blob: 80a4169f753afaa4f6658a060647c5cf3388bcd4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
name: conn
testpoints: [
// aon_timer_rst.csv //
name: aon_timer_rst
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's resets_o is connected to aon_timer's reset port.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["aon_timer_rst"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: aon_timer_rst_aon
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's resets_o is connected to aon_timer's aon-reset port.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["aon_timer_rst_aon"]
tags: ["conn"]
// ast_clkmgr.csv //
name: ast_clockmgr_clocks
desc: '''Verify the clock connectivity between AST and clock manager.
stage: V2
tests: ["ast_clk_sys_out",
tags: ["conn"]
// pwrmgr_ast.csv //
name: ast_pwrmgr_pok
desc: '''Verify the connectivity of power-related signals between AST and power manager.
stage: V2
tests: ["ast_clk_sys_val_out",
tags: ["conn"]
// rstmgr_ast.csv //
name: ast_rstmgr_resets
desc: '''Verify the reset connectivity between AST and reset manager.
stage: V2
tests: ["ast_rst_adc_in",
tags: ["conn"]
// ast_infra.csv //
name: ast_pad_shorts
desc: '''Verify pads that are directly shorted to pads
stage: V2
tests: ["ast_pad0",
tags: ["conn"]
name: ast_pinmux
desc: '''Verify AST -> pinmux connectivity
stage: V2
tests: ["ast_pinmux"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: ast_pad_inputs
desc: '''Verify pad inputs that are connected to AST
stage: V2
tests: ["pad_ast"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: ast_other_clocks
desc: '''Verify clock connectivity between AST and other blocks in the system,
excluding clkmgr connections.
stage: V2
tests: ["ast_clk_ext_in", "ast_clk_spi_sns_in"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: ast_other_resets
desc: '''Verify reset connectivity between AST and other blocks in the system,
excluding rstmgr connections.
stage: V2
tests: ["ast_rst_por_in"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: ast_other_pok
desc: '''Verify the connectivity of power-related signals between AST and other blocks in
the system, excluding power manager.
stage: V2
tests: ["ast_usb_ref_in",
tags: ["conn"]
// ast_mem_cfg.csv //
name: ast_dft_ram_2p_cfg
desc: '''Verify ast model's dual port configuration bits are connected to the dual port RAMs
in the following blocks:
- spi_device
- usbdev
stage: V2
tests: ["ast_dft_spi_device_ram_2p_cfg", "ast_dft_usbdev_ram_2p_cfg"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: ast_dft_ram_1p_cfg
desc: '''Verify ast model's single port configuration bits are connected to the single port
RAMs in the following blocks:
- otbn_imem
- otbn_dmem
- rv_core_ibex_tag0
- rv_core_ibex_tag1
- rv_core_ibex_data0
- rv_core_ibex_data1
- sram_main
- sram_retention
- rom
- smc_ram
- ml_dmem
stage: V2
tests: ["ast_dft_otbn_imem_ram_1p_cfg",
tags: ["conn"]
// ast_scanmode.csv //
name: scanmode_connections
desc: '''Verify the connectivity of scanmode to the following IPs:
- clkmgr
- flash_ctrl
- lc_ctrl
- otp_ctrl
- padring
- pinmux
- rstmgr
- rv_core_ibex
- rv_dm
- spi_device
- xbar_main
- xbar_peri
stage: V2
tests: ["ast_scanmode_padring", "ast_scanmode_clkmgr", "ast_scanmode_flash_ctrl",
"ast_scanmode_lc_ctrl", "ast_scanmode_otp_ctrl", "ast_scanmode_pinmux",
"ast_scanmode_rstmgr", "ast_scanmode_rv_core_ibex", "ast_scanmode_rv_dm",
"ast_scanmode_spi_device", "ast_scanmode_xbar_main", "ast_scanmode_xbar_peri"]
tags: ["conn"]
// otp_lc_vendor_test.csv //
name: vendor_test_connections
desc: '''Verify the connectivity of vendor_test IOs between otp_ctrl and lc_ctrl.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["lc_otp_vendor_test_ctrl", "lc_otp_vendor_test_status"]
tags: ["conn"]
// clkmgr_cg_en.csv //
name: cg_en_io_peri
desc: '''Verify clkmgr's cg_en_o.io_peri is connected to alert_handler's lpg_cg_en[7].'''
stage: V2
tests: ["clkmgr_io_peri_alert_7_cg_en"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: cg_en_io_div2_peri
desc: '''Verify clkmgr's cg_en_o.io_div2_peri is connected to alert_handler's lpg_cg_en[8].'''
stage: V2
tests: ["clkmgr_io_div2_peri_alert_8_cg_en"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: cg_en_io_div4_infra
desc: '''Verify clkmgr's cg_en_o.io_div4_infra is connected to:
- alert_handler's lpg_cg_en_i[12]
- alert_handler's lpg_cg_en_i[16]
stage: V2
tests: ["clkmgr_io_div2_infra_alert_12_cg_en",
tags: ["conn"]
name: cg_en_io_div4_peri
desc: '''Verify clkmgr's cg_en_o.io_div4_peri is connected to the following:
- alert_handler's lpg_cg_en_i[4:0]
- alert_handler's lpg_cg_en_i[13]
stage: V2
tests: ["clkmgr_io_div4_peri_alert_0_cg_en",
tags: ["conn"]
name: cg_en_io_div4_powerup
desc: '''Verify clkmgr's cg_en_o.io_div4_powerup is connected to the following:
- alert_handler's lpg_cg_en_i[11:10]
- alert_handler's lpg_cg_en_i[14]
stage: V2
tests: ["clkmgr_io_div4_powerup_alert_10_cg_en",
tags: ["conn"]
name: cg_en_io_div4_secure
desc: '''Verify clkmgr's cg_en_o.io_div4_secure is connected to the following:
- alert_handler's lpg_cg_en_i[6]
- alert_handler's lpg_cg_en_i[17]
stage: V2
tests: ["clkmgr_io_div4_secure_alert_6_cg_en",
tags: ["conn"]
name: cg_en_io_div4_timers
desc: '''Verify clkmgr's cg_en_o.io_div4_timers is connected to the following:
- alert_handler's lpg_cg_en_i[5]
- alert_handler's lpg_cg_en_i[15]
stage: V2
tests: ["clkmgr_io_div4_timers_alert_5_cg_en",
tags: ["conn"]
name: cg_en_main_aes
desc: '''Verify clkmgr's cg_en_o.main_aes is connected to alert_handler's lpg_cg_en[21].'''
stage: V2
tests: ["clkmgr_main_aes_alert_21_cg_en"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: cg_en_main_infra
desc: '''Verify clkmgr's cg_en_o.main_infra is connected to alert_handler's lpg_cg_en[19:18].'''
stage: V2
tests: ["clkmgr_main_infra_alert_18_cg_en",
tags: ["conn"]
name: cg_en_main_secure
desc: '''Verify clkmgr's cg_en_o.main_secure is connected to alert_handler's lpg_cg_en[20].'''
stage: V2
tests: ["clkmgr_main_secure_alert_20_cg_en"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: cg_en_usb_peri
desc: '''Verify clkmgr's cg_en_o.usb_peri is connected to alert_handler's lpg_cg_en[9].'''
stage: V2
tests: ["clkmgr_usb_peri_alert_9_cg_en"]
tags: ["conn"]
// clkmgr_idle.csv //
name: clkmgr_idle
desc: '''Verify clkmgr's `idle_i` bits are connected to the following ports:
- index 0 to aes's `idle_o`
- index 1 to hmac's `idle_o`
- index 2 to kmac's `idle_o`
- index 3 to otbn's `idle_o`
stage: V2
tests: ["clkmgr_idle0", "clkmgr_idle1", "clkmgr_idle2", "clkmgr_idle3"]
tags: ["conn"]
// clkmgr_infra.csv //
name: clkmgr_clk_io_div4_infra
desc: '''Verify clkmgr's `clk_io_div4_infra` is connected to the following block's clock
- flash_ctrl clk_otp_i
- sram_ctrl main clk_otp_i
- sram_ctrl retention clk_i
- sram_ctrl retention clk_otp_i
- sysrst_ctrl clk_i
- xbar_main clk_fixed_i
- xbar_peri clk_peri_i
stage: V2
tests: ["clkmgr_infra_clk_flash_ctrl_otp_clk",
tags: ["conn"]
name: clkmgr_clk_main_infra
desc: '''Verify clkmgr's `clk_main_infra` is connected to the following blocks' clock input:
- flash_ctrl clk_i
- rv_dm clk_i
- rom_ctrl clk_i
- rv_core_ibex clk_i
- rv_core_ibex clk_edn_i
- sram_ctrl main clk_i
- xbar_main clk_main_i
stage: V2
tests: ["clkmgr_infra_clk_flash_ctrl_clk",
tags: ["conn"]
name: clkmgr_clk_aon_infra
desc: '''Verify clkmgr's `clk_aon_infra` is connected to the following block's clock input:
- sysrst_ctrl clk_aon_i
stage: V2
tests: ["clkmgr_infra_clk_sysrst_ctrl_aon_clk"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: clkmgr_clk_io_infra
desc: '''Verify clkmgr's `clk_io_infra` is connected to the following block's clock input:
- xbar_main's clk_spi_host0_i
stage: V2
tests: ["clkmgr_infra_clk_xbar_main_spi_host0_clk"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: clkmgr_clk_io_div2_infra
desc: '''Verify clkmgr's `clk_io_div2_infra` is connected to the following block's clock
- xbar_main clk_spi_host1_i
stage: V2
tests: ["clkmgr_infra_clk_xbar_main_spi_host1_clk"]
tags: ["conn"]
// clkmgr_peri.csv //
name: clkmgr_clk_io_div4_peri
desc: '''Verify clkmgr's `clk_io_div4_peri` is connected to the following blocks' clock
- adc_ctrl clk_i
- gpio clk_i
- spi_device clk_i
- i2c0 clk_i
- i2c1 clk_i
- i2c2 clk_i
- pattgen clk_i
- uart0 clk_i
- uart1 clk_i
- uart2 clk_i
- uart3 clk_i
stage: V2
tests: ["clkmgr_peri_clk_adc_ctrl_aon_clk",
tags: ["conn"]
name: clkmgr_clk_io_div2_peri
desc: '''Verify clkmgr's `clk_io_div2_peri` is connected to the following blocks' clock
- spi_device's scan_clk_i
- spi_host1 clk_i
stage: V2
tests: ["clkmgr_peri_clk_spi_device_scan_clk",
tags: ["conn"]
name: clkmgr_clk_io_peri
desc: '''Verify clkmgr's `clk_io_peri` is connected to the following block's clock input:
- spi_host0's clk_i
stage: V2
tests: ["clkmgr_peri_clk_spi_host0_clk"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: clkmgr_clk_usb_peri
desc: '''Verify clkmgr's `clk_usb_peri` is connected to the following:
- usbdev's clk_i
stage: V2
tests: ["clkmgr_peri_clk_usbdev_usb_clk"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: clkmgr_clk_aon_peri
desc: '''Verify clkmgr's `clk_aon_peri` is connected to the following blocks' clock input:
- usbdev clk_aon_i
stage: V2
tests: ["clkmgr_peri_clk_usbdev_aon_clk"]
tags: ["conn"]
// clkmgr powerup //
name: clkmgr_clk_io_div4_powerup
desc: '''Verify clkmgr's `clk_io_div4_powerup` is connected to the following blocks' clock
- clkmgr clk_i
- pinmux clk_i
- pwm clk_i
- pwrmgr clk_i
- rstmgr clk_i
- rstmgr clk_io_div4_i
stage: V2
tests: ["clkmgr_powerup_clk_clkmgr_clk",
tags: ["conn"]
name: clkmgr_clk_aon_powerup
desc: '''Verify clkmgr's `clk_aon_powerup` is connected to the following blocks' clock input:
- pinmux's clk_aon_i
- pwm clk_core_i
- pwrmgr clk_slow_i
- rstmgr clk_aon_i
stage: V2
tests: ["clkmgr_powerup_clk_pinmux_aon_clk",
tags: ["conn"]
name: clkmgr_clk_main_powerup
desc: '''Verify clkmgr's `clk_main_powerup` is connected to the following block's clock
- rstmgr's clk_main_i
stage: V2
tests: ["clkmgr_powerup_clk_rstmgr_main_clk"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: clkmgr_clk_io_powerup
desc: '''Verify clkmgr's `clk_io_powerup` is connected to rstmgr's io clock.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["clkmgr_powerup_clk_rstmgr_io_clk"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: clkmgr_clk_usb_powerup
desc: '''Verify clkmgr's `clk_usb_powerup` is connected to rstmgr's usb clock.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["clkmgr_powerup_clk_rstmgr_usb_clk"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: clkmgr_clk_io_div2_powerup
desc: '''Verify clkmgr's `clk_io_div2_powerup` is connected to rstmgr's io_div2 clock.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["clkmgr_powerup_clk_rstmgr_io2_clk"]
tags: ["conn"]
// clkmgr_secure.csv //
name: clkmgr_clk_io_div4_secure
desc: '''Verify clkmgr's `clk_io_div4_secure` is connected to the following blocks' clock
- alert_handler clk_i
- lc_ctrl clk_i
- otbn clk_otp_i
- otp_ctrl clk_i
- pwrmgr clk_lc_i
- rv_core_ibex clk_esc_i
- rv_core_ibex clk_otp_i
- sensor_ctrl clk_i
stage: V2
tests: ["clkmgr_secure_clk_alert_handler_clk",
tags: ["conn"]
name: clkmgr_clk_main_secure
desc: '''Verify clkmgr's `clk_main_secure` is connected to the following blocks' clock input:
- alert_handler's clk_edn_i
- csrgn clk_i
- edn0 clk_i
- edn1 clk_i
- entropy_src clk_i
- keymgr clk_i
- keymgr clk_edn_i
- lc_ctrl clk_kmac_i
- otbn clk_edn_i
- otp_ctrl clk_edn_i
- rv_plic clk_i
stage: V2
tests: ["clkmgr_secure_clk_alert_handler_edn_clk",
tags: ["conn"]
name: clkmgr_clk_aon_secure
desc: '''Verify clkmgr's `clk_aon_secure` is connected to the following blocks' clock input:
- sensor_ctrl clk_aon_i
stage: V2
tests: ["clkmgr_secure_clk_sensor_ctrl_aon_clk"]
tags: ["conn"]
// clkmgr_timers.csv //
name: clkmgr_clk_io_div4_timers
desc: '''Verify clkmgr's `clk_io_div4_timers` is connected to the following blocks' clock
- aon_timer clk_i
- rv_timer clk_i
stage: V2
tests: ["clkmgr_timers_clk_aon_timer_clk", "clkmgr_timers_clk_rv_timer_clk"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: clkmgr_clk_aon_timers
desc: '''Verify clkmgr's `clk_aon_timers` is connected to aon_timer's aon clock.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["clkmgr_timers_clk_aon_timer_aon_clk"]
tags: ["conn"]
// clkmgr_trans.csv //
name: clk_main_aes
desc: '''Verify clkmgr's clk_main_aes is connected to the following block's clocks:
- aes clk_i
- aes clk_edn_i
stage: V2
tests: ["clkmgr_trans_aes", "clkmgr_trans_aes_edn"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: clk_main_hmac
desc: '''Verify clkmgr's clk_main_hmac is connected to hmac's clk_i.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["clkmgr_trans_hmac"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: clk_main_kmac
desc: '''Verify clkmgr's clk_main_kmac is connected to kmac's clk_i and clk_edn_i.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["clkmgr_trans_kmac", "clkmgr_trans_kmac_edn"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: clk_main_otbn
desc: '''Verify clkmgr's clk_main_otbn is connected to otbn's clk_i.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["clkmgr_trans_otbn"]
tags: ["conn"]
// ast_flash.csv //
name: ast_flash_ctrl
desc: '''Verify ast's flash signals are connected to the flash controller.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["ast_flash_obs_ctrl",
tags: ["conn"]
// ast_entropy_src_cfg.csv //
name: chip_sw_entropy_src_ast_fips
desc: '''
Verify the connectivity of rng_fips_o feedback signal to RNG.
stage: V2
tests: ["ast_entropy_src_rng_val",
tags: ["conn"]
// jtag.csv //
name: flash_jtag
desc: "Verify jtag interface is connected to flash_phy_req interface."
stage: V2
tests: ["pinmux_flash_ctrl_tck", "pinmux_flash_ctrl_tms", "pinmux_flash_ctrl_tdi",
"pinmux_flash_ctrl_tdo", "pinmux_flash_ctrl_tdo_en"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: lc_jtag_trst
desc: "Verify jtag rst pin is connected to lc_ctrl interface."
stage: V2
tests: ["pinmux_lc_ctrl_jtag_req", "pinmux_lc_ctrl_jtag_rsp"]
tags: ["conn"]
// //
name: lc_escalate_en
desc: '''Verify lc_ctrl's `lc_escalate_en_o` is connected to the following blocks'
- otp_ctrl
- aon_timer
- sram_ctrl main
- sram_ctrl retention
- flash_ctrl
- aes
- kmac
- otbn
stage: V2
tests: ["lc_escalate_en_otp",
tags: ["conn"]
name: lc_keymgr_en
desc: "Verify that lc_ctrl's keymanager enable signal and diversification value are correctly connected to the keymgr."
stage: V2
tests: ["lc_keymgr_en_keymgr",
tags: ["conn"]
name: lc_nvm_debug_en
desc: "Verify lc_ctrl's lc_nvm_debug_en is connected correctly to flash_ctrl."
stage: V2
tests: ["lc_nvm_debug_en_flash_ctrl"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: lc_cpu_en
desc: "Verify that the lc_ctrl's lc_cpu_en_o signal is correctly connected to rv_core_ibex."
stage: V2
tests: ["lc_cpu_en_rv_core_ibex"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: lc_hw_debug_en
desc: "Verify that lc_ctrl's lc_hw_debug_en_o signal is correctly connected to IPs."
stage: V2
tests: ["lc_hw_debug_en_pwrmgr",
tags: ["conn"]
name: lc_hw_dft_en
desc: "Verify that lc_ctrl's lc_dft_en_o signal is correctly connected to IPs."
stage: V2
tests: ["lc_dft_en_otp",
tags: ["conn"]
name: lc_flash_otbn_rma
desc: "Verify lc_ctrl's RMA request connections."
stage: V2
tests: ["lc_rma_seed_flash_ctrl",
tags: ["conn"]
name: lc_clk_byp
desc: "Verify lc_ctrl's clock bypass request connections."
stage: V2
tests: ["lc_clk_byp_req_clkmgr",
tags: ["conn"]
name: lc_otp_check_byp
desc: "Verify lc_ctrl's check bypass signal is correctly connected to OTP (used when programming a life cycle transition)."
stage: V2
tests: ["lc_check_byp_en_otp"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: lc_access_control
desc: "Verify lc_ctrl's access control modulation signals are correctly connected to flash and OTP."
stage: V2
tests: ["lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en_otp",
tags: ["conn"]
// //
name: pwrmgr_rst_lc_req
desc: '''Verify pwrmgr's `rst_lc_req` is connected to rstmgr's `rst_lc_req`.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["pwrmgr_rst_lc_req"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: pwrmgr_rst_sys_req
desc: '''Verify pwrmgr's `rst_sys_req` is connected to rstmgr's `rst_sys_req`.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["pwrmgr_rst_sys_req"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: rstmgr_rst_lc_src_n
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's `rst_lc_src_n` is connected to pwrmgr's `rst_lc_src_n`.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_rst_lc_src_n"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: rstmgr_rst_sys_src_n
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's `rst_sys_src_n` is connected to rstmgr's `rst_sys_src_n`.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_rst_sys_src_n"]
tags: ["conn"]
// rstmgr_resets_o.csv //
name: rst_i2c0_n_d0
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_i2c0_n[1] is connected to i2c0's rst_ni.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_i2c0_d0_i2c0_rst_ni"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_i2c1_n_d0
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_i2c1_n[1] is connected to i2c1's rst_ni.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_i2c0_d0_i2c1_rst_ni"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_i2c2_n_d0
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_i2c2_n[1] is connected to i2c2's rst_ni.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_i2c2_d0_i2c2_rst_ni"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_lc_aon_aon
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_lc_aon_n[0] is connected to the following:
- aon_timer's rst_aon_ni
- clkmgr's rst_aon_ni
- pinmux's rst_aon_ni
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_lc_aon_aon_aon_timer_rst_aon_ni",
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_lc_io_div2_n_aon
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_i2c2_n[1] is connected to clkmgr's rst_io_div2_ni.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_lc_io_div2_aon_clkmgr_rst_io_div2_ni"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_lc_io_div4_aon
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_lc_io_div4_n[0] is connected to the following:
- aon_timer's rst_ni
- clkmgr's rst_ni
- clkmgr's rst_io_div4_ni
- pinmux's rst_ni
- sram_ctrl_ret's rst_otp_ni
- rstmgr's rst_ni
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_lc_io_div4_aon_aon_timer_rst_ni",
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_lc_io_div4_d0
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_lc_io_div4_n[1] is connected to the following:
- alert_handler's rst_ni
- lc_ctrl's rst_ni
- otbn's rst_otp_ni
- otp_ctrl's rst_ni
- pwrmgr's rst_lc_ni
- rv_core_ibex's rst_esc_ni
- rv_core_ibex's rst_otp_ni
- sram_ctrl_main's rst_otp_ni
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_lc_io_div4_d0_alert_handler_rst_ni",
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_lc_io_div4_shadowed_aon
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_lc_io_div4_shadowed_n[0] is connected to clkmgr's rst_shadowed_ni.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_lc_io_div4_shadowed_aon_clkmgr_rst_shadowed_ni"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_lc_io_div4_shadowed_d0
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_lc_io_div4_shadowed_n[1] is connected to alert_handler's rst_shadowed_ni.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_lc_io_div4_shadowed_d0_alert_handler_rst_shadowed_ni"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_lc_aon
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_lc_n[0] is connected to clkmgr's rst_main_ni.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_lc_aon_clkmgr_rst_main_ni"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_lc_io_aon
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_lc_io_n[0] is connected to clkmgr's rst_io_ni.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_lc_io_aon_clkmgr_rst_io_ni"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_lc_usb_aon
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_lc_usb_n[0] is connected to clkmgr's rst_usb_ni.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_lc_usb_aon_clkmgr_rst_usb_ni"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_por_aon_aon
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_por_aon_n[0] is connected to pwrmgr's rst_slow_ni.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_por_aon_aon_pwrmgr_rst_slow_ni"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_por_aon_d0
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_por_aon_n[1] is connected to pwrmgr's rst_main_ni.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_por_aon_d0_pwrmgr_rst_main_ni"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_por_aon
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_por_n[0] is connected to clkmgr's rst_root_main_ni.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_por_aon_clkmgr_rst_root_main_ni"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_por_io_aon
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_por_io_n[0] is connected to clkmgr's rst_root_io_ni.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_por_io_aon_clkmgr_rst_root_io_ni"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_por_io_div2_aon
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_por_io_div2_n[0] is connected to clkmgr's rst_root_io_div2_ni.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_por_io_div2_aon_clkmgr_rst_root_io_div2_ni"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_por_io_div4_aon
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_por_io_div4_n[0] is connected to the following:
- clkmgr's rst_root_io_div4_ni
- clkmgr's rst_root_ni
- pwrmgr's rst_ni
- rstmgr's rst_por_ni
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_por_io_div4_aon_clkmgr_rst_root_io_div4_ni",
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_por_usb_aon
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_por_usb_n[0] is connected to clkmgr's rst_root_usb_ni.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_por_usb_aon_clkmgr_rst_root_usb_ni"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_spi_device_d0
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_spi_device_n[1] is connected to spi_device's rst_ni.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_spi_device_d0_spi_device_rst_ni"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_spi_host0_d0
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_spi_host0_n[1] is connected to spi_host0's rst_ni.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_spi_host0_d0_spi_host0_rst_ni"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_spi_host1_d0
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_spi_host1_n[1] is connected to spi_host1's rst_ni.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_spi_host1_d0_spi_host1_rst_ni"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_sys_aon_aon
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_sys_aon_n[0] is connected to the following:
- adc_ctrl's rst_aon_ni
- pwm's rst_core_ni
- sensor_ctrl's rst_aon_ni
- sysrst_ctrl's rst_aon_ni
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_sys_aon_aon_adc_ctrl_rst_aon_ni",
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_sys_io_d0
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_sys_io_n[1] is connected to xbar_main's rst_spi_host0_ni.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_sys_io_d0_xbar_main_rst_spi_host0_ni"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_sys_io_div2_d0
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_sys_io_div2_n[1] is connected to xbar_main's rst_spi_host1_ni.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_sys_io_div2_d0_xbar_main_rst_spi_host1_ni"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_sys_io_div4_aon
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_sys_io_div4_n[0] is connected to the following:
- adc_ctrl's rst_ni
- pwm's rst_ni
- sensor_ctrl's rst_ni
- sram_ctrl_ret's rst_ni
- sysrst_ctrl's rst_ni
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_sys_io_div4_aon_adc_ctrl_rst_ni",
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_sys_io_div4_d0
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_sys_io_div4_n[1] is connected to the following:
- flash_ctrl's rst_otp_ni
- gpio's rst_ni
- pattgen's rst_ni
- rv_timer's rst_ni
- uart0's rst_ni
- uart1's rst_ni
- uart2's rst_ni
- uart3's rst_ni
- xbar_main's rst_fixed_ni
- xbar_peri's rst_peri_ni
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_sys_io_div4_d0_flash_ctrl_rst_otp_ni",
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_sys_d0
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_sys_n[1] is connected to the following:
- aes's rst_edn_ni
- aes's rst_ni
- alert_handler's rst_edn_ni
- csrng's rst_ni
- edn0's rst_ni
- edn1's rst_ni
- entropy_src's rst_ni
- flash_ctrl's rst_ni
- hmac's rst_ni
- keymgr's rst_edn_ni
- keymgr's rst_ni
- kmac's rst_edn_ni
- kmac's rst_ni
- otbn's rst_edn_ni
- otbn's rst_ni
- lc_ctrl's rst_kmac_ni
- otp_ctrl's rst_edn_ni
- rv_core_ibex's rst_edn_ni
- rv_core_ibex's rst_ni
- rv_plic's rst_ni
- sram_ctrl_main's rst_ni
- xbar_main's rst_main_ni
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_sys_d0_aes_rst_edn_ni",
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_sys_shadowed_d0
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_sys_shadowed_n[1] is connected to the following:
- aes's rst_shadowed_ni
- flash_ctrl's rst_shadowed_ni
- keymgr's rst_shadowed_ni
- kmac's rst_shadowed_ni
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_sys_shadowed_d0_aes_rst_shadowed_ni",
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_sys_usb_d0
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_sys_usb_n[1] is connected to xbar_main's rst_usb_ni.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_sys_usb_d0_xbar_main_rst_usb_ni"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_usb_aon_d0
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_usb_aon_n[1] is connected to usbdev's rst_aon_ni
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_usb_aon_d0_usbdev_rst_aon_ni"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_usb_d0
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_usb_n[1] is connected to the following:
- usbdev's rst_ni
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_usb_d0_usbdev_rst_ni"]
tags: ["conn"]
// rstmgr_rst_en.csv //
name: rst_en_i2c0_d0
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_en_o.i2c0[1] connects to alert_handler's lpg_rst_en[2].'''
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_i2c0_d0_alert_2_rst_en"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_en_i2c1_d0
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_en_o.i2c1[1] connects to alert_handler's lpg_rst_en[3].'''
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_i2c1_d0_alert_3_rst_en"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_en_i2c2_d0
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_en_o.i2c2[1] connects to alert_handler's lpg_rst_en[4].'''
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_i2c2_d0_alert_4_rst_en"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_en_lc_d0
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's[1] connects to alert_handler's lpg_rst_en[19].'''
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_lc_d0_alert_19_rst_en"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_en_lc_io_div4_aon
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_en_o.lc_io_div4[0] connects to the following:
- alert_handler's lpg_rst_en[11]
- alert_handler's lpg_rst_en[15]
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_lc_io_div4_aon_alert_11_rst_en",
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_en_lc_io_div4_d0
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_en_o.lc_io_div4[1] connects to alert_handler's lpg_rst_en[6].'''
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_lc_io_div4_d0_alert_6_rst_en"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_en_por_io_div4_d0
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_en_o.por_io_div4[1] connects to alert_handler's lpg_rst_en[10].'''
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_por_io_div4_d0_alert_10_rst_en"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_en_spi_host0_d0
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_en_o.spi_host0[1] connects to alert_handler's lpg_rst_en[7].'''
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_spi_host0_d0_alert_7_rst_en"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_en_spi_host1_d0
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_en_o.spi_host1[1] connects to alert_handler's lpg_rst_en[8].'''
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_spi_host1_d0_alert_8_rst_en"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_en_spi_device_d0
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_en_o.spi_device[1] connects to alert_handler's lpg_rst_en[1].'''
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_spi_device_d0_alert_1_rst_en"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_en_sys_d0
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_en_o.sys[1] connects to the following:
- alert_handler's lpg_rst_en[18]
- alert_handler's lpg_rst_en[20]
- alert_handler's lpg_rst_en[21]
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_sys_d0_alert_18_rst_en",
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_en_sys_io_div4_aon
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_en_o.sys_io_div4[0] connects to the following:
- alert_handler's lpg_rst_en[12]
- alert_handler's lpg_rst_en[13]
- alert_handler's lpg_rst_en[14]
- alert_handler's lpg_rst_en[17]
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_sys_io_div4_aon_alert_12_rst_en",
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_en_sys_io_div4_d0
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_en_o.sys_io_div4[1] connects to the following:
- alert_handler's lpg_rst_en[0]
- alert_handler's lpg_rst_en[5]
- alert_handler's lpg_rst_en[16]
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_sys_io_div4_d0_alert_0_rst_en",
tags: ["conn"]
name: rst_en_usb_d0
desc: '''Verify rstmgr's rst_en_o.usb[1] connects to alert_handler's lpg_rst_en[9].'''
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_usb_d0_alert_9_rst_en"]
tags: ["conn"]
// rstmgr_crashdump.csv //
name: rstmgr_crashdump
desc: '''Verify that the Ibex and alert_handler crashdump outputs are correctly connected to the rstmgr.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["alert_handler_rstmgr_crashdump",
tags: ["conn"]
// analog_sigs.csv //
name: otp_ctrl_external_voltage
desc: "Verify the connectivity between the external voltage pad and otp_ctrl."
stage: V2
tests: ["otp_ext_volt"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: flash_ctrl_test_voltage
desc: "Verify the connectivity between the test voltage pad and flash_ctrl."
stage: V2
tests: ["flash_test_volt"]
tags: ["conn"]
name: flash_ctrl_test_mode
desc: "Verify the connectivity between the test mode pads and flash_ctrl."
stage: V2
tests: ["flash_test_mode0",
tags: ["conn"]
name: ast_adc
desc: "Verify the connectivity between the CC pads and the ast ADC input."
stage: V2
tests: ["ast_cc1",
tags: ["conn"]