcfg, cfg_path, out_path)
- # It may require two passes to check if the module is needed.
- # TODO: first run of topgen will fail due to the absent of rv_plic.
- # It needs to run up to amend_interrupt in merge_top function
- # then creates rv_plic.hjson then run xbar generation.
- hjson_dir = Path(args.topcfg).parent
- for ip in generated_list:
- log.info("Appending {}".format(ip))
- if ip == 'clkmgr':
- ip_hjson = Path(out_path) / "ip/{}/data/autogen/{}.hjson".format(
- ip, ip)
- else:
- ip_hjson = hjson_dir.parent / "ip/{}/data/autogen/{}.hjson".format(
- ip, ip)
- ips.append(ip_hjson)
- for ip in top_only_list:
- log.info("Appending {}".format(ip))
- ip_hjson = hjson_dir.parent / "ip/{}/data/{}.hjson".format(ip, ip)
- ips.append(ip_hjson)
- # load Hjson and pass validate from reggen
- try:
- ip_objs = []
- for x in ips:
- # Skip if it is not in the module list
- if x.stem not in [ip["type"] for ip in topcfg["module"]]:
- log.info("Skip module %s as it isn't in the top module list" %
- x.stem)
- continue
- # The auto-generated hjson might not yet exist. It will be created
- # later, see generate_{ip_name}() calls below. For the initial
- # validation, use the template in hw/ip/{ip_name}/data .
- if x.stem in generated_list and not x.is_file():
- hjson_file = ip_dir / "{}/data/{}.hjson".format(x.stem, x.stem)
- log.info(
- "Auto-generated hjson %s does not yet exist. " % str(x) +
- "Falling back to template %s for initial validation." %
- str(hjson_file))
- else:
- hjson_file = x
- obj = hjson.load(hjson_file.open('r'),
- use_decimal=True,
- object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
- if validate.validate(obj) != 0:
- log.info("Parsing IP %s configuration failed. Skip" % x)
- continue
- ip_objs.append(obj)
- except ValueError:
- raise SystemExit(sys.exc_info()[1])
- # Read the crossbars under the top directory
- xbar_objs = get_hjsonobj_xbars(hjson_dir)
- log.info("Detected crossbars: %s" %
- (", ".join([x["name"] for x in xbar_objs])))
- # If specified, override the seed for random netlist constant computation.
- if args.rnd_cnst_seed:
- log.warning('Commandline override of rnd_cnst_seed with {}.'.format(
- args.rnd_cnst_seed))
- topcfg['rnd_cnst_seed'] = args.rnd_cnst_seed
- # Otherwise, we either take it from the top_{topname}.hjson if present, or
- # randomly generate a new seed if not.
- else:
- random.seed()
- new_seed = random.getrandbits(64)
- if topcfg.setdefault('rnd_cnst_seed', new_seed) == new_seed:
- log.warning(
- 'No rnd_cnst_seed specified, setting to {}.'.format(new_seed))
- topcfg, error = validate_top(topcfg, ip_objs, xbar_objs)
- if error != 0:
- raise SystemExit("Error occured while validating top.hjson")
- completecfg = merge_top(topcfg, ip_objs, xbar_objs)
- if args.top_ral:
- generate_top_ral(completecfg, ip_objs, args.dv_base_prefix, out_path)
- sys.exit()
- # Generate PLIC
- if not args.no_plic and \
- not args.alert_handler_only and \
- not args.xbar_only:
- generate_plic(completecfg, out_path)
- if args.plic_only:
- sys.exit()
- # Generate Alert Handler
- if not args.xbar_only:
- generate_alert_handler(completecfg, out_path)
- if args.alert_handler_only:
- sys.exit()
- # Generate Pinmux
- generate_pinmux_and_padctrl(completecfg, out_path)
- # Generate Pwrmgr
- generate_pwrmgr(completecfg, out_path)
- # Generate rstmgr
- generate_rstmgr(completecfg, out_path)
- # Generate flash
- generate_flash(completecfg, out_path)
- # Generate top only modules
- # These modules are not templated, but are not in hw/ip
- generate_top_only(top_only_list, out_path, topname)
# Generate xbars
if not args.no_xbar or args.xbar_only:
generate_xbars(completecfg, out_path)