| |
| // number of scalar core issue lane |
| `define ISSUE_LANE 4 |
| |
| // the max number of instructions are decoded per cycle in DE stage |
| `define NUM_DE_INST 2 |
| |
| // the max number of uops are dispated per cycle in DP stage |
| `define NUM_DP_UOP 2 |
| |
| // the max number of uops are retired per cycle in WB stage |
| `define NUM_WB_UOP 4 |
| |
| `define CQ_DEPTH |
| `define UQ_DEPTH |
| `define ROB_DEPTH 8 |
| `define ROB_DEPTH_WIDTH $clog2(`ROB_DEPTH) |
| |
| `define PC_WIDTH 32 |
| `define INST_WIDTH 27 |
| `define XLEN 32 |
| |
| // an instruction will be split to EMUL_max=8 uops at most |
| `define EMUL_MAX 8 |
| `define UOP_INDEX_WIDTH $clog2(`EMUL_MAX) |
| |
| // Vector CSR |
| `define VLEN 128 |
| `define VLENB `VLEN/8 |
| |
| // vstart <= VLMAX_max and vl <= VLMAX_max, VLMAX_max=VLEN*LMUL_max/SEW_min=128 |
| `define VSTART_WIDTH $clog2(`VLEN)+1 |
| `define VL_WIDTH $clog2(`VLEN)+1 |
| `define VTYPE_VILL_WIDTH 1 |
| `define VTYPE_VMA_WIDTH 1 |
| `define VTYPE_VTA_WIDTH 1 |
| `define VTYPE_VSEW_WIDTH 3 |
| `define VTYPE_VLMUL_WIDTH 3 |
| `define VCSR_VXRM_WIDTH 2 |
| `define VCSR_VXSAT_WIDTH 1 |
| |
| // Instruction encoding |
| `define FUNCT6_WIDTH 6 |
| `define VM_WIDTH 1 |
| `define VS2_WIDTH 5 |
| `define UMOP_WIDTH 5 |
| `define VS1_WIDTH 5 |
| `define IMM_WIDTH 5 |
| `define FUNCT3_WIDTH 3 |
| `define VD_WIDTH 5 |
| `define RD_WIDTH 5 |
| `define OPCODE_WIDTH 7 |
| |
| // vtype.vlmul |
| `define LMUL1_4 3'b110 |
| `define LMUL1_2 3'b111 |
| `define LMUL1 3'b000 |
| `define LMUL2 3'b001 |
| `define LMUL4 3'b010 |
| `define LMUL8 3'b011 |
| |
| // vtype.vsew |
| `define SEW8 3'b000 |
| `define SEW16 3'b001 |
| `define SEW32 3'b010 |
| |
| // instruction opcode |
| `define OPCODE_LOAD 2'b00 |
| `define OPCODE_STORE 2'b01 |
| `define OPCODE_ARITH 2'b00 |
| |
| // Reservation Station data width |
| `define ALU_RS_WIDTH $bits(ALU_RS_t) |
| |