blob: f0e04d56e2dfb9e4cea688b5efa74b1d08812c4c [file] [log] [blame]
package kelvin
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
object Mux0 {
def apply(valid: Bool, data: UInt): UInt = {
Mux(valid, data, 0.U(data.getWidth))
def apply(valid: Bool, data: Bool): Bool = {
Mux(valid, data, false.B)
object MuxOR {
def apply(valid: Bool, data: UInt): UInt = {
Mux(valid, data, 0.U(data.getWidth))
def apply(valid: Bool, data: Bool): Bool = {
Mux(valid, data, false.B)
object Min {
def apply(a: UInt, b: UInt): UInt = {
assert(a.getWidth == b.getWidth)
Mux(a < b, a, b)
object Max {
def apply(a: UInt, b: UInt): UInt = {
assert(a.getWidth == b.getWidth)
Mux(a > b, a, b)
object Repeat {
def apply(b: Bool, n: Int): UInt = {
val r = VecInit(Seq.fill(n)(b))
object SignExt {
def apply(v: UInt, n: Int): UInt = {
val s = v.getWidth
val r = Cat(Repeat(v(s - 1), n - s), v)
assert(r.getWidth == n)
// ORs vector lanes.
// Vec(4, UInt(7.W)) -> UInt(7.W)
// for (i <- 0 until count) out |= in(i)
object VecOR {
def apply(vec: Vec[UInt], count: Int, index: Int, bits: UInt): UInt = {
if (index < count) {
apply(vec, count, index+1, bits | vec(index))
} else {
def apply(vec: Vec[Bool], count: Int, index: Int, bits: Bool): Bool = {
if (index < count) {
apply(vec, count, index+1, bits || vec(index))
} else {
def apply(vec: Vec[UInt], count: Int): UInt = {
apply(vec, count, 0, 0.U)
def apply(vec: Vec[Bool], count: Int): Bool = {
apply(vec, count, 0, false.B)
def apply(vec: Vec[UInt]): UInt = {
val count = vec.length
apply(vec, count, 0, 0.U)
def apply(vec: Vec[Bool]): Bool = {
val count = vec.length
apply(vec, count, 0, false.B)
object IndexMask {
def apply(data: Vec[UInt], index: UInt): Vec[UInt] = {
val count = data.length
val width = data(0).getWidth.W
val value = Wire(Vec(count, UInt(width)))
for (i <- 0 until count) {
value(i) := Mux(i.U === index, data(i), 0.U)
object OrReduce {
def apply(data: Vec[UInt]): UInt = {
if (data.length > 1) {
val count = data.length / 2
val odd = data.length & 1
val width = data(0).getWidth.W
val value = Wire(Vec(count + odd, UInt(width)))
for (i <- 0 until count) {
value(i) := data(2 * i + 0) | data(2 * i + 1)
if (odd != 0) {
value(count) := data(2 * count)
} else {
object VecAt {
def apply(data: Vec[Bool], index: UInt): Bool = {
assert(data.length == (1 << index.getWidth))
val count = data.length
val dataUInt = Wire(Vec(count, UInt(1.W)))
for (i <- 0 until count) {
dataUInt(i) := data(i)
OrReduce(IndexMask(dataUInt, index)) =/= 0.U
def apply(data: Vec[UInt], index: UInt): UInt = {
assert(data.length == (1 << index.getWidth))
OrReduce(IndexMask(data, index))
object BoolAt {
def apply(udata: UInt, index: UInt): Bool = {
assert(udata.getWidth == (1 << index.getWidth))
val width = udata.getWidth
val data = Wire(Vec(width, UInt(1.W)))
for (i <- 0 until width) {
data(i) := udata(i)
OrReduce(IndexMask(data, index)) =/= 0.U
object WiredAND {
def apply(bits: UInt): Bool = {
def apply(bits: Vec[Bool]): Bool = {
val count = bits.length
if (count > 1) {
val limit = (count + 1) / 2
val value = Wire(Vec(limit, Bool()))
for (i <- 0 until limit) {
if (i * 2 + 1 >= count) {
value(i) := bits(2 * i + 0)
} else {
value(i) := bits(2 * i + 0) & bits(2 * i + 1)
} else {
object WiredOR {
def apply(bits: UInt): Bool = {
def apply(bits: Vec[Bool]): Bool = {
val count = bits.length
if (count > 1) {
val limit = (count + 1) / 2
val value = Wire(Vec(limit, Bool()))
for (i <- 0 until limit) {
if (i * 2 + 1 >= count) {
value(i) := bits(2 * i + 0)
} else {
value(i) := bits(2 * i + 0) | bits(2 * i + 1)
} else {
object OneHot {
def apply(bits: UInt, count: Int): UInt = {
// // UIntToOH(bits, count)
// val bools = Wire(Vec(count, Bool()))
// for (i <- 0 until count) {
// bools(i) := bits === i.U
// }
// val r = bools.asUInt
// assert(r.getWidth == count)
// r
UIntToOH(bits, count)
// Page mask for two address ranges, factoring unaligned address overflow.
object PageMaskShift {
def apply(address: UInt, length: UInt): UInt = {
assert(address.getWidth == 32)
// Find the power2 page size that contains the range offset+length.
// The address width is one less than length, as we want to use the
// page base of zero and length to match the page size.
val psel = Cat((address(9,0) +& length) <= 1024.U,
(address(8,0) +& length) <= 512.U,
(address(7,0) +& length) <= 256.U,
(address(6,0) +& length) <= 128.U,
(address(5,0) +& length) <= 64.U,
(address(4,0) +& length) <= 32.U,
(address(3,0) +& length) <= 16.U,
(address(2,0) +& length) <= 8.U,
(address(1,0) +& length) <= 4.U)
val pshift =
Mux(psel(0), 2.U, Mux(psel(1), 3.U, Mux(psel(2), 4.U, Mux(psel(3), 5.U,
Mux(psel(4), 6.U, Mux(psel(5), 7.U, Mux(psel(6), 8.U, Mux(psel(7), 9.U,
Mux(psel(8), 10.U, 0.U)))))))))
// Determine the longest run of lsb 1's. We OR 1's of the address lsb so
// that base+length overflow ripple extends as far as needed.
// Include an additional lsb 1 to round us to the next page size, as we will
// not perform in page test beyond the segmentBits size.
val addrmask = Cat(address(31,10), ~0.U(10.W), 1.U(1.W))
val cto = PriorityEncoder(~addrmask)
assert(cto.getWidth == 6)
// Mask shift value.
val shift = Mux(psel =/= 0.U, pshift, cto)
assert(shift.getWidth == 6)
object Cto {
def apply(bits: UInt): UInt = {
PriorityEncoder(Cat(1.U(1.W), ~bits))
object Ctz {
def apply(bits: UInt): UInt = {
PriorityEncoder(Cat(1.U(1.W), bits))
// Unused
object Clb {
def apply(bits: UInt): UInt = {
val clo = Clo(bits)
val clz = Clz(bits)
Mux(bits(bits.getWidth - 1), clo, clz)
// Unused
object Clo {
def apply(bits: UInt): UInt = {
PriorityEncoder(Cat(1.U(1.W), Reverse(~bits)))
object Clz {
def apply(bits: UInt): UInt = {
PriorityEncoder(Cat(1.U(1.W), Reverse(bits)))
object WCtz {
def apply(bits: UInt, offset: Int = 0): UInt = {
assert((bits.getWidth % 32) == 0)
val z = Ctz(bits(31, 0))
val v = z | offset.U
assert(z.getWidth == 6)
if (bits.getWidth > 32) {
Mux(!z(5), v, WCtz(bits(bits.getWidth - 1, 32), offset + 32))
} else {
Mux(!z(5), v, (offset + 32).U)
object DecodeBits {
def apply(inst: UInt, bitPattern: String, v: Bool = true.B, index: Int = 31):
Bool = {
// System.out.println(">>> String \"" + bitPattern + "\" = " + bitPattern.length + " : " + index)
if (bitPattern.length > 0) {
if (bitPattern(0) == '0') {
val bit = ~inst(index)
DecodeBits(inst, bitPattern.drop(1), v && bit, index - 1)
} else if (bitPattern(0) == '1') {
val bit = inst(index)
DecodeBits(inst, bitPattern.drop(1), v && bit, index - 1)
} else if (bitPattern(0) == 'x') {
val bit = inst(index)
DecodeBits(inst, bitPattern.drop(1), v, index - 1)
} else if (bitPattern(0) == '_') {
DecodeBits(inst, bitPattern.drop(1), v, index)
} else {
} else {
assert(index == -1)