| #include "sim/kelvin_top.h" |
| |
| #include <cstdint> |
| #include <string> |
| |
| #include "googlemock/include/gmock/gmock.h" |
| #include "googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h" |
| #include "absl/flags/flag.h" |
| #include "absl/log/check.h" |
| #include "absl/status/status.h" |
| #include "mpact/sim/generic/core_debug_interface.h" |
| #include "mpact/sim/util/memory/flat_demand_memory.h" |
| #include "mpact/sim/util/program_loader/elf_program_loader.h" |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| #ifndef EXPECT_OK |
| #define EXPECT_OK(x) EXPECT_TRUE(x.ok()) |
| #endif |
| |
| using ::kelvin::sim::KelvinTop; |
| using ::mpact::sim::util::ElfProgramLoader; |
| using ::mpact::sim::util::FlatDemandMemory; |
| |
| using HaltReason = ::mpact::sim::generic::CoreDebugInterface::HaltReason; |
| constexpr char kMpauseElfFileName[] = "hello_world_mpause.elf"; |
| constexpr char kRV32imfElfFileName[] = "hello_world_rv32imf.elf"; |
| constexpr char kRV32iElfFileName[] = "rv32i.elf"; |
| constexpr char kRV32mElfFileName[] = "rv32m.elf"; |
| constexpr char kRV32SoftFloatElfFileName[] = "rv32soft_fp.elf"; |
| constexpr char kRV32fElfFileName[] = "rv32uf_fadd.elf"; |
| constexpr char kKelvinVldVstFileName[] = "kelvin_vldvst.elf"; |
| |
| // The depot path to the test directory. |
| constexpr char kDepotPath[] = "sim/test/"; |
| |
| class KelvinTopTest : public testing::Test { |
| protected: |
| KelvinTopTest() { |
| memory_ = new FlatDemandMemory(); |
| kelvin_top_ = new KelvinTop("Kelvin"); |
| // Set up the elf loader. |
| loader_ = new ElfProgramLoader(kelvin_top_->memory()); |
| } |
| |
| ~KelvinTopTest() override { |
| delete loader_; |
| delete kelvin_top_; |
| delete memory_; |
| } |
| |
| void LoadFile(const std::string file_name) { |
| const std::string input_file_name = |
| absl::StrCat(kDepotPath, "testfiles/", file_name); |
| auto result = loader_->LoadProgram(input_file_name); |
| CHECK_OK(result); |
| entry_point_ = result.value(); |
| } |
| |
| uint32_t entry_point_; |
| KelvinTop *kelvin_top_ = nullptr; |
| ElfProgramLoader *loader_ = nullptr; |
| FlatDemandMemory *memory_ = nullptr; |
| }; |
| |
| // Runs the program from beginning to end. |
| TEST_F(KelvinTopTest, RunHelloProgram) { |
| LoadFile(kRV32imfElfFileName); |
| testing::internal::CaptureStdout(); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->WriteRegister("pc", entry_point_)); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->Run()); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->Wait()); |
| auto halt_result = kelvin_top_->GetLastHaltReason(); |
| CHECK_OK(halt_result); |
| EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int>(halt_result.value()), |
| static_cast<int>(HaltReason::kUserRequest)); |
| const std::string stdout_str = testing::internal::GetCapturedStdout(); |
| EXPECT_EQ("Program exits with fault\n", stdout_str); |
| } |
| |
| // Runs the program from beginning to end. Enable arm semihosting. |
| TEST_F(KelvinTopTest, RunHelloProgramSemihost) { |
| absl::SetFlag(&FLAGS_use_semihost, true); |
| LoadFile(kRV32imfElfFileName); |
| testing::internal::CaptureStdout(); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->WriteRegister("pc", entry_point_)); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->Run()); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->Wait()); |
| auto halt_result = kelvin_top_->GetLastHaltReason(); |
| CHECK_OK(halt_result); |
| EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int>(halt_result.value()), |
| static_cast<int>(HaltReason::kSemihostHaltRequest)); |
| const std::string stdout_str = testing::internal::GetCapturedStdout(); |
| EXPECT_EQ("Hello, World! 7\n", stdout_str); |
| absl::SetFlag(&FLAGS_use_semihost, false); |
| } |
| |
| // Runs the program ended with mpause from beginning to end. |
| TEST_F(KelvinTopTest, RunHelloMpauseProgram) { |
| LoadFile(kMpauseElfFileName); |
| testing::internal::CaptureStdout(); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->WriteRegister("pc", entry_point_)); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->Run()); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->Wait()); |
| auto halt_result = kelvin_top_->GetLastHaltReason(); |
| CHECK_OK(halt_result); |
| EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int>(halt_result.value()), |
| static_cast<int>(HaltReason::kUserRequest)); |
| const std::string stdout_str = testing::internal::GetCapturedStdout(); |
| EXPECT_EQ("Program exits properly\n", stdout_str); |
| } |
| |
| // Runs the rv32i program with arm semihosting. |
| TEST_F(KelvinTopTest, RunRV32IProgram) { |
| absl::SetFlag(&FLAGS_use_semihost, true); |
| LoadFile(kRV32iElfFileName); |
| testing::internal::CaptureStdout(); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->WriteRegister("pc", entry_point_)); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->Run()); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->Wait()); |
| auto halt_result = kelvin_top_->GetLastHaltReason(); |
| CHECK_OK(halt_result); |
| EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int>(halt_result.value()), |
| static_cast<int>(HaltReason::kSemihostHaltRequest)); |
| const std::string stdout_str = testing::internal::GetCapturedStdout(); |
| EXPECT_EQ("5+5=10;5-5=0\n", stdout_str); |
| absl::SetFlag(&FLAGS_use_semihost, false); |
| } |
| |
| // Runs the rv32m program with arm semihosting. |
| TEST_F(KelvinTopTest, RunRV32MProgram) { |
| absl::SetFlag(&FLAGS_use_semihost, true); |
| LoadFile(kRV32mElfFileName); |
| testing::internal::CaptureStdout(); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->WriteRegister("pc", entry_point_)); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->Run()); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->Wait()); |
| auto halt_result = kelvin_top_->GetLastHaltReason(); |
| CHECK_OK(halt_result); |
| EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int>(halt_result.value()), |
| static_cast<int>(HaltReason::kSemihostHaltRequest)); |
| const std::string stdout_str = testing::internal::GetCapturedStdout(); |
| EXPECT_EQ("5*5=25;5/5=1\n", stdout_str); |
| absl::SetFlag(&FLAGS_use_semihost, false); |
| } |
| |
| // Runs the rv32 soft float program with arm semihosting. |
| TEST_F(KelvinTopTest, RunRV32SoftFProgram) { |
| absl::SetFlag(&FLAGS_use_semihost, true); |
| LoadFile(kRV32SoftFloatElfFileName); |
| testing::internal::CaptureStdout(); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->WriteRegister("pc", entry_point_)); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->Run()); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->Wait()); |
| auto halt_result = kelvin_top_->GetLastHaltReason(); |
| CHECK_OK(halt_result); |
| EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int>(halt_result.value()), |
| static_cast<int>(HaltReason::kSemihostHaltRequest)); |
| const std::string stdout_str = testing::internal::GetCapturedStdout(); |
| EXPECT_EQ("7.00+3.00=10.00;7.00-3.00=4.00;7.00*3.00=21.00;7.00/3.00=2.33\n", |
| stdout_str); |
| absl::SetFlag(&FLAGS_use_semihost, false); |
| } |
| |
| // Runs the rv32f program (not supported) |
| TEST_F(KelvinTopTest, RunIllegalRV32FProgram) { |
| LoadFile(kRV32fElfFileName); |
| testing::internal::CaptureStderr(); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->WriteRegister("pc", entry_point_)); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->Run()); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->Wait()); |
| auto halt_result = kelvin_top_->GetLastHaltReason(); |
| CHECK_OK(halt_result); |
| EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int>(halt_result.value()), |
| static_cast<int>(HaltReason::kUserRequest)); |
| const std::string stderr_str = testing::internal::GetCapturedStderr(); |
| EXPECT_THAT(stderr_str, testing::HasSubstr("Illegal instruction at 0x")); |
| } |
| |
| // Steps through the program from beginning to end. |
| TEST_F(KelvinTopTest, StepProgram) { |
| LoadFile(kRV32imfElfFileName); |
| testing::internal::CaptureStdout(); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->WriteRegister("pc", entry_point_)); |
| |
| auto res = kelvin_top_->Step(10000); |
| EXPECT_OK(res.status()); |
| auto halt_result = kelvin_top_->GetLastHaltReason(); |
| CHECK_OK(halt_result); |
| EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int>(halt_result.value()), |
| static_cast<int>(HaltReason::kUserRequest)); |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ("Program exits with fault\n", |
| testing::internal::GetCapturedStdout()); |
| } |
| |
| // Sets/Clears breakpoints without executing the program. |
| TEST_F(KelvinTopTest, SetAndClearBreakpoint) { |
| LoadFile(kRV32imfElfFileName); |
| auto result = loader_->GetSymbol("printf"); |
| EXPECT_OK(result); |
| auto address = result.value().first; |
| EXPECT_EQ(kelvin_top_->ClearSwBreakpoint(address).code(), |
| absl::StatusCode::kNotFound); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->SetSwBreakpoint(address)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(kelvin_top_->SetSwBreakpoint(address).code(), |
| absl::StatusCode::kAlreadyExists); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->ClearSwBreakpoint(address)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(kelvin_top_->ClearSwBreakpoint(address).code(), |
| absl::StatusCode::kNotFound); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->SetSwBreakpoint(address)); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->ClearAllSwBreakpoints()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(kelvin_top_->ClearSwBreakpoint(address).code(), |
| absl::StatusCode::kNotFound); |
| } |
| |
| // Runs program with breakpoint at printf with arm semihosting. |
| TEST_F(KelvinTopTest, RunWithBreakpoint) { |
| absl::SetFlag(&FLAGS_use_semihost, true); |
| LoadFile(kRV32imfElfFileName); |
| |
| // Set breakpoint at printf. |
| auto result = loader_->GetSymbol("printf"); |
| EXPECT_OK(result); |
| auto address = result.value().first; |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->SetSwBreakpoint(address)); |
| |
| testing::internal::CaptureStdout(); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->WriteRegister("pc", entry_point_)); |
| |
| // Run to printf. |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->Run()); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->Wait()); |
| |
| // Should be stopped at breakpoint, but nothing printed. |
| auto halt_result = kelvin_top_->GetLastHaltReason(); |
| CHECK_OK(halt_result); |
| EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int>(halt_result.value()), |
| static_cast<int>(HaltReason::kSoftwareBreakpoint)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(testing::internal::GetCapturedStdout().size(), 0); |
| |
| // Run to the end of the program. |
| testing::internal::CaptureStdout(); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->Run()); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->Wait()); |
| |
| // Should be stopped due to semihost halt request. Captured 'Hello World! |
| // 7\n'. |
| halt_result = kelvin_top_->GetLastHaltReason(); |
| CHECK_OK(halt_result); |
| EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int>(halt_result.value()), |
| static_cast<int>(HaltReason::kSemihostHaltRequest)); |
| EXPECT_EQ("Hello, World! 7\n", testing::internal::GetCapturedStdout()); |
| absl::SetFlag(&FLAGS_use_semihost, false); |
| } |
| |
| // Memory read/write test. |
| TEST_F(KelvinTopTest, Memory) { |
| uint8_t byte_data = 0xab; |
| uint16_t half_data = 0xabcd; |
| uint32_t word_data = 0xba5eba11; |
| uint64_t dword_data = 0x5ca1ab1e'0ddball; |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->WriteMemory(0x1000, &byte_data, sizeof(byte_data))); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->WriteMemory(0x1004, &half_data, sizeof(half_data))); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->WriteMemory(0x1008, &word_data, sizeof(word_data))); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->WriteMemory(0x1010, &dword_data, sizeof(dword_data))); |
| |
| uint8_t byte_value; |
| uint16_t half_value; |
| uint32_t word_value; |
| uint64_t dword_value; |
| |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->ReadMemory(0x1000, &byte_value, sizeof(byte_value))); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->ReadMemory(0x1004, &half_value, sizeof(half_value))); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->ReadMemory(0x1008, &word_value, sizeof(word_value))); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->ReadMemory(0x1010, &dword_value, sizeof(dword_value))); |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(byte_data, byte_value); |
| EXPECT_EQ(half_data, half_value); |
| EXPECT_EQ(word_data, word_value); |
| EXPECT_EQ(dword_data, dword_value); |
| |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->ReadMemory(0x1000, &byte_value, sizeof(byte_value))); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->ReadMemory(0x1000, &half_value, sizeof(half_value))); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->ReadMemory(0x1000, &word_value, sizeof(word_value))); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->ReadMemory(0x1000, &dword_value, sizeof(dword_value))); |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(byte_data, byte_value); |
| EXPECT_EQ(byte_data, half_value); |
| EXPECT_EQ(byte_data, word_value); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0x0000'abcd'0000'00ab, dword_value); |
| } |
| |
| // Register name test. |
| TEST_F(KelvinTopTest, RegisterNames) { |
| // Test x-names and numbers. |
| uint32_t word_value; |
| for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { |
| std::string name = absl::StrCat("x", i); |
| auto result = kelvin_top_->ReadRegister(name); |
| EXPECT_OK(result.status()); |
| word_value = result.value(); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->WriteRegister(name, word_value)); |
| } |
| // Test d-names and numbers. |
| uint64_t dword_value; |
| for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { |
| std::string name = absl::StrCat("f", i); |
| auto result = kelvin_top_->ReadRegister(name); |
| EXPECT_OK(result.status()); |
| dword_value = result.value(); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->WriteRegister(name, dword_value)); |
| } |
| // Not found. |
| EXPECT_EQ(kelvin_top_->ReadRegister("x32").status().code(), |
| absl::StatusCode::kNotFound); |
| EXPECT_EQ(kelvin_top_->WriteRegister("x32", word_value).code(), |
| absl::StatusCode::kNotFound); |
| // Aliases. |
| for (auto &[name, alias] : {std::tuple<std::string, std::string>{"x1", "ra"}, |
| {"x4", "tp"}, |
| {"x8", "s0"}}) { |
| uint32_t write_value = 0xba5eba11; |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->WriteRegister(name, write_value)); |
| uint32_t read_value; |
| auto result = kelvin_top_->ReadRegister(alias); |
| EXPECT_OK(result.status()); |
| read_value = result.value(); |
| EXPECT_EQ(read_value, write_value); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(KelvinTopTest, RunKelvinVectorProgram) { |
| LoadFile(kKelvinVldVstFileName); |
| testing::internal::CaptureStdout(); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->WriteRegister("pc", entry_point_)); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->Run()); |
| EXPECT_OK(kelvin_top_->Wait()); |
| auto halt_result = kelvin_top_->GetLastHaltReason(); |
| CHECK_OK(halt_result); |
| EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int>(halt_result.value()), |
| static_cast<int>(HaltReason::kUserRequest)); |
| const std::string stdout_str = testing::internal::GetCapturedStdout(); |
| EXPECT_THAT(stdout_str, testing::HasSubstr("vld_vst test passed!")); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace |