blob: c59945f931751bd7aab01c8ef10909628745badb [file] [log] [blame]
module ClockGate(
input clk_i,
input enable, // '1' passthrough, '0' disable.
output clk_o
// TO-DO(pbf): Bypass clock gate for now. It cause FPGA build failure and
// simulation issue
assign clk_o = clk_i;
reg clk_en;
`ifdef FPGA
assign clk_o = clk_i;
// Capture 'enable' during low phase of the clock.
always @(clk_i or enable)
if (~clk_i)
clk_en = enable;
assign clk_o = clk_i & clk_en;
endmodule // ClockGate