Minor updates from code review
Just updated the section headers and added a comment on the manual connections.
diff --git a/hw/ip/rv_timer/rtl/rv_timer.sv b/hw/ip/rv_timer/rtl/rv_timer.sv
index c6d1f6f..deb70dc 100644
--- a/hw/ip/rv_timer/rtl/rv_timer.sv
+++ b/hw/ip/rv_timer/rtl/rv_timer.sv
@@ -43,9 +43,12 @@
logic [N_HARTS*N_TIMERS-1:0] intr_out;
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Connecting register interface to the signal: need to connect manually
- //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Connecting register interface to the signal //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Once reggen supports nested multireg, the following can be automated. For the moment, it must
+ // be connected manually.
assign active[0] = reg2hw.ctrl[0].q;
assign prescaler = '{reg2hw.cfg0.prescale.q};
assign step = '{reg2hw.cfg0.step.q};
@@ -64,8 +67,7 @@
assign intr_timer_test_qe = reg2hw.intr_test0[0].qe;
assign hw2reg.intr_state0[0].de = intr_timer_state_de;
assign hw2reg.intr_state0[0].d = intr_timer_state_d;
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
for (genvar h = 0 ; h < N_HARTS ; h++) begin : gen_harts
prim_intr_hw #(
@@ -117,7 +119,9 @@
.devmode_i (1'b1)
- // Assertions ===============================================================
+ ////////////////
+ // Assertions //
+ ////////////////
`ASSERT_KNOWN(TlODValidKnown, tl_o.d_valid, clk_i, !rst_ni)
`ASSERT_KNOWN(TlOAReadyKnown, tl_o.a_ready, clk_i, !rst_ni)
`ASSERT_KNOWN(IntrTimerExpired00Known, intr_timer_expired_0_0_o, clk_i, !rst_ni)