Update veri-titan to secure-foundations/veri-titan@a5b18fa

Update code from upstream repository https://github.com/secure-
foundations/veri-titan.git to revision

* Make a separate procedure for throwing deliberate errors. (Jade
* Make the loop iteration counter count write_to_dmem loops in
  addition to modexp (Jade Philipoom)
* Add loop iteration counter for fault injection hardening. (Jade
* Add comments to generated OTBN modexp (Jade Philipoom)
* Add back auto-generated files with a new .gitignore pattern (Jade
* Make Z3 target more platform-independent (Bryan Parno)
* progress on the polymul (yizhou7)
* poly mul and poly scale (yizhou7)
* rv bit rev (yizhou7)
* somewhat messy but almost done with bit_rev in riscv (yizhou7)
* removed assumes in bit rev proofs (yizhou7)
* removed one assume (yizhou7)
* bit rev model somewhat working (yizhou7)
* some progress (yizhou7)
* add b as part of the datatype (yizhou7)
* some progress (yizhou7)
* bit rev shuffle proof more complicated than expected (yizhou7)
* inverse ntt (yizhou7)
* rename invs to avoid conflicts (yizhou7)
* directory reorg (yizhou7)
* updated the riscv impl (yizhou7)
* remove large amount of duplications in ntt and intt (yizhou7)
* intt dafny model and proof (yizhou7)
* Update names of OTBN build scripts (Jade Philipoom)
* rename inner mq sub add (yizhou7)
* use mq_add mq_sub with fixed regs (yizhou7)
* forward ntt seems to work (yizhou7)
* add post lemma for t_inv (yizhou7)
* fixed unsound requires (yizhou7)
* inner most loop seems done (yizhou7)
* annoying bound proofs (yizhou7)
* wip on s_loop (yizhou7)
* wip for s_loop (yizhou7)
* update dafny impl (yizhou7)
* wip (yizhou7)
* reorg innt model (yizhou7)
* fix up the rsa code (yizhou7)
* worked around werid dafny asbtract module bug (yizhou7)
* add support for b16 iter wirte (yizhou7)
* add some support for b16_iter (yizhou7)
* Update README.md to include Singular requirement (Sydney Gibson)
* Add subm ins to OTBN and clean up files (Sydney Gibson)
* Fix mq_add to not use hardcoded modulus (Sydney Gibson)
* mq_add done with assumed Q=12289 in wmod (Sydney Gibson)
* remove assume about Q - x_e (yizhou7)
* addm fully implemented plus correctness lemma (Sydney Gibson)
* Get otbn mq_arith test-ready (Sydney Gibson)
* intt (with maybe one assume) (yizhou7)
* revamp forward ntt so that things are pretty much all parameterized
* structurally very similar invs for innt (yizhou7)
* include the command ran (yizhou7)
* some basic comparsion (yizhou7)
* remove the need to pass in psi (yizhou7)
* much cleaner python references (yizhou7)
* Add otbn addm instruction (Sydney Gibson)
* our alternative version seems to work (yizhou7)
* mostly got the alternative version working (yizhou7)
* update the dafny impl to use the table (yizhou7)
* separate table (yizhou7)
* update mulntt_ct to use montmul and adjusted twiddle factors
* update python script to use twiddle factors in montgomery form
* cleanup python scripts (yizhou7)
* prove mq_rshift1 procedure and lemma (Sydney Gibson)
* test out intt using the same ct code (yizhou7)
* removed most assumes (yizhou7)
* removed assume in x_value_odd_square_lemma (yizhou7)
* remove assume in x_value_even_square_lemma (yizhou7)
* reorg bit_rev_int (yizhou7)
* removed some assumes (yizhou7)
* a version with many assumes (yizhou7)
* done proving j_loop_inv_pre_lemma/j_loop_inv_post_lemma (yizhou7)
* next_t_loop_view (yizhou7)
* proved build_higher_inverse_lemma (yizhou7)
* s_loop_inv pre/post lemma (yizhou7)
* stronger s_loop_perserves_lower_inv_lemma (yizhou7)
* s_loop_perserves_inv_lemma (yizhou7)
* proved s_loop_perserves_higher_inv_lemma (yizhou7)
* proved the core butterfly ops (with some assumes) (yizhou7)
* replaced assume about x_square (yizhou7)
* remove two assumes about bitrev (yizhou7)
* proved lower_points_view_value_lemma (yizhou7)
* points_view_index_lemmas (yizhou7)
* cleanups on level_polys & level_points_view (yizhou7)
* even more completed invs (yizhou7)
* start porting invs to dafny (yizhou7)
* more complete invs (yizhou7)
* some progress on the polysplit (yizhou7)
* starting the dafny loop version (yizhou7)
* some more inv figured out (yizhou7)
* got some inv figured out (yizhou7)
* inv guess seems to hold for the last level at least (yizhou7)
* testing out invs on python code (yizhou7)
* redo nth root lemma (yizhou7)
* sanity checking python (yizhou7)
* progress on mq_rshift1 proof (Sydney Gibson)
* add neg instruction to risc-v model (Sydney Gibson)
* add mq_sub and proof (Sydney Gibson)
* mq_add proof without assert false (Sydney Gibson)
* Working proof for mq_add (Sydney Gibson)
* remove assume in ntt_rec (yizhou7)
* remove assumes in ntt (yizhou7)
* import fix (yizhou7)
* file renames (yizhou7)
* a cleaner version of ntt_rec (yizhou7)
* uncomment post condition (yizhou7)
* remove one assume (yizhou7)
* fix error in ntt_rec (yizhou7)
* almost done with loop version (yizhou7)
* almost getting ntt working (yizhou7)
* first version of ntt_chunk_loop (yizhou7)
* ntt_chunk_loop seems to work (yizhou7)
* making progress on proving ntt_chunk_loop_inv (yizhou7)
* remove additional even/odd args (yizhou7)
* proved that ntt_level_implies_chunk_inv (yizhou7)
* restructure indicies computations (yizhou7)
* seems to have worked around the timeout issue (yizhou7)
* encounter timeout in loop ntt (yizhou7)
* cleaner version of ntt_rec3 (yizhou7)
* Partial progress on mq_add proof (Sydney Gibson)
* add chunk view functions (yizhou7)
* use ntt_rec3 as a reference (yizhou7)
* reduce the number of arguments passed around (yizhou7)
* ntt_rec2_chunk_rec seems to work (yizhou7)
* getting close to a level recursive version (yizhou7)
* convert ntt_rec2 into using ghost a (yizhou7)
* better post conditions for ntt_indicies_inv_consequence (yizhou7)
* incoperate indicies into rec2 (yizhou7)
* incoperate ntt_indicies_inv_consequence into ntt_rec2 (yizhou7)
* Clean up helpers (Bryan Parno)
* Helper goes through, modulo a few small helpers (Bryan Parno)
* a functional and recursive ntt_rec (yizhou7)
* add level chunk functions (yizhou7)
* Progress on the base case. (Bryan Parno)
* Induction step goes through for poly_eval_split_helper (Bryan Parno)
* More progress (Bryan Parno)
* ntt_chunk_base_case (yizhou7)
* rename chunk index into ki to better match the loop version
* Experiment (Bryan Parno)
* fix up errors in pow2 (yizhou7)
* remove indicies in ntt_rec (yizhou7)
* ntt_indicies_inv_consequence seems done (yizhou7)
* Progress on poly_eval_split_lemma_helper (Bryan Parno)
* odd_indexed_indices_reorder symmetric (yizhou7)
* fix up index.py after Pow2 removal (yizhou7)
* a stronger inv for the bit reverse (yizhou7)
* Restore ntt_cancellation_lemma proof (Bryan Parno)
* Tediously prove nth_root_lemma() (Bryan Parno)
* making some progress on even index sorting (yizhou7)
* making some progress on bit rev (yizhou7)
* split files (yizhou7)
* at leat prove that the indicies are in bound (yizhou7)
* leave poly_eval_split_lemma as axiom (yizhou7)
* cleanup the odd even defs (yizhou7)
* make ntt_base_case assumption more explicit (yizhou7)
* cleanup the axioms a bit (yizhou7)
* Some proofs for the axioms (Bryan Parno)
* oops more typos (yizhou7)
* fix the N constant error (yizhou7)
* remove some assumes (yizhou7)
* naive forward ntt (yizhou7)
* some progress on y_k_value (yizhou7)
* ntt_base_case (yizhou7)
* start of naive ntt (yizhou7)
* Add stand-alone falcon sigverify routine + riscv asm (Sydney Gibson)
* mod_exp seems done (yizhou7)
* progress on mp post (yizhou7)
* more progress on mod_exp (yizhou7)
* progress on mp_loop (yizhou7)
* forgot to add vad file (yizhou7)
* mont_mul seems done (yizhou7)
* mont_mul_add seems done (yizhou7)
* progress on mma_post (yizhou7)
* mma inner loop (yizhou7)
* main mma_loop body seems done (yizhou7)
* progress on the main loop body (yizhou7)
* example usage of stack frame var in mma_pre (yizhou7)
* partial progress on mma (yizhou7)
* make stack push more opaque (yizhou7)
* update sub_mod to load symbolic n (yizhou7)
* update source to use n and d0inv as externs (yizhou7)
* add load symbol (yizhou7)
* mark consts_inv as opaque (yizhou7)
* add contants for heap (yizhou7)
* sub_mod seems to be okay (yizhou7)
* bug fix in subc (order of args wrong) (yizhou7)
* use modfies anyways (yizhou7)
* bug fix on state equal (yizhou7)
* use frame false for mula and mulaa (yizhou7)
* mul example (yizhou7)
* fix typo in mul name (yizhou7)
* moved examples (yizhou7)
* most of the instructions (yizhou7)
* add semantics for popm_w (yizhou7)
* reduce the number of post conditions in sw_stack (yizhou7)
* sw/lw with iters (yizhou7)
* add flags to msp state (yizhou7)
* add 16 bits based source file for msp modexp (yizhou7)
* add pushm_w semantics (yizhou7)
* add vale.i.dfy for msp (yizhou7)
* move reference (yizhou7)
* add starting defs for msp430 (yizhou7)
* add source for msp430 (yizhou7)
* cleanup build, mark stack_init as extern (yizhou7)
* fix up otbn ptr issue (yizhou7)
* add lw_prev (yizhou7)
* mostly fixed up mp (yizhou7)
* mm seems to work (yizhou7)
* revamped mma (yizhou7)
* mma seems to work (yizhou7)
* basic use case of save registers in mma (yizhou7)
* mostly fixed up the decls in rv (yizhou7)
* Update dependencies to include those needed for Vale, check those
  dependencies, and link to Vale install instructions (Jade Philipoom)
* update riscv vale.i.dfy (yizhou7)
* cleanup some duplicated defs (yizhou7)
* patch up a version using generated memory models (yizhou7)
* rename some files (yizhou7)
* template files (yizhou7)
* mem_t imem_t refinement (yizhou7)
* slightly change the inv proof interface (yizhou7)
* verify manual written files (yizhou7)
* most part of write_preserves_inv (yizhou7)
* stack model with frames (yizhou7)
* an untemplated version (yizhou7)
* 2/3 equiv invs (yizhou7)
* attempting to prove stack inv (yizhou7)
* commit a hand written version for stack modeling first (yizhou7)
* small write preserves inv (yizhou7)
* mostly done with 2 width (yizhou7)
* fix some typos (yizhou7)
* use of jinja macro (yizhou7)
* move script dir (yizhou7)
* remove rr lemma that is no longer needed (yizhou7)
* update build system (yizhou7)
* bug fix in montmul_inv_lemma (yizhou7)
* update mul256_correct_lemma (yizhou7)
* mostly done with simplification using gbassert (yizhou7)
* converted most gbasserts (yizhou7)
* remove unused and redundant code (Sydney Gibson)
* update the mont_loop_divisible_lemma proof to use gbassert (yizhou7)
* use a mod version of dafny (yizhou7)
* emit comment in modexp_printer (yizhou7)
* Finish NOP test suite and new printer config (Sydney Gibson)
* Add test cases for empty constructs and function calls (Sydney
* Fix IfElse test cases(?) (Sydney Gibson)
* Working test set up + a few working NOP tests (Sydney Gibson)
* An alternate approach to overlap detection (Bryan Parno)
* simplify for testing purposes, fix printer call (Sydney Gibson)
* Another attempt at nop detection (Sydney Gibson)
* update the build slightly, add riscv printer output (yizhou7)
* Working nop checker (Sydney Gibson)
* update the dafny lib hash (yizhou7)
* add nop eval (Sydney Gibson)
* Get rid of warnings in make file (Sydney Gibson)
* remove duplicated files (yizhou7)
* seem be have located and fixed the printer branch bug (yizhou7)
* fix the skipping in ifelse (yizhou7)
* Add runnable riscv-rsa test assembly + harness (Sydney Gibson)
* Start NOP removal (Sydney Gibson)
* update printer (yizhou7)
* remove constants addresses from riscv impl (yizhou7)
* separate mod_pow and main (yizhou7)

Signed-off-by: Jade Philipoom <jadep@google.com>
3 files changed
tree: a5968e4bc6ba16ef5b16589abb3eae0f06294fbe
  1. .github/
  2. ci/
  3. doc/
  4. hw/
  5. rules/
  6. site/
  7. sw/
  8. test/
  9. third_party/
  10. util/
  11. .bazelignore
  12. .bazelrc
  13. .bazelversion
  14. .clang-format
  15. .dockerignore
  16. .flake8
  17. .gitignore
  18. .style.yapf
  19. .svlint.toml
  20. .svls.toml
  21. _index.md
  22. apt-requirements.txt
  23. azure-pipelines.yml
  24. bazelisk.sh
  25. BUILD.bazel
  26. check_tool_requirements.core
  27. CLA
  31. meson-config.txt
  32. meson.build
  33. meson_init.sh
  34. meson_options.txt
  35. python-requirements.txt
  36. README.md
  37. tool_requirements.py
  38. topgen-reg-only.core
  39. topgen.core
  41. yum-requirements.txt


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About the project

OpenTitan is an open source silicon Root of Trust (RoT) project. OpenTitan will make the silicon RoT design and implementation more transparent, trustworthy, and secure for enterprises, platform providers, and chip manufacturers. OpenTitan is administered by lowRISC CIC as a collaborative project to produce high quality, open IP for instantiation as a full-featured product. See the OpenTitan site and OpenTitan docs for more information about the project.

About this repository

This repository contains hardware, software and utilities written as part of the OpenTitan project. It is structured as monolithic repository, or “monorepo”, where all components live in one repository. It exists to enable collaboration across partners participating in the OpenTitan project.


The project contains comprehensive documentation of all IPs and tools. You can access it online at docs.opentitan.org.

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Have a look at [CONTRIBUTING]({{< relref “CONTRIBUTING.md” >}}) and our documentation on project organization and processes for guidelines on how to contribute code to this repository.


Unless otherwise noted, everything in this repository is covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see LICENSE for full text).