Use mobilenet from iree_no_wmmu instead of iree
Change-Id: I59be8729dcd800fb15a3f0cce0c154cb33016d7c
1 file changed
tree: 6db0000869487bd81271de74ed967e1fc837f0cf
- config/
- pipe_maps/
- tbm/
- Makefile
Trace Based Model (TBM)
Project structure
- tbm/ - reads a Spike trace and reformat it. We expect to support other functional simulators, each of those will have its own gentrace-*.py file.
- tbm/ - create and update pipe-maps.
- tbm/ - merges results from multiple runs of TBM.
- tbm/ - runs a trace in TBM; the main tool here.
Python modules:
NOTE: currently TBM includes a single model for each of the building block units. The intention is that other models will be added in the future to cover uArchs that are not supported by the current models. defines (what we expect to be) the API of the building blocks.
- tbm/ - defines Queue, FIFO queue model.
- tbm/ - performance counters.
- tbm/ - defines CPU, a cpu model (includes instances of FetchUnit, SchedUnit, ExecUnit, and MemorySystem).
- tbm/ - bits we need to elaborate Spike traces.
- tbm/ - defines ExecUnit, an execution unit model (includes instances of ScalarPipe, VectorPipe, scoreboard.Preemptive and scoreboard.VecPreemptive).
- tbm/ - defines FetchUnit.
- tbm/ - reads a trace (as generated by gentrace-*.py).
- tbm/ - defines Instruction, a data class representing a single instruction instance in the trace.
- tbm/ - defines the internal API. This will be more important when we add different models (i.e. implementations) for the various units.
- tbm/ - defines MemorySystem, a main memory and cache hierarchy model.
- tbm/ - defines ScalarPipe, a scalar functional unit model.
- tbm/ - defines SchedUnit, an issue queue model.
- tbm/ - defines Preemptive and VecPreemptive, scoreboard models.
- tbm/ - command line parsing for
- tbm/ - general purpose constructs.
- tbm/ - defines VectorPipe, a vector functional unit model.
TBM configuration files:
- config/instruction.fbs - FlatBuffer schema for the Instruction data class (used for saving elaborated traces). The FBInstruction.Instruction module is generated from this file.
- config/rvv-simple.yaml - a uArch configuration example.
- config/uarch.schema.json - JSON schema for uArch configuration files.
- pipe_maps/riscv/*.json - pipe-maps, mapping RISC-V opcodes to functional units.
Build files:
- - runs tbm on some ML models.
- Makefile - builds things that are needed for tbm to run.
- - runs tbm on tests from
. - - run tbm on tests from
. - - rules for running tbm.
How to use the make files
Building TBM:
Before running any of the TBM tools you must run make all
To update the RISC-V pipe-maps in pipe_maps/riscv
run make riscv_pipe_maps
. This will import missing opcodes from $ROOTDIR/toolchain/riscv-opcodes
, and will remove spurious ones. New opcodes are mapped to “UNKNOWN”. You can also update individual RISC-V pipe-maps like this: make pipe_maps/riscv/rv32a.json
To run a linter on all the Python files in tbm/
run make lint
To type-check all the Python scripts run make type-check
. After running the type checker you can merge inferred types back to the .py
files by running make merge-pyi
to merge into all .py
files, or make merge-pyi-MOD
to merge into tbm/
Running tests from shodan
make -f integration_tests
- most of these tests are actually not very good for integration testing as they take far too long to complete.make -f riscv_tests_isa
- run some of the tests from $ROOTDIR/out/springbok/riscv-tests/isa
.make -f riscv_tests_benchmarks
- run the tests from $ROOTDIR/out/springbok/riscv-tests/benchmarks
.make -f riscv_tests
- run the two previous targets.make -f benchmarks
- runs the above benchmarks and generates the file
with all the results.make -f rvv_tests
- run the tests from $ROOTDIR/out/springbok/rvv_for_tbm/tests/