blob: ed6331486e86e13e65cc6f1921a9f10c735d5be8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package kelvin
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import common._
object Alu {
def apply(p: Parameters): Alu = {
return Module(new Alu(p))
object AluOp extends ChiselEnum {
val ADD = Value
val SUB = Value
val SLT = Value
val SLTU = Value
val XOR = Value
val OR = Value
val AND = Value
val SLL = Value
val SRL = Value
val SRA = Value
val LUI = Value
val CLZ = Value
val CTZ = Value
val PCNT = Value
val MIN = Value
val MINU = Value
val MAX = Value
val MAXU = Value
class AluCmd extends Bundle {
val addr = UInt(5.W)
val op = AluOp()
class Alu(p: Parameters) extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
// Decode cycle.
val req = Flipped(Valid(new AluCmd))
// Execute cycle.
val rs1 = Flipped(new RegfileReadDataIO)
val rs2 = Flipped(new RegfileReadDataIO)
val rd = Flipped(new RegfileWriteDataIO)
val valid = RegInit(false.B)
val addr = Reg(UInt(5.W))
val op = RegInit(AluOp.ADD)
// Pulse the cycle after the decoded request.
valid := io.req.valid
// Avoid output toggles by not updating state between uses.
// The Regfile has the same behavior, leaving read ports unchanged.
when (io.req.valid) {
addr := io.req.bits.addr
op := io.req.bits.op
val rs1 =
val rs2 =
val shamt = rs2(4,0)
io.rd.valid := valid
io.rd.addr := addr := MuxLookup(op, 0.U)(Seq(
AluOp.ADD -> (rs1 + rs2),
AluOp.SUB -> (rs1 - rs2),
AluOp.SLT -> (rs1.asSInt < rs2.asSInt),
AluOp.SLTU -> (rs1 < rs2),
AluOp.XOR -> (rs1 ^ rs2),
AluOp.OR -> (rs1 | rs2),
AluOp.AND -> (rs1 & rs2),
AluOp.SLL -> (rs1 << shamt),
AluOp.SRL -> (rs1 >> shamt),
AluOp.SRA -> (rs1.asSInt >> shamt).asUInt,
AluOp.LUI -> rs2,
AluOp.CLZ -> Clz(rs1),
AluOp.CTZ -> Ctz(rs1),
AluOp.PCNT -> PopCount(rs1),
AluOp.MIN -> Mux(rs1.asSInt < rs2.asSInt, rs1, rs2),
AluOp.MAX -> Mux(rs1.asSInt > rs2.asSInt, rs1, rs2),
AluOp.MINU -> Mux(rs1 < rs2, rs1, rs2),
AluOp.MAXU -> Mux(rs1 > rs2, rs1, rs2)
// Assertions.
assert(!(valid && !io.rs1.valid && !op.isOneOf(AluOp.LUI)))
assert(!(valid && !io.rs2.valid))