[tlul] Fixed TL-UL error response of d_size
d_size of unmapped address was tied to 0
`tlul_err_resp` module is used to return the error response inside TL-UL
crossbar when a host tries to access unmapped address space. It tied the
`d_size` to 0 regardless of the request size. But TL specification
requires the device to return the `d_size` same as `a_size`.
Latch `a_size` and return the value to `d_size`.
The issue is reported by @weicaiyang and issue #822 was created.
diff --git a/hw/ip/tlul/rtl/tlul_err_resp.sv b/hw/ip/tlul/rtl/tlul_err_resp.sv
index eb5c2a3..84552c2 100644
--- a/hw/ip/tlul/rtl/tlul_err_resp.sv
+++ b/hw/ip/tlul/rtl/tlul_err_resp.sv
@@ -14,19 +14,22 @@
import tlul_pkg::*;
- logic [top_pkg::TL_AIW-1:0] err_source;
- tl_a_op_e err_opcode;
- logic err_req_pending, err_rsp_pending;
+ tl_a_op_e err_opcode;
+ logic [$bits(tl_h_i.a_source)-1:0] err_source;
+ logic [$bits(tl_h_i.a_size)-1:0] err_size;
+ logic err_req_pending, err_rsp_pending;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
err_req_pending <= 1'b0;
err_source <= {top_pkg::TL_AIW{1'b0}};
err_opcode <= Get;
+ err_size <= '0;
end else if (tl_h_i.a_valid && tl_h_o.a_ready) begin
err_req_pending <= 1'b1;
err_source <= tl_h_i.a_source;
err_opcode <= tl_h_i.a_opcode;
+ err_size <= tl_h_i.a_size;
end else if (!err_rsp_pending) begin
err_req_pending <= 1'b0;
@@ -38,7 +41,7 @@
assign tl_h_o.d_source = err_source;
assign tl_h_o.d_sink = '0;
assign tl_h_o.d_param = '0;
- assign tl_h_o.d_size = '0;
+ assign tl_h_o.d_size = err_size;
assign tl_h_o.d_opcode = (err_opcode == Get) ? AccessAckData : AccessAck;
assign tl_h_o.d_user = '0;
assign tl_h_o.d_error = 1'b1;