| package kelvin |
| |
| import chisel3._ |
| import chisel3.util._ |
| import common._ |
| |
| object L1ICache { |
| def apply(p: Parameters): L1ICache = { |
| return Module(new L1ICache(p)) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class L1ICache(p: Parameters) extends Module { |
| // A relatively simple cache block. Only one transaction may post at a time. |
| // 2^8 * 256 / 8 = 8KiB 4-way Tag[31,12] + Index[11,6] + Data[5,0] |
| assert(p.axi0IdBits == 4) |
| assert(p.axi0DataBits == 256) |
| |
| val slots = p.l1islots |
| val slotBits = log2Ceil(slots) |
| val assoc = 4 // 2, 4, 8, 16, slots |
| val sets = slots / assoc |
| val setLsb = log2Ceil(p.fetchDataBits / 8) |
| val setMsb = log2Ceil(sets) + setLsb - 1 |
| val tagLsb = setMsb + 1 |
| val tagMsb = 31 |
| |
| val io = IO(new Bundle { |
| val ibus = Flipped(new IBusIO(p)) |
| val flush = Flipped(new IFlushIO(p)) |
| val axi = new Bundle { |
| val read = new AxiMasterReadIO(p.axi0AddrBits, p.axi0DataBits, p.axi0IdBits) |
| } |
| }) |
| |
| assert(assoc == 2 || assoc == 4 || assoc == 8 || assoc == 16 || assoc == slots) |
| assert(assoc != 2 || setLsb == 5 && setMsb == 11 && tagLsb == 12) |
| assert(assoc != 4 || setLsb == 5 && setMsb == 10 && tagLsb == 11) |
| assert(assoc != 8 || setLsb == 5 && setMsb == 9 && tagLsb == 10) |
| assert(assoc != 16 || setLsb == 5 && setMsb == 8 && tagLsb == 9) |
| assert(assoc != slots || tagLsb == 5) |
| |
| class Sram_1rw_256x256 extends BlackBox { |
| val io = IO(new Bundle { |
| val clock = Input(Clock()) |
| val valid = Input(Bool()) |
| val write = Input(Bool()) |
| val addr = Input(UInt(slotBits.W)) |
| val wdata = Input(UInt(p.axi0DataBits.W)) |
| val rdata = Output(UInt(p.axi0DataBits.W)) |
| }) |
| } |
| |
| // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| // CAM state. |
| val valid = RegInit(VecInit(Seq.fill(slots)(false.B))) |
| val camaddr = Reg(Vec(slots, UInt(32.W))) |
| // val mem = Mem1RW(slots, UInt(p.axi0DataBits.W)) |
| val mem = Module(new Sram_1rw_256x256()) |
| |
| val history = Reg(Vec(slots / assoc, Vec(assoc, UInt(log2Ceil(assoc).W)))) |
| |
| val matchSet = Wire(Vec(slots, Bool())) |
| val matchAddr = Wire(Vec(assoc, Bool())) |
| |
| val matchSlotB = Wire(Vec(slots, Bool())) |
| val matchSlot = matchSlotB.asUInt |
| val replaceSlotB = Wire(Vec(slots, Bool())) |
| val replaceSlot = replaceSlotB.asUInt |
| |
| // OR mux lookup of associative entries. |
| def camaddrRead(i: Int, value: UInt = 0.U(32.W)): UInt = { |
| if (i < slots) { |
| camaddrRead(i + assoc, value | MuxOR(matchSet(i), camaddr(i))) |
| } else { |
| value |
| } |
| } |
| |
| for (i <- 0 until assoc) { |
| val ca = camaddrRead(i) |
| matchAddr(i) := io.ibus.addr(tagMsb, tagLsb) === ca(tagMsb, tagLsb) |
| } |
| |
| for (i <- 0 until slots) { |
| val set = i / assoc |
| val setMatch = if (assoc == slots) true.B else io.ibus.addr(setMsb, setLsb) === set.U |
| matchSet(i) := setMatch |
| } |
| |
| for (i <- 0 until slots) { |
| val set = i / assoc |
| val index = i % assoc |
| |
| matchSlotB(i) := valid(i) && matchSet(i) && matchAddr(index) |
| |
| val historyMatch = history(set)(index) === 0.U |
| replaceSlotB(i) := matchSet(i) && historyMatch |
| assert((i - set * assoc) == index) |
| } |
| |
| assert(PopCount(matchSlot) <= 1.U) |
| assert(PopCount(replaceSlot) <= 1.U) |
| |
| val found = io.ibus.valid && matchSlot =/= 0.U |
| |
| val replaceNum = Wire(Vec(slots, UInt(slotBits.W))) |
| for (i <- 0 until slots) { |
| replaceNum(i) := MuxOR(replaceSlot(i), i.U) |
| } |
| |
| val replaceId = VecOR(replaceNum, slots) |
| assert(replaceId.getWidth == slotBits) |
| |
| val readNum = Wire(Vec(slots, UInt(slotBits.W))) |
| for (i <- 0 until slots) { |
| readNum(i) := MuxOR(matchSlotB(i), i.U) |
| } |
| val readId = VecOR(readNum, slots) |
| |
| for (i <- 0 until slots / assoc) { |
| // Get the matched value from the OneHot encoding of the set. |
| val matchSet = matchSlot((i + 1) * assoc - 1, i * assoc) |
| assert(PopCount(matchSet) <= 1.U) |
| val matchIndices = Wire(Vec(assoc, UInt(log2Ceil(assoc).W))) |
| for (j <- 0 until assoc) { |
| matchIndices(j) := MuxOR(matchSet(j), j.U) |
| } |
| val matchIndex = VecOR(matchIndices, assoc) |
| assert(matchIndex.getWidth == log2Ceil(assoc)) |
| val matchValue = history(i)(matchIndex) |
| |
| // History based on count values so that high set size has less DFF usage. |
| when (io.ibus.valid && io.ibus.ready && (if (assoc == slots) true.B else io.ibus.addr(setMsb, setLsb) === i.U)) { |
| for (j <- 0 until assoc) { |
| when (matchSet(j)) { |
| history(i)(j) := (assoc - 1).U |
| } .elsewhen (history(i)(j) > matchValue) { |
| history(i)(j) := history(i)(j) - 1.U |
| assert(history(i)(j) > 0.U) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Reset history to unique values within sets. |
| // Must be placed below all other assignments. |
| // Note the definition is Reg() so will generate an asynchronous reset. |
| when (reset.asBool) { |
| for (i <- 0 until slots / assoc) { |
| for (j <- 0 until assoc) { |
| history(i)(j) := j.U |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // These checks are extremely slow to compile. |
| if (false) { |
| for (i <- 0 until slots / assoc) { |
| for (j <- 0 until assoc) { |
| for (k <- 0 until assoc) { |
| if (j != k) { |
| assert(history(i)(j) =/= history(i)(k)) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| // Core Instruction Bus. |
| io.ibus.ready := found |
| |
| io.ibus.rdata := mem.io.rdata |
| |
| // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| // axi interface. |
| val axivalid = RegInit(false.B) // io.axi.read.addr.valid |
| val axiready = RegInit(false.B) // io.axi.read.data.ready |
| val axiaddr = Reg(UInt(32.W)) |
| |
| val replaceIdReg = Reg(UInt(slotBits.W)) |
| |
| when (io.ibus.valid && !io.ibus.ready && !axivalid && !axiready) { |
| replaceIdReg := replaceId |
| } |
| |
| when (io.axi.read.addr.valid && io.axi.read.addr.ready) { |
| axivalid := false.B |
| } .elsewhen (io.ibus.valid && !io.ibus.ready && !axivalid && !axiready) { |
| axivalid := true.B |
| } |
| |
| when (io.axi.read.data.valid && io.axi.read.data.ready) { |
| axiready := false.B |
| } .elsewhen (io.axi.read.addr.valid && io.axi.read.addr.ready && !axiready) { |
| axiready := true.B |
| } |
| |
| when (io.flush.valid) { |
| for (i <- 0 until slots) { |
| valid(i) := false.B |
| } |
| } .elsewhen (io.ibus.valid && !io.ibus.ready && !axivalid && !axiready) { |
| valid(replaceId) := false.B |
| } .elsewhen (io.axi.read.data.valid && io.axi.read.data.ready) { |
| valid(replaceIdReg) := true.B |
| } |
| |
| when (io.ibus.valid && !io.ibus.ready && !axivalid && !axiready) { |
| val alignedAddr = Cat(io.ibus.addr(31, setLsb), 0.U(setLsb.W)) |
| axiaddr := alignedAddr |
| camaddr(replaceId) := alignedAddr |
| } .elsewhen (io.axi.read.addr.valid && io.axi.read.addr.ready) { |
| axiaddr := axiaddr + (p.axi0DataBits / 8).U |
| } |
| |
| io.axi.read.defaults() |
| io.axi.read.addr.valid := axivalid |
| io.axi.read.addr.bits.addr := axiaddr |
| io.axi.read.addr.bits.id := 0.U |
| io.axi.read.data.ready := axiready |
| |
| io.flush.ready := true.B |
| |
| // IBus transaction must latch until completion. |
| val addrLatchActive = RegInit(false.B) |
| val addrLatchData = Reg(UInt(32.W)) |
| |
| when (io.flush.valid) { |
| addrLatchActive := false.B |
| } .elsewhen (io.ibus.valid && !io.ibus.ready && !addrLatchActive) { |
| addrLatchActive := true.B |
| addrLatchData := io.ibus.addr |
| } .elsewhen (addrLatchActive && io.ibus.ready) { |
| addrLatchActive := false.B |
| } |
| |
| assert(!(addrLatchActive && !io.ibus.valid)) |
| assert(!(addrLatchActive && addrLatchData =/= io.ibus.addr)) |
| |
| // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| // Memory controls. |
| val memwrite = io.axi.read.data.valid && io.axi.read.data.ready |
| val memread = io.ibus.valid && !axivalid && !axiready |
| mem.io.clock := clock |
| mem.io.valid := memread || memwrite |
| mem.io.write := axiready |
| mem.io.addr := Mux(axiready, replaceIdReg, readId) |
| mem.io.wdata := io.axi.read.data.bits.data |
| } |
| |
| object EmitL1ICache extends App { |
| val p = new Parameters |
| (new chisel3.stage.ChiselStage).emitVerilog(new L1ICache(p), args) |
| } |