[pinmux] Update strap sampling mode in DFT-enabled LC states

This slightly modifies the strap sampling behavior in DFT-enabled
LC states. In particular, we now continously sample the straps in
those states, instead of gating the continous sampling mode
on whether the initial sample was nonzero or not.

This puts less burden on the emulation and simulation environments
where it the device can run in a DFT-enabled mode, since the
strap values may be changed arbitrarily during the test sequence.

This also changes the default life cycle state to RMA instead of DEV
for simulation and emulation environments to ungate all debug
infrastructure and functional modes.

Signed-off-by: Michael Schaffner <msf@google.com>
diff --git a/hw/ip/otp_ctrl/data/otp_ctrl_img_rma.hjson b/hw/ip/otp_ctrl/data/otp_ctrl_img_rma.hjson
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81c9f30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/ip/otp_ctrl/data/otp_ctrl_img_rma.hjson
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Use the gen-otp-img.py script to convert this configuration into
+// a hex file for preloading the OTP in FPGA synthesis or simulation.
+    // Seed to be used for generation of partition randomized values.
+    // Can be overridden on the command line with the --seed switch.
+    seed: 01931961561863975174
+    // The partition and item names must correspond with the OTP memory map.
+    partitions: [
+        {
+            name:  "CREATOR_SW_CFG",
+            items: [
+                {
+                    name:  "CREATOR_SW_CFG_CONTENT",
+                    value: "0x0",
+                }
+                {
+                    name:  "CREATOR_SW_CFG_DIGEST",
+                    value: "0x0",
+                }
+            ],
+        }
+        {
+            name:  "OWNER_SW_CFG",
+            items: [
+                {
+                    name:  "OWNER_SW_CFG_CONTENT",
+                    value: "0x0"
+                }
+                {
+                    name:  "OWNER_SW_CFG_DIGEST",
+                    value: "0x0",
+                }
+            ],
+        }
+        {
+            name:  "HW_CFG",
+            // If set to true, this computes the HW digest value
+            // and locks the partition.
+            lock:  "True",
+            items: [
+                {
+                    name:  "DEVICE_ID",
+                    value: "<random>",
+                },
+                {
+                    name:  "EN_ENTROPY_SRC_FW_READ",
+                    value: "0xA5",
+                },
+            ],
+        }
+        {
+            name:  "SECRET0",
+            lock:  "True",
+            items: [
+                {
+                    name:  "TEST_UNLOCK_TOKEN",
+                    value: "<random>",
+                }
+                {
+                    name:  "TEST_EXIT_TOKEN",
+                    value: "<random>",
+                }
+            ],
+        }
+        {
+            name:  "SECRET1",
+            lock:  "True",
+            items: [
+                {
+                    name:  "FLASH_ADDR_KEY_SEED",
+                    value: "<random>",
+                }
+                {
+                    name:  "FLASH_DATA_KEY_SEED",
+                    value: "<random>",
+                }
+                {
+                    name:  "SRAM_DATA_KEY_SEED",
+                    value: "<random>",
+                }
+            ],
+        }
+        {
+            name:  "SECRET2",
+            lock:  "False",
+            items: [
+                {
+                    name:  "RMA_TOKEN",
+                    value: "<random>",
+                }
+                {
+                    name:  "CREATOR_ROOT_KEY_SHARE0",
+                    value: "<random>",
+                }
+                {
+                    name:  "CREATOR_ROOT_KEY_SHARE1",
+                    value: "<random>",
+                }
+            ],
+        }
+        {
+            name:  "LIFE_CYCLE",
+            // Can be one of the following strings:
+            state: "RMA",
+            // Can range from 0 to 16.
+            // Note that a value of 0 is only permissible in RAW state.
+            count: "8"
+        }
+    ]
diff --git a/hw/ip/pinmux/rtl/pinmux_pkg.sv b/hw/ip/pinmux/rtl/pinmux_pkg.sv
index 0466173..aefa279 100644
--- a/hw/ip/pinmux/rtl/pinmux_pkg.sv
+++ b/hw/ip/pinmux/rtl/pinmux_pkg.sv
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
   // datastructure below serves this purpose. Note that all the indices below are with respect to
   // the concatenated {DIO, MIO} packed array.
   typedef struct packed {
-    logic                     const_sampling; // TODO: check whether this can be eliminated.
     integer                   tck_idx;
     integer                   tms_idx;
     integer                   trst_idx;
@@ -35,7 +34,6 @@
   } target_cfg_t;
   parameter target_cfg_t DefaultTargetCfg = '{
-    const_sampling:    1'b0,
     tck_idx:           0,
     tms_idx:           0,
     trst_idx:          0,
@@ -49,8 +47,8 @@
     usb_dn_idx:        0,
     usb_dp_pullup_idx: 0,
     usb_dn_pullup_idx: 0,
-    dio_pad_type: {NDioPads{BidirStd}},
-    mio_pad_type: {NMioPads{BidirStd}}
+    dio_pad_type:      {NDioPads{BidirStd}},
+    mio_pad_type:      {NMioPads{BidirStd}}
   // Wakeup Detector Modes
diff --git a/hw/ip/pinmux/rtl/pinmux_strap_sampling.sv b/hw/ip/pinmux/rtl/pinmux_strap_sampling.sv
index 742fd46..34499c0 100644
--- a/hw/ip/pinmux/rtl/pinmux_strap_sampling.sv
+++ b/hw/ip/pinmux/rtl/pinmux_strap_sampling.sv
@@ -76,12 +76,10 @@
   // Strap Sampling Logic //
-  logic strap_en_q;
   logic dft_strap_valid_d, dft_strap_valid_q;
   logic lc_strap_sample_en, rv_strap_sample_en, dft_strap_sample_en;
   logic [NTapStraps-1:0] tap_strap_d, tap_strap_q;
   logic [NDFTStraps-1:0] dft_strap_d, dft_strap_q;
-  lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_e continue_sampling_d, continue_sampling_q;
   // The LC strap at index 0 has a slightly different
   // enable condition than the DFT strap at index 1.
@@ -104,11 +102,12 @@
     lc_strap_sample_en = 1'b0;
     rv_strap_sample_en = 1'b0;
     dft_strap_sample_en = 1'b0;
-    continue_sampling_d = continue_sampling_q;
     // Initial strap sampling pulse from pwrmgr,
     // qualified by life cycle signals.
-    if (strap_en_i || continue_sampling_q == lc_ctrl_pkg::On) begin
+    // In DFT-enabled life cycle states we continously
+    // sample all straps.
+    if (strap_en_i || lc_dft_en[0] == lc_ctrl_pkg::On) begin
       lc_strap_sample_en = 1'b1;
       if (lc_hw_debug_en[0] == lc_ctrl_pkg::On) begin
         rv_strap_sample_en = 1'b1;
@@ -117,38 +116,17 @@
         dft_strap_sample_en = 1'b1;
-    // In case DFT is enabled, and in case the TAP straps
-    // where not set to functional mode upon the first
-    // sampling event, we continue sampling all straps
-    // until system reset. This is used during the
-    // DFT-enabled life cycle states only.
-    if (lc_dft_en[0] == lc_ctrl_pkg::On) begin
-      if (strap_en_q &&
-          tap_strap_t'(tap_strap_q) != FuncSel) begin
-        continue_sampling_d = lc_ctrl_pkg::On;
-      end
-    end
-    // TODO: this can currently be overridden with a parameter for legacy reasons.
-    // This parameter will be removed in the future.
-    if (TargetCfg.const_sampling) begin
-      continue_sampling_d = lc_ctrl_pkg::On;
-    end
   always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : p_strap_sample
     if (!rst_ni) begin
       tap_strap_q         <= '0;
       dft_strap_q         <= '0;
-      strap_en_q          <= 1'b0;
       dft_strap_valid_q   <= 1'b0;
-      continue_sampling_q <= lc_ctrl_pkg::Off;
     end else begin
       tap_strap_q         <= tap_strap_d;
       dft_strap_q         <= dft_strap_d;
-      strap_en_q          <= strap_en_i;
       dft_strap_valid_q   <= dft_strap_valid_d;
-      continue_sampling_q <= continue_sampling_d;
diff --git a/hw/top_earlgrey/rtl/autogen/chip_earlgrey_asic.sv b/hw/top_earlgrey/rtl/autogen/chip_earlgrey_asic.sv
index 4d53f10..6737a59 100644
--- a/hw/top_earlgrey/rtl/autogen/chip_earlgrey_asic.sv
+++ b/hw/top_earlgrey/rtl/autogen/chip_earlgrey_asic.sv
@@ -103,7 +103,6 @@
   // DFT and Debug signal positions in the pinout.
   localparam pinmux_pkg::target_cfg_t PinmuxTargetCfg = '{
-    const_sampling:    1'b1,
     tck_idx:           TckPadIdx,
     tms_idx:           TmsPadIdx,
     trst_idx:          TrstNPadIdx,
diff --git a/hw/top_earlgrey/rtl/autogen/chip_earlgrey_nexysvideo.sv b/hw/top_earlgrey/rtl/autogen/chip_earlgrey_nexysvideo.sv
index ea2ce76..a266afb 100644
--- a/hw/top_earlgrey/rtl/autogen/chip_earlgrey_nexysvideo.sv
+++ b/hw/top_earlgrey/rtl/autogen/chip_earlgrey_nexysvideo.sv
@@ -90,7 +90,6 @@
   // DFT and Debug signal positions in the pinout.
   localparam pinmux_pkg::target_cfg_t PinmuxTargetCfg = '{
-    const_sampling:    1'b1,
     tck_idx:           TckPadIdx,
     tms_idx:           TmsPadIdx,
     trst_idx:          TrstNPadIdx,
diff --git a/hw/top_earlgrey/rtl/chip_earlgrey_verilator.sv b/hw/top_earlgrey/rtl/chip_earlgrey_verilator.sv
index 7bff8f0..bf397be 100644
--- a/hw/top_earlgrey/rtl/chip_earlgrey_verilator.sv
+++ b/hw/top_earlgrey/rtl/chip_earlgrey_verilator.sv
@@ -125,7 +125,6 @@
   // to be split into a Verilator TB and a Verilator chiplevel.
   // DFT and Debug signal positions in the pinout.
   localparam pinmux_pkg::target_cfg_t PinmuxTargetCfg = '{
-    const_sampling: 1'b1,
     tck_idx:        pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
     tms_idx:        pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
diff --git a/hw/top_englishbreakfast/rtl/chip_englishbreakfast_verilator.sv b/hw/top_englishbreakfast/rtl/chip_englishbreakfast_verilator.sv
index 3eab8f5..88bc8d6 100644
--- a/hw/top_englishbreakfast/rtl/chip_englishbreakfast_verilator.sv
+++ b/hw/top_englishbreakfast/rtl/chip_englishbreakfast_verilator.sv
@@ -125,7 +125,6 @@
   // to be split into a Verilator TB and a Verilator chiplevel.
   // DFT and Debug signal positions in the pinout.
   localparam pinmux_pkg::target_cfg_t PinmuxTargetCfg = '{
-    const_sampling: 1'b1,
     tck_idx:        pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
     tms_idx:        pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
diff --git a/sw/device/meson.build b/sw/device/meson.build
index b4c6d55..2211605 100644
--- a/sw/device/meson.build
+++ b/sw/device/meson.build
@@ -45,11 +45,13 @@
 # Generates the OTP image containing root secrets, sw configuration partitions and
 # the life cycle state.
-# TODO: This just puts the device into DEV life cycle state, with randomized root keys.
+# TODO: This just puts the device into RMA life cycle state, with randomized root keys.
+# We are using RMA in order to open up all debug and functional infrastructure
+# as our testing and emulation environments require that.
 # Need to make this more flexible in the future.
 # TODO: additional OTP partitions can be included with the --add-cfg switch
 # see also util/design/README.md
-make_otp_img_inputs = [meson.source_root() / 'hw/ip/otp_ctrl/data/otp_ctrl_img_dev.hjson']
+make_otp_img_inputs = [meson.source_root() / 'hw/ip/otp_ctrl/data/otp_ctrl_img_rma.hjson']
 make_otp_img_command = [
   prog_python, meson.source_root() / 'util/design/gen-otp-img.py',
diff --git a/util/topgen/templates/chiplevel.sv.tpl b/util/topgen/templates/chiplevel.sv.tpl
index fb146d0..61188c4 100644
--- a/util/topgen/templates/chiplevel.sv.tpl
+++ b/util/topgen/templates/chiplevel.sv.tpl
@@ -124,7 +124,6 @@
   // DFT and Debug signal positions in the pinout.
   localparam pinmux_pkg::target_cfg_t PinmuxTargetCfg = '{
-    const_sampling:    1'b1,
     tck_idx:           TckPadIdx,
     tms_idx:           TmsPadIdx,
     trst_idx:          TrstNPadIdx,