blob: 44d6afc5c178f6692b02656ef96485ae159823ac [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2023 Google LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package kelvin
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import common.FifoIxO
import _root_.circt.stage.ChiselStage
object VDecode {
def apply(p: Parameters): VDecode = {
return Module(new VDecode(p))
class VDecode(p: Parameters) extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val in = Flipped(Decoupled(Vec(p.instructionLanes, Valid(new VectorInstructionLane))))
val out = Vec(p.instructionLanes, Decoupled(new VDecodeBits))
val cmdq = Vec(p.instructionLanes, Output(new VDecodeCmdq))
val actv = Vec(p.instructionLanes, Output(new VDecodeActive)) // used in testbench
val stall = Output(Bool())
val active = Input(UInt(64.W))
val vrfsb = new VRegfileScoreboardIO
val undef = Output(Bool())
val nempty = Output(Bool())
val guard = 8 // two cycles of 4-way dispatch
val depth = 16 + guard
val enc = new VEncodeOp()
val f = FifoIxO(new VectorInstructionLane, p.instructionLanes, p.instructionLanes, depth)
val d = Seq.fill(p.instructionLanes)(Module(new VDecodeInstruction(p)))
val e = Wire(Vec(p.instructionLanes, new VDecodeBits))
val valid = RegInit(VecInit(Seq.fill(p.instructionLanes)(false.B)))
val data = Reg(Vec(p.instructionLanes, new VDecodeBits))
val cmdq = Reg(Vec(p.instructionLanes, new VDecodeCmdq))
val actv = Wire(Vec(p.instructionLanes, new VDecodeActive))
val actv2 = Reg(Vec(p.instructionLanes, new VDecodeActive2))
val dataNxt = Wire(Vec(p.instructionLanes, new VDecodeBits))
val cmdqNxt = Wire(Vec(p.instructionLanes, new VDecodeCmdq))
val actvNxt = Wire(Vec(p.instructionLanes, new VDecodeActive2))
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Decode.
for (i <- 0 until p.instructionLanes) {
d(i) :=
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Apply "out-of-order" tags to read/write registers.
// Since only one write may be outstanding, track using 1bit which side of
// write the read usage is occurring on.
val tagReg = RegInit(0.U(64.W))
val tags = (0 until p.instructionLanes).map(x => d(x).io.actv.wactive).scan(tagReg)(_ ^ _)
assert(tags.length == p.instructionLanes + 1)
// is ordered, so can use a priority tree.
tagReg := MuxCase(tags(0), (0 until p.instructionLanes) => ( && -> tags(x + 1)))
def TagAddr(tag: UInt, v: VAddrTag): VAddrTag = {
assert(tag.getWidth == 64)
assert(v.addr.getWidth == 6)
assert(v.tag === 0.U)
val addr = v.addr
val addrm = addr(5,2)
val tagm = Wire(Vec(16, UInt(4.W)))
for (i <- 0 until 16) {
tagm(i) := tag(4 * i + 3, 4 * i)
val r = Wire(new VAddrTag())
r.valid := v.valid
r.addr := v.addr
r.tag := VecAt(tagm, addrm)
for (i <- 0 until p.instructionLanes) {
e(i) := d(i).io.out
e(i).vs := TagAddr(tags(i), d(i).io.out.vs)
e(i).vt := TagAddr(tags(i), d(i).io.out.vt)
e(i).vu := TagAddr(tags(i), d(i)
e(i).vx := TagAddr(tags(i), d(i).io.out.vx)
e(i).vy := TagAddr(tags(i), d(i).io.out.vy)
e(i).vz := TagAddr(tags(i), d(i).io.out.vz)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Undef. ( ignored to signal as early as possible)
io.undef := && => || _)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fifo. <>
val icount = MuxOR(,
val ocount = PopCount((0 until p.instructionLanes).map(x => valid(x) && !(io.out(x).valid && io.out(x).ready)))
for (i <- 0 until p.instructionLanes) { := (i.U + ocount) < p.instructionLanes.U
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Valid.
val fcount = PopCount( => x.valid && x.ready))
for (i <- 0 until p.instructionLanes) {
valid(i) := (ocount + fcount) > i.U
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Stall.
io.stall := ( + icount) > (depth - guard).U
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Writes must not proceed past any outstanding reads or writes,
// or past any dispatching writes.
val wactive = VecInit((0 until p.instructionLanes).map(x => actv(x).ractive | actv(x).wactive).scan(,0) |,64) | | _))
// Reads must not proceed past any dispatching writes.
val ractive = VecInit((0 until p.instructionLanes).map(x => actv(x).wactive).scan(0.U(64.W))(_ | _))
// Dependencies.
val depends = VecInit((0 until p.instructionLanes).map(i =>
(wactive(i) & actv(i).wactive) =/= 0.U ||
(ractive(i) & actv(i).ractive) =/= 0.U
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Data.
val fvalid = VecInit(
for (i <- 0 until p.instructionLanes) {
assert(!(fvalid(i) && PopCount(fvalid(i,0)) =/= (i + 1).U))
// Register is updated when fifo has state or contents are active.
val dataEn = fvalid(0) || valid.asUInt =/= 0.U
for (i <- 0 until p.instructionLanes) {
when (dataEn) {
data(i) := dataNxt(i)
cmdq(i) := cmdqNxt(i)
actv2(i) := actvNxt(i)
for (i <- 0 until p.instructionLanes) {
actv(i).ractive := actv2(i).ractive
actv(i).wactive := actv2(i).wactive(63, 0) | actv2(i).wactive(127, 64)
// Tag the decode wactive.
val dactv = Wire(Vec(p.instructionLanes, new VDecodeActive2))
for (i <- 0 until p.instructionLanes) {
val w0 = d(i).io.actv.wactive & ~tags(i + 1)
val w1 = d(i).io.actv.wactive & tags(i + 1)
dactv(i).ractive := d(i).io.actv.ractive
dactv(i).wactive := Cat(w1, w0)
// Data multiplexor of current values and fifo+decode output.
val dataMux = VecInit(data ++ e)
val cmdqMux = VecInit(cmdq ++ =>
val actvMux = VecInit(actv2 ++ dactv)
def GenerateMarked(start: Int, count: Int): Seq[UInt] = {
(0 until count).map(x => Wire(UInt((start + x).W)))
// Mark the multiplexor entries that need to be kept.
val marked = GenerateMarked((p.instructionLanes + 1), p.instructionLanes - 1)
val output = Cat((0 until p.instructionLanes) => io.out(x).valid && io.out(x).ready))
val validNotOutput = (0 until (p.instructionLanes * 2) - 1).map(x =>
if (x < valid.length) { valid(x) && !output(x) } else { true.B })
val prevMarked = (0 until p.instructionLanes).map(x =>
if (x == 0) { None } else { Some(marked(x - 1)) }
for (i <- 0 until p.instructionLanes) {
val idx = MuxCase((i + p.instructionLanes).U, (i until p.instructionLanes + i).map(x =>
(!prevMarked(i).getOrElse(false.B)(x) && validNotOutput(x)) -> (x).U
dataNxt(i) := dataMux(idx)
cmdqNxt(i) := cmdqMux(idx)
actvNxt(i) := actvMux(idx)
if (i < marked.length) {
val width = marked(i).getWidth
marked(i) := ~0.U(width.W) >> ((width - 1).U - idx)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Scoreboard.
// io.vrfsb.set.valid := output(0) || output(1) || output(2) || output(3)
io.vrfsb.set.valid := output =/= 0.U
io.vrfsb.set.bits := (0 until p.instructionLanes).map(x => MuxOR(output(x), actv2(x).wactive)).reduce(_ | _)
assert((io.vrfsb.set.bits(63, 0) & io.vrfsb.set.bits(127, 64)) === 0.U)
assert(((, 0) |, 64)) & (io.vrfsb.set.bits(63, 0) | io.vrfsb.set.bits(127, 64))) === 0.U)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Outputs.
val outvalid = VecInit((0 until p.instructionLanes).map(i => valid(i) && !depends(i)))
val cmdsync = VecInit((0 until p.instructionLanes).map(i => data(i).cmdsync))
for (i <- 0 until p.instructionLanes) {
// Synchronize commands at cmdsync instance or if found in history.
// Note: {vdwinit, vdwconv, vdmulh}, vdmulh must not issue before vdwconv.
val synchronize = cmdsync.asUInt(i,0) =/= 0.U
val ordered = (~outvalid.asUInt(i,0)) === 0.U
val unorder = outvalid(i)
if (false) {
io.out(i).valid := Mux(synchronize, ordered, unorder)
} else {
io.out(i).valid := ordered
io.out(i).bits := data(i)
io.cmdq(i) := cmdq(i)
io.actv(i) := actv(i)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Status.
val nempty = RegInit(false.B)
// Simple implementation, will overlap downstream units redundantly.
nempty := || || valid.asUInt =/= 0.U
io.nempty := nempty
class VDecodeBits extends Bundle {
val op = UInt(new VEncodeOp().bits.W)
val f2 = UInt(3.W) // func2
val sz = UInt(3.W) // onehot size
val m = Bool() // stripmine
val vd = new VAddr()
val ve = new VAddr()
val vf = new VAddr()
val vg = new VAddr()
val vs = new VAddrTag()
val vt = new VAddrTag()
val vu = new VAddrTag()
val vx = new VAddrTag()
val vy = new VAddrTag()
val vz = new VAddrTag()
val sv = new SAddrData()
val cmdsync = Bool() // Dual command queues synchronize.
class VDecodeCmdq extends Bundle {
val alu = Bool() // ALU
val conv = Bool() // Convolution vregfile
val ldst = Bool() // L1Dcache load/store
val ld = Bool() // Uncached load
val st = Bool() // Uncached store
class VDecodeActive extends Bundle {
val ractive = UInt(64.W)
val wactive = UInt(64.W)
class VDecodeActive2 extends Bundle {
val ractive = UInt(64.W)
val wactive = UInt(128.W) // even/odd tags
class VAddr extends Bundle {
val valid = Bool()
val addr = UInt(6.W)
class VAddrTag extends Bundle {
val valid = Bool()
val addr = UInt(6.W)
val tag = UInt(4.W)
class SAddrData extends Bundle {
val valid = Bool()
val addr = UInt(32.W)
val data = UInt(32.W)
class SData extends Bundle {
val valid = Bool()
val data = UInt(32.W)
object EmitVDecode extends App {
val p = new Parameters
ChiselStage.emitSystemVerilogFile(new VDecode(p), args)