Rename WORKSPACE repository name

There are HW/SW/SIM projects for kelvin, and all uses bazel as the build
system. Update the name to avoid name collision.

Change-Id: Ie2c205511ab3aa5ae51883aad43f8ad6fc813e01
1 file changed
tree: e1f312240230df1d0ff49b888cd10f7cf7d65ca5
  1. build_tools/
  2. crt/
  3. docs/
  4. examples/
  5. host_tools/
  6. platforms/
  7. tests/
  8. third_party/
  9. toolchains/
  10. .bazelrc
  11. .bazelversion
  12. .gitignore

Kelvin SW Repository

This project contains the BSP to build the SW artifact that can run on the Kelvin core, and integrated as part of the Shodan repository.

The project supports two build systems -- Bazel and CMake -- for OSS integration reasons. Bazel is used by TFLM flow, while CMake is the build system for IREE.


If you get this project from Project Shodan manifest, you are all set. If not, you need to have following projects as well to build the project successfully.

  • Kelvin crosscompile toolchain: Under <dir>/cache/toolchain_kelvin

This project needs to be at <dir>/sw/kelvin.

Code structure

  • build_tools: Build tool/rules for both Bazel and CMake
  • crt: Kelvin BSP
  • examples: Source code to build Kelvin SW artifacts.
  • platforms: Crosscompile platform setup for Bazel.
  • third_party: Third party repositories for Bazel.
  • toolchains: Crosscomple toolchain setup for Bazel.
  • host_tools: host tool to generate the intrinsic header and toolchain op files

Build the project


The project uses Bazel 5.1.1, to align with OpenTitan build system requirements.

bazel build //...

To run the unit tests (with the kelvin_sim ISS)

bazel test --test_env=ROOTDIR=${ROOTDIR} //...


TODO: Add CMake flow

Run the executable

The binaries can be simulated with the kelvin simulator, located at <dir>/sim/kelvin.

sim_kelvin <elf location>

Load the generated .bin binaries to the FPGA emulator/Renode simulator.