Fix problem with chip_sw_sram_ctrl_scrambled_access test
Bug: 305068600
After the scramble test of retention mem, use sw reset to clear
the alerts. Stop the test right after boot up.
Change-Id: I66e01a3357074ebc11470c27c2e14103a07fa796
diff --git a/sw/device/tests/sim_dv/BUILD b/sw/device/tests/sim_dv/BUILD
index b50b41d..c1b3c62 100644
--- a/sw/device/tests/sim_dv/BUILD
+++ b/sw/device/tests/sim_dv/BUILD
@@ -396,6 +396,23 @@
+ name = "sram_ctrl_scrambled_access_test",
+ srcs = ["sram_ctrl_scrambled_access_test.c"],
+ deps = [
+ "//sw/device/lib/dif:rstmgr",
+ "//sw/device/tests:test_dv_lib",
+ "@lowrisc_opentitan//hw/ip/sram_ctrl/data:sram_ctrl_regs",
+ "@lowrisc_opentitan//sw/device/lib/base:macros",
+ "@lowrisc_opentitan//sw/device/lib/base:multibits",
+ "@lowrisc_opentitan//sw/device/lib/base:stdasm",
+ "@lowrisc_opentitan//sw/device/lib/dif:flash_ctrl",
+ "@lowrisc_opentitan//sw/device/lib/testing:flash_ctrl_testutils",
+ "@lowrisc_opentitan//sw/device/lib/testing:rstmgr_testutils",
+ "@lowrisc_opentitan//sw/device/lib/testing:sram_ctrl_testutils",
+ ],
# Place the Opentitan-sourced DV test below. #
# Opentitan DV binary build flow does not support centOS7, so we pull the #
@@ -550,21 +567,6 @@
- name = "sram_ctrl_scrambled_access_test",
- srcs = ["@lowrisc_opentitan//sw/device/tests/sim_dv:sram_ctrl_scrambled_access_test.c"],
- deps = [
- "//sw/device/lib/dif:rstmgr",
- "//sw/device/tests:test_dv_lib_opentitan",
- "@lowrisc_opentitan//hw/ip/sram_ctrl/data:sram_ctrl_regs",
- "@lowrisc_opentitan//sw/device/lib/base:macros",
- "@lowrisc_opentitan//sw/device/lib/base:multibits",
- "@lowrisc_opentitan//sw/device/lib/base:stdasm",
- "@lowrisc_opentitan//sw/device/lib/testing:rstmgr_testutils",
- "@lowrisc_opentitan//sw/device/lib/testing:sram_ctrl_testutils",
- ],
name = "lc_ctrl_program_error",
srcs = ["@lowrisc_opentitan//sw/device/tests/sim_dv:lc_ctrl_program_error.c"],
deps = [
diff --git a/sw/device/tests/sim_dv/sram_ctrl_scrambled_access_test.c b/sw/device/tests/sim_dv/sram_ctrl_scrambled_access_test.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f6442a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw/device/tests/sim_dv/sram_ctrl_scrambled_access_test.c
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+// Copyright 2023 Google LLC.
+// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "hw/top_matcha/sw/autogen/top_matcha.h"
+#include "rstmgr_regs.h" // Generated.
+#include "sram_ctrl_regs.h" // Generated.
+#include "sw/device/lib/base/macros.h"
+#include "sw/device/lib/base/mmio.h"
+#include "sw/device/lib/base/multibits.h"
+#include "sw/device/lib/base/stdasm.h"
+#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_flash_ctrl.h"
+#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_rstmgr.h"
+#include "sw/device/lib/runtime/log.h"
+#include "sw/device/lib/testing/flash_ctrl_testutils.h"
+#include "sw/device/lib/testing/rand_testutils.h"
+#include "sw/device/lib/testing/rstmgr_testutils.h"
+#include "sw/device/lib/testing/sram_ctrl_testutils.h"
+#include "sw/device/lib/testing/test_framework/check.h"
+#include "sw/device/lib/testing/test_framework/ottf_main.h"
+enum {
+ /**
+ * Retention SRAM start address (inclusive).
+ */
+ // See `sw/device/silicon_creator/lib/drivers/retention_sram.h`.
+ kRetSramOwnerAddr = kRetSramBaseAddr + 4 + 2048,
+ kRetRamLastAddr =
+ kTestBufferSizeWords = 16,
+ kTestBufferSizeBytes = kTestBufferSizeWords * sizeof(uint32_t),
+ /**
+ * Note that there are `2^32` valid code words and that each non-valid code
+ * word triggers an error. Therefore, the probability that a random 39-bit
+ * word triggers an error is: `(2^39 - 2^32)/ 2^39 = 127/128`. Then the
+ * probability that all `kPatternTestWords` triggers an errors is
+ * `(127/128)^kPatternTestWords` after re-scrambling.
+ *
+ * The Generic formula:
+ *
+ * (w-i)
+ * 127
+ * Pr(i) = -------- x (w choose i)
+ * w
+ * 128
+ * Where:
+ * w = The number of words tested.
+ * i = The number of words that may not generate errors.
+ * Pr(i) = Probability that i words will not generate an ECC error.
+ *
+ * So for i in (0..3):
+ *
+ * ``` Python
+ * from math import comb
+ * w = 32
+ * t = 0
+ * for i in range(4):
+ * p = ((127**(w-i))/(128**w)) * comb(w,i)
+ * t += p
+ * print(f'Pr({i}): { round(p, 4)},\tsum{{Pr(0-{i})}}: {round(t, 6)}')
+ * ```
+ * ```
+ * Pr(0): 0.778, sum{Pr(0-0)}: 0.778037
+ * Pr(1): 0.196, sum{Pr(0-1)}: 0.974077
+ * Pr(2): 0.0239, sum{Pr(0-2)}: 0.998004
+ * Pr(3): 0.0019, sum{Pr(0-3)}: 0.999888
+ * ```
+ * So by choosing 3 as the floor limit we will a have probability of `1 -
+ * 0.998004 = 0.1996%` that this test would fail randomly due to ECC errors
+ * not being generated.
+ *
+ * Note: Although `kTestBufferSizeWords` is 16 we use 32 to compute the
+ * probability since we perform two tests here RET SRAM and main SRAM.
+ */
+ kEccErrorsFalsePositiveFloorLimit = 3,
+static_assert(kTestBufferSizeWords == 16,
+ "kBackdoorTestWords changed, so "
+ "kEccErrorsFalsePositiveFloorLimit should be "
+ "computed again");
+typedef struct {
+ uint32_t backdoor[kTestBufferSizeWords];
+ uint32_t pattern[kTestBufferSizeWords];
+ uint32_t ecc_error_counter;
+} scramble_test_frame;
+static scramble_test_frame *scrambling_frame;
+static scramble_test_frame *reference_frame;
+static dif_flash_ctrl_state_t flash_ctrl;
+static dif_sram_ctrl_t ret_sram;
+static dif_rstmgr_t rstmgr;
+ * Test pattern to be written and read from SRAM.
+ */
+static const uint32_t kRamTestPattern1[kTestBufferSizeWords] = {
+ 0xA5A5A5A5, 0xA23DE94C, 0xD82A4FB0, 0xE3CA4D62, 0xA5A5A5A5, 0xA23DE94C,
+ 0xD82A4FB0, 0xE3CA4D62, 0xA5A5A5A5, 0xA23DE94C, 0xD82A4FB0, 0xE3CA4D62,
+ 0xA5A5A5A5, 0xA23DE94C, 0xD82A4FB0, 0xE3CA4D62,
+ * Test pattern to be written and read from SRAM.
+ */
+static const uint32_t kRamTestPattern2[kTestBufferSizeWords] = {
+ 0x5A5A5A5A, 0x3CFB4A77, 0x304C6528, 0xFAEFD5CC, 0x5A5A5A5A, 0x3CFB4A77,
+ 0x304C6528, 0xFAEFD5CC, 0x5A5A5A5A, 0x3CFB4A77, 0x304C6528, 0xFAEFD5CC,
+ 0x5A5A5A5A, 0x3CFB4A77, 0x304C6528, 0xFAEFD5CC,
+ * Expected data for the backdoor write test, to be written from the testbench.
+ */
+static const uint8_t kBackdoorExpectedBytes[kTestBufferSizeBytes];
+ * Performs scrambling, saves the test relevant data and resets the system.
+ *
+ * This code is written in assembly because MAIN SRAM addresses will be
+ * scrambled, which has a similar effect to overwriting with pseudo-random
+ * data. This will thrash the SRAM (including .bss, .data segments and the
+ * stack), effectively rendering the C runtime environment invalid.
+ *
+ * This function saves contents of the `scrambling_frame` struct in the main
+ * SRAM including the data written from the testbench to the RETENTION SRAM,
+ * which is kept intact across the system reboot.
+ */
+static noreturn void main_sram_scramble(void) {
+ asm volatile(
+ // Save the tests frames addresses before the scrambling.
+ "lw a2, 0(%[mainFrame]) \n"
+ "lw a3, 0(%[retFrame]) \n"
+ // Request the new scrambling key for MAIN SRAM.
+ "li t0, 0x1 \n"
+ "sw t0, %[kSramCtrlOffset](%[kSramCtrlRegsBase]) \n"
+ // Busy loop - waiting for scrambling to finish.
+ ".L_scrambling_busy_loop: \n"
+ " lw t0, %[kSramCtrlStatusOffset](%[kSramCtrlRegsBase]) \n"
+ " andi t0, t0, %[kSramCtrlKeyScrDone] \n"
+ " beqz t0, .L_scrambling_busy_loop \n"
+ // Restore the tests frames addresses after the scrambling .
+ "sw a2, 0(%[mainFrame]) \n"
+ "sw a3, 0(%[retFrame]) \n"
+ // Copy the backdoor and pattern buffers from main to the retention SRAM.
+ " addi t1, a3, %[kCopyLen] \n"
+ ".L_buffer_copy_loop: \n"
+ " lw t0, 0(a2) \n"
+ " sw t0, 0(a3) \n"
+ " addi a2, a2, 4 \n"
+ " addi a3, a3, 4 \n"
+ " blt a3, t1, .L_buffer_copy_loop \n"
+ // Trigger the software system reset via the Reset Manager.
+ "li t0, %[kMultiBitTrue] \n"
+ "sw t0, %[kRstMgrResetReq](%[kRstMgrRegsBase]) \n"
+ // Satisfy the `noreturn` promise to the compiler.
+ ".L_infinite_loop: \n"
+ " wfi \n"
+ " j .L_infinite_loop"
+ : /* No outputs. */
+ : [kMultiBitTrue] "I"(kMultiBitBool4True),
+ [kSramCtrlOffset] "I"(SRAM_CTRL_CTRL_REG_OFFSET),
+ [kSramCtrlStatusOffset] "I"(SRAM_CTRL_STATUS_REG_OFFSET),
+ [kSramCtrlKeyScrDone] "I"(0x1 << SRAM_CTRL_STATUS_SCR_KEY_VALID_BIT),
+ [mainFrame] "r"(&scrambling_frame), [retFrame] "r"(&reference_frame),
+ [kCopyLen] "I"(sizeof(reference_frame->pattern) +
+ sizeof(reference_frame->backdoor)),
+ : "t0", "t1", "a2", "a3");
+ * Prepares the buffers.
+ *
+ * Makes sure that both buffers can be read and written to, and are initialized
+ * to the opposite patterns.
+ */
+static void prepare_sram_for_scrambling(void) {
+ LOG_INFO("Writing to addr 0x%x", scrambling_frame->pattern);
+ // Make sure we can write and read the buffer in SRAM under test.
+ sram_ctrl_testutils_write(
+ (uint32_t)scrambling_frame->pattern,
+ (sram_ctrl_testutils_data_t){.words = kRamTestPattern2,
+ .len = kTestBufferSizeWords});
+ sram_ctrl_testutils_write(
+ (uint32_t)scrambling_frame->pattern,
+ (sram_ctrl_testutils_data_t){.words = kRamTestPattern1,
+ .len = kTestBufferSizeWords});
+ LOG_INFO("Checking addr 0x%x", scrambling_frame->pattern);
+ CHECK_ARRAYS_EQ(scrambling_frame->pattern, kRamTestPattern1,
+ kTestBufferSizeWords);
+ LOG_INFO("Writing to addr 0x%x", reference_frame->pattern);
+ // Make sure we can write and read to the reference SRAM.
+ sram_ctrl_testutils_write(
+ (uint32_t)reference_frame->pattern,
+ (sram_ctrl_testutils_data_t){.words = kRamTestPattern1,
+ .len = kTestBufferSizeWords});
+ sram_ctrl_testutils_write(
+ (uint32_t)reference_frame->pattern,
+ (sram_ctrl_testutils_data_t){.words = kRamTestPattern2,
+ .len = kTestBufferSizeWords});
+ LOG_INFO("Checking addr 0x%x", reference_frame);
+ CHECK_ARRAYS_EQ(reference_frame->pattern, kRamTestPattern2,
+ kTestBufferSizeWords);
+static void execute_main_sram_test() {
+ LOG_INFO("ut_backdoor: %x,ut_patternt: %x,ut_ecc_error_counter: %x",
+ scrambling_frame->backdoor, scrambling_frame->pattern,
+ &scrambling_frame->ecc_error_counter);
+ LOG_INFO("ref_backdoor: %x,ref_patternt: %x,ref_ecc_error_counter: %x",
+ reference_frame->backdoor, reference_frame->pattern,
+ &reference_frame->ecc_error_counter);
+ // Reset the Ecc error count.
+ reference_frame->ecc_error_counter = 0;
+ LOG_INFO("Preparing test...");
+ prepare_sram_for_scrambling();
+ LOG_INFO("Scrambling...");
+ main_sram_scramble();
+static void check_sram_data(scramble_test_frame *mem_frame) {
+ LOG_INFO("Checking addr 0x%x", mem_frame->pattern);
+ uint32_t tmp_buffer[kTestBufferSizeWords];
+ memcpy(tmp_buffer, (const uint8_t *)mem_frame->pattern, sizeof(tmp_buffer));
+ CHECK_ARRAYS_NE((uint32_t *)tmp_buffer, kRamTestPattern1,
+ kTestBufferSizeWords);
+ CHECK_ARRAYS_NE((uint32_t *)tmp_buffer, kRamTestPattern2,
+ kTestBufferSizeWords);
+ LOG_INFO("Checking Ecc %d", reference_frame->ecc_error_counter);
+ CHECK(reference_frame->ecc_error_counter <= kTestBufferSizeWords);
+ // Statistically there is always a chance that after changing the scrambling
+ // key the ECC bits are correct and no IRQ is triggered. So we tolerate a
+ // minimum of false positives.
+ // Note: `false_positives` should be incremented across the tests, so we make
+ // it `static`.
+ static int32_t false_positives = 0;
+ false_positives += kTestBufferSizeWords - reference_frame->ecc_error_counter;
+ if (false_positives > 0) {
+ CHECK(false_positives <= kEccErrorsFalsePositiveFloorLimit,
+ "Failed as it didn't generate enough ECC errors(%d/%d)",
+ false_positives, kEccErrorsFalsePositiveFloorLimit);
+ LOG_INFO("Passing with a remark, %d words didn't generate ECC errors",
+ false_positives);
+ }
+ // Reading before comparing just to make sure it will always read all the
+ // words and the right amount of ECC errors will be generated.
+ LOG_INFO("Checking backdoor 0x%x", mem_frame->backdoor);
+ uint32_t kBackdoorExpectedWords[kTestBufferSizeWords];
+ memcpy(kBackdoorExpectedWords, kBackdoorExpectedBytes, kTestBufferSizeBytes);
+ CHECK_ARRAYS_EQ(mem_frame->backdoor, kBackdoorExpectedWords,
+ kTestBufferSizeWords);
+static void execute_retention_sram_test(void) {
+ LOG_INFO("Wiping retention sram...");
+ CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_sram_ctrl_wipe(&ret_sram));
+ LOG_INFO("Preparing test...");
+ prepare_sram_for_scrambling();
+ LOG_INFO("Scrambling...");
+ sram_ctrl_testutils_scramble(&ret_sram);
+ // Reset the Ecc error count that lies on the main sram.
+ LOG_INFO("Checking memory...");
+ reference_frame->ecc_error_counter = 0;
+ check_sram_data(scrambling_frame);
+ * Override internal IRQ interrupt service routine to count
+ * the number of integrity exceptions.
+ */
+void ottf_internal_isr(void) {
+ LOG_INFO("%s - %d", __func__, reference_frame->ecc_error_counter);
+ reference_frame->ecc_error_counter++;
+static void sync_testbench(void) {
+ // Set WFI status for testbench synchronization,
+ // no actual WFI instruction is issued.
+ test_status_set(kTestStatusInWfi);
+ test_status_set(kTestStatusInTest);
+ * Executes the MAIN SRAM and RET SRAM scrambling test.
+ * This test:
+ * - Set the retention SRAM address to the Owner space range.
+ * - Set a random address to the main SRAM in between the heap and stack.
+ * - Set the reference memory as the retention SRAM and the scrambling as the
+ * main SRAM.
+ * - Inform the address to the testbench using `INFO_LOG`.
+ * - Prepare the main and retention memory for the test by writing a pattern to
+ * them. In both cases, we write two patterns and double check that only the
+ * second pattern is actually stored in the memory.
+ * - Save the reference and scrambling frames pointers from the registers.
+ * - Request a new scrambling key for the main memory. This will only
+ * re-scramble the main memory - the retention memory will remain intact!
+ * - Restore the reference and scrambling frames pointers to registers.
+ * - The backdoor sequence triggers once the new scrambling key becomes valid,
+ * and writes random, but correctly scrambled and ECC encoded data to the main
+ * memory.
+ * - Copy the contents of the `scrambling_frame` to the `reference_frame` except
+ * the `ecc_error_counter` to be verified later.
+ * - Reset the chip to restore the c runtime.
+ * - We check that the `reference_frame` does not match any of the test
+ * patterns.
+ * - Check the ECC error counter.
+ * - Check that the backdoor written data in the `reference_frame`, matches with
+ * the data supplied by the testbench.
+ * - Pick a random address in the retention SRAM range.
+ * - Set the reference memory as the main SRAM and the scrambling as the ret
+ * SRAM and repeat the test except that it is neither necessary to copy the
+ * `scrambling_frame` to the `reference_frame` nor reset the chip before the
+ * checking.
+ */
+uint32_t main_sram_addr;
+uint32_t ret_sram_addr;
+extern uint8_t _stack_start[];
+extern uint8_t _freertos_heap_start[];
+bool test_main(void) {
+ CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_rstmgr_init(
+ mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_MATCHA_RSTMGR_AON_BASE_ADDR), &rstmgr));
+ CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_sram_ctrl_init(
+ &ret_sram));
+ CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_flash_ctrl_init_state(
+ &flash_ctrl,
+ mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_MATCHA_FLASH_CTRL_CORE_BASE_ADDR)));
+ flash_ctrl_testutils_default_region_access(&flash_ctrl,
+ /*rd_en=*/true,
+ /*prog_en=*/true,
+ /*erase_en=*/true,
+ /*scramble_en=*/false,
+ /*ecc_en=*/false,
+ /*he_en=*/false);
+ main_sram_addr = OT_ALIGN_MEM(rand_testutils_gen32_range(
+ (uintptr_t)_freertos_heap_start,
+ (uintptr_t)_stack_start - sizeof(scramble_test_frame)));
+ // Note: Any other address range in the ret SRAM may be written during the
+ // boot, which will invalidate the test.
+ ret_sram_addr = OT_ALIGN_MEM(kRetSramOwnerAddr);
+ scrambling_frame = (scramble_test_frame *)main_sram_addr;
+ reference_frame = (scramble_test_frame *)ret_sram_addr;
+ LOG_INFO("RET_SRAM addr: %x MAIN_SRAM addr: %x", ret_sram_addr,
+ main_sram_addr);
+ dif_rstmgr_reset_info_bitfield_t info = rstmgr_testutils_reason_get();
+ if (info == kDifRstmgrResetInfoPor) {
+ sync_testbench();
+ LOG_INFO("First boot, testing main sram");
+ // First boot, start with ret sram.
+ execute_main_sram_test();
+ } else if (info == kDifRstmgrResetInfoSw) {
+ // Counter Value
+ // 0 : First reset, run retention mem scramble test
+ // 1 : Second reset which is used to clear the alerts caused by
+ // retention mem scramble test, return to finish the test
+ uint32_t ret_sram_tested = flash_ctrl_testutils_counter_get(0);
+ if (ret_sram_tested) return true;
+ LOG_INFO("Second boot, checking main sram");
+ check_sram_data(reference_frame);
+ LOG_INFO("Testing Retention sram");
+ ret_sram_addr = OT_ALIGN_MEM(rand_testutils_gen32_range(
+ kRetSramBaseAddr, kRetRamLastAddr - sizeof(scramble_test_frame)));
+ LOG_INFO("RET_SRAM addr: %x MAIN_SRAM addr: %x", ret_sram_addr,
+ main_sram_addr);
+ sync_testbench();
+ scrambling_frame = (scramble_test_frame *)ret_sram_addr;
+ reference_frame = (scramble_test_frame *)main_sram_addr;
+ execute_retention_sram_test();
+ flash_ctrl_testutils_counter_increment(&flash_ctrl, 0);
+ CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_rstmgr_software_device_reset(&rstmgr));
+ // Add delay such that the software reset can take effect
+ busy_spin_micros(100);
+ // This should not be reached.
+ LOG_ERROR("This is unreachable since a reset should have been triggered");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return false;