Kelvin Integration Guide

This document describes integrating Kelvin as an AXI/TileLink peripheral in a bigger system.


We provide a scalar-only Kelvin configuration that can integrate with an AXI based system. The SystemVerilog can be generated with:

bazel build //hdl/chisel/src/kelvin:core_mini_axi_cc_library_emit_verilog

Module interfaces

Kelvin AXI

The interfaces to Kelvin are defined as follows:

Signal BundleDescription
clkThe clock of the AXI Bus/Kelvin core.
resetThe active-low reset signal for the AXI Bus/Kelvin core.
s_axiAn AXI slave interface that can be used to write TCMs or touch Kelvin CSRs.
m_axiAn AXI master interface used by Kelvin to read/write to memories/CSRs.
irqnActive-low interrupt to the Kelvin core. Can be triggered by peripherals or other host processor.
wfiActive-high signal from the Kelvin core, indicating that the core is waiting for an interrupt. While this is active, Kelvin is clock-gated.
debugDebug interface to monitor Kelvin instructions execution. This interface is typically only used for simulation.
s_logDebug interface to handle SLOG instruction. This interface is typically only used for simulation.
haltedOutput interface informing if the Core is running or not. Can be ignored.
faultOutput interface to determine if the Core hit a fault. These signals should be connected to a system control CPU interrupt-line or status register for notification when Kelvin faults or is halted.

Kelvin Memory Map

Memory accesses to Kelvin are defined as follows:

ITCM0x0000 - 0x1FFF8kB4 bytesITCM storage for code executed by Kelvin.
DTCM0x10000 - 0x17FFF32kB1 byteDTCM storage for data used by Kelvin.
CSR0x30000 - TBDTBD4 bytesCSR interface used to query/control Kelvin.

Reset Considerations

Kelvin uses a synchronous reset strategy -- to ensure proper reset behavior, ensure that the clock runs for a cycle with reset active, before enabling either the internal clock gate (via CSR) or gating externally.

Booting Kelvin

A note first -- in these examples, Kelvin is located in the overall system memory map at 0x70000000.

  1. The instruction memory of Kelvin must be initialized.
volatile uint8_t* kelvin_itcm = (uint8_t*)0x70000000L;
for (int i = 0; i < kelvin_binary_len; ++i) {
    kelvin_itcm[i] = kelvin_binary[i];

If something like a DMA engine is present in your system, that is probably a better option for initializing the ITCM.

  1. Program the start PC If your program is linked such that the starting address is 0, you may skip this.
volatile uint32_t* kelvin_pc_csr = (uint32_t*)0x70030004L;
*kelvin_pc_csr = start_addr;
  1. Release clock gate
volatile uint32_t* kelvin_reset_csr = (uint32_t*)0x70030000L;
*kelvin_reset_csr = 1;

After this, ensure you wait a cycle to allow Kelvin‘s reset to occur. If you want to configure something like an interrupt that is connected to Kelvin’s fault or halted outputs, this is a good time.

  1. Release reset
volatile uint32_t* kelvin_reset_csr = (uint32_t*)0x70030000L;
*kelvin_reset_csr = 0;

At this point, Kelvin will begin executing at the PC programmed in step 2.

  1. Monitor for io_halted The status of Kelvin's execution can be checked by reading the status CSR:
volatile uint32_t* kelvin_status_csr = (uint32_t*)0x70030008L;
uint32_t status = *kelvin_status_csr;
bool halted = status & 1;
bool fault = status & 2;