blob: 33dc5f2c6cfc0032e76a811e919e8783fc8caeb7 [file] [log] [blame]
package kelvin
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
class VDecodeInstruction(p: Parameters) extends Module {
val dec = new VDecodeOp()
val enc = new VEncodeOp()
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val in = new Bundle {
val inst = Input(UInt(32.W))
val addr = Input(UInt(32.W))
val data = Input(UInt(32.W))
val out = Output(new VDecodeBits)
val cmdq = Output(new VDecodeCmdq)
val actv = Output(new VDecodeActive)
val undef = Output(Bool())
val inst =
val addr =
val data =
val v = inst(0) // .vv .vx
val x = inst(1) // .vx
val x3 = inst(2) // .vxv
val func1 = inst(4,2)
val m = inst(5)
val sz = inst(13,12)
val func2 = inst(31,26)
val vdbits = inst(11,6)
val vsbits = inst(19,14)
val vtbits = inst(25,20)
val vubits = inst(31,26)
val quad = m && x // dual issue across ALUs
val uncached = addr(31)
def DecodeFmt(f1: Int, f2: Int, mask: Int = 0): Bool = {
assert(inst.getWidth == 32)
val m2 = ~mask.U(6.W) // unsigned, rounding, ...
v === 0.U && func1 === f1.U && (func2 & m2) === (f2.U & m2) && sz < 3.U
def ToM(a: UInt): UInt = {
val bbits = Wire(Vec(16, UInt(4.W)))
for (i <- 0 until 16) {
val v = a(i)
bbits(i) := Cat(v, v, v, v)
val b = bbits.asUInt
assert(a.getWidth == 16)
assert(b.getWidth == 64)
def RActiveVsVt(i: Int): UInt = {
assert(i == 2 || i == 3)
val vs = OneHot(vsbits, 64)
val vsm = MuxOR(m, ToM(OneHot(vsbits(5,2), 16)))
val vt =
if (i == 2) {
MuxOR(!x, OneHot(vtbits, 64))
} else {
MuxOR(!x3, OneHot(vtbits, 64))
val vtm =
if (i == 2) {
MuxOR(m && !x, ToM(OneHot(vtbits(5,2), 16)))
} else {
MuxOR(m && !x3, ToM(OneHot(vtbits(5,2), 16)))
assert(vs.getWidth == 64)
assert(vt.getWidth == 64)
assert(vsm.getWidth == 64)
assert(vtm.getWidth == 64)
vs | vsm | vt | vtm
def RActiveVs1(): UInt = {
// {vs+1} or {vsm+4}
val vs = Cat(OneHot(vsbits, 64), 0.U(1.W))(63,0)
val vsm = MuxOR(m, Cat(ToM(OneHot(vsbits(5,2), 16)), 0.U(4.W))(63,0))
assert(vs.getWidth == 64)
assert(vsm.getWidth == 64)
vs | vsm
def RActiveVs2(): UInt = {
// {vs+2} or {vsm+8}
val vs = Cat(OneHot(vsbits, 64), 0.U(2.W))(63,0)
val vsm = MuxOR(m, Cat(ToM(OneHot(vsbits(5,2), 16)), 0.U(8.W))(63,0))
assert(vs.getWidth == 64)
assert(vsm.getWidth == 64)
vs | vsm
def RActiveVs3(): UInt = {
// {vs+3} or {vsm+12}
val vs = Cat(OneHot(vsbits, 64), 0.U(3.W))(63,0)
val vsm = MuxOR(m, Cat(ToM(OneHot(vsbits(5,2), 16)), 0.U(12.W))(63,0))
assert(vs.getWidth == 64)
assert(vsm.getWidth == 64)
vs | vsm
def RActiveVd(): UInt = {
val vd = OneHot(vdbits, 64)
val vdm = MuxOR(m, ToM(OneHot(vdbits(5,2), 16)))
assert(vd.getWidth == 64)
assert(vdm.getWidth == 64)
vd | vdm
def RActiveVu(): UInt = {
val vu = OneHot(vubits, 64)
val vum = MuxOR(m, ToM(OneHot(vubits(5,2), 16)))
assert(vu.getWidth == 64)
assert(vum.getWidth == 64)
vu | vum
def WActiveVd(): UInt = {
val vd = OneHot(vdbits, 64)
val vdm = MuxOR(m, ToM(OneHot(vdbits(5,2), 16)))
assert(vd.getWidth == 64)
assert(vdm.getWidth == 64)
vd | vdm
def WActiveVd1(): UInt = {
// {vd+1} or {vdm+4}
val vd = Cat(OneHot(vdbits, 64), 0.U(1.W))(63,0)
val vdm = MuxOR(m, Cat(ToM(OneHot(vdbits(5,2), 16)), 0.U(4.W))(63,0))
assert(vd.getWidth == 64)
assert(vdm.getWidth == 64)
vd | vdm
def DepthwiseRead(): (UInt, UInt, UInt, UInt, UInt, UInt, UInt) = {
val vstbl = VecInit(0.U, 1.U, 2.U, 3.U, 4.U, 5.U, 6.U, 1.U, 1.U, 3.U, 5.U, 7.U, 2.U, 4.U, 6.U, 8.U)
val vttbl = VecInit(1.U, 2.U, 3.U, 4.U, 5.U, 6.U, 7.U, 0.U, 2.U, 4.U, 6.U, 8.U, 0.U, 0.U, 0.U, 0.U)
val vutbl = VecInit(2.U, 3.U, 4.U, 5.U, 6.U, 7.U, 8.U, 2.U, 0.U, 0.U, 0.U, 0.U, 1.U, 1.U, 1.U, 1.U)
val regbase = data(7,4)
val vs = vsbits + vstbl(regbase)
val vt = vsbits + vttbl(regbase)
val vu = vsbits + vutbl(regbase)
assert(vs.getWidth == 6)
assert(vt.getWidth == 6)
assert(vu.getWidth == 6)
val vx = vubits
val vy = vubits + Mux(m, 4.U, 1.U)
val vz = vubits + Mux(m, 8.U, 2.U)
assert(vx.getWidth == 6)
assert(vy.getWidth == 6)
assert(vz.getWidth == 6)
val ra_vs = OneHot(vs, 64)
val ra_vt = OneHot(vt, 64)
val ra_vu = OneHot(vu, 64)
val ra_vx = OneHot(vx, 64)
val ra_vy = OneHot(vy, 64)
val ra_vz = OneHot(vz, 64)
val ra_vxm = MuxOR(m, ToM(OneHot(vx(5,2), 16)))
val ra_vym = MuxOR(m, ToM(OneHot(vy(5,2), 16)))
val ra_vzm = MuxOR(m, ToM(OneHot(vz(5,2), 16)))
assert(ra_vs.getWidth == 64)
assert(ra_vt.getWidth == 64)
assert(ra_vu.getWidth == 64)
assert(ra_vx.getWidth == 64)
assert(ra_vy.getWidth == 64)
assert(ra_vz.getWidth == 64)
assert(ra_vxm.getWidth == 64)
assert(ra_vym.getWidth == 64)
assert(ra_vzm.getWidth == 64)
val ractive = ra_vs | ra_vt | ra_vu | ra_vx | ra_vy | ra_vz | ra_vxm | ra_vym | ra_vzm
assert(ractive.getWidth == 64)
(vs, vt, vu, vx, vy, vz, ractive)
def SlideRead(): (UInt, UInt, UInt, UInt, UInt, UInt, UInt) = {
val s = func2(3) // next(0) previous(1)
val vs = Mux(s, vsbits + 3.U, vsbits + 0.U)
val vt = Mux(s, vtbits + 0.U, vsbits + 1.U)
val vu = Mux(s, vtbits + 1.U, vsbits + 2.U)
val vx = Mux(s, vtbits + 1.U, vsbits + 2.U)
val vy = Mux(s, vtbits + 2.U, vsbits + 3.U)
val vz = Mux(s, vtbits + 3.U, vtbits + 0.U)
assert(vs.getWidth == 6)
assert(vt.getWidth == 6)
assert(vu.getWidth == 6)
assert(vx.getWidth == 6)
assert(vy.getWidth == 6)
assert(vz.getWidth == 6)
val ra_vs = OneHot(vs, 64)
val ra_vt = MuxOR(!x || !s, OneHot(vt, 64))
val ra_vu = MuxOR(!x || !s, OneHot(vu, 64))
val ra_vx = MuxOR(!x || !s, OneHot(vx, 64))
val ra_vy = MuxOR(!x || !s, OneHot(vy, 64))
val ra_vz = MuxOR(!x, OneHot(vz, 64))
assert(ra_vs.getWidth == 64)
assert(ra_vt.getWidth == 64)
assert(ra_vu.getWidth == 64)
assert(ra_vx.getWidth == 64)
assert(ra_vy.getWidth == 64)
assert(ra_vz.getWidth == 64)
val ractive = ra_vs | ra_vt | ra_vu | ra_vx | ra_vy | ra_vz
assert(ractive.getWidth == 64)
(vs, vt, vu, vx, vy, vz, ractive)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Decode the instruction bits.
// Duplicate
val vdup = DecodeBits(inst, "01000x_0xxxxx_000000_xx_xxxxxx_x_111_11") && sz < 3.U
val vdupf2 = inst(31,27) === 8.U // used to prevent vdup and vldst op collision only
// Load/Store
val vldstdec = DecodeBits(inst, "xxxxxx_0xxxxx_xxxxx0_xx_xxxxxx_x_111_11") && sz < 3.U && !vdupf2
assert(!(vdup && vldstdec))
val vld = vldstdec && (func2 === 0.U || func2 === 1.U || func2 === 2.U ||
func2 === 4.U || func2 === 5.U || func2 === 6.U ||
func2 === 7.U)
val vst = vldstdec && (func2 === 8.U || func2 === 9.U || func2 === 10.U ||
func2 === 12.U || func2 === 13.U || func2 === 14.U ||
func2 === 15.U)
val vstq = vldstdec && (func2 === 26.U || func2 === 30.U)
val vldst = vld || vst || vstq
// Format0
val vadd = DecodeFmt(0, dec.vadd)
val vsub = DecodeFmt(0, dec.vsub)
val vrsub = DecodeFmt(0, dec.vrsub)
val veq = DecodeFmt(0, dec.veq)
val vne = DecodeFmt(0, dec.vne)
val vlt = DecodeFmt(0, dec.vlt, 1)
val vle = DecodeFmt(0, dec.vle, 1)
val vgt = DecodeFmt(0, dec.vgt, 1)
val vge = DecodeFmt(0, dec.vge, 1)
val vabsd = DecodeFmt(0, dec.vabsd, 1)
val vmax = DecodeFmt(0, dec.vmax, 1)
val vmin = DecodeFmt(0, dec.vmin, 1)
val vadd3 = DecodeFmt(0, dec.vadd3)
val vfmt0 = vadd || vsub || vrsub || veq || vne || vlt || vle || vgt || vge || vabsd || vmax || vmin || vadd3
// Format1
val vand = DecodeFmt(1, dec.vand)
val vor = DecodeFmt(1, dec.vor)
val vxor = DecodeFmt(1, dec.vxor)
val vnot = DecodeFmt(1, dec.vnot)
val vrev = DecodeFmt(1, dec.vrev)
val vror = DecodeFmt(1, dec.vror)
val vclb = DecodeFmt(1, dec.vclb)
val vclz = DecodeFmt(1, dec.vclz)
val vcpop = DecodeFmt(1, dec.vcpop)
val vmv = DecodeFmt(1, dec.vmv) && !quad
val vmv2 = DecodeFmt(1, dec.vmv) && quad
val vmvp = DecodeFmt(1, dec.vmvp)
val vfmt1 = vand || vor || vxor || vnot || vrev || vror || vclb || vclz || vcpop || vmv || vmv2 || vmvp
// do not include in 'vfmt1'
val acset = DecodeFmt(1, dec.acset) && x && !m && vtbits === 0.U
val actr = DecodeFmt(1, dec.actr) && x && !m && vtbits === 0.U
val adwinit = DecodeFmt(1, dec.adwinit)
// Format2
val vsll = DecodeFmt(2, dec.vsll)
val vsra = DecodeFmt(2, dec.vsra)
val vsrl = DecodeFmt(2, dec.vsrl)
val vsha = DecodeFmt(2, dec.vsha, 2)
val vshl = DecodeFmt(2, dec.vshl, 2)
val vsrans = DecodeFmt(2, dec.vsrans, 3)
val vsraqs = DecodeFmt(2, dec.vsraqs, 3)
val vfmt2 = vsll || vsra || vsrl || vsha || vshl || vsrans || vsraqs
// Format3
val vmul = DecodeFmt(3, dec.vmul) && !quad
val vmul2 = DecodeFmt(3, dec.vmul) && quad
val vmuls = DecodeFmt(3, dec.vmuls, 1) && !quad
val vmuls2 = DecodeFmt(3, dec.vmuls, 1) && quad
val vmulh = DecodeFmt(3, dec.vmulh, 2) && !quad
val vmulh2 = DecodeFmt(3, dec.vmulh, 2) && quad
val vmulhu = DecodeFmt(3, dec.vmulhu, 2) && !quad
val vmulhu2 = DecodeFmt(3, dec.vmulhu, 2) && quad
val vdmulh = DecodeFmt(3, dec.vdmulh, 3) && !quad
val vdmulh2 = DecodeFmt(3, dec.vdmulh, 3) && quad
val vmulw = DecodeFmt(3, dec.vmulw, 1)
val vmacc = DecodeFmt(3, dec.vmacc)
val vmadd = DecodeFmt(3, dec.vmadd)
val vfmt3 = vmul || vmul2 || vmuls || vmuls2 || vmulh || vmulh2 || vmulhu || vmulhu2 || vdmulh || vdmulh2 || vmulw || vmacc || vmadd
// Format4
val vadds = DecodeFmt(4, dec.vadds, 1)
val vsubs = DecodeFmt(4, dec.vsubs, 1)
val vaddw = DecodeFmt(4, dec.vaddw, 1)
val vsubw = DecodeFmt(4, dec.vsubw, 1)
val vacc = DecodeFmt(4, dec.vacc, 1)
val vpadd = DecodeFmt(4, dec.vpadd, 1)
val vpsub = DecodeFmt(4, dec.vpsub, 1)
val vhadd = DecodeFmt(4, dec.vhadd, 3)
val vhsub = DecodeFmt(4, dec.vhsub, 3)
val vfmt4 = vadds || vsubs || vaddw || vsubw || vacc || vpadd || vpsub || vhadd || vhsub
// Format6
val vslidevn = DecodeFmt(6, dec.vslidevn, 3)
val vslidehn = DecodeFmt(6, dec.vslidehn, 3) && !m
val vslidehn2 = DecodeFmt(6, dec.vslidehn, 3) && m
val vslidevp = DecodeFmt(6, dec.vslidevp, 3)
val vslidehp = DecodeFmt(6, dec.vslidehp, 3) && !m
val vslidehp2 = DecodeFmt(6, dec.vslidehp, 3) && m
val vsel = DecodeFmt(6, dec.vsel)
val vevn = DecodeFmt(6, dec.vevn)
val vodd = DecodeFmt(6, dec.vodd)
val vevnodd = DecodeFmt(6, dec.vevnodd)
val vzip = DecodeFmt(6, dec.vzip)
val vslideh2 = vslidehn2 || vslidehp2
val vevn3 = vevn || vevnodd || vodd
val vfmt6 = vslidevn | vslidehn | vslidehn2 | vslidevp | vslidehp | vslidehp2 | vsel | vevn | vodd | vevnodd | vzip
// FormatVVV
val aconv = DecodeBits(inst, "xxxxxx_1xxxxx_xxxxxx_10_xxxxxx_0_00_101")
val vcget = DecodeBits(inst, "010100_000000_000000_xx_xxxxxx_x_111_11")
val vdwconv = DecodeBits(inst, "xxxxxx_0xxxxx_xxxxxx_10_xxxxxx_x_10_101")
val adwconv = DecodeBits(inst, "xxxxxx_1xxxxx_xxxxxx_10_xxxxxx_x_10_101")
val vadwconv = vdwconv || adwconv
// Undef
val vopbits = Cat(
// Duplicate
// Load/Store
vld, vst, vstq,
// Misc
// Format0
vadd, vsub, vrsub, veq, vne, vlt, vle, vgt, vge, vabsd, vmax, vmin, vadd3,
// Format1
vand, vor, vxor, vnot, vrev, vror, vclb, vclz, vcpop, vmv, vmv2, vmvp, acset, actr, adwinit,
// Format2
vsll, vsra, vsrl, vsha, vshl, vsrans, vsraqs,
// Format3
vmul, vmul2, vmuls, vmuls2, vmulh, vmulh2, vmulhu, vmulhu2, vdmulh, vdmulh2, vmulw, vmacc, vmadd,
// Format4
vadds, vsubs, vaddw, vsubw, vacc, vpadd, vpsub, vhadd, vhsub,
// Format6
vslidevn, vslidehn, vslidehn2, vslidevp, vslidehp, vslidehp2, vsel, vevn, vodd, vevnodd, vzip,
// FormatVVV
aconv, vdwconv, adwconv)
val undef = !WiredOR(vopbits)
assert(PopCount(Cat(vopbits, undef)) === 1.U)
// Encode the opcode.
val op =
// Duplicate
MuxOR(vdup, enc.vdup.U) |
// Load/Store
MuxOR(vld, enc.vld.U) |
MuxOR(vst, enc.vst.U) |
MuxOR(vstq, enc.vstq.U) |
// Misc
MuxOR(vcget, enc.vcget.U) |
// Format0
MuxOR(vadd, enc.vadd.U) |
MuxOR(vsub, enc.vsub.U) |
MuxOR(vrsub, enc.vrsub.U) |
MuxOR(veq, enc.veq.U) |
MuxOR(vne, enc.vne.U) |
MuxOR(vlt, enc.vlt.U) |
MuxOR(vle, enc.vle.U) |
MuxOR(vgt, enc.vgt.U) |
MuxOR(vge, enc.vge.U) |
MuxOR(vabsd, enc.vabsd.U) |
MuxOR(vmax, enc.vmax.U) |
MuxOR(vmin, enc.vmin.U) |
MuxOR(vadd3, enc.vadd3.U) |
// Format1
MuxOR(vand, enc.vand.U) |
MuxOR(vor, enc.vor.U) |
MuxOR(vxor, enc.vxor.U) |
MuxOR(vnot, enc.vnot.U) |
MuxOR(vrev, enc.vrev.U) |
MuxOR(vror, enc.vror.U) |
MuxOR(vclb, enc.vclb.U) |
MuxOR(vclz, enc.vclz.U) |
MuxOR(vcpop, enc.vcpop.U) |
MuxOR(vmv, enc.vmv.U) |
MuxOR(vmv2, enc.vmv2.U) |
MuxOR(vmvp, enc.vmvp.U) |
MuxOR(acset, enc.acset.U) |
MuxOR(actr, enc.actr.U) |
MuxOR(adwinit, enc.adwinit.U) |
// Format2
MuxOR(vsll, enc.vshl.U) |
MuxOR(vsra, enc.vshr.U) |
MuxOR(vsrl, enc.vshr.U) |
MuxOR(vsha, enc.vshf.U) |
MuxOR(vshl, enc.vshf.U) |
MuxOR(vsrans, enc.vsrans.U) |
MuxOR(vsraqs, enc.vsraqs.U) |
// Format3
MuxOR(vmul, enc.vmul.U) |
MuxOR(vmul2, enc.vmul2.U) |
MuxOR(vmuls, enc.vmuls.U) |
MuxOR(vmuls2, enc.vmuls2.U) |
MuxOR(vmulh, enc.vmulh.U) |
MuxOR(vmulh2, enc.vmulh2.U) |
MuxOR(vmulhu, enc.vmulh.U) |
MuxOR(vmulhu2, enc.vmulh2.U) |
MuxOR(vdmulh, enc.vdmulh.U) |
MuxOR(vdmulh2, enc.vdmulh2.U) |
MuxOR(vmulw, enc.vmulw.U) |
MuxOR(vmacc, enc.vmadd.U) |
MuxOR(vmadd, enc.vmadd.U) |
// Format4
MuxOR(vadds, enc.vadds.U) |
MuxOR(vsubs, enc.vsubs.U) |
MuxOR(vaddw, enc.vaddw.U) |
MuxOR(vsubw, enc.vsubw.U) |
MuxOR(vacc, enc.vacc.U) |
MuxOR(vpadd, enc.vpadd.U) |
MuxOR(vpsub, enc.vpsub.U) |
MuxOR(vhadd, enc.vhadd.U) |
MuxOR(vhsub, enc.vhsub.U) |
// Format6
MuxOR(vslidevn, enc.vslidevn.U) |
MuxOR(vslidehn, enc.vslidehn.U) |
MuxOR(vslidehn2, enc.vslidehn2.U) |
MuxOR(vslidevp, enc.vslidevp.U) |
MuxOR(vslidehp, enc.vslidehp.U) |
MuxOR(vslidehp2, enc.vslidehp2.U) |
MuxOR(vsel, enc.vsel.U) |
MuxOR(vevn, enc.vevn.U) |
MuxOR(vodd, enc.vodd.U) |
MuxOR(vevnodd, enc.vevnodd.U) |
MuxOR(vzip, enc.vzip.U) |
// FormatVVV
MuxOR(aconv, enc.aconv.U) |
MuxOR(vdwconv, enc.vdwconv.U) |
MuxOR(adwconv, enc.adwconv.U)
// Scalar.
def ScalarData(sz: UInt, data: UInt): UInt = {
assert(sz.getWidth == 2)
assert(data.getWidth == 32)
MuxOR(sz === 0.U, Cat(data(7,0), data(7,0), data(7,0), data(7,0))) |
MuxOR(sz === 1.U, Cat(data(15,0), data(15,0))) |
MuxOR(sz === 2.U, data(31,0))
// Depthwise read.
val (vsdw, vtdw, vudw, vxdw, vydw, vzdw, ractivedw) = DepthwiseRead()
val ractivedi = ToM(OneHot(vsbits(5,2), 16))
val wactivedw = ToM(OneHot(vdbits(5,2), 16))
// Slide composite read.
val (vssl, vtsl, vusl, vxsl, vysl, vzsl, ractivesl) = SlideRead()
// Convolution read/write.
val ractiveconv1 = Wire(UInt(64.W))
val ractiveconv2 = Wire(UInt(64.W))
val ractiveaset = Wire(UInt(64.W))
val wactiveconv = Wire(UInt(64.W))
// Narrow reads (vs) are aligned to 16 register base (v0, v16, v32, v48).
// Wide reads (vu) are aligned to SIMD width(4,8,16), assumes scalar control
// field does not access beyond this bounds.
if (p.vectorBits == 128) {
ractiveconv1 := 0x000f.U << Cat(vsbits(5,4), 0.U(4.W))
ractiveconv2 := 0x000f.U << Cat(vubits(5,2), 0.U(2.W))
ractiveaset := 0x000f.U << Cat(vsbits(5,2), 0.U(2.W))
wactiveconv := 0x000f.U << Cat(vdbits(5,4), 0.U(4.W))
} else if (p.vectorBits == 256) {
ractiveconv1 := 0x00ff.U << Cat(vsbits(5,4), 0.U(4.W))
ractiveconv2 := 0x00ff.U << Cat(vubits(5,3), 0.U(3.W))
ractiveaset := 0x00ff.U << Cat(vsbits(5,3), 0.U(3.W))
wactiveconv := 0x00ff.U << Cat(vdbits(5,4), 0.U(4.W))
} else if (p.vectorBits == 512) {
ractiveconv1 := 0xffff.U << Cat(vsbits(5,4), 0.U(4.W))
ractiveconv2 := 0xffff.U << Cat(vubits(5,4), 0.U(4.W))
ractiveaset := 0xffff.U << Cat(vsbits(5,4), 0.U(4.W))
wactiveconv := 0xffff.U << Cat(vdbits(5,4), 0.U(4.W))
} else {
// Outputs.
io.undef := undef
io.out.op := op
io.out.f2 := func2(2,0) := Cat(sz === 2.U, sz === 1.U, sz === 0.U)
io.out.m := m && !vdmulh2 && !vmul2 && !vmulh2 && !vmulhu2 && !vmuls2 && !vmv2 && !vslidehn2 && !vslidehp2
io.out.cmdsync := adwinit || vadwconv || vdmulh2 || vmul2 || vmulh2 || vmulhu2 || vmuls2 || vmv2 || vslideh2 || vsraqs
io.out.vd.valid := vdwconv || vfmt0 || vfmt1 || vfmt2 || vfmt3 || vfmt4 || vfmt6 || vld || vdup || vcget := vdwconv || vdmulh2 || vmul2 || vmulh2 || vmulhu2 || vmuls2 || vmv2 || vacc || vmv2 || vmvp || vmulw || vaddw || vsubw || vevnodd || vslideh2 || vzip
io.out.vf.valid := vdwconv || vdmulh2 || vmul2 || vmulh2 || vmulhu2 || vmuls2 || vmv2 || vslideh2 := vdwconv || vdmulh2 || vmul2 || vmulh2 || vmulhu2 || vmuls2 || vmv2 || vslideh2
io.out.vs.valid := vadwconv || adwinit || vfmt0 || vfmt1 || vfmt2 || vfmt3 || vfmt4 || vfmt6 || vst || vstq || aconv
io.out.vt.valid := vadwconv || adwinit || !x && (vfmt0 || vfmt1 || vfmt2 || vfmt3 || vfmt4 || vfmt6) := vadwconv || vdmulh2 || vmul2 || vmulh2 || vmulhu2 || vmuls2 || vmv2 || vacc || vadd3 || vmacc || vmadd || aconv || vsrans || vsraqs || vsel || vslideh2 || m && vevn3
io.out.vx.valid := vadwconv || adwinit || vdmulh2 || vmul2 || vmulh2 || vmulhu2 || vmuls2 || vmv2 || vslideh2 || vsraqs
io.out.vy.valid := vadwconv || adwinit || vslideh2 || !x && (vsraqs)
io.out.vz.valid := vadwconv || vdmulh2 || vmul2 || vmulh2 || vmulhu2 || vmuls2 || vmv2 || vslideh2 || vsraqs := x && (vdup || vfmt0 || vfmt1 || vfmt2 || vfmt3 || vfmt4 || vfmt6)
io.out.vd.addr := vdbits := Mux(vodd, vdbits,
Mux(vadwconv || vdmulh2 || vmul2 || vmulh2 || vmulhu2 || vmuls2 || vmv2 || vslideh2 || vzip, vdbits + 1.U,
Mux(m, vdbits + 4.U, vdbits + 1.U)))
io.out.vf.addr := vdbits + 2.U := vdbits + 3.U
io.out.vs.addr := Mux(vadwconv, vsdw,
Mux(vslideh2, vssl,
Mux(vmadd || vst || vstq, vdbits,
io.out.vt.addr := Mux(vadwconv, vtdw,
Mux(adwinit, vsbits + 1.U,
Mux(vslideh2, vtsl,
Mux(m && vevn3, vsbits + 1.U,
vtbits)))) := Mux(vadwconv, vudw,
Mux(vdmulh2 || vmul2 || vmulh2 || vmulhu2 || vmuls2 || vmv2, vsbits + 1.U,
Mux(vslideh2, vusl,
Mux(vacc || vsrans, Mux(m, vsbits + 4.U, vsbits + 1.U),
Mux(vsraqs, Mux(m, vsbits + 4.U, vsbits + 1.U),
Mux(vmacc || vadd3 || vsel, vdbits,
Mux(vmadd, vsbits,
Mux(vevn3, vtbits,
io.out.vx.addr := Mux(vadwconv, vxdw,
Mux(adwinit || vdmulh2 || vmul2 || vmulh2 || vmulhu2 || vmuls2 || vmv2, vsbits + 2.U,
Mux(vsraqs, Mux(m, vsbits + 8.U, vsbits + 2.U),
io.out.vy.addr := Mux(vadwconv, vydw,
Mux(adwinit, vsbits + 3.U,
Mux(vsraqs, vtbits,
io.out.vz.addr := Mux(vadwconv, vzdw,
Mux(vdmulh2 || vmul2 || vmulh2 || vmulhu2 || vmuls2 || vmv2, vsbits + 3.U,
Mux(vsraqs, Mux(m, vsbits + 12.U, vsbits + 3.U),
io.out.vs.tag := 0.U
io.out.vt.tag := 0.U := 0.U
io.out.vx.tag := 0.U
io.out.vy.tag := 0.U
io.out.vz.tag := 0.U := addr := Mux(vldstdec, data,
Mux(vaddw || vmulw || vsubw, ScalarData(sz - 1.U, data),
ScalarData(sz, data)))
assert(PopCount( <= 1.U)
assert(!(io.out.vx.valid && !io.out.cmdsync))
assert(!(io.out.vy.valid && !io.out.cmdsync))
assert(!(io.out.vz.valid && !io.out.cmdsync))
io.cmdq.alu := vdup || vfmt0 || vfmt1 || vfmt2 || vfmt3 || vfmt4 || vfmt6 || vadwconv || adwinit
io.cmdq.conv := aconv || vcget || acset || actr
io.cmdq.ldst := vldst && !uncached
io.cmdq.ld := vld && uncached := (vst || vstq) && uncached
val cmdqchk = Cat(io.undef, io.cmdq.alu, io.cmdq.conv, io.cmdq.ldst, io.cmdq.ld,
assert(PopCount(cmdqchk) === 1.U)
io.actv.ractive :=
MuxOR(vfmt0 || vfmt1 || vfmt2 || vfmt3 || vfmt4 ||
vfmt6 && !vslideh2, RActiveVsVt(2)) |
MuxOR(vsraqs || vsrans, RActiveVs1()) |
MuxOR(vsraqs, RActiveVs2()) |
MuxOR(vsraqs, RActiveVs3()) |
MuxOR(vmacc || vmadd || vst || vstq, RActiveVd()) |
MuxOR(vadwconv, ractivedw) |
MuxOR(adwinit, ractivedi) |
MuxOR(vslideh2, ractivesl) |
MuxOR(aconv || actr, ractiveconv1) |
MuxOR(aconv, ractiveconv2) |
MuxOR(acset, ractiveaset)
io.actv.wactive :=
MuxOR(vfmt0 || vfmt1 || vfmt2 || vfmt3 || vfmt4 || vfmt6 ||
vdup || vld, WActiveVd()) |
MuxOR(vmvp || vmulw || vacc || vaddw || vsubw || vevnodd || vzip,
WActiveVd1()) |
MuxOR(vdwconv, wactivedw) |
MuxOR(vcget, wactiveconv)
object EmitVDecodeInstruction extends App {
val p = new Parameters
(new chisel3.stage.ChiselStage).emitVerilog(new VDecodeInstruction(p), args)