Initial commit of bootrom shell
Change-Id: If41fa2e40274b19f66297e979b177e869828e85c
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f8a18f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import base64
+import cmd
+import curses.ascii
+import select
+import socket
+import sys
+import time
+from elftools.elf.elffile import ELFFile
+class BootromShell(cmd.Cmd):
+ intro = "Welcome to Bootrom Shell"
+ prompt = "BOOTROM> "
+ socket = None
+ poller = None
+ pty_in = None
+ pty_out = None
+ connected = False
+ use_pty = False
+ ############################################################################
+ # Network stuff here
+ # Try and connect to {host_addr} once per second for {max_retry} seconds
+ def connect(self, host_name, host_addr, max_retry):
+ if self.use_pty:
+ # pylint: disable=R1732
+ self.pty_in = open("/tmp/uart", "rb", buffering=0)
+ self.pty_out = open("/tmp/uart", "wb", buffering=0)
+ self.poller = select.poll()
+ self.poller.register(self.pty_in, select.POLLIN)
+ return True
+ if self.socket is None:
+ print("Opening socket")
+ self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ print(f"Connecting to {host_name}", end="")
+ for _ in range(max_retry):
+ try:
+ self.socket.connect(host_addr)
+ self.connected = True
+ self.poller = select.poll()
+ self.poller.register(self.socket, select.POLLIN)
+ print("Connected!")
+ return True
+ except ConnectionError:
+ print(".", end="")
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ time.sleep(1)
+ print("Connection timed out!")
+ return False
+ def disconnect(self):
+ if self.pty_in is not None:
+ print("Closing pty_in")
+ self.pty_in.close()
+ if self.pty_out is not None:
+ print("Closing pty_in")
+ self.pty_out.close()
+ if self.socket is not None:
+ print("Closing socket")
+ self.socket.close()
+ self.connected = False
+ self.pty_in = None
+ self.pty_out = None
+ self.socket = None
+ self.poller = None
+ def getpeername(self):
+ if self.use_pty:
+ return "/tmp/uart"
+ return self.socket.getpeername()
+ def send(self, data):
+ if self.use_pty:
+ self.pty_out.write(data)
+ self.pty_out.flush()
+ else:
+ self.socket.send(data)
+ def recv(self, size):
+ if self.use_pty:
+ print(self.pty_in)
+ result =
+ return result
+ result = self.socket.recv(size)
+ if len(result) == 0:
+ self.disconnect()
+ return result
+ def poll(self, timeout):
+ if self.connected:
+ poll_result = self.poller.poll(timeout)
+ return len(poll_result) != 0
+ return False
+ ############################################################################
+ # Dumps incoming packet to the console, returns true if it contained a sync
+ # symbol
+ def print_packet(self, echo=False):
+ saw_sync = False
+ received = self.recv(4096)
+ for c in received:
+ if c == curses.ascii.ETX:
+ saw_sync = True
+ elif echo:
+ sys.stdout.write(chr(c))
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ return saw_sync
+ # Waits until we see a packet containing a sync symbol or the line has been
+ # idle for {timeout}
+ def wait_for_sync(self, timeout, echo=True):
+ while True:
+ if not self.connected:
+ return False
+ if self.poll(timeout):
+ if self.print_packet(echo):
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ # Collects bytes in a string until we see a sync symbol or we timeout
+ def wait_for_response(self, timeout):
+ result = bytearray()
+ while True:
+ if self.poll(timeout):
+ received = self.recv(1)
+ if received[0] == curses.ascii.ETX:
+ return result
+ result.append(received[0])
+ else:
+ print("Timeout while waiting for command response")
+ return b""
+ # Waits until the line has been idle for {timeout}
+ def wait_for_idle(self, timeout, echo=True):
+ while True:
+ if self.poll(timeout):
+ self.print_packet(echo)
+ else:
+ break
+ def run_command(self, line):
+ if self.connected:
+ self.send((line + "\n").encode())
+ self.wait_for_sync(100000)
+ else:
+ print("Not connected!")
+ ############################################################################
+ def load_blob_at(self, blob, address):
+ chunks = [blob[i:i + 65536] for i in range(0, len(blob), 65536)]
+ for chunk in chunks:
+ self.send(f"write {hex(address)}\n".encode())
+ self.wait_for_response(100000)
+ self.send(base64.b64encode(chunk))
+ self.send("\n".encode())
+ self.wait_for_sync(100000)
+ address = address + 65536
+ def load_file_at(self, filename, address):
+ try:
+ with open(filename, "rb") as file:
+ print("file opened")
+ blob =
+ print("blob read")
+ self.load_blob_at(blob, address)
+ except OSError as e:
+ print(f"Could not load {filename}")
+ print(f"Exception {e} ")
+ def load_elf(self, filename):
+ try:
+ # pylint: disable=R1732
+ elf_file = ELFFile(open(filename, "rb"))
+ print(f"Entry point at {hex(elf_file.header.e_entry)}")
+ return elf_file
+ except OSError:
+ print(f"Could not open '{filename}' as an ELF file")
+ return None
+ def upload_elf(self, elf_file):
+ if elf_file is None:
+ print("No elf file")
+ return False
+ for segment in elf_file.iter_segments():
+ header = segment.header
+ if header.p_type == "PT_LOAD":
+ start = header.p_paddr
+ size = header.p_filesz
+ end = start + size
+ print(
+ f"Loading seg: {hex(start)}:{hex(end)} ({size} bytes)...")
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ self.load_blob_at(, start)
+ return True
+ ############################################################################
+ # cmd.Cmd callbacks here
+ def do_connect(self, _=""):
+ """Connects to the Renode server, localhost@31415 by default."""
+ host_name = "Renode"
+ host_addr = ("localhost", 31415)
+ max_retry = 60
+ if self.connect(host_name, host_addr, max_retry):
+ print(f"Connected to {host_name} @ {self.getpeername()}")
+ else:
+ print(
+ f"Failed to connect to {host_name} after {max_retry} seconds")
+ self.disconnect()
+ return
+ # Ping the server with a newline once per second until we see a sync
+ # symbol and the line goes idle for 100 msec.
+ print("Waiting for prompt...")
+ for _ in range(180):
+ if not self.connected:
+ break
+ self.send("\n".encode())
+ if self.wait_for_sync(1000):
+ # Sync seen, turn remote echo off and mute the ack
+ self.send("echo off\n".encode())
+ self.wait_for_idle(100, False)
+ return
+ print("Did not see command prompt from server")
+ self.disconnect()
+ return
+ def do_disconnect(self, _=""):
+ """Disconnect from the Renode server"""
+ self.disconnect()
+ def do_reconnect(self, _=""):
+ """Reconnect to the Renode server"""
+ self.do_disconnect()
+ self.do_connect()
+ ##----------------------------------------
+ def do_boot_elf(self, line=""):
+ """Load local ELF file to remote device and boot it"""
+ try:
+ e = self.load_elf(line)
+ if e is None:
+ print(f"Could not open '{line}' as an ELF file")
+ return False
+ self.upload_elf(e)
+ self.send(f"boot {hex(e.header.e_entry)}\n".encode())
+ self.wait_for_sync(100000)
+ except OSError:
+ print(f"Failed to boot {line}")
+ return True
+ def do_load_elf(self, line=""):
+ """Load local ELF file to remote device"""
+ e = self.load_elf(line)
+ if e is None:
+ print(f"Could not open '{line}' as an ELF file")
+ return False
+ self.upload_elf(e)
+ return False
+ def do_load_file_at(self, line):
+ """Uploads a binary file to a fixed address"""
+ args = line.split()
+ self.load_file_at(args[0], int(args[1], 16))
+ def do_load_xflash(self, line):
+ """Uploads a binary file to external flash"""
+ self.load_file_at(line, "0x44000000")
+ def do_boot_sec(self, line):
+ """Boots an app on SEC at the given entry point.
+ This will kill the active bootrom console session."""
+ self.send(f"boot {line}\n".encode())
+ self.wait_for_idle(100)
+ def do_boot_smc(self, line):
+ """Boots an app on SMC at the given entry point.
+ If entry == 0, will stop SMC."""
+ self.send(f"poked 0x54020000 {line}")
+ self.wait_for_idle(100)
+ ##----------------------------------------
+ def do_help(self, arg=""):
+ """Displays local and remote commands"""
+ super().do_help(arg)
+ if not arg:
+ print("Remote commands")
+ print("================")
+ print()
+ self.run_command("help")
+ def do_exit(self, _=""):
+ """Exits BootromShell"""
+ self.disconnect()
+ return True
+ ##----------------------------------------
+ def default(self, line):
+ self.run_command(line)
+ def emptyline(self):
+ pass
+ ##----------------------------------------
+ # Command completeion callback (todo)
+ # pylint: disable=W0221
+ def completenames(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
+ result = super().completenames(text, line, begidx, endidx)
+ return result
+ # Argument completion callback (todo)
+ # pylint: disable=W0221
+ def completedefault(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
+ result = super().completedefault(text, line, begidx, endidx)
+ return result
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ print("<<shell starting>>")
+ shell = BootromShell()
+ shell.do_connect()
+ shell.cmdloop()
+ print("<<shell closed>>")