blob: 0b3ffad6669ad71188872c637cceeb6a74a381ad [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <math.h>
#include "samples/audio_prep/util.h"
#ifndef M_SQRT2
#define M_SQRT2 1.41421356237309504880
// Evenly linear spaced array
void linspace(float* x, float start, float end, int n) {
float step = (end - start) / (n - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
x[i] = start + i * step;
// Calculate the dot product of two vectors
float dot_product(float* v, float* u, int n) {
float result = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
result += v[i] * u[i];
return result;
* PURPOSE: Real valued, in-place split-radix FFT
* x Pointer to input and output array
* m 2^m = n is the Length of FFT
* OUTPUT Output order
* Re(0), Re(1), ..., Re(n/2), Im(N/2-1), ..., Im(1)
* none
* IEEE Transactions on Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing,
* Vol. ASSP-35. No. 6, June 1987, pp. 849-863.
* Subroutine adapted from fortran routine pp. 858-859.
* Note corrected printing errors on page 859:
* SS1 = SIN(A3) -> should be SS1 = SIN(A);
* CC3 = COS(3) -> should be CC3 = COS(A3)
void rfft(float* x, int m) {
int n = 1 << m;
int j, i, k, is, id;
int i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8;
int n2, n4, n8;
float xt, a0, e, a, a3;
float t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6;
float cc1, ss1, cc3, ss3;
float* r0;
/* Digit reverse counter */
j = 0;
r0 = x;
for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
if (i < j) {
xt = x[j];
x[j] = *r0;
*r0 = xt;
k = n >> 1;
while (k <= j) {
j = j - k;
k >>= 1;
j += k;
/* Length two butterflies */
is = 0;
id = 4;
while (is < n - 1) {
for (i0 = is; i0 < n; i0 += id) {
i1 = i0 + 1;
a0 = x[i0];
x[i0] += x[i1];
x[i1] = a0 - x[i1];
is = (id << 1) - 2;
id <<= 2;
/* L shaped butterflies */
n2 = 2;
for (k = 1; k < m; k++) {
n2 <<= 1;
n4 = n2 >> 2;
n8 = n2 >> 3;
e = (M_PI * 2) / n2;
is = 0;
id = n2 << 1;
while (is < n) {
for (i = is; i <= n - 1; i += id) {
i1 = i;
i2 = i1 + n4;
i3 = i2 + n4;
i4 = i3 + n4;
t1 = x[i4] + x[i3];
x[i4] -= x[i3];
x[i3] = x[i1] - t1;
x[i1] += t1;
if (n4 != 1) {
i1 += n8;
i2 += n8;
i3 += n8;
i4 += n8;
t1 = (x[i3] + x[i4]) / M_SQRT2;
t2 = (x[i3] - x[i4]) / M_SQRT2;
x[i4] = x[i2] - t1;
x[i3] = -x[i2] - t1;
x[i2] = x[i1] - t2;
x[i1] = x[i1] + t2;
is = (id << 1) - n2;
id <<= 2;
for (j = 1; j < n8; j++) {
a = j * e;
a3 = 3 * a;
cc1 = cosf(a);
ss1 = sinf(a);
cc3 = cosf(a3);
ss3 = sinf(a3);
is = 0;
id = n2 << 1;
while (is < n) {
for (i = is; i <= n - 1; i += id) {
i1 = i + j;
i2 = i1 + n4;
i3 = i2 + n4;
i4 = i3 + n4;
i5 = i + n4 - j;
i6 = i5 + n4;
i7 = i6 + n4;
i8 = i7 + n4;
t1 = x[i3] * cc1 + x[i7] * ss1;
t2 = x[i7] * cc1 - x[i3] * ss1;
t3 = x[i4] * cc3 + x[i8] * ss3;
t4 = x[i8] * cc3 - x[i4] * ss3;
t5 = t1 + t3;
t6 = t2 + t4;
t3 = t1 - t3;
t4 = t2 - t4;
t2 = x[i6] + t6;
x[i3] = t6 - x[i6];
x[i8] = t2;
t2 = x[i2] - t3;
x[i7] = -x[i2] - t3;
x[i4] = t2;
t1 = x[i1] + t5;
x[i6] = x[i1] - t5;
x[i1] = t1;
t1 = x[i5] + t4;
x[i5] = x[i5] - t4;
x[i2] = t1;
is = (id << 1) - n2;
id <<= 2;