blob: 0be7596cd3331f404d25a63093d1cbcae368fd29 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package bus
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import kelvin.MemoryRegion
import _root_.circt.stage.ChiselStage
case class TLULParameters() {
val w = 32
val a = 32
val z = 6
val o = 10
val i = 1
object TLULOpcodesA extends ChiselEnum {
val PutFullData = Value(0.U(3.W))
val PutPartialData = Value(1.U(3.W))
val Get = Value(4.U(3.W))
val End = Value(7.U(3.W))
object TLULOpcodesD extends ChiselEnum {
val AccessAck = Value(0.U(3.W))
val AccessAckData = Value(1.U(3.W))
val End = Value(7.U(3.W))
class TileLinkULIO_H2D(p: TLULParameters) extends Bundle {
val a_valid = (Bool())
val a_opcode = (UInt(3.W))
val a_param = (UInt(3.W))
val a_size = (UInt(p.z.W))
val a_source = (UInt(p.o.W))
val a_address = (UInt(p.a.W))
val a_mask = (UInt(p.w.W))
val a_data = (UInt((8 * p.w).W))
val a_user = new Bundle {
val rsvd = UInt(5.W)
val instr_type = UInt(4.W) // mubi4_t
val cmd_intg = UInt(7.W)
val data_intg = UInt(7.W)
val d_ready = (Bool())
class TileLinkULIO_D2H(p: TLULParameters) extends Bundle {
val d_valid = (Bool())
val d_opcode = (UInt(3.W))
val d_param = (UInt(3.W))
val d_size = (UInt(p.z.W))
val d_source = (UInt(p.o.W))
val d_sink = (UInt(p.i.W))
val d_data = (UInt((8 * p.w).W))
val d_user = new Bundle {
val rsp_intg = UInt(7.W)
val data_intg = UInt(7.W)
val d_error = (Bool())
val a_ready = (Bool())
class TileLinkUL(p: TLULParameters, m: Seq[MemoryRegion], hosts: Int) extends Module {
val devices = m.length
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val hosts_a = Vec(hosts, Input(new TileLinkULIO_H2D(p)))
val hosts_d = Vec(hosts, Output(new TileLinkULIO_D2H(p)))
val devices_a = Vec(devices, Output(new TileLinkULIO_H2D(p)))
val devices_d = Vec(devices, Input(new TileLinkULIO_D2H(p)))
for (i <- 0 until hosts) {
io.hosts_d(i) := 0.U.asTypeOf(new TileLinkULIO_D2H(p))
for (i <- 0 until devices) {
io.devices_a(i) := 0.U.asTypeOf(new TileLinkULIO_H2D(p))
val aValids = => x.a_valid)
val anyAValid = PopCount(aValids) > 0.U
when(anyAValid) {
val aValidIndex = PriorityEncoder(aValids)
val host_a = io.hosts_a(aValidIndex)
val host_d = io.hosts_d(aValidIndex)
val address = host_a.a_address
val addressOk = (0 until devices).map(x => m(x).contains(address))
val startAddresses = VecInit( => x.memStart.U(p.a.W)))
assert(PopCount(addressOk) === 1.U)
val deviceIndex = PriorityEncoder(addressOk)
val device_a = io.devices_a(deviceIndex)
val device_d = io.devices_d(deviceIndex)
device_a :<>= host_a
device_a.a_address := host_a.a_address - startAddresses(deviceIndex)
host_d :<>= device_d
val dValids = => x.d_valid)
val anyDValid = dValids.reduce(_ || _)
when(anyDValid) {
val dValidIndex = PriorityEncoder(dValids)
val device_d = io.devices_d(dValidIndex)
val device_a = io.devices_a(dValidIndex)
val source = device_d.d_source
val sink = device_d.d_sink
val host_d = io.hosts_d(source)
val host_a = io.hosts_a(source)
host_d :<>= device_d
device_a :<>= host_a