[crypto] Split MACs from monolithic header.

Next step in splitting api.h into many files; separate out all
MAC-specific datatypes and functions. This includes HMAC and KMAC.

Code has only been moved in this commit, not changed.

Signed-off-by: Jade Philipoom <jadep@google.com>
diff --git a/sw/device/lib/crypto/include/api.h b/sw/device/lib/crypto/include/api.h
index e4f9d8c..148928b 100644
--- a/sw/device/lib/crypto/include/api.h
+++ b/sw/device/lib/crypto/include/api.h
@@ -17,20 +17,6 @@
 #endif  // __cplusplus
- * Enum to define MAC mode.
- *
- * Values are hardened.
- */
-typedef enum mac_mode {
-  // HMAC-SHA2-256 mode.
-  kMacModeHmacSha256 = 0x953c,
-  // KMAC128 mode.
-  kMacModeKmac128 = 0x69b6,
-  // KMAC256 mode.
-  kMacModeKmac256 = 0xee62,
-} mac_mode_t;
  * Enum to define padding scheme for RSA data.
  * Values are hardened.
@@ -105,14 +91,6 @@
 } kdf_type_t;
- * Generic hmac context.
- *
- * Representation is internal to the hmac implementation; initialize
- * with #otcrypto_hmac_init.
- */
-typedef struct hmac_context hmac_context_t;
  * DRBG state.
  * Representation is internal to the drbg implementation; initialize
@@ -134,104 +112,6 @@
 typedef struct drbg_state drbg_state_t;
- * Performs the HMAC / KMAC function on the input data.
- *
- * HMAC: This function computes the required MAC function on the
- * `input_message` using the `key` and returns a `digest`.
- *
- * KMAC: This function computes the KMAC on the `input_message` using
- * the `key` and returns a `digest` of `required_output_len`. The
- * customization string is passed through `customization_string`
- * parameter. If no customization is desired it can be empty. The
- * `customization_string` and `required_output_len` is only used for
- * KMAC modes and is ignored for the HMAC mode.
- *
- * The caller should allocate space for the `digest` buffer, (expected
- * length is 32 bytes for HMAC and `required_output_len`for KMAC), and
- * set the length of expected output in the `len` field of `digest`.
- * If the user-set length and the output length does not match, an
- * error message will be returned.
- *
- * @param key Pointer to the blinded key struct with key shares
- * @param input_message Input message to be hashed
- * @param mac_mode Required operation to be performed (HMAC/KMAC)
- * @param customization_string Customization string for KMAC
- * @param required_output_len Required output length from KMAC, in
- * bytes
- * @param digest Output digest after hashing the input data
- * @return The result of the KMAC128 operation
- */
-crypto_status_t otcrypto_mac(const crypto_blinded_key_t *key,
-                             crypto_const_uint8_buf_t input_message,
-                             mac_mode_t mac_mode,
-                             crypto_uint8_buf_t customization_string,
-                             size_t required_output_len,
-                             crypto_uint8_buf_t *digest);
- * Performs the INIT operation for HMAC.
- *
- * Initializes the generic HMAC context. The required HMAC mode is
- * selected through the `hmac_mode` parameter. Populates the HMAC
- * context with the digest size, block size, HMAC update and HMAC
- * final APIs to be called based on the mode.
- *
- * The structure of HMAC context and how it populates the required
- * fields based on the HMAC mode are internal to the specific HMAC
- * implementation.
- *
- * The HMAC streaming API supports only the `kMacModeHmacSha256` mode.
- * Other modes are not supported and an error would be returned. The
- * interface is designed to be generic to support other required modes
- * in the future.
- *
- * @param ctx Pointer to the generic HMAC context struct
- * @param key Pointer to the blinded HMAC key struct
- * @param hmac_mode Required HMAC mode
- * @return Result of the HMAC init operation
- */
-crypto_status_t otcrypto_hmac_init(hmac_context_t *ctx,
-                                   const crypto_blinded_key_t *key,
-                                   mac_mode_t hmac_mode);
- * Performs the UPDATE operation for HMAC.
- *
- * The update operation processes the `input_message` using the selected
- * compression function. The intermediate digest is stored in the HMAC
- * context `ctx`. Any partial data is stored back in the context and
- * combined with the subsequent bytes.
- *
- * #otcrypto_hmac_init should be called before calling this function.
- *
- * @param ctx Pointer to the generic HMAC context struct
- * @param input_message Input message to be hashed
- * @return Result of the HMAC update operation
- */
-crypto_status_t otcrypto_hmac_update(hmac_context_t *const ctx,
-                                     crypto_const_uint8_buf_t input_message);
- * Performs the FINAL operation for HMAC.
- *
- * The final operation processes the remaining partial blocks,
- * computes the final digest and copies it to the `digest` parameter.
- *
- * #otcrypto_hmac_update should be called before calling this function.
- *
- * The caller should allocate space for the `digest` buffer, (expected
- * length is 32 bytes for HMAC), and set the length of expected output
- * in the `len` field of `digest`. If the user-set length and the
- * output length does not match, an error message will be returned.
- *
- * @param ctx Pointer to the generic HMAC context struct
- * @param digest Output digest after hashing the input blocks
- * @return Result of the HMAC final operation
- */
-crypto_status_t otcrypto_hmac_final(hmac_context_t *const ctx,
-                                    crypto_uint8_buf_t *digest);
  * Performs the RSA key generation.
  * Computes RSA private key (d) and RSA public key exponent (e) and
diff --git a/sw/device/lib/crypto/include/mac.h b/sw/device/lib/crypto/include/mac.h
index 7071fe8..0bea0ad 100644
--- a/sw/device/lib/crypto/include/mac.h
+++ b/sw/device/lib/crypto/include/mac.h
@@ -16,6 +16,126 @@
 extern "C" {
 #endif  // __cplusplus
+ * Enum to define MAC mode.
+ *
+ * Values are hardened.
+ */
+typedef enum mac_mode {
+  // HMAC-SHA2-256 mode.
+  kMacModeHmacSha256 = 0x953c,
+  // KMAC128 mode.
+  kMacModeKmac128 = 0x69b6,
+  // KMAC256 mode.
+  kMacModeKmac256 = 0xee62,
+} mac_mode_t;
+ * Generic hmac context.
+ *
+ * Representation is internal to the hmac implementation; initialize
+ * with #otcrypto_hmac_init.
+ */
+typedef struct hmac_context hmac_context_t;
+ * Performs the HMAC / KMAC function on the input data.
+ *
+ * HMAC: This function computes the required MAC function on the
+ * `input_message` using the `key` and returns a `digest`.
+ *
+ * KMAC: This function computes the KMAC on the `input_message` using
+ * the `key` and returns a `digest` of `required_output_len`. The
+ * customization string is passed through `customization_string`
+ * parameter. If no customization is desired it can be empty. The
+ * `customization_string` and `required_output_len` is only used for
+ * KMAC modes and is ignored for the HMAC mode.
+ *
+ * The caller should allocate space for the `digest` buffer, (expected
+ * length is 32 bytes for HMAC and `required_output_len`for KMAC), and
+ * set the length of expected output in the `len` field of `digest`.
+ * If the user-set length and the output length does not match, an
+ * error message will be returned.
+ *
+ * @param key Pointer to the blinded key struct with key shares
+ * @param input_message Input message to be hashed
+ * @param mac_mode Required operation to be performed (HMAC/KMAC)
+ * @param customization_string Customization string for KMAC
+ * @param required_output_len Required output length from KMAC, in
+ * bytes
+ * @param digest Output digest after hashing the input data
+ * @return The result of the KMAC128 operation
+ */
+crypto_status_t otcrypto_mac(const crypto_blinded_key_t *key,
+                             crypto_const_uint8_buf_t input_message,
+                             mac_mode_t mac_mode,
+                             crypto_uint8_buf_t customization_string,
+                             size_t required_output_len,
+                             crypto_uint8_buf_t *digest);
+ * Performs the INIT operation for HMAC.
+ *
+ * Initializes the generic HMAC context. The required HMAC mode is
+ * selected through the `hmac_mode` parameter. Populates the HMAC
+ * context with the digest size, block size, HMAC update and HMAC
+ * final APIs to be called based on the mode.
+ *
+ * The structure of HMAC context and how it populates the required
+ * fields based on the HMAC mode are internal to the specific HMAC
+ * implementation.
+ *
+ * The HMAC streaming API supports only the `kMacModeHmacSha256` mode.
+ * Other modes are not supported and an error would be returned. The
+ * interface is designed to be generic to support other required modes
+ * in the future.
+ *
+ * @param ctx Pointer to the generic HMAC context struct
+ * @param key Pointer to the blinded HMAC key struct
+ * @param hmac_mode Required HMAC mode
+ * @return Result of the HMAC init operation
+ */
+crypto_status_t otcrypto_hmac_init(hmac_context_t *ctx,
+                                   const crypto_blinded_key_t *key,
+                                   mac_mode_t hmac_mode);
+ * Performs the UPDATE operation for HMAC.
+ *
+ * The update operation processes the `input_message` using the selected
+ * compression function. The intermediate digest is stored in the HMAC
+ * context `ctx`. Any partial data is stored back in the context and
+ * combined with the subsequent bytes.
+ *
+ * #otcrypto_hmac_init should be called before calling this function.
+ *
+ * @param ctx Pointer to the generic HMAC context struct
+ * @param input_message Input message to be hashed
+ * @return Result of the HMAC update operation
+ */
+crypto_status_t otcrypto_hmac_update(hmac_context_t *const ctx,
+                                     crypto_const_uint8_buf_t input_message);
+ * Performs the FINAL operation for HMAC.
+ *
+ * The final operation processes the remaining partial blocks,
+ * computes the final digest and copies it to the `digest` parameter.
+ *
+ * #otcrypto_hmac_update should be called before calling this function.
+ *
+ * The caller should allocate space for the `digest` buffer, (expected
+ * length is 32 bytes for HMAC), and set the length of expected output
+ * in the `len` field of `digest`. If the user-set length and the
+ * output length does not match, an error message will be returned.
+ *
+ * @param ctx Pointer to the generic HMAC context struct
+ * @param digest Output digest after hashing the input blocks
+ * @return Result of the HMAC final operation
+ */
+crypto_status_t otcrypto_hmac_final(hmac_context_t *const ctx,
+                                    crypto_uint8_buf_t *digest);
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 }  // extern "C"
 #endif  // __cplusplus