blob: 844d419d1e1d1c748cf99dadbd12457321cdfbdb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC
// Copyright lowRISC contributors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// TOP Matcha configuration
{ name: "matcha",
type: "top",
// Seed for compile-time random constants //
rnd_cnst_seed: 4881560218908238235
// 32-bit datawidth
datawidth: "32",
// Power information for the design
power: {
// Power domains supported by the design
// Aon represents domain aon
// 0 represents domain 0
domains: ["Aon", "0"],
// Default power domain used for the design
default: "0"
// This is the clock data structure of the design.
// The hier path refers to the clock reference path (struct / port)
// - The top/ext desgination follows the same scheme as inter-module
// The src key indicates the raw clock sources in the design
// The groups key indicates the various clock groupings in the design
clocks: {
hier_paths: {
top: "clkmgr_aon_clocks.", // top level is a struct
ext: "", // ext is a port of the clock name
lpg: "clkmgr_aon_cg_en.", // top level struct for alert lpg reset enables
// Clock Source attributes
// name: Name of group.
// aon: Whether the clock is free running all the time.
// If it is, the clock is not hanlded by clkmgr.
// freq: Absolute frequency of clk in Hz
// ref: indicates the clock is used as a reference for measurement.
srcs: [
{ name: "main", aon: "no", freq: "96000000" }
{ name: "io", aon: "no", freq: "96000000" }
{ name: "usb", aon: "no", freq: "48000000" }
{ name: "aon", aon: "yes", freq: "200000", ref: true}
{ name: "smc", aon: "no", freq: "96000000" }
{ name: "ml", aon: "no", freq: "96000000" }
{ name: "video",aon: "no", freq: "96000000" }
{ name: "audio",aon: "no", freq: "48000000" } // TODO: Change to 12.288Mhz later to match ASIC
// Derived clock source attributes
// name: Name of group.
// aon: Whether the clock is free running all the time.
// If it is, the clock is not hanlded by clkmgr.
// freq: Absolute frequency of clk in Hz
// src: From which clock source is the clock derived
// div: Ratio between derived clock and source clock
derived_srcs: [
{ name: "io_div2", aon: "no", div: 2, src: "io", freq: "48000000" }
{ name: "io_div4", aon: "no", div: 4, src: "io", freq: "24000000" }
// Clock Group attributes
// name: name of group.
// src: The hierarchical source of the clock
// "ext" - clock is supplied from a port of the top module
// "top" - clock is supplied from a net inside the top module
// sw_cg: whether software is allowed to gate the clock
// "no" - software is not allowed to gate clocks
// "yes" - software is allowed to gate clocks
// "hint" - software can provide a hint, and hw controls the rest
// unique: whether each module in the group can be separately gated
// if sw_cg is "no", this field has no meaning
// "yes" - each clock is individually controlled
// "no" - the group is controlled as one single unit
// The powerup and proc groups are unique.
// The powerup group of clocks do not feed through the clock
// controller as they manage clock controller behavior
// The proc group is not peripheral, and directly hardwired
groups: [
// the powerup group is used exclusively by clk/pwr/rstmgr/pinmux
{ name: "ast", src:"ext", sw_cg: "no" }
{ name: "powerup", src:"top", sw_cg: "no" }
{ name: "trans", src:"top", sw_cg: "hint", unique: "yes", }
{ name: "infra", src:"top", sw_cg: "no", }
{ name: "secure", src:"top", sw_cg: "no" }
{ name: "peri", src:"top", sw_cg: "yes", unique: "no" }
{ name: "timers", src:"top", sw_cg: "no" }
// This is the reset data structure of the design.
// The hier path refers to the reset reference path (struct / port)
// - The top/ext desgination follows the same scheme as inter-module
// The node key represents all the known resets in the design
resets: {
hier_paths: {
top: "rstmgr_aon_resets.", // top level is a struct
ext: "", // ext is a port of the clock name
lpg: "rstmgr_aon_rst_en.", // top level struct for alert lpg reset enables
// Reset node attributes
// name: name of reset.
// gen: whether the reset is generated
// true: it is a generated reset inside rstmgr
// false: it is a hardwired design reset inside rstmgr (roots and por)
// For non-generated resets, the parent / domain definitions have no meaning.
// type: the reset type [ext, top]
// ext: the reset is coming in from the ports, external to matcha
// int: the reset is only used inside rstmgr
// top: the reset is output from rstmgr to top level struct
// parent: The parent reset
// If type is "ext", there is no root, since it is external
// domains: The power domains of a particular reset
// This is a list of of the supported power domains.
// Valid values are Aon and (power domain)0 ~ (power domain)1.
// If no value is supplied, the default is specified by the power configuration.
// clk: related clock domain for synchronous release
// If type is "por", there is not related clock, since it is
// likely external or generated from a voltage comparator
nodes: [
{ name: "por_aon", gen: false, type: "top", clk: "aon" }
{ name: "lc_src", gen: false, type: "int", clk: "io_div4" }
{ name: "sys_src", gen: false, type: "int", clk: "io_div4" }
{ name: "por", gen: true, type: "top", parent: "por_aon", clk: "main" }
{ name: "por_io", gen: true, type: "top", parent: "por_aon", clk: "io" }
{ name: "por_io_div2", gen: true , type: "top", parent: "por_aon", clk: "io_div2" }
{ name: "por_io_div4", gen: true , type: "top", parent: "por_aon", clk: "io_div4" }
{ name: "por_usb", gen: true , type: "top", parent: "por_aon", clk: "usb" }
{ name: "por_smc", gen: true, type: "top", parent: "por_aon", clk: "smc" }
{ name: "por_ml", gen: true , type: "top", parent: "por_aon", clk: "ml" }
{ name: "por_video", gen: true , type: "top", parent: "por_aon", clk: "video" }
{ name: "por_audio", gen: true , type: "top", parent: "por_aon", clk: "audio" }
{ name: "lc", gen: true, type: "top", parent: "lc_src", clk: "main" }
{ name: "lc_aon", gen: true, type: "top", parent: "lc_src", clk: "aon" }
{ name: "lc_io", gen: true, type: "top", parent: "lc_src", clk: "io" }
{ name: "lc_io_div2", gen: true, type: "top", parent: "lc_src", clk: "io_div2" }
{ name: "lc_io_div4", gen: true, type: "top", parent: "lc_src", clk: "io_div4" }
{ name: "lc_usb", gen: true, type: "top", parent: "lc_src", clk: "usb" }
{ name: "lc_smc", gen: true, type: "top", parent: "lc_src", clk: "smc" }
{ name: "lc_ml", gen: true, type: "top", parent: "lc_src", clk: "ml" }
{ name: "lc_video", gen: true, type: "top", parent: "lc_src", clk: "video" }
{ name: "lc_audio", gen: true, type: "top", parent: "lc_src", clk: "audio" }
{ name: "sys", gen: true, type: "top", parent: "sys_src", clk: "main" }
{ name: "sys_io_div4", gen: true, type: "top", parent: "sys_src", clk: "io_div4" }
{ name: "spi_device", gen: true, type: "top", parent: "lc_src", clk: "io_div4", sw: true }
{ name: "spi_host0", gen: true, type: "top", parent: "lc_src", clk: "io", sw: true }
{ name: "spi_host1", gen: true, type: "top", parent: "lc_src", clk: "io", sw: true }
{ name: "spi_host2", gen: true, type: "top", parent: "lc_src", clk: "io", sw: true }
{ name: "usb", gen: true, type: "top", parent: "lc_src", clk: "usb", sw: true }
{ name: "usb_aon", gen: true, type: "top", parent: "lc_src", clk: "aon", sw: true }
{ name: "i2c0", gen: true, type: "top", parent: "lc_src", clk: "io_div4", sw: true },
{ name: "i2c1", gen: true, type: "top", parent: "lc_src", clk: "io_div4", sw: true },
{ name: "i2c2", gen: true, type: "top", parent: "lc_src", clk: "io_div4", sw: true },
{ name: "smc", gen: true, type: "top", parent: "lc_src", clk: "smc", sw: true },
{ name: "ml", gen: true, type: "top", parent: "lc_src", clk: "ml", sw: true },
{ name: "cam_i2c", gen: true, type: "top", parent: "lc_src", clk: "io_div4", sw: true },
{ name: "video", gen: true, type: "top", parent: "lc_src", clk: "video", sw: true },
{ name: "audio", gen: true, type: "top", parent: "lc_src", clk: "audio", sw: true },
// Number of cores: used in rv_plic and timer
num_cores: "2",
// `module` defines the peripherals.
// Details come from each modules' config file `ip.hjson`:
// attr: There are a few types of modules supported
// normal(default): Normal, non-templated modules that will be instantiated
// templated: These modules are templated and must be run through topgen
// ipgen: These modules are the same as templated but use the new ipgen flow
// reggen_top: These modules are not templated, but need to have reggen run
// because they live exclusively in hw/top_* (Matcha) instead of
// hw/ip_* (OpenTitan). These modules are also instantiated in the top level.
// reggen_only: Similar to reggen_top, but are not instantiated in the top level.
// intr_to:
// smc: These modules with this parameter will send interrupt to smc core.
// sec: If not defined (or sec), the default interrupt target is security core.
module: [
{ name: "uart0", // instance name
type: "uart", // Must be matched to the ip name in `ip.hson` (_reg, _cfg permitted)
// and `hw/ip/{type}`
// clock connections defines the port to top level clock connection
// the ip.hjson will declare the clock port names
// If none are defined at ip.hjson, clk_i is used by default
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io_div4"},
clock_group: "peri",
// reset connections defines the port to top level reset connection
// the ip.hjson will declare the reset port names
// If none are defined at ip.hjson, rst_ni is used by default
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc_io_div4"},
base_addr: "0x40000000",
{ name: "uart1", // instance name
type: "uart", // Must be matched to the ip name in `ip.hson` (_reg, _cfg permitted)
// and `hw/ip/{type}`
// clock connections defines the port to top level clock connection
// the ip.hjson will declare the clock port names
// If none are defined at ip.hjson, clk_i is used by default
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io_div4"},
clock_group: "peri",
// reset connections defines the port to top level reset connection
// the ip.hjson will declare the reset port names
// If none are defined at ip.hjson, rst_ni is used by default
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc_io_div4"},
base_addr: "0x40010000",
{ name: "uart2", // instance name
type: "uart", // Must be matched to the ip name in `ip.hson` (_reg, _cfg permitted)
// and `hw/ip/{type}`
// clock connections defines the port to top level clock connection
// the ip.hjson will declare the clock port names
// If none are defined at ip.hjson, clk_i is used by default
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io_div4"},
clock_group: "peri",
// reset connections defines the port to top level reset connection
// the ip.hjson will declare the reset port names
// If none are defined at ip.hjson, rst_ni is used by default
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc_io_div4"},
base_addr: "0x40020000",
{ name: "uart3", // instance name
type: "uart", // Must be matched to the ip name in `ip.hson` (_reg, _cfg permitted)
// and `hw/ip/{type}`
// clock connections defines the port to top level clock connection
// the ip.hjson will declare the clock port names
// If none are defined at ip.hjson, clk_i is used by default
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io_div4"},
clock_group: "peri",
// reset connections defines the port to top level reset connection
// the ip.hjson will declare the reset port names
// If none are defined at ip.hjson, rst_ni is used by default
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc_io_div4"},
base_addr: "0x40030000",
{ name: "gpio",
type: "gpio",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io_div4"},
clock_group: "peri",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc_io_div4"},
base_addr: "0x40040000",
param_decl: {
GpioAsyncOn: "1"
{ name: "spi_device",
type: "spi_device",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io_div4", scan_clk_i: "io_div2"},
clock_group: "peri",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "spi_device"},
base_addr: "0x40050000",
{ name: "i2c0",
type: "i2c",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io_div4"},
clock_group: "peri",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "i2c0"},
base_addr: "0x40080000",
{ name: "i2c1",
type: "i2c",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io_div4"},
clock_group: "peri",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "i2c1"},
base_addr: "0x40090000",
{ name: "i2c2",
type: "i2c",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io_div4"},
clock_group: "peri",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "i2c2"},
base_addr: "0x400A0000",
{ name: "pattgen",
type: "pattgen",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io_div4"},
clock_group: "peri",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc_io_div4"},
base_addr: "0x400E0000",
{ name: "rv_timer",
type: "rv_timer",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io_div4"},
clock_group: "timers",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc_io_div4"},
base_addr: "0x40100000",
{ name: "otp_ctrl",
type: "otp_ctrl",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io_div4", clk_edn_i: "main"},
clock_group: "secure",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc_io_div4", rst_edn_ni: "lc"},
base_addrs: {core: "0x40130000", prim: "0x40132000"}
{ name: "lc_ctrl",
type: "lc_ctrl",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io_div4", clk_kmac_i: "main"},
clock_group: "secure",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc_io_div4", rst_kmac_ni: "lc"},
base_addr: "0x40140000",
param_decl: {
ChipGen: "16'h 0000",
ChipRev: "16'h 0000",
IdcodeValue: "jtag_id_pkg::JTAG_IDCODE",
{ name: "alert_handler",
type: "alert_handler",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io_div4", clk_edn_i: "main"},
clock_group: "secure",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc_io_div4", rst_edn_ni: "lc"},
base_addr: "0x40150000",
attr: "ipgen",
{ name: "spi_host0",
type: "spi_host",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io"},
clock_group: "peri",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "spi_host0"},
base_addr: "0x40300000",
{ name: "spi_host1",
type: "spi_host",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io"},
clock_group: "peri",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "spi_host1"},
base_addr: "0x40310000",
{ name: "usbdev",
type: "usbdev",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "usb", clk_aon_i: "aon"},
clock_group: "peri",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "usb", rst_aon_ni: "usb_aon"},
base_addr: "0x40320000",
param_decl: {
RcvrWakeTimeUs: "100"
{ name: "pwrmgr_aon",
type: "pwrmgr",
clock_group: "powerup",
clock_srcs: {
clk_i: "io_div4",
clk_slow_i: "aon",
clk_lc_i: "io_div4",
clk_esc_i: {
clock: "io_div4",
group: "secure"
reset_connections: {
rst_ni: {
name: "por_io_div4",
domain: "Aon"
rst_main_ni: {
name: "por_aon",
domain: "0"
rst_lc_ni: {
name: "lc_io_div4",
domain: "Aon"
rst_esc_ni: {
name: "lc_io_div4",
domain: "Aon"
rst_slow_ni: {
name: "por_aon",
domain: "Aon",
domain: ["Aon", "0"],
base_addr: "0x40400000",
attr: "templated",
{ name: "rstmgr_aon",
type: "rstmgr",
clock_srcs: {
clk_i: {
clock: "io_div4",
group: "powerup"
clk_por_i: "io_div4", clk_aon_i: "aon", clk_main_i: "main", clk_io_i: "io", clk_usb_i: "usb",
clk_io_div2_i: "io_div2", clk_io_div4_i: "io_div4",
clk_smc_i: "smc", clk_ml_i: "ml", clk_video_i: "video", clk_audio_i: "audio"
clock_group: "powerup",
reset_connections: {
rst_ni: {
name: "lc_io_div4",
domain: "Aon"
rst_por_ni: {
name: "por_io_div4",
domain: "Aon"
domain: ["Aon", "0"],
base_addr: "0x40410000",
attr: "templated",
{ name: "clkmgr_aon",
type: "clkmgr",
clock_srcs: {
clk_i: "io_div4",
clk_main_i: {
group: "ast",
clock: "main"
clk_io_i: {
group: "ast",
clock: "io"
clk_usb_i: {
group: "ast",
clock: "usb"
clk_aon_i: {
group: "ast",
clock: "aon"
clk_ml_i: {
group: "ast",
clock: "ml"
clk_smc_i: {
group: "ast",
clock: "smc"
clk_video_i: {
group: "ast",
clock: "video"
clk_audio_i: {
group: "ast",
clock: "audio"
clock_group: "powerup",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc_io_div4",
rst_aon_ni: "lc_aon"
rst_io_ni: "lc_io",
rst_io_div2_ni: "lc_io_div2",
rst_io_div4_ni: "lc_io_div4",
rst_main_ni: "lc",
rst_usb_ni: "lc_usb",
rst_smc_ni: "lc_smc",
rst_ml_ni: "lc_ml",
rst_video_ni: "lc_video",
rst_audio_ni: "lc_audio",
rst_root_ni: "por_io_div4",
rst_root_io_ni: "por_io",
rst_root_io_div2_ni: "por_io_div2",
rst_root_io_div4_ni: "por_io_div4",
rst_root_main_ni: "por",
rst_root_usb_ni: "por_usb",
rst_root_smc_ni: "por_smc",
rst_root_ml_ni: "por_ml",
rst_root_video_ni: "por_video",
rst_root_audio_ni: "por_audio",
domain: ["Aon"],
base_addr: "0x40420000",
attr: "templated",
{ name: "sysrst_ctrl_aon",
type: "sysrst_ctrl",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io_div4", clk_aon_i: "aon"},
clock_group: "secure",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc_io_div4", rst_aon_ni: "lc_aon"},
domain: ["Aon"],
base_addr: "0x40430000"
{ name: "adc_ctrl_aon",
type: "adc_ctrl",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io_div4", clk_aon_i: "aon"},
clock_group: "peri",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc_io_div4", rst_aon_ni: "lc_aon"},
domain: ["Aon"],
base_addr: "0x40440000"
{ name: "pwm_aon",
type: "pwm",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io_div4", clk_core_i: "aon"},
clock_group: "peri",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc_io_div4", rst_core_ni: "lc_aon"},
domain: ["Aon"],
base_addr: "0x40450000",
{ name: "pinmux_aon",
type: "pinmux",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io_div4", clk_aon_i: "aon"},
clock_group: "powerup",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc_io_div4",
rst_aon_ni: "lc_aon",
rst_sys_ni: "sys_io_div4"
domain: ["Aon"],
base_addr: "0x40460000",
attr: "templated",
{ name: "aon_timer_aon",
type: "aon_timer",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io_div4", clk_aon_i: "aon"},
clock_group: "timers",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc_io_div4", rst_aon_ni: "lc_aon"},
domain: ["Aon"],
base_addr: "0x40470000",
{ name: "ast",
type: "ast",
clock_srcs: {
clk_ast_tlul_i: {
clock: "io_div4",
group: "infra"
clk_ast_adc_i: {
clock: "aon",
group: "peri"
clk_ast_alert_i: {
clock: "io_div4",
group: "secure"
clk_ast_es_i: {
clock: "main",
group: "secure"
clk_ast_rng_i: {
clock: "main",
group: "secure"
clk_ast_usb_i: {
clock: "usb",
group: "peri"
clock_group: "secure",
reset_connections: {
rst_ast_tlul_ni: {
name: "lc_io_div4",
domain: "0",
rst_ast_adc_ni: {
name: "lc_aon",
domain: "Aon"
rst_ast_alert_ni: {
name: "lc_io_div4",
domain: "0",
rst_ast_es_ni: {
name: "lc",
domain: "0",
rst_ast_rng_ni: {
name: "lc",
domain: "0",
rst_ast_usb_ni: {
name: "usb",
domain: "0"
domain: ["Aon", "0"],
base_addr: "0x40480000",
attr: "reggen_only",
{ name: "sensor_ctrl",
type: "sensor_ctrl",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io_div4", clk_aon_i: "aon"},
clock_group: "secure",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc_io_div4", rst_aon_ni: "lc_aon"},
domain: ["Aon"],
base_addr: "0x40490000",
attr: "reggen_top",
{ name: "sram_ctrl_ret_aon",
type: "sram_ctrl",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io_div4", clk_otp_i: "io_div4"},
clock_group: "infra",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc_io_div4", rst_otp_ni: "lc_io_div4"}
domain: ["Aon"],
param_decl: {
InstrExec: "0",
base_addrs: {regs: "0x40500000", ram: "0x40600000"},
// Memory regions must be associated with a dedicated
// TL-UL device interface.
memory: {
ram: {
label: "ram_ret_aon",
swaccess: "rw",
data_intg_passthru: "true",
exec: "True",
byte_write: "True",
size: "0x1000"
{ name: "flash_ctrl",
type: "flash_ctrl",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "main", clk_otp_i: "io_div4"},
clock_group: "infra",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc", rst_otp_ni: "lc_io_div4"},
base_addrs: {core: "0x41000000", prim: "0x41008000", mem: "0x20000000"}
param_decl: {
ProgFifoDepth: "4",
memory: {
mem: {
label: "eflash",
swaccess: "ro",
data_intg_passthru: "true",
exec: "True",
byte_write: "False",
config: {
type: "flash",
banks: 2,
pages_per_bank: 256,
program_resolution: 8, // maximum number of flash words allowed to program at one time
attr: "templated",
{ name: "rv_dm",
type: "rv_dm",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "main"},
clock_group: "infra",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "sys"},
param_decl: {
IdcodeValue: "jtag_id_pkg::JTAG_IDCODE",
// Note that this module also contains a bus host.
base_addrs: {mem: "0x00004000", regs: "0x00006000"}
{ name: "rv_plic",
type: "rv_plic",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "main"},
clock_group: "secure",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc"},
base_addr: "0x48000000",
attr: "ipgen",
{ name: "aes",
type: "aes",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "main", clk_edn_i: "main"},
clock_group: "trans",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc", rst_edn_ni: "lc"},
param_decl: {
SecMasking: "1",
SecSBoxImpl: "aes_pkg::SBoxImplDom"
base_addr: "0x41100000",
{ name: "hmac",
type: "hmac",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "main"},
clock_group: "trans",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc"},
base_addr: "0x41110000",
{ name: "kmac",
type: "kmac",
param_decl: {
EnMasking: "1",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "main", clk_edn_i: "main"}
clock_group: "trans"
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc", rst_edn_ni: "lc"}
base_addr: "0x41120000"
{ name: "otbn",
type: "otbn",
clock_srcs: {
clk_i: {
clock: "main",
group: "trans"
clk_edn_i: {
clock: "main",
group: "secure"
clk_otp_i: {
clock: "io_div4",
group: "secure"
clock_group: "trans",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc", rst_edn_ni: "lc", rst_otp_ni: "lc_io_div4"},
base_addr: "0x41130000",
{ name: "keymgr",
type: "keymgr",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "main", clk_edn_i: "main"},
clock_group: "secure",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc", rst_edn_ni: "lc"},
base_addr: "0x41140000",
{ name: "csrng",
type: "csrng",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "main"},
clock_group: "secure",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc"},
base_addr: "0x41150000",
{ name: "entropy_src",
type: "entropy_src",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "main"},
clock_group: "secure",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc"},
base_addr: "0x41160000",
{ name: "edn0",
type: "edn",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "main"},
clock_group: "secure",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc"},
base_addr: "0x41170000",
{ name: "edn1",
type: "edn",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "main"},
clock_group: "secure",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc"},
base_addr: "0x41180000",
{ name: "sram_ctrl_main",
type: "sram_ctrl",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "main", clk_otp_i: "io_div4"},
clock_group: "infra",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc", rst_otp_ni: "lc_io_div4"},
param_decl: {
InstrExec: "1",
base_addrs: {regs: "0x411C0000", ram: "0x10000000"},
// Memory regions must be associated with a dedicated
// TL-UL device interface.
memory: {
ram: {
label: "ram_main",
swaccess: "rw",
data_intg_passthru: "true",
exec: "True",
byte_write: "True",
size: "0x20000"
{ name: "rom_ctrl",
type: "rom_ctrl",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "main"},
clock_group: "infra",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc"},
base_addrs: {rom: "0x00008000", regs: "0x411e0000"}
memory: {
rom: {
label: "rom",
swaccess: "ro",
data_intg_passthru: "true",
exec: "True",
byte_write: "False",
size: "0x8000"
data_intg_passthru: "True"
param_decl: {
SecDisableScrambling: "1'b0"
{ name: "rv_core_ibex_sec",
type: "rv_core_ibex",
param_decl: {PMPEnable: "1",
PMPGranularity: "0",
PMPNumRegions: "16",
MHPMCounterNum: "10",
MHPMCounterWidth: "32",
RV32E: "0",
RV32M: "ibex_pkg::RV32MSingleCycle",
RV32B: "ibex_pkg::RV32BOTEarlGrey",
RegFile: "ibex_pkg::RegFileFF",
BranchTargetALU: "1",
WritebackStage: "1",
ICache: "1",
ICacheECC: "1",
ICacheScramble: "1",
BranchPredictor: "0",
DbgTriggerEn: "1",
DbgHwBreakNum: "4",
SecureIbex: "1",
DmHaltAddr: "tl_main_pkg::ADDR_SPACE_DBG + dm::HaltAddress[31:0]",
DmExceptionAddr: "tl_main_pkg::ADDR_SPACE_DBG + dm::ExceptionAddress[31:0]",
PipeLine: "0"
clock_srcs: {
clk_i: "main",
clk_edn_i: "main",
clk_esc_i: {
clock: "io_div4",
group: "secure",
clk_otp_i: {
clock: "io_div4",
group: "secure",
clock_group: "infra",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc",
rst_edn_ni: "lc",
rst_esc_ni: "lc_io_div4",
rst_otp_ni: "lc_io_div4"},
base_addr: "0x411F0000",
name: "dma0",
type: "dma",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "main"},
clock_group: "infra",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc"},
base_addr: "0x40200000",
attr: "reggen_top",
// Modules for SMC complex
{ name: "smc_uart",
type: "uart",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io_div4"},
clock_group: "peri",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc_io_div4"},
base_addr: "0x54000000",
intr_to: "smc",
{ name: "rv_timer_smc",
type: "rv_timer",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io_div4"},
clock_group: "timers",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc_io_div4"},
base_addr: "0x54010000",
intr_to: "smc",
{ name: "smc_ctrl",
type: "smc_ctrl",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "smc"},
clock_group: "secure",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "smc"},
base_addr: "0x54020000",
attr: "reggen_top",
{ name: "cam_i2c",
type: "i2c",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io_div4"},
clock_group: "peri",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "cam_i2c"},
base_addr: "0x54040000",
intr_to: "smc",
{ name: "cam_ctrl",
type: "cam_ctrl",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io_div4"},
clock_group: "peri",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc_io_div4"},
base_addr: "0x54050000",
attr: "reggen_top",
intr_to: "smc",
{ name: "isp_wrapper",
type: "isp_wrapper",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "video", clk_core_i: "video", clk_axi_i: "video"},
clock_group: "peri",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "smc"}, // SW controlled reset
base_addr: "0x54060000",
attr: "reggen_top",
intr_to: "smc",
name: "dma_smc",
type: "dma",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "smc"},
clock_group: "infra",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "smc"},
base_addr: "0x54070000",
attr: "reggen_top",
intr_to: "smc",
{ name: "rv_plic_smc",
type: "rv_plic_smc",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "smc"},
clock_group: "infra",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "smc"},
base_addr: "0x60000000", //per smc.repl
attr: "ipgen",
// Second tlul_mailbox module is only for reg, interrupt and tlul interface generation only.
// There will be only one tlul_mailbox IP in top level RTL. In the, the second
// tlul_mailbox IP instantiation will be skipped.
{ name: "tlul_mailbox_sec",
type: "tlul_mailbox",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "main"},
clock_group: "infra",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc"},
base_addr: "0x40800000",
//size: "0x1000",
attr: "reggen_top",
{ name: "tlul_mailbox_smc",
type: "tlul_mailbox",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "main"}, // async fifo at xbar_smc side
clock_group: "infra",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc"},
base_addr: "0x540F1000",
//size: "0x1000",
intr_to: "smc",
// ML/Vector Core
{ name: "ml_top",
type: "ml_top",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "ml"},
clock_group: "peri",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "ml"}, // SW controlled reset for whole ml_top.
base_addrs: {
dmem: "0x5A000000",
core: "0x5C000000",
// Memory regions must be associated with a dedicated
// TL-UL device interface.
memory: {
dmem: {
label: "ram_ml_dmem",
swaccess: "rw",
exec: "True",
byte_write: "True",
size: "0x400000"
attr: "reggen_top",
intr_to: "smc",
{ name: "spi_host2",
type: "spi_host",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io"},
clock_group: "peri",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "spi_host2"},
base_addr: "0x54090000",
intr_to: "smc",
{ name: "rv_timer_smc2",
type: "rv_timer",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io_div4"},
clock_group: "timers",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "sys_io_div4"},
base_addr: "0x54011000",
intr_to: "smc",
{ name: "i2s0", // TODO: Waiting on audio clock to be ready. USB clk used temporarily.
type: "i2s",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io_div4", clk_audio_i: "audio"},
clock_group: "peri",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "sys_io_div4"},
base_addr: "0x54100000",
attr: "reggen_top",
intr_to: "smc",
{ name: "rv_core_ibex_smc",
type: "rv_core_smc",
param_decl: {PMPEnable: "0",
PMPGranularity: "0",
PMPNumRegions: "16",
MHPMCounterNum: "10",
MHPMCounterWidth: "32",
RV32E: "0",
RV32M: "smc_pkg::RV32MSingleCycle",
RV32B: "smc_pkg::RV32BNone",
RV32A: "1",
RegFile: "smc_pkg::RegFileFF",
BranchTargetALU: "0",
WritebackStage: "0",
ICache: "0",
ICacheECC: "0",
BranchPredictor: "0",
DbgTriggerEn: "1",
SecureSmc: "0",
DmHaltAddr: "tl_main_pkg::ADDR_SPACE_DBG + dm::HaltAddress[31:0]",
DmExceptionAddr: "tl_main_pkg::ADDR_SPACE_DBG + dm::ExceptionAddress[31:0]",
PipeLine: "0",
ITLBEntries: "64",
DTLBEntries: "64",
ASIDWidth: "9"
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "smc", clk_esc_i: "io_div4"},
clock_group: "peri",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "smc", rst_esc_ni: "lc_io_div4"},
base_addr: "0x54030000",
attr: "reggen_top",
// Memories (ROM, RAM, eFlash) are defined at the top.
// It utilizes the primitive cells but configurable
// All memories wrapped up in relevant controllers
// ram_smc returned to 4MB
memory: [
{ name: "ram_smc",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "smc"},
clock_group: "infra",
reset_connections: {
name: "smc"
domain: "0"
type: "ram_1p",
base_addr: "0x50000000",
size: "0x400000",
inter_signal_list: [
{ struct: "tl"
package: "tlul_pkg"
type: "req_rsp"
act: "rsp"
name: "tl"
// The port data structure is not something that should be used liberally.
// It is used specifically to assign special attributes to specific ports.
// For example, this allows us to designate a port as part of inter-module
// connections.
port: [
{ name: "ast",
inter_signal_list: [
{ struct: "edn",
type: "req_rsp",
name: "edn",
// The activity direction for a port inter-signal is "opposite" of
// what the external module actually needs.
act: "rsp",
package: "edn_pkg",
{ struct: "lc_tx",
type: "uni",
name: "lc_dft_en",
// The activity direction for a port inter-signal is "opposite" of
// what the external module actually needs.
act: "req",
package: "lc_ctrl_pkg",
{ struct: "ram_1p_cfg",
package: "prim_ram_1p_pkg",
type: "uni",
name: "ram_1p_cfg",
// The activity direction for a port inter-signal is "opposite" of
// what the external module actually needs.
act: "rcv"
{ struct: "ram_2p_cfg",
package: "prim_ram_2p_pkg",
type: "uni",
name: "ram_2p_cfg",
// The activity direction for a port inter-signal is "opposite" of
// what the external module actually needs.
act: "rcv"
{ struct: "rom_cfg",
package: "prim_rom_pkg",
type: "uni",
name: "rom_cfg",
// The activity direction for a port inter-signal is "opposite" of
// what the external module actually needs.
act: "rcv"
{ struct: "ast_obs_ctrl",
type: "uni",
name: "obs_ctrl",
// The activity direction for a port inter-signal is "opposite" of
// what the external module actually needs.
act: "rcv",
package: "ast_pkg",
// Inter-module Connection.
// format:
// requester: [ resp1, resp2, ... ],
// the field and value should be module_inst.port_name
// e.g flash_ctrl0.flash: [flash_phy0.flash_ctrl]
inter_module: {
'connect': {
'ast.obs_ctrl' : ['flash_ctrl.obs_ctrl',
'ast.ram_1p_cfg' : ['otbn.ram_cfg',
'ast.ram_2p_cfg' : ['spi_device.ram_cfg', 'usbdev.ram_cfg'],
'ast.rom_cfg' : ['rom_ctrl.rom_cfg'],
'alert_handler.crashdump' : ['rstmgr_aon.alert_dump'],
'alert_handler.esc_rx' : ['rv_core_ibex_sec.esc_rx',
'alert_handler.esc_tx' : ['rv_core_ibex_sec.esc_tx',
'aon_timer_aon.nmi_wdog_timer_bark' : ['rv_core_ibex_sec.nmi_wdog']
'csrng.csrng_cmd' : ['edn0.csrng_cmd', 'edn1.csrng_cmd'],
'csrng.entropy_src_hw_if' : ['entropy_src.entropy_src_hw_if'],
'csrng.cs_aes_halt' : ['entropy_src.cs_aes_halt'],
'flash_ctrl.keymgr' : ['keymgr.flash'],
'flash_ctrl.otp' : ['otp_ctrl.flash_otp_key'],
'flash_ctrl.rma_seed' : ['lc_ctrl.lc_flash_rma_seed'],
'otp_ctrl.sram_otp_key' : ['sram_ctrl_main.sram_otp_key',
'pwrmgr_aon.pwr_flash' : ['flash_ctrl.pwrmgr'],
'pwrmgr_aon.pwr_rst' : ['rstmgr_aon.pwr'],
'pwrmgr_aon.pwr_clk' : ['clkmgr_aon.pwr'],
'pwrmgr_aon.pwr_otp' : ['otp_ctrl.pwr_otp'],
'pwrmgr_aon.pwr_lc' : ['lc_ctrl.pwr_lc'],
'pwrmgr_aon.strap' : ['pinmux_aon.strap_en'],
'pwrmgr_aon.low_power' : ['pinmux_aon.sleep_en',
'pwrmgr_aon.fetch_en' : ['rv_core_ibex_sec.pwrmgr_cpu_en'],
'rom_ctrl.pwrmgr_data' : ['pwrmgr_aon.rom_ctrl'],
'rom_ctrl.keymgr_data' : ['keymgr.rom_digest'],
'flash_ctrl.keymgr' : ['keymgr.flash'],
'alert_handler.crashdump' : ['rstmgr_aon.alert_dump'],
'csrng.entropy_src_hw_if' : ['entropy_src.entropy_src_hw_if'],
// Daisy chained LC RMA req/ack interface: LC -> Flash -> OTBN -> LC
'lc_ctrl.lc_flash_rma_req' : ['flash_ctrl.rma_req'],
'flash_ctrl.rma_ack' : ['otbn.lc_rma_req'],
'otbn.lc_rma_ack' : ['lc_ctrl.lc_flash_rma_ack'],
// usbdev connection to pinmux
'usbdev.usb_dp_pullup' : ['pinmux_aon.usbdev_dppullup_en'],
'usbdev.usb_dn_pullup' : ['pinmux_aon.usbdev_dnpullup_en'],
'usbdev.usb_aon_suspend_req': ['pinmux_aon.usbdev_suspend_req'],
'usbdev.usb_aon_wake_ack' : ['pinmux_aon.usbdev_wake_ack'],
'usbdev.usb_aon_bus_reset' : ['pinmux_aon.usbdev_bus_reset'],
'usbdev.usb_aon_sense_lost' : ['pinmux_aon.usbdev_sense_lost'],
'pinmux_aon.usbdev_wake_detect_active' : ['usbdev.usb_aon_wake_detect_active'],
//isp_wrapper connection to ml_top
'isp_wrapper.isp_cvalid' : ['ml_top.isp_cvalid'],
'isp_wrapper.isp_cready' : ['ml_top.isp_cready'],
'isp_wrapper.isp_cwrite' : ['ml_top.isp_cwrite'],
'isp_wrapper.isp_caddr' : ['ml_top.isp_caddr'],
'isp_wrapper.isp_wdata' : ['ml_top.isp_wdata'],
'isp_wrapper.isp_wmask' : ['ml_top.isp_wmask'],
'isp_wrapper.isp_sp_cvalid' : ['ml_top.isp_sp_cvalid'],
'isp_wrapper.isp_sp_cready' : ['ml_top.isp_sp_cready'],
'isp_wrapper.isp_sp_cwrite' : ['ml_top.isp_sp_cwrite'],
'isp_wrapper.isp_sp_caddr' : ['ml_top.isp_sp_caddr'],
'isp_wrapper.isp_sp_wdata' : ['ml_top.isp_sp_wdata'],
'isp_wrapper.isp_sp_wmask' : ['ml_top.isp_sp_wmask'],
// Edn connections
'edn0.edn' : ['keymgr.edn', 'otp_ctrl.edn', 'ast.edn', 'kmac.entropy',
'alert_handler.edn', 'aes.edn', 'otbn.edn_urnd',
'edn1.edn' : ['otbn.edn_rnd'],
// OTBN OTP scramble key
'otp_ctrl.otbn_otp_key' : ['otbn.otbn_otp_key'],
// KeyMgr Sideload & KDF function
'otp_ctrl.otp_keymgr_key' : ['keymgr.otp_key'],
'keymgr.aes_key' : ['aes.keymgr_key'],
'keymgr.kmac_key' : ['kmac.keymgr_key'],
'keymgr.otbn_key' : ['otbn.keymgr_key'],
// KMAC Application Interface
'' : ['keymgr.kmac_data', // Keymgr needs to be at index 0
'lc_ctrl.kmac_data', // LC needs to be at index 1
'rom_ctrl.kmac_data'], // ROM needs to be at index 2
'kmac.en_masking' : ['keymgr.kmac_en_masking']
// The idle connection is automatically connected through topgen.
// The user does not need to explicitly declare anything other than
// an empty list.
'clkmgr_aon.idle' : [],
// Pinmux JTAG signals
'pinmux_aon.lc_jtag' : ['lc_ctrl.jtag'],
'pinmux_aon.rv_jtag' : ['rv_dm.jtag'],
// Latched HW debug life cycle signal that is forwarded to RV_DM
'pinmux_aon.pinmux_hw_debug_en' : ['rv_dm.pinmux_hw_debug_en'],
// OTP LC interface
'otp_ctrl.otp_lc_data' : ['lc_ctrl.otp_lc_data'],
'lc_ctrl.lc_otp_program' : ['otp_ctrl.lc_otp_program'],
'lc_ctrl.lc_otp_vendor_test' : ['otp_ctrl.lc_otp_vendor_test'],
// Diversification constant coming from life cycle
'lc_ctrl.lc_keymgr_div' : ['keymgr.lc_keymgr_div'],
// LC function control signal broadcast
'lc_ctrl.lc_dft_en' : ['otp_ctrl.lc_dft_en',
'lc_ctrl.lc_nvm_debug_en' : ['flash_ctrl.lc_nvm_debug_en'],
'lc_ctrl.lc_hw_debug_en' : ['sram_ctrl_main.lc_hw_debug_en',
'lc_ctrl.lc_cpu_en' : ['rv_core_ibex_sec.lc_cpu_en',
'lc_ctrl.lc_keymgr_en' : ['keymgr.lc_keymgr_en'],
'lc_ctrl.lc_escalate_en' : ['aes.lc_escalate_en',
'lc_ctrl.lc_check_byp_en' : ['otp_ctrl.lc_check_byp_en',
'lc_ctrl.lc_clk_byp_req' : ['clkmgr_aon.lc_clk_byp_req'],
'lc_ctrl.lc_clk_byp_ack' : ['clkmgr_aon.lc_clk_byp_ack'],
// LC access control signal broadcast
'lc_ctrl.lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en' : ['otp_ctrl.lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en',
'lc_ctrl.lc_owner_seed_sw_rw_en' : ['flash_ctrl.lc_owner_seed_sw_rw_en'],
'lc_ctrl.lc_iso_part_sw_rd_en' : ['flash_ctrl.lc_iso_part_sw_rd_en'],
'lc_ctrl.lc_iso_part_sw_wr_en' : ['flash_ctrl.lc_iso_part_sw_wr_en'],
'lc_ctrl.lc_seed_hw_rd_en' : ['otp_ctrl.lc_seed_hw_rd_en',
// rv_plic connections
'rv_plic.msip' : ['rv_core_ibex_sec.irq_software'],
'rv_plic.irq' : ['rv_core_ibex_sec.irq_external'],
'rv_plic_smc.msip' : ['rv_core_ibex_smc.irq_software'],
'rv_plic_smc.irq' : ['rv_core_ibex_smc.irq_external'],
'rv_dm.debug_req': ['rv_core_ibex_sec.debug_req', 'rv_core_ibex_smc.debug_req',
// rv_timer connections
// rv core ibex connections
'rv_core_ibex_sec.crash_dump' : ['rstmgr_aon.cpu_dump'],
'rv_core_ibex_sec.pwrmgr' : ['pwrmgr_aon.pwr_cpu'],
// smc core connections
'rv_core_ibex_smc.pwrmgr_cpu_en' : ['smc_ctrl.smc_boot_en'],
// spi passthrough connection
'spi_device.passthrough' : ['spi_host0.passthrough']
// Debug module reset request to power manager
'rv_dm.ndmreset_req' : ['pwrmgr_aon.ndmreset_req'],
// Reset manager software reset request to pwrmgr
'rstmgr_aon.sw_rst_req' : ['pwrmgr_aon.sw_rst_req'],
// top is to connect to top net/struct.
// It defines the signal in the top and connect from the module,
// use of the signal is up to top template
'top': [
// top level net for clocks
// top level clock gating indications for alert subsystem
// top level net for reset
// top level reset asserted indications for alert subsystem
// dedicated timer interrupt
// hardwired connections
'rv_core_ibex_sec.hart_id', 'rv_core_ibex_sec.boot_addr',
'rv_core_ibex_smc.hart_id', 'rv_core_ibex_smc.boot_addr',
// Xbars
// Pinmux JTAG signals for the tool-inserted DFT TAP
// OTP HW_CFG Broadcast signals.
// TODO(#6713): The actual struct breakout and mapping currently needs to
// be performed by hand in the toplevel template.
// ext is to create port in the top.
'external': {
'adc_ctrl_aon.adc' : 'adc'
'ast.edn' : '',
'ast.lc_dft_en' : '',
'ast.obs_ctrl' : 'obs_ctrl',
'ast.ram_1p_cfg' : 'ram_1p_cfg',
'ast.ram_2p_cfg' : 'ram_2p_cfg',
'ast.rom_cfg' : 'rom_cfg',
'clkmgr_aon.jitter_en' : 'clk_main_jitter_en',
'clkmgr_aon.io_clk_byp_req' : 'io_clk_byp_req',
'clkmgr_aon.io_clk_byp_ack' : 'io_clk_byp_ack',
'clkmgr_aon.all_clk_byp_req' : 'all_clk_byp_req',
'clkmgr_aon.all_clk_byp_ack' : 'all_clk_byp_ack',
'clkmgr_aon.hi_speed_sel' : 'hi_speed_sel',
'clkmgr_aon.div_step_down_req' : 'div_step_down_req',
'clkmgr_aon.calib_rdy' : 'calib_rdy',
'flash_ctrl.flash_bist_enable' : 'flash_bist_enable',
'flash_ctrl.flash_power_down_h' : 'flash_power_down_h',
'flash_ctrl.flash_power_ready_h' : 'flash_power_ready_h',
'flash_ctrl.flash_test_mode_a' : 'flash_test_mode_a',
'flash_ctrl.flash_test_voltage_h' : 'flash_test_voltage_h',
'flash_ctrl.fla_obs' : 'flash_obs',
'entropy_src.entropy_src_rng' : 'es_rng',
'entropy_src.rng_fips' : 'es_rng_fips',
'peri.tl_ast' : 'ast_tl',
'pinmux_aon.dft_strap_test' : 'dft_strap_test'
'pinmux_aon.dft_hold_tap_sel' : 'dft_hold_tap_sel',
'pinmux_aon.usb_dppullup_en' : 'usb_dp_pullup_en',
'pinmux_aon.usb_dnpullup_en' : 'usb_dn_pullup_en',
'pwrmgr_aon.pwr_ast' : 'pwrmgr_ast',
'otp_ctrl.otp_ast_pwr_seq' : '',
'otp_ctrl.otp_ast_pwr_seq_h' : '',
'otp_ctrl.otp_ext_voltage_h' : 'otp_ext_voltage_h',
'otp_ctrl.otp_obs' : 'otp_obs',
'rstmgr_aon.por_n' : 'por_n',
'rv_core_ibex_sec.fpga_info' : 'fpga_info',
'sensor_ctrl.ast_alert' : 'sensor_ctrl_ast_alert',
'sensor_ctrl.ast_status' : 'sensor_ctrl_ast_status',
'sensor_ctrl.ast2pinmux' : 'ast2pinmux',
'sensor_ctrl.ast_init_done' : 'ast_init_done',
'spi_device.sck_monitor' : 'sck_monitor',
'usbdev.usb_rx_d' : '',
'usbdev.usb_tx_d' : '',
'usbdev.usb_tx_se0' : '',
'usbdev.usb_tx_use_d_se0' : '',
'usbdev.usb_rx_enable' : '',
'usbdev.usb_ref_val' : '',
'usbdev.usb_ref_pulse' : '',
// Crossbars: having a top level crossbar
// This version assumes all crossbars are instantiated at the top.
// Assume xbar.hjson is located in the same directory of top.hjson
xbar: [
{ name: "main",
clock_srcs: {clk_main_i: "main",
clk_fixed_i: "io_div4",
clk_usb_i: "usb",
clk_spi_host0_i: "io",
clk_spi_host1_i: "io",
clock_group: "infra",
reset: "lc",
reset_connections: {rst_main_ni: "lc",
rst_fixed_ni: "lc_io_div4",
rst_usb_ni: "lc_usb",
rst_spi_host0_ni: "lc_io",
rst_spi_host1_ni: "lc_io",
rst_smc_ni: "smc"}
{ name: "peri",
clock_srcs: {clk_peri_i: "io_div4", },
clock_group: "infra",
reset: "lc_io_div4",
reset_connections: {rst_peri_ni: "lc_io_div4"},
{ name: "smc",
clock_srcs: {clk_smc_i: "smc",
clk_peri_i: "io_div4",
clk_spi_host2_i: "io",
clk_ml_i: "ml",
clk_video_i: "video",
clk_audio_i: "audio",
clk_main_i: "main",
clock_group: "infra",
reset: "lc",
reset_connections: {rst_smc_ni: "smc",
rst_peri_ni: "lc_io_div4",
rst_spi_host2_ni: "lc_io",
rst_ml_ni: "ml",
rst_video_ni: "video",
rst_audio_ni: "audio",
rst_main_ni: "lc"
{ name: "dbg",
clock_srcs: {clk_main_i: "main", },
clock_group: "infra",
reset: "lc",
reset_connections: {rst_main_ni: "lc"},
// ===== PINMUX & PINOUT ======================================================
pinout: {
// IO power bank declaration.
// This list defines the IO bank power domains on the ASIC.
// Each individual pad must be in one of the declared power domains.
banks: ['VCC', 'AVCC', 'VIOA', 'VIOB'],
// Pad declaration.
// Each entry must have the following four keys:
// - name: Name of the pad (this will be exposed at the chiplevel).
// - type: Pad type (this maps to the pad types defined in
// - bank: Specifies in which of the IO power banks this pad lives.
// - connection: Can have either of the following values:
// 1) 'direct': This is a dedicated IO Pad that is directly connected to a peripheral.
// 2) 'manual': This is a dedicated IO signal that is not directly connected to a
// peripheral. It needs to be manually wired up in the template.
// 3) 'muxed': This is a muxed IO pad that will be connected to the pinmux.
// Optionally, each pad can also have a 'desc' field for further description, and a 'port_type' field
// to override the default 'inout wire' type (this is currently only used for simulating ADC connections
// where the ports have to be switched to a real type when the ANALOGSIM macro is defined).
pads: [
// Special manually connected pads
{ name: 'POR_N' , type: 'InputStd', bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'manual', desc: 'System reset'},
{ name: 'USB_P' , type: 'DualBidirTol', bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'manual', desc: 'USB P signal'},
{ name: 'USB_N' , type: 'DualBidirTol', bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'manual', desc: 'USB N signal'},
{ name: 'CC1' , type: 'InputStd', bank: 'AVCC', connection: 'manual', desc: 'ADC input 1', port_type: '`INOUT_AI'},
{ name: 'CC2' , type: 'InputStd', bank: 'AVCC', connection: 'manual', desc: 'ADC input 2', port_type: '`INOUT_AI'},
{ name: 'FLASH_TEST_VOLT' , type: 'AnalogIn0', bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'manual', desc: 'Flash test voltage input'},
{ name: 'FLASH_TEST_MODE0', type: 'InputStd', bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'manual', desc: 'Flash test mode signal'},
{ name: 'FLASH_TEST_MODE1', type: 'InputStd', bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'manual', desc: 'Flash test mode signal'},
{ name: 'OTP_EXT_VOLT' , type: 'AnalogIn1', bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'manual', desc: 'OTP external voltage input'},
//{ name: 'CAM_SCL' , type: 'BidirOd', bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'manual', desc: 'CAM I2C Clock'},
//{ name: 'CAM_SDA' , type: 'BidirOd', bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'manual', desc: 'CAM I2C Data'},
// Dedicated IOs
{ name: 'SPI_HOST_D0' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'direct', desc: 'SPI host data'},
{ name: 'SPI_HOST_D1' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'direct', desc: 'SPI host data'},
{ name: 'SPI_HOST_D2' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'direct', desc: 'SPI host data'},
{ name: 'SPI_HOST_D3' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'direct', desc: 'SPI host data'},
{ name: 'SPI_HOST_CLK' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'direct', desc: 'SPI host clock'},
{ name: 'SPI_HOST_CS_L' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'direct', desc: 'SPI host chip select'},
//{ name: 'SPI_HOST2_D0' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'direct', desc: 'SPI host data'},
//{ name: 'SPI_HOST2_D1' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'direct', desc: 'SPI host data'},
//{ name: 'SPI_HOST2_D2' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'direct', desc: 'SPI host data'},
//{ name: 'SPI_HOST2_D3' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'direct', desc: 'SPI host data'},
//{ name: 'SPI_HOST2_CLK' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'direct', desc: 'SPI host clock'},
//{ name: 'SPI_HOST2_CS_L' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'direct', desc: 'SPI host chip select'},
{ name: 'SPI_DEV_D0' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'direct', desc: 'SPI device data'},
{ name: 'SPI_DEV_D1' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'direct', desc: 'SPI device data'},
{ name: 'SPI_DEV_D2' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'direct', desc: 'SPI device data'},
{ name: 'SPI_DEV_D3' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'direct', desc: 'SPI device data'},
{ name: 'SPI_DEV_CLK' , type: 'InputStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'direct', desc: 'SPI device clock'},
{ name: 'SPI_DEV_CS_L' , type: 'InputStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'direct', desc: 'SPI device chip select'},
//{ name: 'ISP_DVP_PCLK' , type: 'InputStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'direct', desc: 'SENSOR CLK'},
//{ name: 'ISP_DVP_D0' , type: 'InputStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'direct', desc: 'SENSOR DATA'},
//{ name: 'ISP_DVP_D1' , type: 'InputStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'direct', desc: 'SENSOR DATA'},
//{ name: 'ISP_DVP_D2' , type: 'InputStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'direct', desc: 'SENSOR DATA'},
//{ name: 'ISP_DVP_D3' , type: 'InputStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'direct', desc: 'SENSOR DATA'},
//{ name: 'ISP_DVP_D4' , type: 'InputStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'direct', desc: 'SENSOR DATA'},
//{ name: 'ISP_DVP_D5' , type: 'InputStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'direct', desc: 'SENSOR DATA'},
//{ name: 'ISP_DVP_D6' , type: 'InputStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'direct', desc: 'SENSOR DATA'},
//{ name: 'ISP_DVP_D7' , type: 'InputStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'direct', desc: 'SENSOR DATA'},
//{ name: 'ISP_DVP_HSYNC' , type: 'InputStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'direct', desc: 'SENSOR HSYNC'},
//{ name: 'ISP_DVP_VSYNC' , type: 'InputStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'direct', desc: 'SENSOR VSYNC'},
//{ name: 'CAM_TRIG' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'direct', desc: 'CAM trigger'},
//{ name: 'CAM_INT' , type: 'InputStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'direct', desc: 'CAM Interrupt'},
//{ name: 'I2S0_RX_SCLK' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'direct', desc: 'I2S rx host clock'},
//{ name: 'I2S0_RX_WS' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'direct', desc: 'I2S rx host word select'},
//{ name: 'I2S0_RX_SD' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'direct', desc: 'I2S rx serial data'},
//{ name: 'I2S0_TX_SCLK' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'direct', desc: 'I2S tx host clock'},
//{ name: 'I2S0_TX_WS' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'direct', desc: 'I2S tx host word select'},
//{ name: 'I2S0_TX_SD' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'direct', desc: 'I2S tx serial data'},
// IOA
{ name: 'IOA0' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOA1' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOA2' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad', port_type: '`INOUT_AO'},
{ name: 'IOA3' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad', port_type: '`INOUT_AO'},
{ name: 'IOA4' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOA5' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOA6' , type: 'BidirOd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOA7' , type: 'BidirOd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOA8' , type: 'BidirOd', bank: 'VIOA', connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
// IOB
{ name: 'IOB0' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VIOB', connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOB1' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VIOB', connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOB2' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VIOB', connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOB3' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VIOB', connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOB4' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VIOB', connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOB5' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VIOB', connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOB6' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VIOB', connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOB7' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VIOB', connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOB8' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VIOB', connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOB9' , type: 'BidirOd' , bank: 'VIOB', connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOB10' , type: 'BidirOd' , bank: 'VIOB', connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOB11' , type: 'BidirOd' , bank: 'VIOB', connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOB12' , type: 'BidirOd' , bank: 'VIOB', connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
// IOC
{ name: 'IOC0' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOC1' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOC2' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOC3' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOC4' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOC5' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOC6' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOC7' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOC8' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOC9' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOC10' , type: 'BidirOd' , bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOC11' , type: 'BidirOd' , bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOC12' , type: 'BidirOd' , bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
// IOR
{ name: 'IOR0' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOR1' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOR2' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOR3' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOR4' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOR5' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOR6' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOR7' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOR8' , type: 'BidirOd' , bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'direct', desc: 'Dedicated sysrst_ctrl output (ec_rst_l)'},
{ name: 'IOR9' , type: 'BidirOd' , bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'direct', desc: 'Dedicated sysrst_ctrl output (flash_wp_l)'},
{ name: 'IOR10' , type: 'BidirOd' , bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOR11' , type: 'BidirOd' , bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOR12' , type: 'BidirOd' , bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOR13' , type: 'BidirOd' , bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
// IOD
{ name: 'IOD0' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOD1' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOD2' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOD3' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOD4' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
{ name: 'IOD5' , type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VCC' , connection: 'muxed' , desc: 'Muxed IO pad'},
pinmux: {
// Signal to pinmux/pad mapping.
// Each entry in the list below must have the following two mandatory keys:
// - instance: This is the comportable IO instance name where the IO signal comes from.
// - connection: This key is similar to the connection key in the pinout/pad configuration and
// can have either of the following values:
// 1) 'direct': This is a dedicated IO signal that is directly connected to a pad.
// Such an IO signal must also specify the 'port' and 'pad' keys
// (see further below).
// 2) 'manual': This is a dedicated IO signal that is not directly connected to a pad.
// It needs to be manually wired up in the template.
// Such an IO signal may have a 'port' key, but no 'pad' key.
// 3) 'muxed': This is a muxed IO signal that will be connected to the pinmux.
// Such an IO signal may have a 'port' key, but no 'pad' key.
// Depending on the connection type specified, each entry may have the following optional keys:
// - port: Name of the available IO signal of the instance.
// This is required for 'direct' connections, but optional for the others.
// Individual signals of a bus IO signal must be indexed with square brackets, e.g. mybus[1].
// Not specifying this key or setting it to an empty string acts as a wild card
// and includes all available IOs of this instance.
// - pad: Name of the pad the 'direct' connection should connect to.
// This is not required for 'muxed' and 'manual' connections.
// - desc: Optional description field.
// - attr: Manual direct IOs may specify an additional pad attr field.
// This is used to create the correct pad attribute CSR for that DIO channel (since the
// DIO is manual, there is no way to automatically infer the corresponding pad type).
signals: [
// USB
{ instance: 'usbdev', port: 'usb_dp', connection: 'manual', pad: '' , desc: ''},
{ instance: 'usbdev', port: 'usb_dn', connection: 'manual', pad: '' , desc: ''},
// SPI Host0
{ instance: 'spi_host0', port: 'sck', connection: 'direct', pad: 'SPI_HOST_CLK' , desc: ''},
{ instance: 'spi_host0', port: 'csb', connection: 'direct', pad: 'SPI_HOST_CS_L', desc: ''},
{ instance: 'spi_host0', port: 'sd[0]', connection: 'direct', pad: 'SPI_HOST_D0' , desc: ''},
{ instance: 'spi_host0', port: 'sd[1]', connection: 'direct', pad: 'SPI_HOST_D1' , desc: ''},
{ instance: 'spi_host0', port: 'sd[2]', connection: 'direct', pad: 'SPI_HOST_D2' , desc: ''},
{ instance: 'spi_host0', port: 'sd[3]', connection: 'direct', pad: 'SPI_HOST_D3' , desc: ''},
// SPI Device
{ instance: 'spi_device', port: 'sck', connection: 'direct', pad: 'SPI_DEV_CLK' , desc: ''},
{ instance: 'spi_device', port: 'csb', connection: 'direct', pad: 'SPI_DEV_CS_L' , desc: ''},
{ instance: 'spi_device', port: 'sd[0]', connection: 'direct', pad: 'SPI_DEV_D0' , desc: ''},
{ instance: 'spi_device', port: 'sd[1]', connection: 'direct', pad: 'SPI_DEV_D1' , desc: ''},
{ instance: 'spi_device', port: 'sd[2]', connection: 'direct', pad: 'SPI_DEV_D2' , desc: ''},
{ instance: 'spi_device', port: 'sd[3]', connection: 'direct', pad: 'SPI_DEV_D3' , desc: ''},
// MIOs
{ instance: "gpio", port: '', connection: 'muxed' , pad: '' , desc: ''},
{ instance: "uart0", port: '', connection: 'muxed' , pad: '' , desc: ''},
{ instance: "uart1", port: '', connection: 'muxed' , pad: '' , desc: ''},
{ instance: "uart2", port: '', connection: 'muxed' , pad: '' , desc: ''},
{ instance: "smc_uart", port: '', connection: 'muxed' , pad: '' , desc: ''},
{ instance: "i2c0", port: '', connection: 'muxed' , pad: '' , desc: ''},
{ instance: "i2c1", port: '', connection: 'muxed' , pad: '' , desc: ''},
{ instance: "i2c2", port: '', connection: 'muxed' , pad: '' , desc: ''},
{ instance: "cam_i2c", port: '', connection: 'muxed' , pad: '' , desc: ''},
{ instance: "cam_ctrl", port: '', connection: 'muxed' , pad: '' , desc: ''},
{ instance: "isp_wrapper", port: '', connection: 'muxed' , pad: '' , desc: ''},
{ instance: "i2s0", port: '', connection: 'muxed' , pad: '' , desc: ''},
{ instance: "pattgen", port: '', connection: 'muxed' , pad: '' , desc: ''},
{ instance: "spi_device", port: 'tpm_csb', connection: 'muxed' , pad: '' , desc: ''},
{ instance: "spi_host1", port: '', connection: 'muxed' , pad: '' , desc: ''},
{ instance: "spi_host2", port: '', connection: 'muxed' , pad: '' , desc: ''},
{ instance: "flash_ctrl", port: '', connection: 'muxed' , pad: '' , desc: ''},
{ instance: "sensor_ctrl", port: '', connection: 'muxed' , pad: '' , desc: ''},
{ instance: "pwm_aon", port: '', connection: 'muxed' , pad: '' , desc: ''},
{ instance: "otp_ctrl", port: 'test[0]', connection: 'muxed' , pad: '' , desc: ''},
// Sysrst ctrl has both muxed and dedicated IOs
{ instance: "sysrst_ctrl_aon", port: 'ac_present', connection: 'muxed' , pad: '' , desc: ''},
{ instance: "sysrst_ctrl_aon", port: 'key0_in', connection: 'muxed' , pad: '' , desc: ''},
{ instance: "sysrst_ctrl_aon", port: 'key1_in', connection: 'muxed' , pad: '' , desc: ''},
{ instance: "sysrst_ctrl_aon", port: 'key2_in', connection: 'muxed' , pad: '' , desc: ''},
{ instance: "sysrst_ctrl_aon", port: 'pwrb_in', connection: 'muxed' , pad: '' , desc: ''},
{ instance: "sysrst_ctrl_aon", port: 'bat_disable', connection: 'muxed' , pad: '' , desc: ''},
{ instance: "sysrst_ctrl_aon", port: 'ec_rst_l', connection: 'direct', pad: 'IOR8' , desc: ''},
{ instance: "sysrst_ctrl_aon", port: 'flash_wp_l', connection: 'direct', pad: 'IOR9' , desc: ''},
{ instance: "sysrst_ctrl_aon", port: 'key0_out', connection: 'muxed' , pad: '' , desc: ''},
{ instance: "sysrst_ctrl_aon", port: 'key1_out', connection: 'muxed' , pad: '' , desc: ''},
{ instance: "sysrst_ctrl_aon", port: 'key2_out', connection: 'muxed' , pad: '' , desc: ''},
{ instance: "sysrst_ctrl_aon", port: 'pwrb_out', connection: 'muxed', pad: '' , desc: ''},
{ instance: "sysrst_ctrl_aon", port: 'lid_open', connection: 'muxed' , pad: '' , desc: ''},
{ instance: "sysrst_ctrl_aon", port: 'z3_wakeup', connection: 'muxed' , pad: '' , desc: ''},
{ instance: 'usbdev', port: 'sense', connection: 'muxed' , pad: '' , desc: ''},
num_wkup_detect: 8
wkup_cnt_width: 8
// Implementation targets.
// This defines the configuration of the target-specific chip-levels to
// generate from the shared template. Each target uses the same base
// configuration for the pinmux and pinout as defined above, and the
// generated software constants for the pinmux DIF do not change among the
// implementation targets. However, in order to accommodate slight
// differences among the ASIC, FPGA emulation and simulation environments,
// it is possible to make very limited pinout changes below. In particular,
// it is possible to remove and tie-off specific pads, or add more 'manual'
// pads that need to be manually connected in the template. It is also possible
// to override the JTAG and strap locations indices, since the testing and DFT
// setups may differ among the targets.
targets: [
{ name: 'asic',
// Pinout Changes.
pinout: {
// This is a list of port names to remove from the chip port list.
// The corresponding pad of a removed port will remain instantiated,
// and a wire net will be declared inside the chip-level hierarchy so
// that it can be manually connected as needed.
remove_ports: [],
// This is a list of pad names to remove from the base pinout defined
// above. Removed pads will be stubbed off such that their inputs
// signals are driven with zero. Output signals and output enables
// will be left unconnected. If no changes are needed, this list can
// be left empty.
remove_pads: [],
// This is a list of additional "manual" pads to add to the pinout.
// The pad entries have the same format as the pad entries in the pinout
// configuration above. However, the 'connection' key must always be set
// to 'manual' as it is not possible to connect these additional pads
// to the pinmux or peripherals.
add_pads: [
{ name: 'AST_MISC', type: 'InputStd', bank: 'VCC', connection: 'manual', desc: 'Extra infrastructure pad for AST'}
{ name: 'CLK_EXT', type: 'AnalogIn0', bank: 'VCC', connection: 'manual', desc: 'Ext clock input'}
{ name: 'CLK_BYP', type: 'InputStd', bank: 'VCC', connection: 'manual', desc: 'Bypass internal clk from PLL, and use CLK_EXT for debug'}
{ name: 'CLK_200K', type: 'AnalogIn0', bank: 'VCC', connection: 'manual', desc: 'Extra clock input for FPGA target'}
{ name: 'XTAL_IN', type: 'AnalogIn0', bank: 'VCC', connection: 'manual', desc: 'XTAL input'}
{ name: 'XTAL_OUT', type: 'AnalogIn0', bank: 'VCC', connection: 'manual', desc: 'XTAL output'}
pinmux: {
// Special signal positions. Each entry in the list below creates a
// target-specific pad position parameter in the chiplevel hierarchy
// that can be used to parameterize certain IPs like the pinmux or
// padring. This is mainly used to define the pad positions of special
// test and DFT signals such as the JTAG signals and the TAP and DFT
// straps. Straps in this context are special pads that get sampled at
// boot time during certain life cycle states in order to determine
// DFT modes and the TAP mux selection index (the JTAG signals can be
// muxed to either the lifecycle TAP, DFT TAP or RISC-V processor
// TAP). TODO: add more documentation to
// Each entry must have the following two keys:
// - name: Basename for the SV parameter.
// - pad: The pad name that this special signal maps to. The generated
// parameter will be assigned the corresponding pad index.
// Each entry may have an optional 'desc' key for further description.
special_signals: [
// Straps
{ name: 'tap0', pad: 'IOC8', desc: 'TAP strap signal.' },
{ name: 'tap1', pad: 'IOC5', desc: 'TAP strap signal.' },
{ name: 'dft0', pad: 'IOC3', desc: 'DFT strap signal.' },
{ name: 'dft1', pad: 'IOC4', desc: 'DFT strap signal.' },
{ name: 'tck', pad: 'IOR3', desc: 'JTAG tck signal.' },
{ name: 'tms', pad: 'IOR0', desc: 'JTAG tms signal.' },
{ name: 'trst_n', pad: 'IOR4', desc: 'JTAG trst_n signal.' },
{ name: 'tdi', pad: 'IOR2', desc: 'JTAG tdi signal.' },
{ name: 'tdo', pad: 'IOR1', desc: 'JTAG tdo signal.' },
{ name: 'nexus',
pinout: {
remove_ports: [],
remove_pads: [
'CC1', 'CC2',
//'SPI_DEV_D2', 'SPI_DEV_D3'
//'IOB10', 'IOB11', 'IOB12',
//'IOR5', 'IOR6', 'IOR7', 'IOR8', 'IOR9', 'IOR10', 'IOR11', 'IOR12', 'IOR13'
add_pads: [
// Additional infrastructure pads
// IO_CLK and IO_CLK_N are using AnalogIO0 now to bypass the IBUF in he It use the IBUFDS in
// the instead.
{ name: 'IO_CLK', type: 'AnalogIn0', bank: 'VCC', connection: 'manual', desc: 'Extra clock input for FPGA target'}
{ name: 'IO_CLK_N', type: 'AnalogIn0', bank: 'VCC', connection: 'manual', desc: 'Extra clock input for FPGA target'}
{ name: 'POR_BUTTON_N', type: 'InputStd', bank: 'VCC', connection: 'manual', desc: 'Power-on reset button input'}
{ name: 'JTAG_SRST_N', type: 'InputStd', bank: 'VCC', connection: 'manual', desc: 'JTAG header SRST, triggers POR'}
// ChipWhisperer IO
{ name: 'IO_CLKOUT', type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VCC', connection: 'manual', desc: 'Manual clock output for SCA setup'}
{ name: 'IO_TRIGGER', type: 'BidirStd', bank: 'VCC', connection: 'manual', desc: 'Manual trigger output for SCA setup'}
pinmux: {
special_signals: [
// Straps
{ name: 'tap0', pad: 'IOC8', desc: 'TAP strap signal.' },
{ name: 'tap1', pad: 'IOC5', desc: 'TAP strap signal.' },
{ name: 'dft0', pad: 'IOC3', desc: 'DFT strap signal.' },
{ name: 'dft1', pad: 'IOC4', desc: 'DFT strap signal.' },
{ name: 'tck', pad: 'IOR3', desc: 'JTAG tck signal.' },
{ name: 'tms', pad: 'IOR0', desc: 'JTAG tms signal.' },
{ name: 'trst_n', pad: 'IOR4', desc: 'JTAG trst_n signal.' },
{ name: 'tdi', pad: 'IOR2', desc: 'JTAG tdi signal.' },
{ name: 'tdo', pad: 'IOR1', desc: 'JTAG tdo signal.' },