blob: 7335a2800be757a72f4bcdbdbf14d11dd5f00c4d [file] [log] [blame]
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "sim/kelvin_state.h"
#include "googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "absl/random/random.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "absl/types/span.h"
#include "riscv/riscv_register.h"
#include "riscv/riscv_state.h"
#include "mpact/sim/generic/instruction.h"
#include "mpact/sim/generic/register.h"
#include "mpact/sim/generic/state_item.h"
#include "mpact/sim/generic/type_helpers.h"
#include "mpact/sim/util/memory/flat_demand_memory.h"
namespace kelvin::sim::test {
using absl::Span;
using mpact::sim::generic::Instruction;
using mpact::sim::generic::RegisterBase;
using mpact::sim::riscv::RV32Register;
using mpact::sim::riscv::RV32VectorDestinationOperand;
using mpact::sim::riscv::RV32VectorSourceOperand;
using mpact::sim::riscv::RVFpRegister;
using mpact::sim::riscv::RVVectorRegister;
using mpact::sim::util::FlatDemandMemory;
// Constants used in the tests.
constexpr uint32_t kInstAddress = 0x1000;
constexpr uint32_t kDataLoadAddress = 0x1'0000;
constexpr uint32_t kNumVectorRegister = 64;
constexpr char kRs1Name[] = "x1";
constexpr char kRs2Name[] = "x2";
constexpr int kRs1 = 1;
constexpr int kVd = 32;
constexpr int kVs1 = 8;
constexpr int kVs2 = 24;
// This is the base class for vector instruction test fixtures. It implements
// generic methods for testing and supporting testing of the RiscV vector
// instructions.
class KelvinVectorInstructionsTestBase : public testing::Test {
KelvinVectorInstructionsTestBase() {
memory_ = new FlatDemandMemory(0);
state_ =
new KelvinState("test", mpact::sim::riscv::RiscVXlen::RV32, memory_);
// Initialize a portion of memory with a known pattern.
auto *db = state_->db_factory()->Allocate(8192);
auto span = db->Get<uint8_t>();
for (int i = 0; i < 8192; i++) {
span[i] = i & 0xff;
memory_->Store(kDataLoadAddress - 4096, db);
for (int i = 1; i < 32; i++) {
xreg_[i] = state_->GetRegister<RV32Register>(absl::StrCat("x", i)).first;
for (int i = 1; i < kNumVectorRegister; i++) {
vreg_[i] =
state_->GetRegister<RVVectorRegister>(absl::StrCat("v", i)).first;
template <typename T>
absl::string_view KelvinTestTypeSuffix() {
absl::string_view type_suffix = "Unknown";
switch (sizeof(T)) {
case 4:
type_suffix = "W";
case 2:
type_suffix = "H";
case 1:
type_suffix = "B";
return type_suffix;
template <typename Vd, typename Vs1, typename Vs2>
static std::pair<Vs1, Vs2> CommonBinaryOpArgsGetter(
int num_ops, int op_num, int dest_reg_sub_index, int element_index,
int vd_size, bool widen_dst, int src1_widen_factor, int vs1_size,
const std::vector<Vs1> &vs1_value, int vs2_size, bool s2_scalar,
const std::vector<Vs2> &vs2_value, Vs2 rs2_value, bool halftype_op,
bool vmvp_op) {
auto src1_element_index =
op_num * vs1_size + element_index * sizeof(Vd) / sizeof(Vs1);
if (!vmvp_op) {
if (widen_dst) {
src1_element_index += (src1_widen_factor > 1 ? num_ops * vs1_size : 1) *
} else if (src1_widen_factor == 2) {
src1_element_index += element_index & 1 ? num_ops * vs1_size : 0;
} else if (src1_widen_factor == 4) {
const int interleave[4] = {0, 2, 1, 3};
src1_element_index +=
interleave[element_index & 3] * num_ops * vs1_size;
auto src2_element_index = op_num * vs2_size +
element_index * (widen_dst && !vmvp_op ? 2 : 1) +
(vmvp_op ? 0 : 1) * dest_reg_sub_index;
Vs1 arg1 = vs1_value[src1_element_index];
Vs2 arg2 = halftype_op ? vs1_value[src1_element_index + 1]
: vs2_value[src2_element_index];
arg2 = s2_scalar ? rs2_value : arg2;
if (vmvp_op && dest_reg_sub_index == 1) {
arg1 = arg2;
return {arg1, arg2};
template <typename Vd, typename Vs1, typename Vs2>
using BinaryOpsArgsGetter =
std::function<decltype(CommonBinaryOpArgsGetter<Vd, Vs1, Vs2>)>;
// Helper function for testing vector-vector instructions.
template <typename Vd, typename Vs1, typename Ts2, typename... VDArgs>
void BinaryOpTestHelper(Instruction::SemanticFunction fcn,
absl::string_view name, bool s2_scalar,
bool strip_mine,
std::function<Vd(VDArgs..., Vs1, Ts2)> operation,
BinaryOpsArgsGetter<Vd, Vs1, Ts2> args_getter,
bool halftype_op, bool vmvp_op, bool widen_dst) {
auto instruction = CreateInstruction();
const uint32_t num_ops = strip_mine ? 4 : 1;
constexpr int src1_widen_factor = sizeof(Vs1) / sizeof(Ts2);
static_assert(src1_widen_factor == 1 || src1_widen_factor == 2 ||
src1_widen_factor == 4);
// Half type ops don't use s2, so s2_scalar should be false.
if (halftype_op && s2_scalar) {
if (s2_scalar) {
AppendVectorRegisterOperands(instruction.get(), num_ops,
src1_widen_factor, kVs1, {}, widen_dst,
AppendRegisterOperands(instruction.get(), {kRs1Name}, {});
} else if (halftype_op) {
AppendVectorRegisterOperands(instruction.get(), num_ops,
src1_widen_factor, kVs1, {}, widen_dst,
} else {
AppendVectorRegisterOperands(instruction.get(), num_ops,
src1_widen_factor, kVs1, {kVs2}, widen_dst,
// Initialize input values.
const auto vector_length_in_bytes = state_->vector_length() / 8;
int vs1_size = vector_length_in_bytes / sizeof(Vs1);
const size_t vs1_regs_count = num_ops * src1_widen_factor;
std::vector<Vs1> vs1_value(vs1_size * vs1_regs_count);
auto vs1_span = absl::Span<Vs1>(vs1_value);
for (int i = 0; i < vs1_regs_count; i++) {
auto vs1_name = absl::StrCat("v", kVs1 + i);
{{vs1_name, vs1_span.subspan(vs1_size * i, vs1_size)}});
int vs2_size = vector_length_in_bytes / sizeof(Ts2);
std::vector<Ts2> vs2_value(vs2_size * num_ops);
Ts2 rs2_value = 0;
if (s2_scalar) {
// Generate a new rs2 value.
RV32Register::ValueType rs2_reg_value =
SetRegisterValues<RV32Register::ValueType>({{kRs1Name, rs2_reg_value}});
// Cast the value to the appropriate width, sign-extending if needed.
rs2_value = static_cast<Ts2>(
static_cast<typename mpact::sim::riscv::SameSignedType<
RV32Register::ValueType, Ts2>::type>(rs2_reg_value));
} else if (!halftype_op) {
auto vs2_span = absl::Span<Ts2>(vs2_value);
for (int i = 0; i < num_ops; i++) {
auto vs2_name = absl::StrCat("v", kVs2 + i);
{{vs2_name, vs2_span.subspan(vs2_size * i, vs2_size)}});
const size_t dest_regs_per_op = widen_dst ? 2 : 1;
const size_t vd_size = vector_length_in_bytes / sizeof(Vd);
const size_t dest_regs_count = num_ops * dest_regs_per_op;
std::vector<Vd> vd_value(vd_size * dest_regs_count);
auto vd_span = absl::Span<Vd>(vd_value);
for (int i = 0; i < dest_regs_count; i++) {
auto vd_name = absl::StrCat("v", kVd + i);
{{vd_name, vd_span.subspan(vd_size * i, vd_size)}});
// Executing instruction.
// Check if ops gives the same result as vd.
for (int op_num = 0; op_num < num_ops; op_num++) {
for (int dest_reg_sub_index = 0; dest_reg_sub_index < dest_regs_per_op;
dest_reg_sub_index++) {
auto dest_reg_index = dest_reg_sub_index * num_ops + op_num;
auto dest_vreg_num = kVd + dest_reg_index;
auto dest_reg = vreg_[dest_vreg_num];
auto dest_span = dest_reg->data_buffer()->Get<Vd>();
for (int element_index = 0; element_index < vd_size; element_index++) {
auto args = args_getter(
num_ops, op_num, dest_reg_sub_index, element_index, vd_size,
widen_dst, src1_widen_factor, vs1_size, vs1_value, vs2_size,
s2_scalar, vs2_value, rs2_value, halftype_op, vmvp_op);
auto dst_element_index = dest_reg_index * vd_size + element_index;
auto expected_value = BinaryOpInvoke(
operation, vd_value[dst_element_index], args.first, args.second);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_value, dest_span[element_index])
<< absl::StrCat(name, "[", dst_element_index, "] != reg[",
dest_vreg_num, "*", element_index, "]");
template <typename Vd, typename Vs1, typename Ts2, typename... VDArgs>
void BinaryOpTestHelper(Instruction::SemanticFunction fcn,
absl::string_view name, bool s2_scalar,
bool strip_mine,
std::function<Vd(VDArgs..., Vs1, Ts2)> operation,
bool halftype_op = false, bool vmvp_op = false) {
const bool widen_dst =
(sizeof(Vd) > sizeof(Ts2) && !halftype_op) || vmvp_op;
BinaryOpTestHelper<Vd, Vs1, Ts2, VDArgs...>(
fcn, name, s2_scalar, strip_mine, operation,
CommonBinaryOpArgsGetter<Vd, Vs1, Ts2>, halftype_op, vmvp_op,
template <typename Vd, typename Vs1, typename Ts2>
void BinaryOpTestHelper(Instruction::SemanticFunction fcn,
absl::string_view name, bool s2_scalar,
bool strip_mine,
std::function<Vd(Vd, Vs1, Ts2)> operation) {
BinaryOpTestHelper<Vd, Vs1, Ts2, Vd>(fcn, name, s2_scalar, strip_mine,
// Helper function for testing single vector argument instructions.
template <typename Vd, typename Vs>
void UnaryOpTestHelper(Instruction::SemanticFunction fcn,
absl::string_view name, bool strip_mine,
std::function<Vd(Vs)> operation) {
auto instruction = CreateInstruction();
const uint32_t num_ops = strip_mine ? 4 : 1;
AppendVectorRegisterOperands(instruction.get(), num_ops,
1 /* src1_widen_factor */, kVs1, {},
false /* widen_dst */, {kVd});
// Initialize input values.
const auto vector_length_in_bytes = state_->vector_length() / 8;
int vs_size = vector_length_in_bytes / sizeof(Vs);
const size_t vs_regs_count = num_ops;
std::vector<Vs> vs_value(vs_size * vs_regs_count);
auto vs_span = absl::Span<Vs>(vs_value);
for (int i = 0; i < vs_regs_count; i++) {
auto vs1_name = absl::StrCat("v", kVs1 + i);
{{vs1_name, vs_span.subspan(vs_size * i, vs_size)}});
const size_t vd_size = vector_length_in_bytes / sizeof(Vd);
const size_t dest_regs_count = num_ops;
std::vector<Vd> vd_value(vd_size * dest_regs_count);
auto vd_span = absl::Span<Vd>(vd_value);
for (int i = 0; i < dest_regs_count; i++) {
auto vd_name = absl::StrCat("v", kVd + i);
{{vd_name, vd_span.subspan(vd_size * i, vd_size)}});
// Executing instruction.
// Check if ops gives the same result as vd.
for (int op_num = 0; op_num < num_ops; op_num++) {
auto dest_reg_index = op_num;
auto dest_vreg_num = kVd + dest_reg_index;
auto dest_reg = vreg_[dest_vreg_num];
auto dest_span = dest_reg->data_buffer()->Get<Vd>();
for (int element_index = 0; element_index < vd_size; element_index++) {
auto dst_element_index = dest_reg_index * vd_size + element_index;
auto src1_element_index =
op_num * vs_size + element_index * sizeof(Vd) / sizeof(Vs);
Vs arg = vs_value[src1_element_index];
auto expected_value = operation(arg);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_value, dest_span[element_index])
<< absl::StrCat(name, "[", dst_element_index, "] != reg[",
dest_vreg_num, "*", element_index, "]");
~KelvinVectorInstructionsTestBase() override {
delete state_;
delete memory_;
// Helper function invoking vector operations which aren't reading Vd
template <typename Vd, typename Vs1, typename Vs2>
Vd BinaryOpInvoke(std::function<Vd(Vs1, Vs2)> op, Vd vd, Vs1 vs1, Vs2 vs2) {
return op(vs1, vs2);
// Overloaded version which for operations reading Vd
template <typename Vd, typename Vs1, typename Vs2>
Vd BinaryOpInvoke(std::function<Vd(Vd, Vs1, Vs2)> op, Vd vd, Vs1 vs1,
Vs2 vs2) {
return op(vd, vs1, vs2);
// Create a random value in the valid range for the type.
template <typename T>
T RandomValue() {
return absl::Uniform(absl::IntervalClosed, bitgen_,
// Fill the span with random values.
template <typename T>
void FillArrayWithRandomValues(absl::Span<T> span) {
for (auto &val : span) {
val = RandomValue<T>();
// Set a vector register value. Takes a vector of tuples of register names and
// spans of values, fetches each register and sets it to the corresponding
// value.
template <typename T>
void SetVectorRegisterValues(
const std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, Span<const T>>> &values) {
for (auto &[vreg_name, span] : values) {
auto *vreg = state_->GetRegister<RVVectorRegister>(vreg_name).first;
auto *db = state_->db_factory()->MakeCopyOf(vreg->data_buffer());
db->template Set<T>(span);
// Set the named registers to their corresponding value.
template <typename T, typename RegisterType = RV32Register>
void SetRegisterValues(
const std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, const T>> &values) {
for (auto &[reg_name, value] : values) {
auto *reg = state_->GetRegister<RegisterType>(reg_name).first;
auto *db =
state_->db_factory()->Allocate<typename RegisterType::ValueType>(1);
db->template Set<T>(0, value);
// Creates source and destination scalar register operands for the registers
// named in the two vectors and appends them to the given instruction.
void AppendRegisterOperands(Instruction *inst,
const std::vector<std::string> &sources,
const std::vector<std::string> &destinations) {
for (auto &reg_name : sources) {
auto *reg = state_->GetRegister<RV32Register>(reg_name).first;
for (auto &reg_name : destinations) {
auto *reg = state_->GetRegister<RV32Register>(reg_name).first;
// Creates source and destination scalar register operands for the registers
// named in the two vectors and appends them to the given instruction.
void AppendVectorRegisterOperands(Instruction *inst, const uint32_t num_ops,
int src1_widen_factor, int src1_reg,
const std::vector<int> &other_sources,
bool widen_dst,
const std::vector<int> &destinations) {
std::vector<RegisterBase *> reg_vec;
auto regs_count = src1_widen_factor * num_ops;
for (int i = 0; (i < regs_count) && (i + src1_reg < kNumVectorRegister);
i++) {
std::string reg_name = absl::StrCat("v", i + src1_reg);
auto *op = new RV32VectorSourceOperand(
absl::Span<RegisterBase *>(reg_vec), absl::StrCat("v", src1_reg));
for (auto &reg_no : other_sources) {
std::vector<RegisterBase *> reg_vec;
for (int i = 0; (i < num_ops) && (i + reg_no < kNumVectorRegister); i++) {
std::string reg_name = absl::StrCat("v", i + reg_no);
auto *op = new RV32VectorSourceOperand(
absl::Span<RegisterBase *>(reg_vec), absl::StrCat("v", reg_no));
for (auto &reg_no : destinations) {
std::vector<RegisterBase *> reg_vec;
auto regs_count = widen_dst ? num_ops * 2 : num_ops;
for (int i = 0; (i < regs_count) && (i + reg_no < kNumVectorRegister);
i++) {
std::string reg_name = absl::StrCat("v", i + reg_no);
auto *op = new RV32VectorDestinationOperand(
absl::Span<RegisterBase *>(reg_vec), 0, absl::StrCat("v", reg_no));
using InstructionPtr = std::unique_ptr<Instruction, void (*)(Instruction *)>;
InstructionPtr CreateInstruction() {
InstructionPtr inst(new Instruction(next_instruction_address_, state_),
[](Instruction *inst) { inst->DecRef(); });
next_instruction_address_ += 4;
return inst;
RVVectorRegister *vreg_[kNumVectorRegister];
RV32Register *xreg_[32];
KelvinState *state_;
FlatDemandMemory *memory_;
absl::BitGen bitgen_;
uint32_t next_instruction_address_ = kInstAddress;
} // namespace kelvin::sim::test