blob: be8056886a26a7670984bdd623805b5cf1525b6c [file] [log] [blame]
//! Platform Level Interrupt Control peripheral driver.
use kernel::common::registers::{register_bitfields, register_structs, ReadOnly, ReadWrite};
use kernel::common::StaticRef;
//use kernel::debug;
register_structs! {
pub PlicRegisters {
/// Interrupt Pending Register
(0x000 => pending: [ReadOnly<u32>; 3]),
/// Interrupt Source Register
(0x00C => source: [ReadWrite<u32>; 3]),
/// Interrupt Priority Registers
(0x018 => priority: [ReadWrite<u32, priority::Register>; 79]),
(0x154 => _reserved0: [ReadWrite<u32>; 43]),
/// Interrupt Enable Register
(0x200 => enable: [ReadWrite<u32>; 3]),
/// Priority Threshold Register
(0x20C => threshold: ReadWrite<u32, priority::Register>),
/// Claim/Complete Register
(0x210 => claim: ReadWrite<u32>),
/// MSIP Register
(0x214 => msip: ReadWrite<u32>),
(0x218 => @END),
priority [
Priority OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(3) []
const PLIC_BASE: StaticRef<PlicRegisters> =
unsafe { StaticRef::new(0x4101_0000 as *const PlicRegisters) };
/// Clear all pending interrupts.
pub unsafe fn clear_all_pending() {
let _plic: &PlicRegisters = &*PLIC_BASE;
/// Enable all interrupts.
pub unsafe fn enable_all() {
let plic: &PlicRegisters = &*PLIC_BASE;
// USB hardware on current OT master branch seems to have
// interrupt bugs: running Alarms causes persistent USB
// CONNECTED interrupts that can't be masked from USBDEV and
// cause the system to hang. So enable all interrupts except
// for the USB ones. Some open PRs on OT fix this, we'll re-enable
// USB interrurupts.
plic.enable[2].set(0xFFFF_0000); // USB are 64-79
// Set the max priority for each interrupt. This is not really used
// at this point.
for priority in plic.priority.iter() {
// Accept all interrupts.
/// Disable all interrupts.
pub unsafe fn disable_all() {
let plic: &PlicRegisters = &*PLIC_BASE;
for enable in plic.enable.iter() {
/// Get the index (0-256) of the lowest number pending interrupt, or `None` if
/// none is pending. RISC-V PLIC has a "claim" register which makes it easy
/// to grab the highest priority pending interrupt.
pub unsafe fn next_pending() -> Option<u32> {
let plic: &PlicRegisters = &*PLIC_BASE;
let claim = plic.claim.get();
if claim == 0 {
} else {
/// Signal that an interrupt is finished being handled. In Tock, this should be
/// called from the normal main loop (not the interrupt handler).
pub unsafe fn complete(index: u32) {
let plic: &PlicRegisters = &*PLIC_BASE;
/// Return `true` if there are any pending interrupts in the PLIC, `false`
/// otherwise.
pub unsafe fn has_pending() -> bool {
let plic: &PlicRegisters = &*PLIC_BASE;
plic.pending.iter().fold(0, |i, pending| pending.get() | i) != 0