[sw, dif, aes] Refactor dif_aes_start function

 - Replace all the aes start functions for a single function.
 - Add unit test for decrypt.

Signed-off-by: Douglas Reis <doreis@lowrisc.org>
diff --git a/sw/device/lib/dif/dif_aes.c b/sw/device/lib/dif/dif_aes.c
index e9f850d..b0bc5a6 100644
--- a/sw/device/lib/dif/dif_aes.c
+++ b/sw/device/lib/dif/dif_aes.c
@@ -152,10 +152,11 @@
   return kDifOk;
-dif_result_t dif_aes_start_ecb(const dif_aes_t *aes,
-                               const dif_aes_transaction_t *transaction,
-                               dif_aes_key_share_t key) {
-  if (aes == NULL || transaction == NULL) {
+dif_result_t dif_aes_start(const dif_aes_t *aes,
+                           const dif_aes_transaction_t *transaction,
+                           dif_aes_key_share_t key, const dif_aes_iv_t *iv) {
+  if (aes == NULL || transaction == NULL ||
+      (iv == NULL && transaction->mode != kDifAesModeEcb)) {
     return kDifBadArg;
@@ -174,114 +175,11 @@
   aes_set_multireg(aes, &key.share1[0], AES_KEY_SHARE1_MULTIREG_COUNT,
-  return kDifOk;
-dif_result_t dif_aes_start_cbc(const dif_aes_t *aes,
-                               const dif_aes_transaction_t *transaction,
-                               dif_aes_key_share_t key, dif_aes_iv_t iv) {
-  if (aes == NULL || transaction == NULL) {
-    return kDifBadArg;
+  if (transaction->mode != kDifAesModeEcb) {
+    aes_set_multireg(aes, &iv->iv[0], AES_IV_MULTIREG_COUNT,
+                     AES_IV_0_REG_OFFSET);
-  if (!aes_idle(aes)) {
-    return kDifUnavailable;
-  }
-  dif_result_t result = configure(aes, transaction);
-  if (result != kDifOk) {
-    return result;
-  }
-  aes_set_multireg(aes, &key.share0[0], AES_KEY_SHARE0_MULTIREG_COUNT,
-                   AES_KEY_SHARE0_0_REG_OFFSET);
-  aes_set_multireg(aes, &key.share1[0], AES_KEY_SHARE1_MULTIREG_COUNT,
-                   AES_KEY_SHARE1_0_REG_OFFSET);
-  aes_set_multireg(aes, &iv.iv[0], AES_IV_MULTIREG_COUNT, AES_IV_0_REG_OFFSET);
-  return kDifOk;
-dif_result_t dif_aes_start_ctr(const dif_aes_t *aes,
-                               const dif_aes_transaction_t *transaction,
-                               dif_aes_key_share_t key, dif_aes_iv_t iv) {
-  if (aes == NULL || transaction == NULL) {
-    return kDifBadArg;
-  }
-  if (!aes_idle(aes)) {
-    return kDifUnavailable;
-  }
-  dif_result_t result = configure(aes, transaction);
-  if (result != kDifOk) {
-    return result;
-  }
-  aes_set_multireg(aes, &key.share0[0], AES_KEY_SHARE0_MULTIREG_COUNT,
-                   AES_KEY_SHARE0_0_REG_OFFSET);
-  aes_set_multireg(aes, &key.share1[0], AES_KEY_SHARE1_MULTIREG_COUNT,
-                   AES_KEY_SHARE1_0_REG_OFFSET);
-  aes_set_multireg(aes, &iv.iv[0], AES_IV_MULTIREG_COUNT, AES_IV_0_REG_OFFSET);
-  return kDifOk;
-dif_result_t dif_aes_start_ofb(const dif_aes_t *aes,
-                               const dif_aes_transaction_t *transaction,
-                               dif_aes_key_share_t key, dif_aes_iv_t iv) {
-  if (aes == NULL || transaction == NULL) {
-    return kDifBadArg;
-  }
-  if (!aes_idle(aes)) {
-    return kDifUnavailable;
-  }
-  dif_result_t result = configure(aes, transaction);
-  if (result != kDifOk) {
-    return result;
-  }
-  aes_set_multireg(aes, &key.share0[0], AES_KEY_SHARE0_MULTIREG_COUNT,
-                   AES_KEY_SHARE0_0_REG_OFFSET);
-  aes_set_multireg(aes, &key.share1[0], AES_KEY_SHARE1_MULTIREG_COUNT,
-                   AES_KEY_SHARE1_0_REG_OFFSET);
-  aes_set_multireg(aes, &iv.iv[0], AES_IV_MULTIREG_COUNT, AES_IV_0_REG_OFFSET);
-  return kDifOk;
-dif_result_t dif_aes_start_cfb(const dif_aes_t *aes,
-                               const dif_aes_transaction_t *transaction,
-                               dif_aes_key_share_t key, dif_aes_iv_t iv) {
-  if (aes == NULL || transaction == NULL) {
-    return kDifBadArg;
-  }
-  if (!aes_idle(aes)) {
-    return kDifUnavailable;
-  }
-  dif_result_t result = configure(aes, transaction);
-  if (result != kDifOk) {
-    return result;
-  }
-  aes_set_multireg(aes, &key.share0[0], AES_KEY_SHARE0_MULTIREG_COUNT,
-                   AES_KEY_SHARE0_0_REG_OFFSET);
-  aes_set_multireg(aes, &key.share1[0], AES_KEY_SHARE1_MULTIREG_COUNT,
-                   AES_KEY_SHARE1_0_REG_OFFSET);
-  aes_set_multireg(aes, &iv.iv[0], AES_IV_MULTIREG_COUNT, AES_IV_0_REG_OFFSET);
   return kDifOk;
diff --git a/sw/device/lib/dif/dif_aes.h b/sw/device/lib/dif/dif_aes.h
index e2231f9..df747d7 100644
--- a/sw/device/lib/dif/dif_aes.h
+++ b/sw/device/lib/dif/dif_aes.h
@@ -101,26 +101,71 @@
 typedef enum dif_aes_mode {
    * The Electronic Codebook Mode.
+   * In ECB cipher mode the key must be changed for every new block of data.
+   * This is the only secure way to use ECB cipher mode.
+   *
+   * Note: The ECB cipher mode doesn't use the iv parameter of the
+   * `dif_aes_start` function.
+   *
+   * Note: it is discouraged to use this cipher mode, due to impractical amount
+   *       of different keys required to encrypt/decrypt multi-block messages.
   kDifAesModeEcb = 1,
    * The Cipher Block Chaining Mode.
+   *
+   * In CBC cipher mode, the same key can be used for all messages, however
+   * new Initialisation Vector (IV) must be generated for any new message. The
+   * following condition must be true:
+   *     The IV must be unpredictable (it must not be possible to predict the IV
+   *     that will be associated to the plaintext in advance of the generation
+   * of the IV).
+   *
+   * With key length less than 256 bits, the excess portion of the `key` can be
+   * written with any data (preferably random).
   kDifAesModeCbc = (1 << 1),
    * The Cipher Feedback Mode.
+   *
+   * In CFB cipher mode, the same key can be used for all messages, however
+   * new Initialisation Vector (IV) must be generated for any new message. The
+   * following condition must be true:
+   *     The IV must be unpredictable (it must not be possible to predict the IV
+   *     that will be associated to the plaintext in advance of the generation
+   * of the IV).
+   *
+   * With key length less than 256 bits, the excess portion of the `key` can be
+   * written with any data (preferably random).
   kDifAesModeCfb = (1 << 2),
    * The Output Feedback Mode.
+   *
+   * In OFB cipher mode, the same key can be used for all messages, and the
+   * Initialization Vector (IV) need NOT be unpredictable. The following
+   * conditions must be true:
+   *     OFB mode requires a unique initialization vector for every message that
+   *     is ever encrypted under a given key, across all messages.
+   *
+   * With key length less than 256 bits, the excess portion of the `key` can be
+   * written with any data (preferably random).
   kDifAesModeOfb = (1 << 3),
    * The Counter Mode.
+   *
+   * In CTR cipher mode, the same key can be used for all messages, if the
+   * following condition is true:
+   *     CTR mode requires a unique counter block for each plaintext block that
+   *     is ever encrypted under a given key, across all messages.
+   *
+   * With key length less than 256 bits, the excess portion of the `key` can be
+   * written with any data (preferably random).
   kDifAesModeCtr = (1 << 4),
 } dif_aes_mode_t;
@@ -200,134 +245,24 @@
 dif_result_t dif_aes_reset(const dif_aes_t *aes);
- * Begins an AES transaction in ECB mode.
- *
- * In ECB cipher mode the key must be changed for every new block of data. This
- * is the only secure way to use ECB cipher mode.
+ * Begins an AES transaction in the mode selected by the `transaction->mode`.
  * Each call to this function should be sequenced with a call to
  * `dif_aes_end()`.
- * Note: it is discouraged to use this cipher mode, due to inpractical amount
- *       of different keys required to encrypt/decrypt multi-block messages.
- *
  * The peripheral must be in IDLE state for this operation to take effect, and
  * will return `kDifAesBusy` if this condition is not met.
  * @param aes AES state data.
  * @param transaction Configuration data.
+ * @param iv AES Initialisation Vector. The iv may not be used for some modes,
+ * see `dif_aes_mode_t` for more details.
  * @return The result of the operation.
-dif_result_t dif_aes_start_ecb(const dif_aes_t *aes,
-                               const dif_aes_transaction_t *transaction,
-                               dif_aes_key_share_t key);
- * Begins an AES transaction in CBC mode.
- *
- * In CBC cipher mode, the same key can be used for all messages, however
- * new Initialisation Vector (IV) must be generated for any new message. The
- * following condition must be true:
- *     The IV must be unpredictable (it must not be possible to predict the IV
- *     that will be associated to the plaintext in advance of the generation of
- *     the IV).
- *
- * With key length less than 256 bits, the excess portion of the `key` can be
- * written with any data (preferably random).
- *
- * The peripheral must be in IDLE state for this operation to take effect, and
- * will return `kDifAesStartBusy` if this condition is not met.
- *
- * @param aes AES state data.
- * @param transaction Configuration data.
- * @param key Masked AES key.
- * @param iv AES Initialisation Vector.
- * @return The result of the operation.
- */
-dif_result_t dif_aes_start_cbc(const dif_aes_t *aes,
-                               const dif_aes_transaction_t *transaction,
-                               dif_aes_key_share_t key, dif_aes_iv_t iv);
- * Begins an AES transaction in CTR mode.
- *
- * In CTR cipher mode, the same key can be used for all messages, if the
- * following condition is true:
- *     CTR mode requires a unique counter block for each plaintext block that
- *     is ever encrypted under a given key, across all messages.
- *
- * With key length less than 256 bits, the excess portion of the `key` can be
- * written with any data (preferably random).
- *
- * The peripheral must be in IDLE state for this operation to take effect, and
- * will return `kDifAesStartBusy` if this condition is not met.
- *
- * @param aes AES state data.
- * @param transaction Configuration data.
- * @param key Masked AES key.
- * @param iv AES Initial Counter Value.
- * @return The result of the operation.
- */
-dif_result_t dif_aes_start_ctr(const dif_aes_t *aes,
-                               const dif_aes_transaction_t *transaction,
-                               dif_aes_key_share_t key, dif_aes_iv_t iv);
- * Begins an AES transaction in OFB mode.
- *
- * In OFB cipher mode, the same key can be used for all messages, and the
- * Initialization Vector (IV) need NOT be unpredictable. The following
- * conditions must be true:
- *     OFB mode requires a unique initialization vector for every message that
- *     is ever encrypted under a given key, across all messages.
- *
- * With key length less than 256 bits, the excess portion of the `key` can be
- * written with any data (preferably random).
- *
- * The peripheral must be in IDLE state for this operation to take effect, and
- * will return `kDifAesStartBusy` if this condition is not met.
- *
- * @param aes AES state data.
- * @param transaction Configuration data.
- * @param key Masked AES key.
- * @param iv AES Initialization vector.
- * @return The result of the operation.
- */
-dif_result_t dif_aes_start_ofb(const dif_aes_t *aes,
-                               const dif_aes_transaction_t *transaction,
-                               dif_aes_key_share_t key, dif_aes_iv_t iv);
- * Begins an AES transaction in CFB mode.
- *
- * In CFB cipher mode, the same key can be used for all messages, however
- * new Initialisation Vector (IV) must be generated for any new message. The
- * following condition must be true:
- *     The IV must be unpredictable (it must not be possible to predict the IV
- *     that will be associated to the plaintext in advance of the generation of
- *     the IV).
- *
- * With key length less than 256 bits, the excess portion of the `key` can be
- * written with any data (preferably random).
- *
- * The peripheral must be in IDLE state for this operation to take effect, and
- * will return `kDifAesStartBusy` if this condition is not met.
- *
- * @param aes AES state data.
- * @param transaction Configuration data.
- * @param key Masked AES key.
- * @param iv AES Initialization vector.
- * @return The result of the operation.
- */
-dif_result_t dif_aes_start_cfb(const dif_aes_t *aes,
-                               const dif_aes_transaction_t *transaction,
-                               dif_aes_key_share_t key, dif_aes_iv_t iv);
+dif_result_t dif_aes_start(const dif_aes_t *aes,
+                           const dif_aes_transaction_t *transaction,
+                           dif_aes_key_share_t key, const dif_aes_iv_t *iv);
  * Ends an AES transaction.
diff --git a/sw/device/lib/dif/dif_aes_unittest.cc b/sw/device/lib/dif/dif_aes_unittest.cc
index d9db2f4..bf2a22a 100644
--- a/sw/device/lib/dif/dif_aes_unittest.cc
+++ b/sw/device/lib/dif/dif_aes_unittest.cc
@@ -39,6 +39,16 @@
       EXPECT_WRITE32(offset, iv.iv[i]);
+  void setExpectedConfig(uint32_t key_len, uint32_t mode, uint32_t operation) {
+    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+                     {{AES_CTRL_SHADOWED_KEY_LEN_OFFSET, key_len},
+                      {AES_CTRL_SHADOWED_MODE_OFFSET, mode},
+                      {AES_CTRL_SHADOWED_OPERATION_OFFSET, operation},
+                      {AES_CTRL_SHADOWED_MANUAL_OPERATION_BIT, false},
+                      {AES_CTRL_SHADOWED_FORCE_ZERO_MASKS_BIT, false}});
+    }
+  }
 // Init tests
@@ -86,19 +96,12 @@
 TEST_F(EcbTest, start) {
-  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-        {{AES_CTRL_SHADOWED_KEY_LEN_OFFSET, kDifAesKey128},
-         {AES_CTRL_SHADOWED_MODE_OFFSET, kDifAesModeEcb},
-         {AES_CTRL_SHADOWED_OPERATION_OFFSET, kDifAesOperationEncrypt},
-  }
   setExpectedKey(kKey_, 8);
-  EXPECT_EQ(dif_aes_start_ecb(&aes_, &transaction, kKey_), kDifOk);
+  EXPECT_EQ(dif_aes_start(&aes_, &transaction, kKey_, NULL), kDifOk);
 class CbcTest : public AesTestInitialized {
@@ -108,20 +111,13 @@
 TEST_F(CbcTest, start) {
-  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-        {{AES_CTRL_SHADOWED_KEY_LEN_OFFSET, kDifAesKey128},
-         {AES_CTRL_SHADOWED_MODE_OFFSET, kDifAesModeCbc},
-         {AES_CTRL_SHADOWED_OPERATION_OFFSET, kDifAesOperationEncrypt},
-  }
   setExpectedKey(kKey_, 8);
-  EXPECT_EQ(dif_aes_start_cbc(&aes_, &transaction, kKey_, kIv_), kDifOk);
+  EXPECT_EQ(dif_aes_start(&aes_, &transaction, kKey_, &kIv_), kDifOk);
 // CFB tests
@@ -132,20 +128,13 @@
 TEST_F(CFBTest, start) {
-  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-        {{AES_CTRL_SHADOWED_KEY_LEN_OFFSET, kDifAesKey128},
-         {AES_CTRL_SHADOWED_MODE_OFFSET, kDifAesModeCfb},
-         {AES_CTRL_SHADOWED_OPERATION_OFFSET, kDifAesOperationEncrypt},
-  }
   setExpectedKey(kKey_, 8);
-  EXPECT_EQ(dif_aes_start_cfb(&aes_, &transaction, kKey_, kIv_), kDifOk);
+  EXPECT_EQ(dif_aes_start(&aes_, &transaction, kKey_, &kIv_), kDifOk);
 // OFB tests
@@ -156,20 +145,13 @@
 TEST_F(OFBTest, start) {
-  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-        {{AES_CTRL_SHADOWED_KEY_LEN_OFFSET, kDifAesKey128},
-         {AES_CTRL_SHADOWED_MODE_OFFSET, kDifAesModeOfb},
-         {AES_CTRL_SHADOWED_OPERATION_OFFSET, kDifAesOperationEncrypt},
-  }
   setExpectedKey(kKey_, 8);
-  EXPECT_EQ(dif_aes_start_ofb(&aes_, &transaction, kKey_, kIv_), kDifOk);
+  EXPECT_EQ(dif_aes_start(&aes_, &transaction, kKey_, &kIv_), kDifOk);
 // CTR tests
@@ -180,19 +162,32 @@
 TEST_F(CTRTest, start) {
-  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-                   {{AES_CTRL_SHADOWED_KEY_LEN_OFFSET, kDifAesKey128},
-                    {AES_CTRL_SHADOWED_MODE_OFFSET, kDifAesModeCtr},
-                    {AES_CTRL_SHADOWED_OPERATION_OFFSET, kDifAesOperationEncrypt},
-                    {AES_CTRL_SHADOWED_MANUAL_OPERATION_BIT, false},
-                    {AES_CTRL_SHADOWED_FORCE_ZERO_MASKS_BIT, false}});
-  }
   setExpectedKey(kKey_, 8);
-  EXPECT_EQ(dif_aes_start_ctr(&aes_, &transaction, kKey_, kIv_), kDifOk);
+  EXPECT_EQ(dif_aes_start(&aes_, &transaction, kKey_, &kIv_), kDifOk);
+// Decrypt tests
+class DecryptTest : public AesTestInitialized {
+ protected:
+  DecryptTest() {
+    transaction.mode = kDifAesModeEcb;
+    transaction.operation = kDifAesOperationDecrypt;
+  }
+TEST_F(DecryptTest, start) {
+  setExpectedKey(kKey_, 8);
+  EXPECT_EQ(dif_aes_start(&aes_, &transaction, kKey_, NULL), kDifOk);
 }  // namespace
diff --git a/sw/device/sca/aes_serial.c b/sw/device/sca/aes_serial.c
index a4d57e1..aee8a61 100644
--- a/sw/device/sca/aes_serial.c
+++ b/sw/device/sca/aes_serial.c
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
   dif_aes_key_share_t key_shares;
   memcpy(key_shares.share0, key, sizeof(key_shares.share0));
   memset(key_shares.share1, 0, sizeof(key_shares.share1));
-  SS_CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_aes_start_ecb(&aes, &transaction, key_shares));
+  SS_CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_aes_start(&aes, &transaction, key_shares, NULL));
diff --git a/sw/device/tests/aes_smoketest.c b/sw/device/tests/aes_smoketest.c
index 26c7a27..4667a55 100644
--- a/sw/device/tests/aes_smoketest.c
+++ b/sw/device/tests/aes_smoketest.c
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
       .key_len = kDifAesKey256,
       .manual_operation = kDifAesManualOperationAuto,
-  CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_aes_start_ecb(&aes, &transaction, key));
+  CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_aes_start(&aes, &transaction, key, NULL));
   // "Convert" plain data byte arrays to `dif_aes_data_t`.
   dif_aes_data_t in_data_plain;
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
   // Setup ECB decryption transaction.
   transaction.operation = kDifAesOperationDecrypt;
-  CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_aes_start_ecb(&aes, &transaction, key));
+  CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_aes_start(&aes, &transaction, key, NULL));
   // Load the previously produced cipher text to start the decryption operation.
   while (!aes_input_ready(&aes)) {