[aes] Fix typos in doc and comments
Signed-off-by: Pirmin Vogel <vogelpi@lowrisc.org>
diff --git a/hw/ip/aes/doc/_index.md b/hw/ip/aes/doc/_index.md
index 8e3cda0..070be9c 100644
--- a/hw/ip/aes/doc/_index.md
+++ b/hw/ip/aes/doc/_index.md
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
_Note, if the ECB/CBC decryption is performed, the Full Key register is loaded with the value stored in the Decryption Key register._
- _Note, for the AES unit to automatically start in CBC, CBF, OFB or CTR mode, also the IV must be ready.
+ _Note, for the AES unit to automatically start in CBC, CFB, OFB or CTR mode, also the IV must be ready.
The IV is ready if -- since the last IV update (either done by the processor or the AES unit itself) -- all IV registers have been written at least once or none of them.
The AES unit will not automatically start the next encryption/decryption with a partially updated IV._