blob: a78042242f2f51d1fee6e8e8c354b50bd85971ec [file] [log] [blame]
#include "sim/kelvin_vector_instructions.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <functional>
#include <limits>
#include <type_traits>
#include "sim/kelvin_state.h"
#include "absl/functional/bind_front.h"
#include "absl/numeric/bits.h"
#include "absl/types/span.h"
#include "riscv/riscv_register.h"
#include "mpact/sim/generic/data_buffer.h"
#include "mpact/sim/generic/instruction.h"
namespace kelvin::sim {
using mpact::sim::generic::DataBuffer;
using mpact::sim::generic::GetInstructionSource;
using mpact::sim::riscv::RV32VectorDestinationOperand;
template <typename Vd, typename Vs1, typename Vs2>
Vd BinaryOpInvoke(std::function<Vd(Vs1, Vs2)> op, Vd vd, Vs1 vs1, Vs2 vs2) {
return op(vs1, vs2);
template <typename Vd, typename Vs1, typename Vs2>
Vd BinaryOpInvoke(std::function<Vd(Vd, Vs1, Vs2)> op, Vd vd, Vs1 vs1, Vs2 vs2) {
return op(vd, vs1, vs2);
template <typename Vd, typename Vs1, typename Vs2>
Vs1 CommonBinaryOpGetArg1(const Instruction *inst, bool scalar, int num_ops,
int op_index, int dst_element_index,
int dst_reg_index) {
auto state = static_cast<KelvinState *>(inst->state());
const int vector_size_in_bytes = state->vector_length() / 8;
auto elts_per_register = vector_size_in_bytes / sizeof(Vs1);
auto src_element_index = op_index * elts_per_register +
dst_element_index * sizeof(Vd) / sizeof(Vs1);
if (sizeof(Vd) == sizeof(Vs1) && sizeof(Vs1) == 2 * sizeof(Vs2)) {
// special case for VAcc instructions, which uses double the amount
// of registers for Vs1, because it's 2x the size of Vs2.
src_element_index += num_ops * elts_per_register * dst_reg_index;
} else {
src_element_index += dst_reg_index;
return GetInstructionSource<Vs1>(inst, 0, src_element_index);
template <typename Vd, typename Vs1, typename Vs2>
Vs2 CommonBinaryOpGetArg2(const Instruction *inst, bool scalar, int num_ops,
int op_index, int dst_element_index,
int dst_reg_index) {
auto state = static_cast<KelvinState *>(inst->state());
const int vector_size_in_bytes = state->vector_length() / 8;
auto elts_per_register = vector_size_in_bytes / sizeof(Vs2);
auto src_element_index = op_index * elts_per_register +
dst_element_index * sizeof(Vd) / sizeof(Vs2) +
return GetInstructionSource<Vs2>(inst, 1, scalar ? 0 : src_element_index);
template <typename T, typename Vd, typename Vs1, typename Vs2>
using SourceArgGetter =
std::function<T(const Instruction *inst, bool scalar, int num_ops,
int op_index, int dst_element_index, int dst_reg_index)>;
template <bool halftype = false, bool widen_dst = false, typename Vd,
typename Vs1, typename Vs2, typename... VDArgs>
void KelvinBinaryVectorOp(const Instruction *inst, bool scalar, bool strip_mine,
std::function<Vd(VDArgs..., Vs1, Vs2)> op,
SourceArgGetter<Vs1, Vd, Vs1, Vs2> arg1_getter =
CommonBinaryOpGetArg1<Vd, Vs1, Vs2>,
SourceArgGetter<Vs2, Vd, Vs1, Vs2> arg2_getter =
CommonBinaryOpGetArg2<Vd, Vs1, Vs2>) {
auto state = static_cast<KelvinState *>(inst->state());
const int vector_size_in_bytes = state->vector_length() / 8;
auto elts_per_dest_register = vector_size_in_bytes / sizeof(Vd);
// For kelvin, stripmining issues 4 contiguous vector ops.
auto num_ops = strip_mine ? 4 : 1;
constexpr bool is_widen_op =
(sizeof(Vd) > sizeof(Vs2) && !halftype) || widen_dst;
// Widening requires 2 destination regs per op.
constexpr size_t dest_regs_per_op = is_widen_op ? 2 : 1;
// Special case for VADD3 op which is adding dest value to vs1 + vs2.
constexpr bool is_reading_dest = sizeof...(VDArgs) == 1;
auto vd = static_cast<RV32VectorDestinationOperand *>(inst->Destination(0));
for (int op_index = 0; op_index < num_ops; ++op_index) {
DataBuffer *dest_db[dest_regs_per_op];
absl::Span<Vd> dest_span[dest_regs_per_op];
for (int i = 0; i < dest_regs_per_op; ++i) {
dest_db[i] = is_reading_dest
? vd->CopyDataBuffer(op_index + i * num_ops)
: vd->AllocateDataBuffer(op_index + i * num_ops);
dest_span[i] = dest_db[i]->template Get<Vd>();
for (int dst_element_index = 0; dst_element_index < elts_per_dest_register;
++dst_element_index) {
for (int dst_reg_index = 0; dst_reg_index < dest_regs_per_op;
++dst_reg_index) {
auto arg1 = arg1_getter(inst, scalar, num_ops, op_index,
dst_element_index, dst_reg_index);
auto arg2 = arg2_getter(inst, scalar, num_ops, op_index,
dst_element_index, dst_reg_index);
dest_span[dst_reg_index][dst_element_index] = BinaryOpInvoke(
op, dest_span[dst_reg_index][dst_element_index], arg1, arg2);
for (int i = 0; i < dest_regs_per_op; ++i) {
template <typename Vd, typename Vs>
void KelvinUnaryVectorOp(const Instruction *inst, bool strip_mine,
std::function<Vd(Vs)> op,
SourceArgGetter<Vs, Vd, Vs, Vs> arg_getter =
CommonBinaryOpGetArg1<Vd, Vs, Vs>) {
auto state = static_cast<KelvinState *>(inst->state());
const int vector_size_in_bytes = state->vector_length() / 8;
auto elts_per_dest_register = vector_size_in_bytes / sizeof(Vd);
// For kelvin, stripmining issues 4 contiguous vector ops.
auto num_ops = strip_mine ? 4 : 1;
auto vd = static_cast<RV32VectorDestinationOperand *>(inst->Destination(0));
for (int op_index = 0; op_index < num_ops; ++op_index) {
DataBuffer *dest_db = vd->AllocateDataBuffer(op_index);
absl::Span<Vd> dest_span = dest_db->template Get<Vd>();
for (int dst_element_index = 0; dst_element_index < elts_per_dest_register;
++dst_element_index) {
auto arg = arg_getter(inst, false /* scalar */, num_ops, op_index,
dst_element_index, 0 /* dst_reg_index */);
dest_span[dst_element_index] = op(arg);
template <typename T>
void KelvinVAdd(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
// Return vs1 + vs2.
KelvinBinaryVectorOp(inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T)>([](T vs1, T vs2) -> T {
using UT = typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type;
// Cast to unsigned type before the operation to avoid
// undefined overflow behavior in intx_t.
UT uvs1 = static_cast<UT>(vs1);
UT uvs2 = static_cast<UT>(vs2);
return static_cast<T>(uvs1 + uvs2);
template void KelvinVAdd<int8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVAdd<int16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVAdd<int32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template <typename T>
void KelvinVSub(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
// Return vs1 - vs2.
KelvinBinaryVectorOp(inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T)>([](T vs1, T vs2) -> T {
using UT = typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type;
// Cast to unsigned type before the operation to avoid
// undefined overflow behavior in intx_t.
UT uvs1 = static_cast<UT>(vs1);
UT uvs2 = static_cast<UT>(vs2);
return static_cast<T>(uvs1 - uvs2);
template void KelvinVSub<int8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVSub<int16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVSub<int32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template <typename T>
void KelvinVRSub(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
// Return vs2 - vs1.
KelvinBinaryVectorOp(inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T)>([](T vs1, T vs2) -> T {
using UT = typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type;
// Cast to unsigned type before the operation to avoid
// undefined overflow behavior in intx_t.
UT uvs1 = static_cast<UT>(vs1);
UT uvs2 = static_cast<UT>(vs2);
return static_cast<T>(uvs2 - uvs1);
template void KelvinVRSub<int8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVRSub<int16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVRSub<int32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template <typename T>
void KelvinVEq(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
// Return 1 if vs1 and vs2 are equal, else returns 0.
inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T)>([](T vs1, T vs2) -> T { return vs1 == vs2; }));
template void KelvinVEq<int8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVEq<int16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVEq<int32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template <typename T>
void KelvinVNe(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
// Return 1 if vs1 and vs2 are not equal, else return 0.
inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T)>([](T vs1, T vs2) -> T { return vs1 != vs2; }));
template void KelvinVNe<int8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVNe<int16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVNe<int32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template <typename T>
void KelvinVLt(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
// Returns 1 if vs1 < vs2, else return 0.
inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T)>([](T vs1, T vs2) -> T { return vs1 < vs2; }));
template void KelvinVLt<int8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVLt<int16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVLt<int32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVLt<uint8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVLt<uint16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVLt<uint32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template <typename T>
void KelvinVLe(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
// Returns 1 if vs1 <= vs2, else return 0.
inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T)>([](T vs1, T vs2) -> T { return vs1 <= vs2; }));
template void KelvinVLe<int8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVLe<int16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVLe<int32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVLe<uint8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVLe<uint16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVLe<uint32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template <typename T>
void KelvinVGt(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
// Returns 1 if vs1 > vs2, else return 0.
inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T)>([](T vs1, T vs2) -> T { return vs1 > vs2; }));
template void KelvinVGt<int8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVGt<int16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVGt<int32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVGt<uint8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVGt<uint16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVGt<uint32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template <typename T>
void KelvinVGe(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
// Returns 1 if vs1 >= vs2, else return 0.
inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T)>([](T vs1, T vs2) -> T { return vs1 >= vs2; }));
template void KelvinVGe<int8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVGe<int16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVGe<int32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVGe<uint8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVGe<uint16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVGe<uint32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template <typename T>
void KelvinVAbsd(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
// Returns the absolute difference between vs1 and vs2.
// Note: for signed(INTx_MAX - INTx_MIN) the result will be UINTx_MAX.
KelvinBinaryVectorOp<false /* halftype */, false /* widen_dst */,
typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type, T, T>(
inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type(T, T)>(
[](T vs1, T vs2) -> typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type {
using UT = typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type;
// Cast to unsigned type before the operation to avoid undefined
// overflow behavior in intx_t.
UT uvs1 = static_cast<UT>(vs1);
UT uvs2 = static_cast<UT>(vs2);
return vs1 > vs2 ? uvs1 - uvs2 : uvs2 - uvs1;
template void KelvinVAbsd<int8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVAbsd<int16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVAbsd<int32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVAbsd<uint8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVAbsd<uint16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVAbsd<uint32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template <typename T>
void KelvinVMax(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
// Return the max of vs1 and vs2.
KelvinBinaryVectorOp(inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T)>([](T vs1, T vs2) -> T {
return std::max(vs1, vs2);
template void KelvinVMax<int8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVMax<int16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVMax<int32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVMax<uint8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVMax<uint16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVMax<uint32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template <typename T>
void KelvinVMin(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
// Return the min of vs1 and vs2.
KelvinBinaryVectorOp(inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T)>([](T vs1, T vs2) -> T {
return std::min(vs1, vs2);
template void KelvinVMin<int8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVMin<int16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVMin<int32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVMin<uint8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVMin<uint16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVMin<uint32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template <typename T>
void KelvinVAdd3(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
// Return the summation of vd, vs1, and vs2.
KelvinBinaryVectorOp<false /* halftype */, false /* widen_dst */, T, T, T, T>(
inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T, T)>([](T vd, T vs1, T vs2) -> T {
using UT = typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type;
UT uvs1 = static_cast<UT>(vs1);
UT uvs2 = static_cast<UT>(vs2);
UT uvd = static_cast<UT>(vd);
return static_cast<T>(uvd + uvs1 + uvs2);
template void KelvinVAdd3<int8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVAdd3<int16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVAdd3<int32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
// Helper function for Vadds (saturated signed addition).
// Uses unsigned arithmetic for the addition to avoid signed overflow, which,
// when compiled with --config=asan, will trigger an exception.
template <typename T>
inline T VAddsHelper(T vs1, T vs2) {
using UT = typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type;
UT uvs1 = static_cast<UT>(vs1);
UT uvs2 = static_cast<UT>(vs2);
UT usum = uvs1 + uvs2;
T sum = static_cast<T>(usum);
if (((vs1 ^ vs2) >= 0) && ((sum ^ vs1) < 0)) {
return vs1 > 0 ? std::numeric_limits<T>::max()
: std::numeric_limits<T>::min();
return sum;
template <typename T>
void KelvinVAdds(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
// Return saturated sum of vs1 and vs2.
KelvinBinaryVectorOp(inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T)>(VAddsHelper<T>));
template void KelvinVAdds<int8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVAdds<int16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVAdds<int32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
// Helper function for Vaddsu (saturated unsigned addition).
template <typename T>
inline T VAddsuHelper(T vs1, T vs2) {
T sum = vs1 + vs2;
if (sum < vs1) {
sum = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
return sum;
template <typename T>
void KelvinVAddsu(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
// Return saturated sum of unsigned vs1 and vs2.
KelvinBinaryVectorOp(inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T)>(VAddsuHelper<T>));
template void KelvinVAddsu<uint8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVAddsu<uint16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVAddsu<uint32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
// Helper function for Vsubs (saturated signed subtraction).
template <typename T>
inline T VSubsHelper(T vs1, T vs2) {
using UT = typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type;
UT uvs1 = static_cast<UT>(vs1);
UT uvs2 = static_cast<UT>(vs2);
UT usub = uvs1 - uvs2;
T sub = static_cast<T>(usub);
if (((vs1 ^ vs2) < 0) && ((sub ^ vs2) >= 0)) {
return vs2 < 0 ? std::numeric_limits<T>::max()
: std::numeric_limits<T>::min();
return sub;
template <typename T>
void KelvinVSubs(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
// Return saturated sub of vs1 and vs2.
KelvinBinaryVectorOp(inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T)>(VSubsHelper<T>));
template void KelvinVSubs<int8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVSubs<int16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVSubs<int32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template <typename T>
void KelvinVSubsu(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
// Return saturated sub of unsigned vs1 and vs2.
KelvinBinaryVectorOp(inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T)>([](T vs1, T vs2) -> T {
return vs1 < vs2 ? 0 : vs1 - vs2;
template void KelvinVSubsu<uint8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVSubsu<uint16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVSubsu<uint32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template <typename Td, typename Ts>
void KelvinVAddw(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
// Adds operands with widening.
KelvinBinaryVectorOp(inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<Td(Ts, Ts)>([](Ts vs1, Ts vs2) -> Td {
return static_cast<Td>(vs1) + static_cast<Td>(vs2);
template void KelvinVAddw<int16_t, int8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVAddw<int32_t, int16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVAddw<uint16_t, uint8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVAddw<uint32_t, uint16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template <typename Td, typename Ts>
void KelvinVSubw(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
// Subtracts operands with widening.
KelvinBinaryVectorOp(inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<Td(Ts, Ts)>([](Ts vs1, Ts vs2) -> Td {
return static_cast<Td>(vs1) - static_cast<Td>(vs2);
template void KelvinVSubw<int16_t, int8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVSubw<int32_t, int16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVSubw<uint16_t, uint8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVSubw<uint32_t, uint16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template <typename Td, typename Ts2>
void KelvinVAcc(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
// Accumulates operands with widening.
inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<Td(Td, Ts2)>([](Td vs1, Ts2 vs2) -> Td {
using UTd = typename std::make_unsigned<Td>::type;
return static_cast<Td>(static_cast<UTd>(vs1) + static_cast<UTd>(vs2));
template void KelvinVAcc<int16_t, int8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVAcc<int32_t, int16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVAcc<uint16_t, uint8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVAcc<uint32_t, uint16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template <typename Vd, typename Vs1, typename Vs2>
Vs1 PackedBinaryOpGetArg1(const Instruction *inst, bool scalar, int num_ops,
int op_index, int dst_element_index,
int dst_reg_index) {
auto state = static_cast<KelvinState *>(inst->state());
const int vector_size_in_bytes = state->vector_length() / 8;
auto elts_per_register = vector_size_in_bytes / sizeof(Vs1);
auto src_element_index = op_index * elts_per_register +
dst_element_index * sizeof(Vd) / sizeof(Vs1);
return GetInstructionSource<Vs1>(inst, 0, src_element_index);
template <typename Vd, typename Vs1, typename Vs2>
Vs2 PackedBinaryOpGetArg2(const Instruction *inst, bool scalar, int num_ops,
int op_index, int dst_element_index,
int dst_reg_index) {
auto state = static_cast<KelvinState *>(inst->state());
const int vector_size_in_bytes = state->vector_length() / 8;
auto elts_per_register = vector_size_in_bytes / sizeof(Vs2);
auto src_element_index = op_index * elts_per_register +
dst_element_index * sizeof(Vd) / sizeof(Vs2) + 1;
return GetInstructionSource<Vs2>(inst, 0, src_element_index);
template <typename Td, typename Ts>
void KelvinVPadd(bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
// Adds lane pairs.
KelvinBinaryVectorOp<true /* halftype */, false /* widen_dst */, Td, Ts, Ts>(
inst, false /* scalar */, strip_mine,
std::function<Td(Ts, Ts)>([](Ts vs1, Ts vs2) -> Td {
return static_cast<Td>(vs1) + static_cast<Td>(vs2);
SourceArgGetter<Ts, Td, Ts, Ts>(PackedBinaryOpGetArg1<Td, Ts, Ts>),
SourceArgGetter<Ts, Td, Ts, Ts>(PackedBinaryOpGetArg2<Td, Ts, Ts>));
template void KelvinVPadd<int16_t, int8_t>(bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVPadd<int32_t, int16_t>(bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVPadd<uint16_t, uint8_t>(bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVPadd<uint32_t, uint16_t>(bool, Instruction *);
template <typename Td, typename Ts>
void KelvinVPsub(bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
// Subtracts lane pairs.
KelvinBinaryVectorOp<true /* halftype */, false /* widen_dst */, Td, Ts, Ts>(
inst, false /* scalar */, strip_mine,
std::function<Td(Ts, Ts)>([](Ts vs1, Ts vs2) -> Td {
return static_cast<Td>(vs1) - static_cast<Td>(vs2);
SourceArgGetter<Ts, Td, Ts, Ts>(PackedBinaryOpGetArg1<Td, Ts, Ts>),
SourceArgGetter<Ts, Td, Ts, Ts>(PackedBinaryOpGetArg2<Td, Ts, Ts>));
template void KelvinVPsub<int16_t, int8_t>(bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVPsub<int32_t, int16_t>(bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVPsub<uint16_t, uint8_t>(bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVPsub<uint32_t, uint16_t>(bool, Instruction *);
// Halving addition with optional rounding bit.
template <typename T>
T KelvinVHaddHelper(bool round, T vs1, T vs2) {
if (std::is_signed<T>::value) {
return static_cast<T>((static_cast<int64_t>(vs1) +
static_cast<int64_t>(vs2) + (round ? 1 : 0)) >>
} else {
return static_cast<T>((static_cast<uint64_t>(vs1) +
static_cast<uint64_t>(vs2) + (round ? 1 : 0)) >>
template <typename T>
void KelvinVHadd(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, bool round, Instruction *inst) {
inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T)>(absl::bind_front(&KelvinVHaddHelper<T>, round)));
template void KelvinVHadd<int8_t>(bool, bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVHadd<int16_t>(bool, bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVHadd<int32_t>(bool, bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVHadd<uint8_t>(bool, bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVHadd<uint16_t>(bool, bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVHadd<uint32_t>(bool, bool, bool, Instruction *);
// Halving subtraction with optional rounding bit.
template <typename T>
T KelvinVHsubHelper(bool round, T vs1, T vs2) {
if (std::is_signed<T>::value) {
return static_cast<T>((static_cast<int64_t>(vs1) -
static_cast<int64_t>(vs2) + (round ? 1 : 0)) >>
} else {
return static_cast<T>((static_cast<uint64_t>(vs1) -
static_cast<uint64_t>(vs2) + (round ? 1 : 0)) >>
template <typename T>
void KelvinVHsub(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, bool round, Instruction *inst) {
inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T)>(absl::bind_front(&KelvinVHsubHelper<T>, round)));
template void KelvinVHsub<int8_t>(bool, bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVHsub<int16_t>(bool, bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVHsub<int32_t>(bool, bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVHsub<uint8_t>(bool, bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVHsub<uint16_t>(bool, bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVHsub<uint32_t>(bool, bool, bool, Instruction *);
// Bitwise and.
template <typename T>
void KelvinVAnd(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T)>([](T vs1, T vs2) -> T { return vs1 & vs2; }));
template void KelvinVAnd<uint8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVAnd<uint16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVAnd<uint32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
// Bitwise or.
template <typename T>
void KelvinVOr(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T)>([](T vs1, T vs2) -> T { return vs1 | vs2; }));
template void KelvinVOr<uint8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVOr<uint16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVOr<uint32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
// Bitwise xor.
template <typename T>
void KelvinVXor(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T)>([](T vs1, T vs2) -> T { return vs1 ^ vs2; }));
template void KelvinVXor<uint8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVXor<uint16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVXor<uint32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
// Generalized reverse using bit ladder.
template <typename T>
void KelvinVRev(bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
inst, true /* scalar */, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T)>([](T vs1, T vs2) -> T {
T r = vs1;
// TODO(leonidl): revisit after spec clarification.
// For now it's set to always use 5 lower bits, regardless of type.
T count = vs2 & 0b11111;
if (count & 1) r = ((r & 0x55555555) << 1) | ((r & 0xAAAAAAAA) >> 1);
if (count & 2) r = ((r & 0x33333333) << 2) | ((r & 0xCCCCCCCC) >> 2);
if (count & 4) r = ((r & 0x0F0F0F0F) << 4) | ((r & 0xF0F0F0F0) >> 4);
if (count & 8) r = ((r & 0x00FF00FF) << 8) | ((r & 0xFF00FF00) >> 8);
if (count & 16) r = ((r & 0x0000FFFF) << 16) | ((r & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16);
return r;
template void KelvinVRev<uint8_t>(bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVRev<uint16_t>(bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVRev<uint32_t>(bool, Instruction *);
// Cyclic rotation right using a bit ladder.
template <typename T>
void KelvinVRor(bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
KelvinBinaryVectorOp(inst, true /* scalar */, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T)>([](T vs1, T vs2) -> T {
T r = vs1;
T count = vs2 & static_cast<T>(sizeof(T) * 8 - 1);
for (auto shift : {1, 2, 4, 8, 16}) {
if (count & shift)
r = (r >> shift) | (r << (sizeof(T) * 8 - shift));
return r;
template void KelvinVRor<uint8_t>(bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVRor<uint16_t>(bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVRor<uint32_t>(bool, Instruction *);
// Returns Arg1 as either vs1 or vs2 based on dst_reg_index.
template <typename Vd, typename Vs1, typename Vs2>
Vs1 VMvpOpGetArg1(const Instruction *inst, bool scalar, int num_ops,
int op_index, int dst_element_index, int dst_reg_index) {
return dst_reg_index == 0
? CommonBinaryOpGetArg1<Vd, Vs1, Vs2>(
inst, scalar, num_ops, op_index, dst_element_index, 0)
: CommonBinaryOpGetArg2<Vd, Vs1, Vs2>(
inst, scalar, num_ops, op_index, dst_element_index, 0);
// Copies a pair of registers.
template <typename T>
void KelvinVMvp(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
KelvinBinaryVectorOp<false /* halftype */, true /* widen_dst */, T, T, T>(
inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T)>([](T vs1, T vs2) -> T { return vs1; }),
SourceArgGetter<T, T, T, T>(VMvpOpGetArg1<T, T, T>),
// Arg2 isn't used. We provide a custom getter here because the default
// getter expects extra source registers for widening ops.
SourceArgGetter<T, T, T, T>(VMvpOpGetArg1<T, T, T>));
template void KelvinVMvp<uint8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVMvp<uint16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVMvp<uint32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
// Logical shift left.
template <typename T>
void KelvinVSll(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
KelvinBinaryVectorOp(inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T)>([](T vs1, T vs2) -> T {
size_t shift = vs2 & (sizeof(T) * 8 - 1);
return vs1 << shift;
template void KelvinVSll<uint8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVSll<uint16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVSll<uint32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
// Arithmetic shift right.
template <typename T>
void KelvinVSra(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
KelvinBinaryVectorOp(inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T)>([](T vs1, T vs2) -> T {
size_t shift = vs2 & (sizeof(T) * 8 - 1);
return vs1 >> shift;
template void KelvinVSra<int8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVSra<int16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVSra<int32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
// Logical shift right.
template <typename T>
void KelvinVSrl(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
KelvinBinaryVectorOp(inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T)>([](T vs1, T vs2) -> T {
size_t shift = vs2 & (sizeof(T) * 8 - 1);
return vs1 >> shift;
template void KelvinVSrl<uint8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVSrl<uint16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVSrl<uint32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
// Logical and arithmetic left/right shift with saturating shift amount and
// result.
template <typename T>
T KelvinVShiftHelper(bool round, T vs1, T vs2) {
if (std::is_signed<T>::value == true) {
constexpr int n = sizeof(T) * 8;
int shamt = vs2;
int64_t s = vs1;
if (!vs1) {
return 0;
} else if (vs1 < 0 && shamt >= n) {
s = -1 + round;
} else if (vs1 > 0 && shamt >= n) {
s = 0;
} else if (shamt > 0) {
s = (static_cast<int64_t>(vs1) + (round ? (1ll << (shamt - 1)) : 0)) >>
} else { // shamt < 0
using UT = typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type;
UT ushamt = static_cast<UT>(-shamt <= n ? -shamt : n);
CHECK(ushamt >= 0 && ushamt <= n);
s = static_cast<int64_t>(static_cast<uint64_t>(vs1) << ushamt);
T neg_max = std::numeric_limits<T>::min();
T pos_max = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
bool neg_sat = vs1 < 0 && (shamt <= -n || s < neg_max);
bool pos_sat = vs1 > 0 && (shamt <= -n || s > pos_max);
if (neg_sat) return neg_max;
if (pos_sat) return pos_max;
return s;
} else {
constexpr int n = sizeof(T) * 8;
// Shift can be positive/negative.
int shamt = static_cast<typename std::make_signed<T>::type>(vs2);
uint64_t s = vs1;
if (!vs1) {
return 0;
} else if (shamt > n) {
s = 0;
} else if (shamt > 0) {
s = (static_cast<uint64_t>(vs1) + (round ? (1ull << (shamt - 1)) : 0)) >>
} else {
using UT = typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type;
UT ushamt = static_cast<UT>(-shamt <= n ? -shamt : n);
s = static_cast<uint64_t>(vs1) << (ushamt);
T pos_max = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
bool pos_sat = vs1 && (shamt < -n || s > pos_max);
if (pos_sat) return pos_max;
return s;
template <typename T>
void KelvinVShift(bool round, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
inst, false /* scalar */, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T)>(absl::bind_front(&KelvinVShiftHelper<T>, round)));
template void KelvinVShift<int8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVShift<int16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVShift<int32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVShift<uint8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVShift<uint16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVShift<uint32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
// Bitwise not.
template <typename T>
void KelvinVNot(bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
KelvinUnaryVectorOp(inst, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T)>([](T vs) -> T { return ~vs; }));
template void KelvinVNot<int32_t>(bool, Instruction *);
// Count the leading bits.
template <typename T>
void KelvinVClb(bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
KelvinUnaryVectorOp(inst, strip_mine, std::function<T(T)>([](T vs) -> T {
return (vs & (1u << (sizeof(T) * 8 - 1)))
? absl::countl_one(vs)
: absl::countl_zero(vs);
template void KelvinVClb<uint8_t>(bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVClb<uint16_t>(bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVClb<uint32_t>(bool, Instruction *);
// Count the leading zeros.
template <typename T>
void KelvinVClz(bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
KelvinUnaryVectorOp(inst, strip_mine, std::function<T(T)>([](T vs) -> T {
return absl::countl_zero(vs);
template void KelvinVClz<uint8_t>(bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVClz<uint16_t>(bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVClz<uint32_t>(bool, Instruction *);
// Count the set bits.
template <typename T>
void KelvinVCpop(bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
KelvinUnaryVectorOp(inst, strip_mine, std::function<T(T)>([](T vs) -> T {
return absl::popcount(vs);
template void KelvinVCpop<uint8_t>(bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVCpop<uint16_t>(bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVCpop<uint32_t>(bool, Instruction *);
// Move a register.
template <typename T>
void KelvinVMv(bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
KelvinUnaryVectorOp(inst, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T)>([](T vs) -> T { return vs; }));
template void KelvinVMv<int32_t>(bool, Instruction *);
// Alternates Vs1 register used for odd/even destination indices.
template <typename Vd, typename Vs1, typename Vs2>
Vs1 VSransOpGetArg1(const Instruction *inst, bool scalar, int num_ops,
int op_index, int dst_element_index, int dst_reg_index) {
static_assert(2 * sizeof(Vd) == sizeof(Vs1) || 4 * sizeof(Vd) == sizeof(Vs1));
auto state = static_cast<KelvinState *>(inst->state());
const int vector_size_in_bytes = state->vector_length() / 8;
auto elts_per_register = vector_size_in_bytes / sizeof(Vs1);
auto src_element_index = op_index * elts_per_register +
dst_element_index * sizeof(Vd) / sizeof(Vs1);
if (sizeof(Vs1) / sizeof(Vd) == 2) {
src_element_index +=
dst_element_index & 1 ? num_ops * elts_per_register : 0;
} else { // sizeof(Vs1) / sizeof(Vd) == 4
const int interleave[4] = {0, 2, 1, 3};
src_element_index +=
interleave[dst_element_index & 3] * num_ops * elts_per_register;
return GetInstructionSource<Vs1>(inst, 0, src_element_index);
// Arithmetic right shift with rounding and signed/unsigned saturation.
// Narrowing x2 or x4.
template <typename Td, typename Ts>
Td KelvinVSransHelper(bool round, Ts vs1, Td vs2) {
static_assert(2 * sizeof(Td) == sizeof(Ts) || 4 * sizeof(Td) == sizeof(Ts));
constexpr int src_bits = sizeof(Ts) * 8;
vs2 &= (src_bits - 1);
int64_t res =
(static_cast<int64_t>(vs1) + (vs2 && round ? (1ll << (vs2 - 1)) : 0)) >>
bool neg_sat = res < std::numeric_limits<Td>::min();
bool pos_sat = res > std::numeric_limits<Td>::max();
bool zero = !vs1;
if (neg_sat) return std::numeric_limits<Td>::min();
if (pos_sat) return std::numeric_limits<Td>::max();
if (zero) return 0;
return res;
template <typename Td, typename Ts>
void KelvinVSrans(bool round, bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<Td(Ts, Td)>(
absl::bind_front(&KelvinVSransHelper<Td, Ts>, round)),
SourceArgGetter<Ts, Td, Ts, Td>(VSransOpGetArg1<Td, Ts, Td>));
template void KelvinVSrans<int8_t, int16_t>(bool, bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVSrans<int16_t, int32_t>(bool, bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVSrans<uint8_t, uint16_t>(bool, bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVSrans<uint16_t, uint32_t>(bool, bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVSrans<int8_t, int32_t>(bool, bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVSrans<uint8_t, uint32_t>(bool, bool, bool, Instruction *);
// Multiplication of vector elements.
template <typename T>
void KelvinVMul(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
KelvinBinaryVectorOp(inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T)>([](T vs1, T vs2) -> T {
if (std::is_signed<T>::value) {
return static_cast<T>(static_cast<int64_t>(vs1) *
} else {
return static_cast<T>(static_cast<uint64_t>(vs1) *
template void KelvinVMul<int8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVMul<int16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVMul<int32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
// Multiplication of vector elements with saturation.
template <typename T>
void KelvinVMuls(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
inst, scalar, strip_mine, std::function<T(T, T)>([](T vs1, T vs2) -> T {
if (std::is_signed<T>::value) {
int64_t result =
static_cast<int64_t>(vs1) * static_cast<int64_t>(vs2);
result = std::max(
return result;
} else {
uint64_t result =
static_cast<uint64_t>(vs1) * static_cast<uint64_t>(vs2);
result = std::min(
static_cast<uint64_t>(std::numeric_limits<T>::max()), result);
return result;
template void KelvinVMuls<int8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVMuls<int16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVMuls<int32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVMuls<uint8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVMuls<uint16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVMuls<uint32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
// Multiplication of vector elements with widening.
template <typename Td, typename Ts>
void KelvinVMulw(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
KelvinBinaryVectorOp(inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<Td(Ts, Ts)>([](Ts vs1, Ts vs2) -> Td {
return static_cast<Td>(vs1) * static_cast<Td>(vs2);
template void KelvinVMulw<int16_t, int8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVMulw<int32_t, int16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVMulw<uint16_t, uint8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVMulw<uint32_t, uint16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
// Multiplication of vector elements with widening and optional rounding.
// Returns high half.
template <typename T>
T KelvinVMulhHelper(bool round, T vs1, T vs2) {
constexpr int n = sizeof(T) * 8;
if (std::is_signed<T>::value) {
int64_t result = static_cast<int64_t>(vs1) * static_cast<int64_t>(vs2);
result += round ? 1ll << (n - 1) : 0;
return static_cast<uint64_t>(result) >> n;
} else {
uint64_t result = static_cast<uint64_t>(vs1) * static_cast<uint64_t>(vs2);
result += round ? 1ull << (n - 1) : 0;
return result >> n;
template <typename T>
void KelvinVMulh(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, bool round, Instruction *inst) {
inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T)>(absl::bind_front(&KelvinVMulhHelper<T>, round)));
template void KelvinVMulh<int8_t>(bool, bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVMulh<int16_t>(bool, bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVMulh<int32_t>(bool, bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVMulh<uint8_t>(bool, bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVMulh<uint16_t>(bool, bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVMulh<uint32_t>(bool, bool, bool, Instruction *);
// Saturating signed doubling multiply returning high half with optional
// rounding.
template <typename T>
T KelvinVDmulhHelper(bool round, bool round_neg, T vs1, T vs2) {
constexpr int n = sizeof(T) * 8;
int64_t result = static_cast<int64_t>(vs1) * static_cast<int64_t>(vs1);
if (round) {
int64_t rnd = 0x40000000ll >> (32 - n);
if (result < 0 && round_neg) {
rnd = (-0x40000000ll) >> (32 - n);
result += rnd;
result >>= (n - 1);
if (vs1 == std::numeric_limits<T>::min() &&
vs2 == std::numeric_limits<T>::min()) {
result = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
return result;
template <typename T>
void KelvinVDmulh(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, bool round, bool round_neg,
Instruction *inst) {
KelvinBinaryVectorOp(inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T)>(absl::bind_front(
&KelvinVDmulhHelper<T>, round, round_neg)));
template void KelvinVDmulh<int8_t>(bool, bool, bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVDmulh<int16_t>(bool, bool, bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVDmulh<int32_t>(bool, bool, bool, bool, Instruction *);
// Multiply accumulate.
template <typename T>
void KelvinVMacc(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
KelvinBinaryVectorOp<false /* halftype */, false /* widen_dst */, T, T, T, T>(
inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T, T)>([](T vd, T vs1, T vs2) -> T {
return static_cast<int64_t>(vd) +
static_cast<int64_t>(vs1) * static_cast<int64_t>(vs2);
template void KelvinVMacc<int8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVMacc<int16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVMacc<int32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
// Multiply add.
template <typename T>
void KelvinVMadd(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
KelvinBinaryVectorOp<false /* halftype */, false /* widen_dst */, T, T, T, T>(
inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T, T)>([](T vd, T vs1, T vs2) -> T {
return static_cast<int64_t>(vs1) +
static_cast<int64_t>(vd) * static_cast<int64_t>(vs2);
template void KelvinVMadd<int8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVMadd<int16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVMadd<int32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
// Computes slide index for next register and takes result from either vs1 or
// vs2.
template <typename T>
T VSlidenOpGetArg1(bool horizontal, int index, const Instruction *inst,
bool scalar, int num_ops, int op_index,
int dst_element_index, int dst_reg_index) {
auto state = static_cast<KelvinState *>(inst->state());
const int vector_size_in_bytes = state->vector_length() / 8;
auto elts_per_register = vector_size_in_bytes / sizeof(T);
using Interleave = struct {
int register_num;
int source_arg;
const Interleave interleave_start[2][4] = {{{0, 0}, {1, 0}, {2, 0}, {3, 0}},
{{0, 0}, {1, 0}, {2, 0}, {3, 0}}};
const Interleave interleave_end[2][4] = {{{0, 1}, {1, 1}, {2, 1}, {3, 1}},
{{1, 0}, {2, 0}, {3, 0}, {0, 1}}};
// Get the elements from the right up to `index`.
// For the horizontal mode, it treats the stripmine `vm` register based on
// `vs1` as a contiguous block, and only the first `index` elements from `vs2`
// will be used.
// For the vertical mode, each stripmine vector register `op_index` is mapped
// separatedly. it mimics the imaging tiling process shift of
// |--------|--------|
// | 4xVLEN | 4xVLEN |
// | (vs1) | (vs2) |
// |--------|--------|
// The vertical mode can also support the non-stripmine version to handle
// the last columns of the image.
if (dst_element_index + index < elts_per_register) {
auto src_element_index =
interleave_start[horizontal][op_index].register_num *
elts_per_register +
dst_element_index + index;
return GetInstructionSource<T>(
inst, interleave_start[horizontal][op_index].source_arg,
auto src_element_index =
interleave_end[horizontal][op_index].register_num * elts_per_register +
dst_element_index + index - elts_per_register;
return GetInstructionSource<T>(
inst, interleave_end[horizontal][op_index].source_arg, src_element_index);
// Slide next register vertically by index.
template <typename T>
void KelvinVSlidevn(int index, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
inst, false /* scalar */, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T)>([](T vs1, T vs2) -> T { return vs1; }),
SourceArgGetter<T, T, T, T>(absl::bind_front(
VSlidenOpGetArg1<T>, false /* horizontal */, index)));
template void KelvinVSlidevn<int8_t>(int, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVSlidevn<int16_t>(int, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVSlidevn<int32_t>(int, bool, Instruction *);
// Slide next register horizontally by index.
template <typename T>
void KelvinVSlidehn(int index, Instruction *inst) {
inst, false /* scalar */, true /* strip_mine */,
std::function<T(T, T)>([](T vs1, T vs2) -> T { return vs1; }),
SourceArgGetter<T, T, T, T>(
absl::bind_front(VSlidenOpGetArg1<T>, true /* horizontal */, index)));
template void KelvinVSlidehn<int8_t>(int, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVSlidehn<int16_t>(int, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVSlidehn<int32_t>(int, Instruction *);
// Computes slide index for previous register and takes result from either vs1
// or vs2.
template <typename T>
T VSlidepOpGetArg1(bool horizontal, int index, const Instruction *inst,
bool scalar, int num_ops, int op_index,
int dst_element_index, int dst_reg_index) {
auto state = static_cast<KelvinState *>(inst->state());
const int vector_size_in_bytes = state->vector_length() / 8;
auto elts_per_register = vector_size_in_bytes / sizeof(T);
using Interleave = struct {
int register_num;
int source_arg;
const Interleave interleave_start[2][4] = {{{0, 0}, {1, 0}, {2, 0}, {3, 0}},
{{3, 0}, {0, 1}, {1, 1}, {2, 1}}};
const Interleave interleave_end[2][4] = {{{0, 1}, {1, 1}, {2, 1}, {3, 1}},
{{0, 1}, {1, 1}, {2, 1}, {3, 1}}};
// Get the elements from the left up to `index`.
// For the horizontal mode, it treats the stripmine `vm` register based on
// `vs2` as a contiguous block, and only the LAST `index` elements from
// stripmine vm register based on `vs1` will be used AT THE BEGINNING.
// For the vertical mode, each stripmine vector register `op_index` is mapped
// separatedly. it mimics the imaging tiling process shift of
// |--------|--------|
// | 4xVLEN | 4xVLEN |
// | (vs1) | (vs2) |
// |--------|--------|
// The vertical mode can also support the non-stripmine version to handle
// the last columns of the image.
if (dst_element_index < index) {
auto src_element_index =
interleave_start[horizontal][op_index].register_num *
elts_per_register +
dst_element_index - index + elts_per_register;
return GetInstructionSource<T>(
inst, interleave_start[horizontal][op_index].source_arg,
auto src_element_index =
interleave_end[horizontal][op_index].register_num * elts_per_register +
dst_element_index - index;
return GetInstructionSource<T>(
inst, interleave_end[horizontal][op_index].source_arg, src_element_index);
// Slide previous register vertically by index.
template <typename T>
void KelvinVSlidevp(int index, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
inst, false /* scalar */, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T)>([](T vs1, T vs2) -> T { return vs1; }),
SourceArgGetter<T, T, T, T>(absl::bind_front(
VSlidepOpGetArg1<T>, false /* horizontal */, index)));
template void KelvinVSlidevp<int8_t>(int, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVSlidevp<int16_t>(int, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVSlidevp<int32_t>(int, bool, Instruction *);
// Slide previous register horizontally by index.
template <typename T>
void KelvinVSlidehp(int index, Instruction *inst) {
inst, false /* scalar */, true /* strip_mine */,
std::function<T(T, T)>([](T vs1, T vs2) -> T { return vs1; }),
SourceArgGetter<T, T, T, T>(
absl::bind_front(VSlidepOpGetArg1<T>, true /* horizontal */, index)));
template void KelvinVSlidehp<int8_t>(int, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVSlidehp<int16_t>(int, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVSlidehp<int32_t>(int, Instruction *);
template <typename T>
void KelvinVSel(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst);
template <typename T>
void KelvinVSel(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
// Select lanes from two operands with vector selection boolean.
KelvinBinaryVectorOp<false /* halftype */, false /* widen_dst */, T, T, T, T>(
inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T, T)>(
[](T vd, T vs1, T vs2) -> T { return vs1 & 1 ? vd : vs2; }));
template void KelvinVSel<int8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVSel<int16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVSel<int32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
// Returns even elements of concatenated registers.
template <typename T>
T VEvnOpGetArg1(const Instruction *inst, bool scalar, int num_ops, int op_index,
int dst_element_index, int dst_reg_index) {
auto state = static_cast<KelvinState *>(inst->state());
const int vector_size_in_bytes = state->vector_length() / 8;
const int elts_per_register = vector_size_in_bytes / sizeof(T);
auto src_element_index =
op_index * elts_per_register * 2 + dst_element_index * 2;
const int elts_per_src = elts_per_register * num_ops;
if (src_element_index < elts_per_src) {
return GetInstructionSource<T>(inst, 0, src_element_index);
return GetInstructionSource<T>(inst, 1,
scalar ? 0 : src_element_index - elts_per_src);
template <typename T>
void KelvinVEvn(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
KelvinBinaryVectorOp<false /* halftype */, false /* widen_dst */, T, T, T>(
inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T)>([](T vs1, T vs2) -> T { return vs1; }),
SourceArgGetter<T, T, T, T>(VEvnOpGetArg1<T>),
SourceArgGetter<T, T, T, T>(VEvnOpGetArg1<T>));
template void KelvinVEvn<int8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVEvn<int16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVEvn<int32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
// Returns odd elements of concatenated registers.
template <typename T>
T VOddOpGetArg1(const Instruction *inst, bool scalar, int num_ops, int op_index,
int dst_element_index, int dst_reg_index) {
auto state = static_cast<KelvinState *>(inst->state());
const int vector_size_in_bytes = state->vector_length() / 8;
const int elts_per_register = vector_size_in_bytes / sizeof(T);
auto src_element_index =
op_index * elts_per_register * 2 + dst_element_index * 2 + 1;
const int elts_per_src = elts_per_register * num_ops;
if (src_element_index < elts_per_src) {
return GetInstructionSource<T>(inst, 0, src_element_index);
return GetInstructionSource<T>(inst, 1,
scalar ? 0 : src_element_index - elts_per_src);
template <typename T>
void KelvinVOdd(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
KelvinBinaryVectorOp<false /* halftype */, false /* widen_dst */, T, T, T>(
inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T)>([](T vs1, T vs2) -> T { return vs1; }),
SourceArgGetter<T, T, T, T>(VOddOpGetArg1<T>),
SourceArgGetter<T, T, T, T>(VOddOpGetArg1<T>));
template void KelvinVOdd<int8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVOdd<int16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVOdd<int32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
// Returns evn/odd elements of concatenated registers based on dst_reg_index.
template <typename T>
T VEvnoddOpGetArg1(const Instruction *inst, bool scalar, int num_ops,
int op_index, int dst_element_index, int dst_reg_index) {
return dst_reg_index == 0
? VEvnOpGetArg1<T>(inst, scalar, num_ops, op_index,
dst_element_index, dst_reg_index)
: VOddOpGetArg1<T>(inst, scalar, num_ops, op_index,
dst_element_index, dst_reg_index);
template <typename T>
void KelvinVEvnodd(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
KelvinBinaryVectorOp<false /* halftype */, true /* widen_dst */, T, T, T>(
inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T)>([](T vs1, T vs2) -> T { return vs1; }),
SourceArgGetter<T, T, T, T>(VEvnoddOpGetArg1<T>),
SourceArgGetter<T, T, T, T>(VEvnoddOpGetArg1<T>));
template void KelvinVEvnodd<int8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVEvnodd<int16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVEvnodd<int32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
// Interleave even/odd lanes of two operands.
// Returns odd elements of concatenated registers.
template <typename T>
T VZipOpGetArg1(const Instruction *inst, bool scalar, int num_ops, int op_index,
int dst_element_index, int dst_reg_index) {
auto state = static_cast<KelvinState *>(inst->state());
const int vector_size_in_bytes = state->vector_length() / 8;
const int elts_per_register = vector_size_in_bytes / sizeof(T);
auto src_element_index = op_index * elts_per_register +
dst_element_index / 2 +
dst_reg_index * elts_per_register / 2;
if (dst_element_index & 1) {
return GetInstructionSource<T>(inst, 1, scalar ? 0 : src_element_index);
} else {
return GetInstructionSource<T>(inst, 0, src_element_index);
template <typename T>
void KelvinVZip(bool scalar, bool strip_mine, Instruction *inst) {
KelvinBinaryVectorOp<false /* halftype */, true /* widen_dst */, T, T, T>(
inst, scalar, strip_mine,
std::function<T(T, T)>([](T vs1, T vs2) -> T { return vs1; }),
SourceArgGetter<T, T, T, T>(VZipOpGetArg1<T>),
SourceArgGetter<T, T, T, T>(VZipOpGetArg1<T>));
template void KelvinVZip<int8_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVZip<int16_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
template void KelvinVZip<int32_t>(bool, bool, Instruction *);
} // namespace kelvin::sim