blob: 4b4fc820733a0bbef198f75da3995f12ad72aba3 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "sim/kelvin_vector_memory_instructions.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "sim/test/kelvin_vector_instructions_test_base.h"
#include "googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "absl/functional/bind_front.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "mpact/sim/generic/instruction.h"
// This file contains the tests for testing kelvin vector memory instructions.
namespace {
using mpact::sim::generic::Instruction;
// Semantic functions.
using kelvin::sim::KelvinGetVl;
using kelvin::sim::KelvinVLd;
using kelvin::sim::KelvinVLdRegWrite;
using kelvin::sim::KelvinVSt;
using kelvin::sim::KelvinVStQ;
class KelvinVectorMemoryInstructionsTest
: public kelvin::sim::test::KelvinVectorInstructionsTestBase {
template <typename T>
void MemoryLoadStoreOpTestHelper(absl::string_view name, bool has_length,
bool has_stride, bool strip_mine,
bool post_increment, bool x_variant,
bool is_load, bool is_quad) {
InstructionPtr child_instruction(
new Instruction(next_instruction_address_, state_),
[](Instruction *inst) { inst->DecRef(); });
auto instruction = CreateInstruction();
if (is_load) {
absl::bind_front(&KelvinVLdRegWrite<T>, strip_mine));
absl::bind_front(&KelvinVLd<T>, has_length, has_stride, strip_mine));
} else {
if (is_quad) {
absl::bind_front(&KelvinVStQ<T>, strip_mine));
} else {
&KelvinVSt<T>, has_length, has_stride, strip_mine));
// Setup source and child instruction operands.
const uint32_t num_ops = strip_mine ? 4 : 1;
if (is_load) {
child_instruction.get(), num_ops, 1 /* src1_widen_factor */, {}, {},
false /* widen_dst */, {kelvin::sim::test::kVd});
} else { // Store
instruction.get(), num_ops, 1 /* src1_widen_factor */,
kelvin::sim::test::kVd, {}, false /* widen_dst */, {});
AppendRegisterOperands(instruction.get(), {kelvin::sim::test::kRs1Name},
if (!x_variant) {
AppendRegisterOperands(instruction.get(), {kelvin::sim::test::kRs2Name},
if (post_increment) {
AppendRegisterOperands(instruction.get(), {},
// x variant can't have length or stride fields.
if (x_variant && (has_length || has_stride)) {
// xx variant can't have no length, no stride, and no post_increment
// encoding
if (!x_variant && !has_length && !has_stride && !post_increment) {
// length and stride fields can't coexist without post_increment
if (has_length && has_stride && !post_increment) {
// Quad store need to have stride specified and no length
if (is_quad && is_load) {
if ((is_quad && has_length) || (is_quad && !has_stride)) {
const uint32_t vector_length_in_bytes = state_->vector_length() / 8;
const uint32_t vd_size = vector_length_in_bytes / sizeof(T);
const uint32_t len_or_strides[] = {0, 1, vd_size - 1,
vd_size, 2 * vd_size, 4 * vd_size};
// Check with different values for length and stride if applicable.
for (int test = 0;
test < (has_length || has_stride ? std::size(len_or_strides) : 1);
test++) {
// Store stride can't be smaller than vd_size
if ((is_quad && len_or_strides[test] < vd_size / 4) ||
(!is_load && has_stride && len_or_strides[test] < vd_size)) {
// Set input register values.
{{kelvin::sim::test::kRs1Name, kelvin::sim::test::kDataLoadAddress}});
if (!x_variant) {
{{kelvin::sim::test::kRs2Name, len_or_strides[test]}});
// Fill vector register(s) with random values.
std::vector<T> vd_value(vector_length_in_bytes / sizeof(T) * num_ops);
auto vd_span = absl::Span<T>(vd_value);
for (int i = 0; i < num_ops; i++) {
auto vd_name = absl::StrCat("v", kelvin::sim::test::kVd + i);
{{vd_name, vd_span.subspan(vd_size * i, vd_size)}});
// Execute instruction.
// Compute memory values. For load test it is the expected output; for
// store test it is the actual output.
std::vector<T> memory_values(vd_size * num_ops);
uint32_t addr = kelvin::sim::test::kDataLoadAddress;
uint32_t rs2_value = len_or_strides[test];
uint32_t count = vd_size * num_ops;
if (has_length) {
count = std::min(count, rs2_value);
uint32_t left = count;
for (int op_num = 0; op_num < num_ops; op_num++) {
const int n = std::min(vd_size, left);
if (is_quad) {
const uint32_t quad_size = vd_size / 4;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < quad_size; ++j) {
memory_values[op_num * vd_size + i * quad_size + j] =
GetSavedMemoryValue<T>(addr +
(i * quad_size + j) * sizeof(T));
// Stride increase per quad_size.
addr += rs2_value * sizeof(T);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < vd_size; ++i) {
if (is_load) {
memory_values[op_num * vd_size + i] =
i < n ? GetDefaultMemoryValue<T>(addr + i * sizeof(T)) : 0;
} else {
memory_values[op_num * vd_size + i] =
i < n ? GetSavedMemoryValue<T>(addr + i * sizeof(T)) : 0;
left -= n;
if (has_stride) {
addr += rs2_value * sizeof(T);
} else {
addr += n * sizeof(T);
uint32_t expected_rs1_value = kelvin::sim::test::kDataLoadAddress;
if (post_increment && count) {
if (has_length && has_stride) { // .tp
expected_rs1_value += vd_size * sizeof(T);
} else if (!has_length && !has_stride && x_variant) { // .p.x
expected_rs1_value += vd_size * sizeof(T) * num_ops;
} else if (has_length) { // .lp
expected_rs1_value += count * sizeof(T);
} else if (has_stride) { // .sp
const uint32_t quad_scale = is_quad ? 4 : 1;
expected_rs1_value += rs2_value * sizeof(T) * num_ops * quad_scale;
} else { // .p.xx
expected_rs1_value += rs2_value * sizeof(T);
// Check result
left = count;
for (int op_num = 0; op_num < num_ops; op_num++) {
auto vreg_num = kelvin::sim::test::kVd + op_num;
auto test_vreg = vreg_[vreg_num];
auto vreg_span = test_vreg->data_buffer()->Get<T>();
if (is_load) {
for (int element_index = 0; element_index < vd_size;
element_index++) {
auto vreg_element_index = op_num * vd_size + element_index;
<< absl::StrCat(name, "[", vreg_element_index, "] != reg[",
vreg_num, "*", element_index, "]");
} else { // Store
const int n = std::min(vd_size, left);
for (int element_index = 0;
element_index < vd_size && element_index < n; element_index++) {
auto total_element_index = op_num * vd_size + element_index;
<< absl::StrCat(name, " mem at ", total_element_index,
" != vreg[", vreg_num, "][", element_index,
left -= n;
if (post_increment) {
// Check rs1 value.
auto *reg = state_
EXPECT_EQ(expected_rs1_value, reg->data_buffer()->Get<uint32_t>()[0])
<< absl::StrCat(name, " post incremented rs1 is incorrect.");
template <typename T>
void MemoryLoadStoreOpTestHelper(absl::string_view name, bool is_load) {
constexpr bool kNoLength = false;
constexpr bool kLength = true;
constexpr bool kNoStride = false;
constexpr bool kStride = true;
constexpr bool kPostIncrement = true;
constexpr bool kXVariant = true;
constexpr bool kNotXVariant = false;
constexpr bool kNotQuad = false;
const auto name_with_type = absl::StrCat(name, KelvinTestTypeSuffix<T>());
for (auto strip_mine : {false, true}) {
for (auto post_increment : {false, true}) {
// .x variants.
auto subname = absl::StrCat(name_with_type, post_increment ? "P" : "",
"X", strip_mine ? "M" : "");
MemoryLoadStoreOpTestHelper<T>(subname, kNoLength, kNoStride,
strip_mine, post_increment, kXVariant,
is_load, kNotQuad);
// .xx variants
for (auto len_stride_post :
{std::tuple(false, false, true), std::tuple(false, true, false),
std::tuple(false, true, true), std::tuple(true, false, false),
std::tuple(true, false, true)}) {
auto has_length = std::get<0>(len_stride_post);
auto has_stride = std::get<1>(len_stride_post);
auto post_increment = std::get<2>(len_stride_post);
auto subname = absl::StrCat(name_with_type,
has_length ? "L"
: has_stride ? "S"
: "",
post_increment ? "P" : "", "XX",
strip_mine ? "M" : "");
MemoryLoadStoreOpTestHelper<T>(subname, has_length, has_stride,
strip_mine, post_increment, kNotXVariant,
is_load, kNotQuad);
// .tp variants.
auto subname =
absl::StrCat(name_with_type, "TP", "XX", strip_mine ? "M" : "");
MemoryLoadStoreOpTestHelper<T>(subname, kLength, kStride, strip_mine,
kPostIncrement, kNotXVariant, is_load,
template <typename T>
void StoreQuadOpTestHelper(absl::string_view name) {
const auto name_with_type = absl::StrCat(name, KelvinTestTypeSuffix<T>());
constexpr bool kNotLength = false;
constexpr bool kStride = true;
constexpr bool kNotXVariant = false;
constexpr bool kNotLoad = false;
constexpr bool kIsQuad = true;
for (auto strip_mine : {false, true}) {
for (auto post_increment : {false, true}) {
auto subname =
absl::StrCat(name_with_type, "S", post_increment ? "P" : "", "XX",
strip_mine ? "M" : "");
MemoryLoadStoreOpTestHelper<T>(subname, kNotLength, kStride, strip_mine,
post_increment, kNotXVariant, kNotLoad,
template <typename T1, typename TNext1, typename... TNext>
void MemoryLoadStoreOpTestHelper(absl::string_view name, bool is_load) {
MemoryLoadStoreOpTestHelper<T1>(name, is_load);
MemoryLoadStoreOpTestHelper<TNext1, TNext...>(name, is_load);
template <typename T1, typename TNext1, typename... TNext>
void StoreQuadOpTestHelper(absl::string_view name) {
StoreQuadOpTestHelper<TNext1, TNext...>(name);
template <typename T>
T GetDefaultMemoryValue(int address) {
T value = 0;
uint8_t *ptr = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&value);
for (int j = 0; j < sizeof(T); j++) {
ptr[j] = (address + j) & 0xff;
return value;
template <typename T>
T GetSavedMemoryValue(int address) {
auto *db = state_->db_factory()->Allocate<T>(1);
memory_->Load(address, db, nullptr, nullptr);
T data = db->template Get<T>(0);
return data;
TEST_F(KelvinVectorMemoryInstructionsTest, VLd) {
MemoryLoadStoreOpTestHelper<int8_t, int16_t, int32_t>("VLd",
TEST_F(KelvinVectorMemoryInstructionsTest, VSt) {
MemoryLoadStoreOpTestHelper<int8_t, int16_t, int32_t>("VSt",
TEST_F(KelvinVectorMemoryInstructionsTest, VStQ) {
StoreQuadOpTestHelper<int8_t, int16_t, int32_t>("VStQ");
class KelvinGetVlInstructionTest
: public kelvin::sim::test::KelvinVectorInstructionsTestBase {
template <typename T>
void GetVlTestHelper() {
constexpr char kRdName[] = "x8";
constexpr uint32_t kMaxVlenInBytes = kelvin::sim::kVectorLengthInBits / 8;
auto instruction = CreateInstruction();
{kelvin::sim::test::kRs1Name, kelvin::sim::test::kRs2Name}, {kRdName});
for (auto strip_mine : {false, true}) {
for (auto is_rs1 : {false, true}) {
for (auto is_rs2 : {false, true}) {
uint32_t rs1_value = RandomValue();
uint32_t rs2_value = RandomValue();
SetRegisterValues<uint32_t>({{kelvin::sim::test::kRs1Name, rs1_value},
{kelvin::sim::test::kRs2Name, rs2_value},
{kRdName, UINT32_MAX}});
absl::bind_front(&KelvinGetVl<T>, strip_mine, is_rs1, is_rs2));
uint32_t expected_vlen =
kMaxVlenInBytes / sizeof(T) * (strip_mine ? 4 : 1);
if (is_rs1) {
expected_vlen = std::min(expected_vlen, rs1_value);
if (is_rs2) {
expected_vlen = std::min(expected_vlen, rs2_value);
// Execute instruction.
EXPECT_EQ(xreg_[8]->data_buffer()->Get<uint32_t>(0), expected_vlen)
<< "Test failed with type "
<< (sizeof(T) == 4 ? "W" : (sizeof(T) == 2 ? "H" : "B"))
<< ", strip_mine: " << strip_mine << ", rs1_set: " << is_rs1
<< ", rs2_set: " << is_rs2;
template <typename T1, typename TNext1, typename... TNext>
void GetVlTestHelper() {
GetVlTestHelper<TNext1, TNext...>();
// Create a random value in the valid range for the type.
uint32_t RandomValue() {
return absl::Uniform(absl::IntervalClosed, bitgen_,
TEST_F(KelvinGetVlInstructionTest, GetVl) {
GetVlTestHelper<int8_t, int16_t, int32_t>();
} // namespace