| |
| `include "rvv_define.svh" |
| |
| // |
| // IF stage, RVS to Command Queue |
| // |
| typedef struct packed { |
| logic [`VTYPE_VILL_WIDTH-1:0] vill; // 0:not illegal, 1:illegal |
| logic [`VTYPE_VMA_WIDTH-1:0] vma; // 0:inactive element undisturbed, 1:inactive element agnostic |
| logic [`VTYPE_VTA_WIDTH-1:0] vta; // 0:tail undisturbed, 1:tail agnostic |
| logic [`VTYPE_VSEW_WIDTH-1:0] vsew; // support: 000:SEW8, 001:SEW16, 010:SEW32 |
| logic [`VTYPE_VLMUL_WIDTH-1:0] vlmul; // support: 110:LMUL1/4, 111:LMUL1/2, 000:LMUL1, 001:LMUL2, 010:LMUL4, 011:LMUL8 |
| } VTYPE_t; |
| |
| typedef struct packed { |
| logic [`VCSR_VXRM_WIDTH-1:0] vxrm; |
| logic [`VCSR_VXSAT_WIDTH-1:0] vxsat; |
| } VCSR_t; |
| |
| typedef struct packed { |
| logic [`VSTART_WIDTH-1:0] vstart; |
| logic [`VL_WIDTH-1:0] vl; |
| VTYPE_t vtype; |
| VCSR_t vcsr; |
| } VECTOR_CSR_t; |
| |
| typedef struct packed { |
| logic [`PC_WIDTH-1:0] insts_pc; |
| logic [`INST_WIDTH-1:0] insts; |
| VECTOR_CSR_t vector_csr; |
| logic [`XLEN-1:0] rs1_data; |
| } INST_t; |
| |
| // |
| // DE stage, Uops Queue to Dispatch unit |
| // |
| // It is used to distinguish which execute units that VVV/VVX/VX uop is dispatch to, based on inst_encoding[6:0] |
| typedef enum logic [2:0] { |
| ALU, |
| MUL, |
| MAC, |
| LSU |
| } EXE_UNIT_e; |
| |
| // when EXE_UNIT_e is not LSU, it is used to distinguish arithmetic instructions, based on inst_encoding[14:12] |
| typedef enum logic [2:0] { |
| OPIVV, // vs2, vs1, vd. |
| OPFVV, // vs2, vs1, vd/rd. float, not support |
| OPMVV, // vs2, vs1, vd/rd. |
| OPIVI, // vs2, imm[4:0], vd. |
| OPIVX, // vs2, rs1, vd. |
| OPFVF, // vs2, rs1, vd. float, not support |
| OPMVX, // vs2, rs1, vd/rd. |
| OPCFG // vset* instructions |
| } EXE_FUNCT3_e; |
| |
| // when EXE_UNIT_e is not LSU, it identifys what instruction, vadd or vmacc or ..? based on inst_encoding[31:26] |
| typedef enum logic [5:0] { |
| VADD = 6'b000_000, |
| VSUB = 6'b000_010, |
| VRSUB = 6'b000_011, |
| VMINU = 6'b000_100, |
| VMIN = 6'b000_101, |
| VMAXU = 6'b000_110, |
| VMAX = 6'b000_111, |
| VAND = 6'b001_001, |
| VOR = 6'b001_010, |
| VXOR = 6'b001_011, |
| VRGATHER = 6'b001_100, |
| VSLIDEUP = 6'b001_110, |
| // VRGATHEREI16 = 6'b001_110, // Overlaps with VSLIDEUP |
| VSLIDEDOWN = 6'b001_111, |
| VADC = 6'b010_000, |
| VMADC = 6'b010_001, |
| VSBC = 6'b010_010, |
| VMSBC = 6'b010_011, |
| VMERGE_VMV = 6'b010_111, // it could be vmerge or vmv, based on vm field |
| VMSEQ = 6'b011_000, |
| VMSNE = 6'b011_001, |
| VMSLTU = 6'b011_010, |
| VMSLT = 6'b011_011, |
| VMSLEU = 6'b011_100, |
| VMSLE = 6'b011_101, |
| VMSGTU = 6'b011_110, |
| VMSGT = 6'b011_111, |
| VSADDU = 6'b100_000, |
| VSADD = 6'b100_001, |
| VSSUBU = 6'b100_010, |
| VSSUB = 6'b100_011, |
| VSLL = 6'b100_101, |
| VSMUL_VMVNRR = 6'b100_111, // it could be vsmul or vmv<nr>r, based on vm field |
| VSRL = 6'b101_000, |
| VSRA = 6'b101_001, |
| VSSRL = 6'b101_010, |
| VSSRA = 6'b101_011, |
| VNSRL = 6'b101_100, |
| VNSRA = 6'b101_101, |
| VNCLIPU = 6'b101_110, |
| VNCLIP = 6'b101_111, |
| VWREDSUMU = 6'b110_000, |
| VWREDSUM = 6'b110_001 |
| } OPI_TYPE_e; |
| |
| typedef enum logic [5:0] { |
| VREDSUM = 6'b000_000, |
| VREDAND = 6'b000_001, |
| VREDOR = 6'b000_010, |
| VREDXOR = 6'b000_011, |
| VREDMINU = 6'b000_100, |
| VREDMIN = 6'b000_101, |
| VREDMAXU = 6'b000_110, |
| VREDMAX = 6'b000_111, |
| VAADDU = 6'b001_000, |
| VAADD = 6'b001_001, |
| VASUBU = 6'b001_010, |
| VASUB = 6'b001_011, |
| VSLIDE1UP = 6'b001_110, |
| VSLIDE1DOWN = 6'b001_111, |
| VWXUNARY0 = 6'b010_000, // it could be vcpop.m, vfirst.m and vmv. They can be distinguished by vs1 field(inst_encoding[19:15]). |
| VXUNARY0 = 6'b010_010, // it could be vzext.vf2, vzext.vf4, vsext.vf2, vsext.vf4. They can be distinguished by vs1 field(inst_encoding[19:15]). |
| VMUNARY0 = 6'b010_100, // it could be vmsbf, vmsof, vmsif, viota, vid. They can be distinguished by vs1 field(inst_encoding[19:15]). |
| VCOMPRESS = 6'b010_111, |
| VMANDN = 6'b011_000, |
| VMAND = 6'b011_001, |
| VMOR = 6'b011_010, |
| VMXOR = 6'b011_011, |
| VMORN = 6'b011_100, |
| VMNAND = 6'b011_101, |
| VMNOR = 6'b011_110, |
| VMXNOR = 6'b011_111, |
| VDIVU = 6'b100_000, |
| VDIV = 6'b100_001, |
| VREMU = 6'b100_010, |
| VREM = 6'b100_011, |
| VMULHU = 6'b100_100, |
| VMUL = 6'b100_101, |
| VMULHSU = 6'b100_110, |
| VMULH = 6'b100_111, |
| VMADD = 6'b101_001, |
| VNMSUB = 6'b101_011, |
| VMACC = 6'b101_101, |
| VNMSAC = 6'b101_111, |
| VWADDU = 6'b110_000, |
| VWADD = 6'b110_001, |
| VWSUBU = 6'b110_010, |
| VWSUB = 6'b110_011, |
| VWADDUW = 6'b110_100, |
| VWADDW = 6'b110_101, |
| VWSUBUW = 6'b110_110, |
| VWSUBW = 6'b110_111, |
| VWMULU = 6'b111_000, |
| VWMULSU = 6'b111_010, |
| VWMUL = 6'b111_011, |
| VWMACCU = 6'b111_100, |
| VWMACC = 6'b111_101, |
| VWMACCUS = 6'b111_110, |
| VWMACCSU = 6'b111_111 |
| } OPM_TYPE_e; |
| |
| // when OPM_TYPE_e=vwxunary0, the uop could be vcpop.m, vfirst.m and vmv. They can be distinguished by vs1 field(inst_encoding[19:15]). |
| typedef enum logic [4:0] { |
| VMV_X_S = 5'b00000, |
| VCPOP = 5'b10000, |
| VFIRST = 5'b10001 |
| } OPM_VWXUNARY0_e; |
| |
| // when OPM_TYPE_e=vxunary0, the uop could be vzext.vf2, vzext.vf4, vsext.vf2, vsext.vf4. They can be distinguished by vs1 field(inst_encoding[19:15]). |
| typedef enum logic [4:0] { |
| VZEXT_VF4 = 5'b00100, |
| VSEXT_VF4 = 5'b00101, |
| VZEXT_VF2 = 5'b00110, |
| VSEXT_VF2 = 5'b00111 |
| } OPM_VXUNARY0_e; |
| |
| // when OPM_TYPE_e=vmxunary0, the uop could be vmsbf, vmsof, vmsif, viota, vid. They can be distinguished by vs1 field(inst_encoding[19:15]). |
| typedef enum logic [4:0] { |
| VMSBF = 5'b00001, |
| VMSOF = 5'b00010, |
| VMSIF = 5'b00011, |
| VIOTA = 5'b10000, |
| VID = 5'b10001 |
| } OPM_VMXUNARY0_e; |
| |
| // when EXE_UNIT_e is LSU, it identifys what LSU instruction, unit-stride load or indexed store or ..? based on inst_encoding[31:26] |
| typedef enum logic [1:0] { |
| LSU_MOP_US, // Unit-Stride |
| LSU_MOP_IU, // Indexed Unordered |
| LSU_MOP_CS, // Constant Stride |
| LSU_MOP_IO // Indexed Ordered |
| } LSU_MOP_e; |
| |
| // It identifys what unit-stride instruction when LSU_MOP_e=US, based on inst_encoding[24:20] |
| typedef enum logic [1:0] { |
| LSU_UMOP_US, // Unit-Stride load/store |
| LSU_UMOP_WR, // Whole Register load/store |
| LSU_UMOP_MK, // MasK load/store, EEW=8(inst_encoding[14:12]=3'b000) |
| LSU_UMOP_FF // Fault-only-First load |
| } LSU_UMOP_e; |
| |
| // It identifys what inst_encoding[11:7] is used for when LSU instruction, based on inst_encoding[5] |
| typedef enum logic { |
| LSU_IS_STORE_LOAD, // when load, inst_encoding[11:7] is seen as vs3 |
| LSU_IS_STORE_STORE // when load, inst_encoding[11:7] is seen as vd |
| } LSU_IS_STORE_e; |
| |
| // combine those signals to LSU_TYPE |
| typedef struct packed { |
| logic rsv; // reserved |
| LSU_MOP_e lsu_mop; |
| LSU_UMOP_e lsu_umop; |
| LSU_IS_STORE_e lsu_is_store; |
| } LSU_TYPE_t; |
| |
| // function opcode |
| typedef union packed { |
| OPI_TYPE_e opi_funct; |
| OPM_TYPE_e opm_funct; |
| LSU_TYPE_t lsu_funct; |
| } FUNCT6_u; |
| |
| // vs1 field |
| typedef union packed { |
| OPM_VWXUNARY0_e vwxunary0_funct; |
| OPM_VXUNARY0_e vxunary0_funct; |
| OPM_VMXUNARY0_e vmxunary0_funct; |
| logic [`REGFILE_INDEX_WIDTH-1:0] vs1_index; |
| } VS1_u; |
| |
| // uop classification used for dispatch rule |
| typedef enum logic [1:0] { |
| VV, // this uop will use 2 read ports of VRF |
| VX, // this uop will use 1 read ports of VRF |
| X, // this uop will use 0 read ports of VRF |
| VVV // this uop will use 3 read ports of VRF |
| } UOP_CLASS_e; |
| |
| // Effective Element Width |
| typedef enum logic [1:0] { |
| EEW1, |
| EEW8, |
| EEW16, |
| EEW32 |
| } EEW_e; |
| |
| // the uop struct stored in Uops Queue |
| typedef struct packed { |
| logic [`PC_WIDTH-1:0] uop_pc; |
| EXE_UNIT_e uop_exe_unit; |
| EXE_FUNCT3_e uop_funct3; |
| FUNCT6_u uop_funct6; |
| UOP_CLASS_e uop_class; |
| VECTOR_CSR_t vector_csr; |
| |
| logic vm; // Original 32bit instruction encoding: insts[25] |
| logic [`REGFILE_INDEX_WIDTH-1:0] vd_index; // Original 32bit instruction encoding: insts[11:7].this index is also used as vs3 in some uops |
| EEW_e vd_eew; |
| logic vd_valid; |
| VS1_u vs1; // when vs1_valid=1, vs1 field is used as vs1_index to address VRF |
| EEW_e vs1_eew; // when vs1_valid=0, vs1 field is used to decode some OPMVV uops |
| logic vs1_valid; |
| logic [`REGFILE_INDEX_WIDTH-1:0] vs2_index; // Original 32bit instruction encoding: insts[24:20] |
| EEW_e vs2_eew; |
| logic vs2_valid; |
| logic [`REGFILE_INDEX_WIDTH-1:0] rd_index; // Original 32bit instruction encoding: insts[11:7]. |
| logic rd_index_valid; |
| logic [`XLEN-1:0] rs1_data; // rs1_data could be from X[rs1] and imm(insts[19:15]). If it is imm, the 5-bit imm(insts[19:15]) will be sign-extend or zero-extend(shift instructions...) to XLEN-bit. |
| logic rs1_data_valid; |
| |
| logic [`UOP_INDEX_WIDTH-1:0] uop_index; // used for calculate v0_start in DP stage |
| logic last_uop_valid; // one instruction may be split to many uops, this signal is used to specify the last uop in those uops of one instruction. |
| } UOP_QUEUE_t; |
| |
| // |
| // DP stage, |
| // |
| // VRF struct |
| typedef struct packed { |
| logic dp2vrf_vr0_valid; |
| logic [`REGFILE_INDEX_WIDTH-1:0] dp2vrf_vr0_addr; |
| logic dp2vrf_vr1_valid; |
| logic [`REGFILE_INDEX_WIDTH-1:0] dp2vrf_vr1_addr; |
| logic dp2vrf_vr2_valid; |
| logic [`REGFILE_INDEX_WIDTH-1:0] dp2vrf_vr2_addr; |
| logic dp2vrf_vr3_valid; |
| logic [`REGFILE_INDEX_WIDTH-1:0] dp2vrf_vr3_addr; |
| }DP2VRF_t; |
| |
| typedef struct packed { |
| logic vrf2mux_rd0_valid; |
| logic [`VLEN-1:0] vrf2mux_rd0_data; |
| logic vrf2mux_rd1_valid; |
| logic [`VLEN-1:0] vrf2mux_rd1_data; |
| logic vrf2mux_rd2_valid; |
| logic [`VLEN-1:0] vrf2mux_rd2_data; |
| logic vrf2mux_rd3_valid; |
| logic [`VLEN-1:0] vrf2mux_rd3_data; |
| logic vrf2mux_v0_valid; |
| logic [`VLEN-1:0] vrf2mux_v0_data; |
| }VRF2MUX_t; |
| |
| // specify whether the current byte belongs to 'prestart' or 'body-inactive' or 'body-active' or 'tail' |
| typedef enum logic [1:0] { |
| NOT_CHANGE, // the byte is not changed, which may belong to 'prestart' or superfluous element in widening/narrowing uop |
| BODY_INACTIVE, // body-inactive byte |
| BODY_ACTIVE, // body-active byte |
| TAIL // tail byte |
| } ELE_TYPE_e; |
| |
| // the max number of byte in a vector register is VLENB |
| typedef ELE_TYPE_e [`VLENB-1:0] ELE_TYPE_t; |
| |
| // ALU reservation station struct |
| typedef union packed { |
| logic [`VLEN-1:0] v0_data; |
| logic [`VLEN-1:0] vd_data; |
| }VS3_u; |
| |
| typedef struct packed { |
| logic [`ROB_DEPTH_WIDTH-1:0] rob_entry; |
| FUNCT6_u uop_funct6; |
| EXE_FUNCT3_e uop_funct3; |
| logic [`VSTART_WIDTH-1:0] vstart; |
| // vm field can be used to identify vmadc.v?m/vmadc.v? uop in the same uop_funct6(6'b010000). |
| // vm field can be used to identify vmsbc.v?m/vmsbc.v? uop in the same uop_funct6(6'b010011). |
| logic vm; |
| // rounding mode |
| logic [`VCSR_VXRM_WIDTH-1:0] vxrm; |
| // when the uop is vmadc.v?m/vmsbc.v?m, the uop will use v0_data as the third vector operand. |
| // when the uop is mask uop(vmandn,vmand,...), the uop will use vd_data as the third vector operand. |
| VS3_u vs3_data; |
| // when vs1_data_valid=0, vs1_data is used to decode some OPMVV uops |
| // when vs1_data_valid=1, vs1_data is valid as a vector operand |
| VS1_u vs1; |
| logic [`VLEN-1:0] vs1_data; |
| EEW_e vs1_eew; |
| logic vs1_data_valid; |
| ELE_TYPE_t vs1_type; |
| logic [`VLEN-1:0] vs2_data; |
| EEW_e vs2_eew; |
| logic vs2_data_valid; |
| ELE_TYPE_t vs2_type; |
| // rs1_data could be from X[rs1] and imm(insts[19:15]). If it is imm, the 5-bit imm(insts[19:15]) will be sign-extend to XLEN-bit. |
| logic [`XLEN-1:0] rs1_data; |
| logic rs1_data_valid; |
| } ALU_RS_t; |
| |
| // DIV reservation station struct |
| typedef struct packed { |
| logic [`ROB_DEPTH_WIDTH-1:0] rob_entry; |
| FUNCT6_u uop_funct6; |
| EXE_FUNCT3_e uop_funct3; |
| // when vs1_data_valid=1, vs1_data is valid as a vector operand |
| logic [`VLEN-1:0] vs1_data; |
| EEW_e vs1_eew; |
| logic vs1_data_valid; |
| ELE_TYPE_t vs1_type; |
| logic [`VLEN-1:0] vs2_data; |
| EEW_e vs2_eew; |
| logic vs2_data_valid; |
| ELE_TYPE_t vs2_type; |
| // rs1_data could be from X[rs1] and imm(insts[19:15]). If it is imm, the 5-bit imm(insts[19:15]) will be sign-extend to XLEN-bit. |
| logic [`XLEN-1:0] rs1_data; |
| logic rs1_data_valid; |
| } DIV_RS_t; |
| |
| // MUL and MAC reservation station struct |
| typedef struct packed { |
| logic [`ROB_DEPTH_WIDTH-1:0] rob_entry; |
| FUNCT6_u uop_funct6; |
| EXE_FUNCT3_e uop_funct3; |
| logic [`VCSR_VXRM_WIDTH-1:0] vxrm; // rounding mode |
| |
| logic [`VLEN-1:0] vs1_data; |
| EEW_e vs1_eew; |
| logic vs1_data_valid; |
| ELE_TYPE_t vs1_type; |
| logic [`VLEN-1:0] vs2_data; |
| EEW_e vs2_eew; |
| logic vs2_data_valid; |
| ELE_TYPE_t vs2_type; |
| logic [`VLEN-1:0] vs3_data; |
| EEW_e vs3_eew; |
| logic vs3_data_valid; |
| ELE_TYPE_t vs3_type; |
| // rs1_data could be from X[rs1] and imm(insts[19:15]). If it is imm, the 5-bit imm(insts[19:15]) will be sign-extend to XLEN-bit. |
| logic [`XLEN-1:0] rs1_data; |
| logic rs1_data_valid; |
| } MUL_RS_t; |
| |
| // PMT and RDT reservation station struct |
| typedef struct packed { |
| logic [`ROB_DEPTH_WIDTH-1:0] rob_entry; |
| FUNCT6_u uop_funct6; |
| EXE_FUNCT3_e uop_funct3; |
| // Identify vmerge and vmv in the same uop_funct6(6'b010111). |
| logic vm; |
| // when vs1_data_valid=0, vs1 field is valid and used to decode some OPMVV uops |
| // when vs1_data_valid=1, vs1_data is valid as a vector operand |
| VS1_u vs1; |
| logic [`VLEN-1:0] vs1_data; |
| EEW_e vs1_eew; |
| logic vs1_data_valid; |
| ELE_TYPE_t vs1_type; |
| logic [`VLEN-1:0] vs2_data; |
| EEW_e vs2_eew; |
| logic vs2_data_valid; |
| ELE_TYPE_t vs2_type; |
| // rs1_data could be from X[rs1] and imm(insts[19:15]). If it is imm, the 5-bit imm(insts[19:15]) will be sign-extend to XLEN-bit. |
| logic [`XLEN-1:0] rs1_data; |
| logic rs1_data_valid; |
| logic last_uop_valid; |
| } PMT_RDT_RS_t; |
| |
| // LSU reservation station struct |
| typedef struct packed { |
| logic [`PC_WIDTH-1:0] uop_pc; |
| logic [`ROB_DEPTH_WIDTH-1:0] uop_id; |
| LSU_TYPE_t uop_funct6; |
| |
| logic vidx_valid; |
| logic [`REGFILE_INDEX_WIDTH-1:0] vidx_addr; |
| logic [`VLEN-1:0] vidx_data; // vs2 |
| ELE_TYPE_t vs2_type; |
| logic vregfile_read_valid; |
| logic [`REGFILE_INDEX_WIDTH-1:0] vregfile_read_addr; |
| logic [`VLEN-1:0] vregfile_read_data; // vs3 |
| ELE_TYPE_t vs3_type; |
| } LSU_RS_t; |
| |
| // |
| // EX stage, |
| // |
| // ReOrder Buffer data struct |
| typedef enum logic { |
| VRF, |
| XRF |
| } W_DATA_TYPE_t; |
| |
| // send ALU's result to ROB |
| typedef struct packed { |
| logic [`ROB_DEPTH_WIDTH-1:0] rob_entry; |
| logic [`VLEN-1:0] w_data; // when w_type=XRF, w_data[`XLEN-1:0] will store the scalar result |
| W_DATA_TYPE_t w_type; |
| logic w_valid; |
| logic [`VCSR_VXSAT_WIDTH-1:0] vxsat; |
| logic ignore_vta_vma; |
| } ALU2ROB_t; |
| |
| // send uop to LSU |
| typedef struct packed { |
| // RVV send to uop_pc to help LSU match the vld/vst uop |
| logic [`PC_WIDTH-1:0] uop_pc; |
| // When LSU submit the result to RVV, LSU need to attend uop_id to help RVV retire the uop in ROB |
| logic [`ROB_DEPTH_WIDTH-1:0] uop_id; |
| // Vector regfile index interface for indexed vld/vst |
| logic vidx_valid; |
| logic [`REGFILE_INDEX_WIDTH-1:0] vidx_addr; |
| logic [`VLEN-1:0] vidx_data; // vs2 |
| ELE_TYPE_t vs2_type; // mask for vs2 |
| // Vector regfile read interface for vst |
| logic vregfile_read_valid; |
| logic [`REGFILE_INDEX_WIDTH-1:0] vregfile_read_addr; |
| logic [`VLEN-1:0] vregfile_read_data; // vs3 |
| ELE_TYPE_t vs3_type; // mask for vs3 |
| } UOP_LSU_RVV2RVS_t; |
| |
| // LSU feedback to RVV |
| typedef struct packed { |
| // When LSU submit the result to RVV, LSU need to attend uop_id to help RVV retire the uop in ROB |
| logic [`ROB_DEPTH_WIDTH-1:0] uop_id; |
| // LSU uop type |
| // When LSU complete the vstore uop, it need to tell RVV done signal and attend uop_id to help RVV retire the uops |
| // when load, it means the uop is vld. It enables vregfile_write_addr and vregfile_write_data, and submit the vector data to ROB |
| // when store, it means this store uop is done in LSU, ROB can retire this uop. |
| LSU_IS_STORE_e uop_type; |
| |
| // Vector regfile write interface for vld |
| logic [`REGFILE_INDEX_WIDTH-1:0] vregfile_write_addr; |
| logic [`VLEN-1:0] vregfile_write_data; // vd |
| ELE_TYPE_t vs1_type; // mask for vd |
| } UOP_LSU_RVS2RVV_t; |
| |
| typedef struct packed { |
| logic valid; // Total valid |
| logic [`REGFILE_INDEX_WIDTH-1:0] w_index; |
| logic [`VLEN-1:0] w_data; // when w_type=XRF, w_data[`XLEN-1:0] will store the scalar result |
| W_DATA_TYPE_t w_type; |
| logic w_valid; |
| ELE_TYPE_t vd_type; |
| VECTOR_CSR_t vector_csr; |
| logic ignore_vta_vma; |
| } ROB_t; |
| |
| // |
| // WB stage, bypass and write back to VRF/XRF, trap handler |
| // |
| // write back to XRF |
| typedef struct packed { |
| logic [`REGFILE_INDEX_WIDTH-1:0] w_index; |
| logic [`XLEN-1:0] w_data; |
| } WB_XRF_t; |
| |
| // write back to VRF |
| typedef struct packed { |
| logic [`REGFILE_INDEX_WIDTH-1:0] w_index; |
| logic [`VLEN-1:0] w_data; |
| logic [`VLENB-1:0] w_strobe; |
| } WB_VRF_t; |
| |
| // trap handle |
| typedef enum logic [1:0] { |
| TRAP_INFO_DECODE, // RVS find some illegal instructions when decoding, |
| // which means a trap occurs to the instruction that is NOT executing in RVV. |
| // So RVV will stop receiving new instructions from RVS, and complete all instructions in RVV. |
| TRAP_INFO_LSU, // RVS find some illegal instructions when complete LSU transaction, like bus error, |
| // which means a trap occurs to the instruction that is executing in RVV. |
| // So RVV will top CQ to receive new instructions and flush Command Queue and Uops Queue, |
| // and complete the instructions in EX, ME and WB stage. And RVS need to send rob_entry of that exception instruction. |
| // After RVV retire all uops before that exception instruction, RVV response a ready signal for trap application. |
| TRAP_INFO_LSU_FF // fault only first load, need to confirm whether has TLB or not. |
| } TRAP_INFO_e; |
| |
| typedef struct packed { |
| logic trap_apply; |
| TRAP_INFO_e trap_info; |
| logic [`ROB_DEPTH_WIDTH-1:0] trap_uop_rob_entry; |
| } TRAP_t; |
| |