[sw] Remove Interrupt Definitions from PLIC DIF

With the changes in #2025 to support auto-generating the PLIC interrupt
ID names based on the information in top_earlgrey.hjson, this commit
removes all those IDs from the implementation of the DIF.

This leads to having the PLIC DIF use `uint32_t`s almost everywhere in
its interface, and it slightly changes how the claim/complete functions
work to make the caller do more work to explicitly name the target they
are using.

We also use the generated parameter definitions in the code, including
adding some static asserts so the build fails if these parameters are
updated without changes to the PLIC DIF itself. These parameters are
also used in precondition checks for the DIF arguments they correspond

This commit also updates the `consecutive_irqs_test.c` to use the
auto-generated PLIC interrupt IDs so it continues to pass.

Signed-off-by: Sam Elliott <selliott@lowrisc.org>
3 files changed
tree: d4db5fb93a458f8f0b3172f57b277b057fe718a1
  1. .github/
  2. ci/
  3. doc/
  4. hw/
  5. site/
  6. sw/
  7. test/
  8. util/
  9. .clang-format
  10. .dockerignore
  11. .flake8
  12. .gitignore
  13. .style.yapf
  14. _index.md
  15. apt-requirements.txt
  16. azure-pipelines.yml
  17. check_tool_requirements.core
  18. CLA
  22. meson.build
  23. meson_init.sh
  24. meson_options.txt
  25. python-requirements.txt
  26. README.md
  27. tool_requirements.py
  28. toolchain.txt


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About the project

OpenTitan is an open source silicon Root of Trust (RoT) project. OpenTitan will make the silicon RoT design and implementation more transparent, trustworthy, and secure for enterprises, platform providers, and chip manufacturers. OpenTitan is administered by lowRISC CIC as a collaborative project to produce high quality, open IP for instantiation as a full-featured product. See the OpenTitan site and OpenTitan docs for more information about the project.

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This repository contains hardware, software and utilities written as part of the OpenTitan project. It is structured as monolithic repository, or “monorepo”, where all components live in one repository. It exists to enable collaboration across partners participating in the OpenTitan project.


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  1. Ensure that you have the required Python modules installed (to be executed in the repository root):
$ sudo apt install curl python3 python3-pip
$ pip3 install --user -r python-requirements.txt
  1. Execute the build script:
$ ./util/build_docs.py --preview

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