blob: 6d99d208a4907db805ef38c26dd78879b89b9ff2 [file] [log] [blame]
name = "opentitan-matcha"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Tock Project Developers <>"]
build = ""
edition = "2018"
components = { path = "../../../tock/boards/components" }
rv32i = { path = "../../../tock/arch/rv32i" }
capsules = { path = "../../../tock/capsules" }
kernel = { path = "../../../tock/kernel" }
matcha = { path = "../../chips/matcha" }
lowrisc = { path = "../../../tock/chips/lowrisc" }
# OpenTitan Matcha SoC design can be synthesized or compiled for different targets. A
# target can be a specific FPGA board, an ASIC technology, or a simulation tool.
# Please see: for further
# information.
# OpenTitan Matcha CPU and possibly other components must be configured appropriately
# for a specific target:
# - fpga_nexysvideo:
# OpenTitan Matcha SoC design running on Nexys Video Artix-7 FPGA.
# - sim_verilator:
# OpenTitan Matcha SoC design simulated in Verilator.
fpga_nexysvideo = ["matcha/config_fpga_nexysvideo"]
sim_verilator = ["matcha/config_sim_verilator"]