blob: a2b903501929aef714a25510cc9418dc7d2f53c1 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Trivial capsule to provide minimal debug printing support for userspace.
//! The default TockOS Console class does heavier-weight stuff with UART
//! multiplexing and asynchronous sending and such, which is usually _not_ what
//! is wanted in a debug serial port. This capsule implements only one command,
//! which dumps data from an allow'ed buffer directly to a memory-mapped UART
//! peripheral.
//! Instantiation:
//! let debug_uart = static_init!(
//! DebugUart,
//! DebugUart {
//! tx_busy: StaticRef::new(TX_BUSY_ADDR as *const ReadOnly<u32>),
//! tx_port: StaticRef::new(TX_PORT_ADDR as *const WriteOnly<u32>),
//! app_data_grant: board_kernel.create_grant(&memory_allocation_cap)
//! }
//! );
//! where TX_BUSY_ADDR is a register whose low bit is 1 if the UART's fifo is
//! full and TX_PORT_ADDR is the register we write bytes to.
//! Usage - send buffer directly to UART:
//! let driver_num = capsules::debug_uart::DRIVER_NUM;
//! let allow = syscalls::allow(driver_num, 0, &mut buffer);
//! let result = syscalls::command(driver_num, 0, buffer.len(), 0);
//! drop(allow);
//use crate::driver;
use kernel::common::registers::{ReadOnly, WriteOnly};
use kernel::common::StaticRef;
use kernel::{AppId, AppSlice, Callback, Driver, Grant, ReturnCode, Shared};
//pub const DRIVER_NUM: usize = driver::NUM::DebugUart as usize;
pub const DRIVER_NUM: usize = 0x00009 as usize;
pub struct AppData {
pub buffer: Option<AppSlice<Shared, u8>>,
pub struct DebugUart {
pub tx_busy: StaticRef<ReadOnly<u32>>,
pub tx_port: StaticRef<WriteOnly<u32>>,
pub app_data_grant: Grant<AppData>,
impl Driver for DebugUart {
fn subscribe(&self, _: usize, _: Option<Callback>, _: AppId) -> ReturnCode {
fn command(&self, minor_num: usize, r2: usize, _: usize, app_id: AppId) -> ReturnCode {
if minor_num != 0 {
return ReturnCode::EINVAL;
let _ = self.app_data_grant.enter(app_id, |app_data, _| {
if let Some(buf) = &app_data.buffer {
for i in 0..r2 {
while (self.tx_busy.get() & 1) != 0 {}
self.tx_port.set(buf.as_ref()[i] as u32);
return ReturnCode::SUCCESS;
fn allow(&self, app_id: AppId, _: usize, slice: Option<AppSlice<Shared, u8>>) -> ReturnCode {
let _ = self.app_data_grant.enter(app_id, |app_data, _| {
app_data.buffer = slice;
return ReturnCode::SUCCESS;