blob: 1289579c36fd18ed1de3e9661c434402e03f4740 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Microsoft and CHERIoT Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include <cheri.hh>
#include <compartment-macros.h>
#include <optional>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <utils.hh>
* Driver for the standard RISC-V Platform-Local Interrupt Controller (PLIC).
* `MaxIntrID` is the largest interrupt number that is used. `SourceID` and
* `Priority` are the types used for interrupt source numbers and priorities,
* respectively.
template<size_t MaxIntrID, typename SourceID, typename Priority>
class StandardPlic : private utils::NoCopyNoMove
* Constructor. Initialises the interrupt controller with all interrupts
* disabled.
volatile uint32_t *range = MMIO_CAPABILITY(uint32_t, plic);
size_t nSources = (MaxIntrID + 32U) & ~0x1f;
// We program the enable bits in groups of 32.
size_t nSourcesGroups = nSources >> 5;
auto setField = [&](auto &field, size_t offset, size_t size) {
CHERI::Capability capability{range};
capability.address() += offset;
capability.bounds() = size;
field = capability;
setField(plicPrios, PriorityOffset, nSources * sizeof(uint32_t));
setField(plicPendings, PendingOffset, nSources / 8);
setField(plicEnables, EnableOffset, nSources / 8);
setField(plicThres, ThresholdOffset, sizeof(uint32_t));
setField(plicClaim, ClaimOffset, sizeof(uint32_t));
for (size_t i = 0; i < nSourcesGroups; i++)
plicEnables[i] = 0U;
for (size_t i = 1; i <= MaxIntrID; i++)
plicPrios[i] = 0U;
// We don't make use of threshold control. Leave it at 0 so all
// configured interrupts can fire.
*plicThres = 0U;
* Enable the specified interrupt.
void interrupt_enable(SourceID src)
size_t idx = src >> 5;
size_t bitPos = src & 0x1f;
uint32_t enables = plicEnables[idx] | (1U << bitPos);
plicEnables[idx] = enables;
* Disable the specified interrupt.
void interrupt_disable(SourceID src)
size_t idx = src >> 5;
size_t bitPos = src & 0x1f;
uint32_t enables = plicEnables[idx] & ~(1U << bitPos);
plicEnables[idx] = enables;
* Set the priority of the specified interrupt.
void priority_set(SourceID src, Priority prio)
plicPrios[src] = prio;
* Fetch the interrupt number that fired and prevent it from firing. If
* two or more interrupts have fired then this will return the
* highest-priority one.
* If no interrupt has fired (for example, because the interrupt line on
* the core was raised spuriously) then this returns `stdd:nullopt`.
std::optional<SourceID> interrupt_claim()
uint32_t claim = *plicClaim;
// PLIC reserves source ID 0, which means no interrupts.
return claim == 0 ? std::nullopt : std::optional{claim};
* Tell the interrupt controller we've handled a specified interrupt ID.
void interrupt_complete(SourceID src)
*plicClaim = src;
// generic offsets according to spec
static constexpr size_t PriorityOffset = 0x0U;
static constexpr size_t PendingOffset = 0x1000U;
static constexpr size_t EnableOffset = 0x2000U;
static constexpr size_t ThresholdOffset = 0x200000U;
static constexpr size_t ClaimOffset = 0x200004U;
// Bounded capabilities to the individual structure fields.
// Ideally these should be contained in one volatile struct, but
// they are so far apart (and this lets us apply the bounds once).
volatile uint32_t *plicPrios;
volatile uint32_t *plicPendings;
volatile uint32_t *plicEnables;
volatile uint32_t *plicThres;
volatile uint32_t *plicClaim;
* Type representing no interrupt controller.
* Contains stub implementations of all of the methods.
template<size_t MaxIntrID, typename SourceID, typename Priority>
class NoPlic : private utils::NoCopyNoMove
void interrupt_enable(SourceID) {}
void interrupt_disable(SourceID) {}
void priority_set(SourceID, Priority) {}
std::optional<SourceID> interrupt_claim()
return std::nullopt;
void interrupt_complete(SourceID) {}
* The type for the Programmable Local Interrupt Controller (PLIC) to use.
* If there is no plic device then this provides a stub version.
template<size_t MaxIntrID, typename SourceID, typename Priority>
using Plic =
<MaxIntrID, SourceID, Priority>;