blob: da26812e3a37326e6aa7dd98abe348cc88429f89 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Microsoft and CHERIoT Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#define TEST_NAME "Crash recovery (inner compartment)"
#include "crash_recovery.h"
#include <cheri.hh>
#include <errno.h>
#include <new>
using namespace CHERI;
volatile bool shouldDoubleFault = false;
volatile bool shouldSkipFaultingInstruction = false;
volatile bool shouldCorruptCSP = false;
volatile ErrorRecoveryBehaviour recoveryBehaviour;
extern "C" ErrorRecoveryBehaviour
compartment_error_handler(ErrorState *frame, size_t mcause, size_t mtval)
debug_log("Detected error in instruction {}", frame->pcc);
debug_log("Error cause: {}", mcause);
if (shouldSkipFaultingInstruction)
Capability pcc{__builtin_cheri_program_counter_get()};
pcc.address() = Capability{frame->pcc}.address();
uint32_t faultingInstruction;
// pcc may be unaligned, so we need a memcpy to load from it.
memcpy(&faultingInstruction, pcc, 4);
debug_log("Faulting instruction: {}", faultingInstruction);
// If the low bits are 11 then this is a 32-bit instruction, otherwise
// it's a 16-bit one.
ptrdiff_t skipSize = ((faultingInstruction & 3) == 3) ? 4 : 2;
frame->pcc = static_cast<char *>(frame->pcc) + skipSize;
if (shouldDoubleFault)
debug_log("Triggering double fault");
// Should trigger a permit-store violation
auto readOnlyPointer =
static_cast<char *>(__builtin_cheri_program_counter_get());
readOnlyPointer[0] = 1;
if (shouldCorruptCSP)
asm volatile("cmove csp, cnull\n"
"cjr %0\n"
: "C"(__builtin_return_address(0)));
return recoveryBehaviour;
void *test_crash_recovery_inner(int option)
int x[16];
int *ptr = std::launder(x);
auto capFault = [=]() {
ptr[16] = 0;
switch (option)
case 0:
// simple crash
shouldDoubleFault = false;
shouldSkipFaultingInstruction = false;
shouldCorruptCSP = false;
debug_log("Trying to store out of bounds in {}, simple unwind",
recoveryBehaviour = ErrorRecoveryBehaviour::ForceUnwind;
TEST(false, "Should be unreachable");
case 1:
// Skip, return normally
shouldDoubleFault = false;
shouldSkipFaultingInstruction = true;
shouldCorruptCSP = false;
recoveryBehaviour = ErrorRecoveryBehaviour::InstallContext;
debug_log("Store silently ignored");
return nullptr;
case 2:
// Double fault
shouldDoubleFault = true;
shouldSkipFaultingInstruction = true;
shouldCorruptCSP = false;
recoveryBehaviour = ErrorRecoveryBehaviour::InstallContext;
debug_log("Trying to fault and double fault in the error handler");
TEST(false, "Double fault resumed");
case 3:
// Corrupt CSP in the error handler
shouldDoubleFault = false;
shouldSkipFaultingInstruction = true;
shouldCorruptCSP = true;
recoveryBehaviour = ErrorRecoveryBehaviour::InstallContext;
debug_log("Trying to fault and corrupt CSP in the error handler");
TEST(false, "Resumed with exploded CSP");
return nullptr;