blob: 0351317bfa75786eefd544065ebea29b561574cd [file] [log] [blame]
package kelvin
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import common._
object Fetch {
def apply(p: Parameters): Fetch = {
return Module(new Fetch(p))
class IBusIO(p: Parameters) extends Bundle {
// Control Phase.
val valid = Output(Bool())
val ready = Input(Bool())
val addr = Output(UInt(p.fetchAddrBits.W))
// Read Phase.
val rdata = Input(UInt(p.fetchDataBits.W))
class FetchInstruction(p: Parameters) extends Bundle {
val valid = Output(Bool())
val ready = Input(Bool())
val addr = Output(UInt(p.programCounterBits.W))
val inst = Output(UInt(p.instructionBits.W))
val brchFwd = Output(Bool())
class FetchIO(p: Parameters) extends Bundle {
val lanes = Vec(p.instructionLanes, new FetchInstruction(p))
class Fetch(p: Parameters) extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val csr = new CsrInIO(p)
val ibus = new IBusIO(p)
val inst = new FetchIO(p)
val branch = Flipped(Vec(4, new BranchTakenIO(p)))
val linkPort = Flipped(new RegfileLinkPortIO)
val iflush = Flipped(new IFlushIO(p))
// This is the only compiled and tested configuration (at this time).
assert(p.fetchAddrBits == 32)
assert(p.fetchDataBits == 256)
val aslice = Slice(UInt(p.fetchAddrBits.W), true)
val readAddr = Reg(UInt(p.fetchAddrBits.W))
val readDataEn = RegInit(false.B)
val readAddrEn = io.ibus.valid && io.ibus.ready
val readData = io.ibus.rdata
readDataEn := readAddrEn && !io.iflush.valid
io.iflush.ready := !
// L0 cache
// ____________________________________
// | Tag |Index|xxxxx|
// ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
val lanes = p.fetchDataBits / p.instructionBits // input lanes
val indices = p.fetchCacheBytes * 8 / p.fetchDataBits
val indexLsb = log2Ceil(p.fetchDataBits / 8)
val indexMsb = log2Ceil(indices) + indexLsb - 1
val tagLsb = indexMsb + 1
val tagMsb = p.fetchAddrBits - 1
val indexCountBits = log2Ceil(indices - 1)
if (p.fetchCacheBytes == 1024) {
assert(indexLsb == 5)
assert(indexMsb == 9)
assert(tagLsb == 10)
assert(tagMsb == 31)
assert(indices == 32)
assert(indexCountBits == 5)
assert(lanes == 8)
val l0valid = RegInit(0.U(indices.W))
val l0req = RegInit(0.U(indices.W))
val l0tag = Reg(Vec(indices, UInt((tagMsb - tagLsb + 1).W)))
val l0data = Reg(Vec(indices, UInt(p.fetchDataBits.W)))
// Instruction outputs.
val instValid = RegInit(VecInit(Seq.fill(4)(false.B)))
val instAddr = Reg(Vec(4, UInt(p.instructionBits.W)))
val instBits = Reg(Vec(4, UInt(p.instructionBits.W)))
val instAligned0 = Cat(instAddr(0)(31, indexLsb), 0.U(indexLsb.W))
val instAligned1 = instAligned0 + Cat(1.U, 0.U(indexLsb.W))
val instIndex0 = instAligned0(indexMsb, indexLsb)
val instIndex1 = instAligned1(indexMsb, indexLsb)
val instTag0 = instAligned0(tagMsb, tagLsb)
val instTag1 = instAligned1(tagMsb, tagLsb)
val l0valid0 = l0valid(instIndex0)
val l0valid1 = l0valid(instIndex1)
val l0tag0 = VecAt(l0tag, instIndex0)
val l0tag1 = VecAt(l0tag, instIndex1)
val match0 = l0valid0 && instTag0 === l0tag0
val match1 = l0valid1 && instTag1 === l0tag1
// Read interface.
// Do not request entries that are already inflight.
// Perform a branch tag lookup to see if target is in cache.
def Predecode(addr: UInt, op: UInt): (Bool, UInt) = {
val jal = DecodeBits(op, "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_xxxxx_1101111")
val immed = Cat(Fill(12, op(31)), op(19,12), op(20), op(30,21), 0.U(1.W))
val target = addr + immed
(jal, target)
val (preBranchTaken0, preBranchTarget0) =
Predecode(instAddr(0), instBits(0))
val (preBranchTaken1, preBranchTarget1) =
Predecode(instAddr(1), instBits(1))
val (preBranchTaken2, preBranchTarget2) =
Predecode(instAddr(2), instBits(2))
val (preBranchTaken3, preBranchTarget3) =
Predecode(instAddr(3), instBits(3))
val preBranchTaken = io.inst.lanes(0).valid && preBranchTaken0 ||
io.inst.lanes(1).valid && preBranchTaken1 ||
io.inst.lanes(2).valid && preBranchTaken2 ||
io.inst.lanes(3).valid && preBranchTaken3
val preBranchTarget = Mux(preBranchTaken0, preBranchTarget0,
Mux(preBranchTaken1, preBranchTarget1,
Mux(preBranchTaken2, preBranchTarget2,
val preBranchTag = preBranchTarget(tagMsb, tagLsb)
val preBranchIndex = preBranchTarget(indexMsb, indexLsb)
val branchTag0 = io.branch(0).value(tagMsb, tagLsb)
val branchTag1 = io.branch(1).value(tagMsb, tagLsb)
val branchTag2 = io.branch(2).value(tagMsb, tagLsb)
val branchTag3 = io.branch(3).value(tagMsb, tagLsb)
val branchIndex0 = io.branch(0).value(indexMsb, indexLsb)
val branchIndex1 = io.branch(1).value(indexMsb, indexLsb)
val branchIndex2 = io.branch(2).value(indexMsb, indexLsb)
val branchIndex3 = io.branch(3).value(indexMsb, indexLsb)
val l0validB0 = l0valid(branchIndex0)
val l0validB1 = l0valid(branchIndex1)
val l0validB2 = l0valid(branchIndex2)
val l0validB3 = l0valid(branchIndex3)
val l0validP = l0valid(preBranchIndex)
val l0tagB0 = VecAt(l0tag, branchIndex0)
val l0tagB1 = VecAt(l0tag, branchIndex1)
val l0tagB2 = VecAt(l0tag, branchIndex2)
val l0tagB3 = VecAt(l0tag, branchIndex3)
val l0tagP = VecAt(l0tag, preBranchIndex)
val reqB0 = io.branch(0).valid && !l0req(branchIndex0) &&
(branchTag0 =/= l0tagB0 || !l0validB0)
val reqB1 = io.branch(1).valid && !l0req(branchIndex1) &&
(branchTag1 =/= l0tagB1 || !l0validB1) &&
val reqB2 = io.branch(2).valid && !l0req(branchIndex2) &&
(branchTag2 =/= l0tagB2 || !l0validB2) &&
!io.branch(0).valid && !io.branch(1).valid
val reqB3 = io.branch(3).valid && !l0req(branchIndex3) &&
(branchTag3 =/= l0tagB3 || !l0validB3) &&
!io.branch(0).valid && !io.branch(1).valid && !io.branch(2).valid
val reqP = preBranchTaken && !l0req(preBranchIndex) && (preBranchTag =/= l0tagP || !l0validP)
val req0 = !match0 && !l0req(instIndex0)
val req1 = !match1 && !l0req(instIndex1) := (reqB0 || reqB1 || reqB2 || reqB3 || reqP || req0 || req1) && !io.iflush.valid := Mux(reqB0, Cat(io.branch(0).value(31,indexLsb), 0.U(indexLsb.W)),
Mux(reqB1, Cat(io.branch(1).value(31,indexLsb), 0.U(indexLsb.W)),
Mux(reqB2, Cat(io.branch(2).value(31,indexLsb), 0.U(indexLsb.W)),
Mux(reqB3, Cat(io.branch(3).value(31,indexLsb), 0.U(indexLsb.W)),
Mux(reqP, Cat(preBranchTarget(31,indexLsb), 0.U(indexLsb.W)),
Mux(req0, instAligned0, instAligned1))))))
when (readAddrEn) {
readAddr := io.ibus.addr
io.ibus.valid := := io.ibus.ready || io.iflush.valid
io.ibus.addr :=
// initialize tags to 1s as 0xfffxxxxx are invalid instruction addresses
val l0validClr = WireInit(0.U(indices.W))
val l0validSet = WireInit(0.U(indices.W))
val l0reqClr = WireInit(0.U(indices.W))
val l0reqSet = WireInit(0.U(indices.W))
val readIdx = readAddr(indexMsb, indexLsb)
for (i <- 0 until indices) {
when (readDataEn && readIdx === i.U) {
l0tag(i.U) := readAddr(tagMsb, tagLsb)
l0data(i.U) := readData
when (readDataEn) {
val bits = OneHot(readIdx, indices)
l0validSet := bits
l0reqClr := bits
when (io.iflush.valid) {
val clr = ~(0.U(l0validClr.getWidth.W))
l0validClr := clr
l0reqClr := clr
when ( && {
l0reqSet := OneHot(, indexLsb), indices)
when (l0validClr =/= 0.U || l0validSet =/= 0.U) {
l0valid := (l0valid | l0validSet) & ~l0validClr
when (l0reqClr =/= 0.U || l0reqSet =/= 0.U) {
l0req := (l0req | l0reqSet) & ~l0reqClr
// Instruction Outputs
// Do not use the next instruction address directly in the lookup, as that
// creates excessive timing pressure. We know that the match is either on
// the old line or the next line, so can late mux on lookups of prior.
// Widen the arithmetic paths and select from results.
val fetchEn = Wire(Vec(4, Bool()))
for (i <- 0 until 4) {
fetchEn(i) := io.inst.lanes(i).valid && io.inst.lanes(i).ready
val fsel = Cat(fetchEn(3),
fetchEn(2) && !fetchEn(3),
fetchEn(1) && !fetchEn(2) && !fetchEn(3),
fetchEn(0) && !fetchEn(1) && !fetchEn(2) && !fetchEn(3),
!fetchEn(0) && !fetchEn(1) && !fetchEn(2) && !fetchEn(3))
val nxtInstAddr0 = instAddr(0) // 0
val nxtInstAddr1 = instAddr(1) // 4
val nxtInstAddr2 = instAddr(2) // 8
val nxtInstAddr3 = instAddr(3) // 12
val nxtInstAddr4 = instAddr(0) + 16.U // 16
val nxtInstAddr5 = instAddr(1) + 16.U // 20
val nxtInstAddr6 = instAddr(2) + 16.U // 24
val nxtInstAddr7 = instAddr(3) + 16.U // 28
val nxtInstAddr = Wire(Vec(4, UInt(p.instructionBits.W)))
nxtInstAddr(0) := Mux(fsel(4), nxtInstAddr4, 0.U) |
Mux(fsel(3), nxtInstAddr3, 0.U) |
Mux(fsel(2), nxtInstAddr2, 0.U) |
Mux(fsel(1), nxtInstAddr1, 0.U) |
Mux(fsel(0), nxtInstAddr0, 0.U)
nxtInstAddr(1) := Mux(fsel(4), nxtInstAddr5, 0.U) |
Mux(fsel(3), nxtInstAddr4, 0.U) |
Mux(fsel(2), nxtInstAddr3, 0.U) |
Mux(fsel(1), nxtInstAddr2, 0.U) |
Mux(fsel(0), nxtInstAddr1, 0.U)
nxtInstAddr(2) := Mux(fsel(4), nxtInstAddr6, 0.U) |
Mux(fsel(3), nxtInstAddr5, 0.U) |
Mux(fsel(2), nxtInstAddr4, 0.U) |
Mux(fsel(1), nxtInstAddr3, 0.U) |
Mux(fsel(0), nxtInstAddr2, 0.U)
nxtInstAddr(3) := Mux(fsel(4), nxtInstAddr7, 0.U) |
Mux(fsel(3), nxtInstAddr6, 0.U) |
Mux(fsel(2), nxtInstAddr5, 0.U) |
Mux(fsel(1), nxtInstAddr4, 0.U) |
Mux(fsel(0), nxtInstAddr3, 0.U)
val nxtInstIndex0 = nxtInstAddr(0)(indexMsb, indexLsb)
val nxtInstIndex1 = nxtInstAddr(3)(indexMsb, indexLsb)
val readFwd0 =
readDataEn && readAddr(31,indexLsb) === instAligned0(31,indexLsb)
val readFwd1 =
readDataEn && readAddr(31,indexLsb) === instAligned1(31,indexLsb)
val nxtMatch0Fwd = match0 || readFwd0
val nxtMatch1Fwd = match1 || readFwd1
val nxtMatch0 =
Mux(instIndex0(0) === nxtInstIndex0(0), nxtMatch0Fwd, nxtMatch1Fwd)
val nxtMatch1 =
Mux(instIndex0(0) === nxtInstIndex1(0), nxtMatch0Fwd, nxtMatch1Fwd)
val nxtInstValid = Wire(Vec(4, Bool()))
val nxtInstBits0 = Mux(readFwd0, readData, VecAt(l0data, instIndex0))
val nxtInstBits1 = Mux(readFwd1, readData, VecAt(l0data, instIndex1))
val nxtInstBits = Wire(Vec(16, UInt(p.instructionBits.W)))
for (i <- 0 until 8) {
val offset = 32 * i
nxtInstBits(i + 0) := nxtInstBits0(31 + offset, offset)
nxtInstBits(i + 8) := nxtInstBits1(31 + offset, offset)
def BranchMatchDe(valid: Bool, value: UInt):
(Bool, UInt, Vec[UInt], Vec[UInt]) = {
val addr = VecInit(value,
value + 4.U,
value + 8.U,
value + 12.U)
val match0 = l0valid(addr(0)(indexMsb,indexLsb)) &&
addr(0)(tagMsb,tagLsb) === VecAt(l0tag, addr(0)(indexMsb,indexLsb))
val match1 = l0valid(addr(3)(indexMsb,indexLsb)) &&
addr(3)(tagMsb,tagLsb) === VecAt(l0tag, addr(3)(indexMsb,indexLsb))
val vvalid = VecInit(Mux(addr(0)(4,2) <= 7.U, match0, match1),
Mux(addr(0)(4,2) <= 6.U, match0, match1),
Mux(addr(0)(4,2) <= 5.U, match0, match1),
Mux(addr(0)(4,2) <= 4.U, match0, match1))
val muxbits0 = VecAt(l0data, addr(0)(indexMsb,indexLsb))
val muxbits1 = VecAt(l0data, addr(3)(indexMsb,indexLsb))
val muxbits = Wire(Vec(16, UInt(p.instructionBits.W)))
for (i <- 0 until 8) {
val offset = 32 * i
muxbits(i + 0) := muxbits0(31 + offset, offset)
muxbits(i + 8) := muxbits1(31 + offset, offset)
val bits = Wire(Vec(4, UInt(p.instructionBits.W)))
for (i <- 0 until 4) {
val idx = Cat(addr(0)(5) =/= addr(i)(5), addr(i)(4,2))
bits(i) := VecAt(muxbits, idx)
(valid, vvalid.asUInt, addr, bits)
def BranchMatchEx(branch: Vec[BranchTakenIO]):
(Bool, UInt, Vec[UInt], Vec[UInt]) = {
val valid = branch(0).valid || branch(1).valid ||
branch(2).valid || branch(3).valid
val addr = VecInit(Mux(branch(0).valid, branch(0).value,
Mux(branch(1).valid, branch(1).value,
Mux(branch(2).valid, branch(2).value,
Mux(branch(0).valid, branch(0).value + 4.U,
Mux(branch(1).valid, branch(1).value + 4.U,
Mux(branch(2).valid, branch(2).value + 4.U,
branch(3).value + 4.U))),
Mux(branch(0).valid, branch(0).value + 8.U,
Mux(branch(1).valid, branch(1).value + 8.U,
Mux(branch(2).valid, branch(2).value + 8.U,
branch(3).value + 8.U))),
Mux(branch(0).valid, branch(0).value + 12.U,
Mux(branch(1).valid, branch(1).value + 12.U,
Mux(branch(2).valid, branch(2).value + 12.U,
branch(3).value + 12.U))))
val match0 = l0valid(addr(0)(indexMsb,indexLsb)) &&
addr(0)(tagMsb,tagLsb) === VecAt(l0tag, addr(0)(indexMsb,indexLsb))
val match1 = l0valid(addr(3)(indexMsb,indexLsb)) &&
addr(3)(tagMsb,tagLsb) === VecAt(l0tag, addr(3)(indexMsb,indexLsb))
val vvalid = VecInit(Mux(addr(0)(4,2) <= 7.U, match0, match1),
Mux(addr(0)(4,2) <= 6.U, match0, match1),
Mux(addr(0)(4,2) <= 5.U, match0, match1),
Mux(addr(0)(4,2) <= 4.U, match0, match1))
val muxbits0 = VecAt(l0data, addr(0)(indexMsb,indexLsb))
val muxbits1 = VecAt(l0data, addr(3)(indexMsb,indexLsb))
val muxbits = Wire(Vec(16, UInt(p.instructionBits.W)))
for (i <- 0 until 8) {
val offset = 32 * i
muxbits(i + 0) := muxbits0(31 + offset, offset)
muxbits(i + 8) := muxbits1(31 + offset, offset)
val bits = Wire(Vec(4, UInt(p.instructionBits.W)))
for (i <- 0 until 4) {
val idx = Cat(addr(0)(5) =/= addr(i)(5), addr(i)(4,2))
bits(i) := VecAt(muxbits, idx)
(valid, vvalid.asUInt, addr, bits)
def PredecodeDe(addr: UInt, op: UInt): (Bool, UInt) = {
val jal = DecodeBits(op, "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_xxxxx_1101111")
val ret = DecodeBits(op, "000000000000_00001_000_00000_1100111") &&
val bxx = DecodeBits(op, "xxxxxxx_xxxxx_xxxxx_xxx_xxxxx_1100011") &&
op(31) && op(14,13) =/= 1.U
val immjal = Cat(Fill(12, op(31)), op(19,12), op(20), op(30,21), 0.U(1.W))
val immbxx = Cat(Fill(20, op(31)), op(7), op(30,25), op(11,8), 0.U(1.W))
val immed = Mux(op(2), immjal, immbxx)
val target = Mux(ret, io.linkPort.value, addr + immed)
(jal || ret || bxx, target)
val (brchTakenDe0, brchTargetDe0) = PredecodeDe(instAddr(0), instBits(0))
val (brchTakenDe1, brchTargetDe1) = PredecodeDe(instAddr(1), instBits(1))
val (brchTakenDe2, brchTargetDe2) = PredecodeDe(instAddr(2), instBits(2))
val (brchTakenDe3, brchTargetDe3) = PredecodeDe(instAddr(3), instBits(3))
val brchTakenDeOr =
io.inst.lanes(0).valid && io.inst.lanes(0).ready && brchTakenDe0 ||
io.inst.lanes(1).valid && io.inst.lanes(1).ready && brchTakenDe1 ||
io.inst.lanes(2).valid && io.inst.lanes(2).ready && brchTakenDe2 ||
io.inst.lanes(3).valid && io.inst.lanes(3).ready && brchTakenDe3
val brchTargetDe = Mux(brchTakenDe0, brchTargetDe0,
Mux(brchTakenDe1, brchTargetDe1,
Mux(brchTakenDe2, brchTargetDe2,
val (brchTakenDe, brchValidDe, brchAddrDe, brchBitsDe) =
BranchMatchDe(brchTakenDeOr, brchTargetDe)
val (brchTakenEx, brchValidEx, brchAddrEx, brchBitsEx) =
val brchValidDeMask =
Cat(!brchTakenDe0 && !brchTakenDe1 && !brchTakenDe2,
!brchTakenDe0 && !brchTakenDe1,
val brchFwd = Cat(
brchTakenDe3 && !brchTakenDe0 && !brchTakenDe1 && !brchTakenDe2,
brchTakenDe2 && !brchTakenDe0 && !brchTakenDe1,
brchTakenDe1 && !brchTakenDe0,
for (i <- 0 until 4) {
// 1, 11, 111, ...
nxtInstValid(i) := Mux(nxtInstAddr(0)(4,2) <= (7 - i).U, nxtMatch0, nxtMatch1)
val nxtInstValidUInt = nxtInstValid.asUInt
instValid(i) := Mux(brchTakenEx, brchValidEx(i,0) === ~0.U((i+1).W),
Mux(brchTakenDe, brchValidDe(i,0) === ~0.U((i+1).W),
nxtInstValidUInt(i,0) === ~0.U((i+1).W))) && !io.iflush.valid
instAddr(i) := Mux(brchTakenEx, brchAddrEx(i),
Mux(brchTakenDe, brchAddrDe(i), nxtInstAddr(i)))
// The (2,0) bits are the offset within the base line plus the next line.
// The (3) bit of the index must factor the base difference of addresses
// instAddr and nxtInstAddr which are line aligned.
val idx = Cat(instAddr(0)(5) =/= nxtInstAddr(i)(5), nxtInstAddr(i)(4,2))
instBits(i) := Mux(brchTakenEx, brchBitsEx(i),
Mux(brchTakenDe, brchBitsDe(i),
VecAt(nxtInstBits, idx)))
// This pattern of separate when() blocks requires resets after the data.
when (reset.asBool) {
val addr = Cat(io.csr.value(0)(31,2), 0.U(2.W))
instAddr(0) := addr
instAddr(1) := addr + 4.U
instAddr(2) := addr + 8.U
instAddr(3) := addr + 12.U
// Outputs
for (i <- 0 until 4) {
io.inst.lanes(i).valid := instValid(i) & brchValidDeMask(i)
io.inst.lanes(i).addr := instAddr(i)
io.inst.lanes(i).inst := instBits(i)
io.inst.lanes(i).brchFwd := brchFwd(i)
// Assertions.
assert(instAddr(0) + 4.U === instAddr(1))
assert(instAddr(0) + 8.U === instAddr(2))
assert(instAddr(0) + 12.U === instAddr(3))
assert(fsel.getWidth == 5)
assert(PopCount(fsel) <= 1.U)
val instValidUInt = instValid.asUInt
assert(!(!instValidUInt(0) && (instValidUInt(3,1) =/= 0.U)))
assert(!(!instValidUInt(1) && (instValidUInt(3,2) =/= 0.U)))
assert(!(!instValidUInt(2) && (instValidUInt(3,3) =/= 0.U)))
val instLanesReady = Cat(io.inst.lanes(3).ready, io.inst.lanes(2).ready,
io.inst.lanes(1).ready, io.inst.lanes(0).ready)
assert(!(!instLanesReady(0) && (instLanesReady(3,1) =/= 0.U)))
assert(!(!instLanesReady(1) && (instLanesReady(3,2) =/= 0.U)))
assert(!(!instLanesReady(2) && (instLanesReady(3,3) =/= 0.U)))
object EmitFetch extends App {
val p = new Parameters
(new chisel3.stage.ChiselStage).emitVerilog(new Fetch(p), args)