Update QemuVectorTesting documentation

- Add gdb cli invocation as alternate to gdbgui

- Fix some spelling errors
- Fix aliases to work with paths based on `$ROOTDIR`
- Update paths (b/c some files moved and removed any absolute paths)

Change-Id: Ic0cd347ee0c61489135f214820cdac0ad1fa76c5
diff --git a/QemuVectorTestingAndDebugging.md b/QemuVectorTestingAndDebugging.md
index b0b50ef..620f411 100644
--- a/QemuVectorTestingAndDebugging.md
+++ b/QemuVectorTestingAndDebugging.md
@@ -4,14 +4,16 @@
 	1. [Build steps:](#build-steps)
 	2. [Start Qemu](#start-qemu)
 	3. [Exiting Qemu](#exiting-qemu)
-2. [GDBGUI Setup](#gdbgui-setup)
-	1. [Installating gdbgui](#installating-gdbgui)
+2. [Running GDB](#running-gdb)
+	1. [Use the following command to run GDB](#use-the-following-command-to-run-gdb)
+3. [GDBGUI Setup](#gdbgui-setup)
+	1. [Installing gdbgui](#installing-gdbgui)
 	2. [Running gdbgui](#running-gdbgui)
 	3. [gdbgui window](#gdbgui-window)
-3. [GDB Usage](#gdb-usage)
+4. [GDB Usage](#gdb-usage)
 	1. [Some Useful GDB instructions](#some-useful-gdb-instructions)
-4. [Aliases for convenience](#aliases-for-convenience)
-5. [Advanced Usage](#advanced-usage)
+5. [Aliases for convenience](#aliases-for-convenience)
+6. [Advanced Usage](#advanced-usage)
 	1. [Debugging Qemu](#debugging-qemu)
 ## Qemu Setup
@@ -43,9 +45,19 @@
 To exit qemu, in the same teriminal, press `Ctrl-a` then `Ctrl-x`.
+## Running GDB
+### Use the following command to run GDB
+Run GDB to create a gdb session in the CLI:
+$ROOTDIR/cache/toolchain_vp/bin/riscv32-unknown-elf-gdb $ROOTDIR/out/shodan/build-bin/sw/device/examples/hello_vector/hello_vector_sim_verilator.elf --eval-command "target remote :1234"
 ## GDBGUI Setup
-### Installating gdbgui
+### Installing gdbgui
 `python3 -m pip install gdbgui`
@@ -54,7 +66,7 @@
 Use the following command to begin gdbgui:
-gdbgui -g '$ROOTDIR/out/host/toolchain_vp/bin/riscv32-unknown-elf-gdb /usr/local/google/home/gkielian/shodan/out/shodan/build-bin/sw/device/examples/hello_vector/hello_vector_sim_verilator.elf --eval-command \"target remote :1234\"'
+export PURE_PYTHON=1; gdbgui -g "$ROOTDIR/out/host/toolchain_vp/bin/riscv32-unknown-elf-gdb $ROOTDIR/out/shodan/build-bin/sw/device/examples/hello_vector/hello_vector_sim_verilator.elf --eval-command \"target remote :1234\""
 ### gdbgui window
@@ -65,7 +77,6 @@
 ![image of gdbgui](./gdbgui.png)
 ## GDB Usage
 With one of the gdb methods working, you can now step through and check
@@ -88,7 +99,8 @@
 terminal, and then these aliases can speed up the workflow:
-alias run_gdb="gdbgui -g '$ROOTDIR/out/host/toolchain_vp/bin/riscv32-unknown-elf-gdb /usr/local/google/home/gkielian/shodan/out/shodan/build-bin/sw/device/examples/hello_vector/hello_vector_sim_verilator.elf --eval-command \"target remote :1234\"'"
+alias run_gdb="$ROOTDIR/cache/toolchain_vp/bin/riscv32-unknown-elf-gdb $ROOTDIR/out/shodan/build-bin/sw/device/examples/hello_vector/hello_vector_sim_verilator.elf --eval-command \"target remote :1234\""
+alias run_gdb_gui="export PURE_PYTHON=1; gdbgui -g '$ROOTDIR/cache/toolchain_vp/bin/riscv32-unknown-elf-gdb $ROOTDIR/out/shodan/build-bin/sw/device/examples/hello_vector/hello_vector_sim_verilator.elf --eval-command \"target remote :1234\"'"
 alias run_qemu="qemu-system-riscv32 -M opentitan -kernel $ROOTDIR/out/shodan/build-out/sw_shodan/device/examples/hello_vector/hello_vector_sim_verilator.elf -bios $ROOTDIR/out/shodan/build-bin/sw/device/boot_rom/boot_rom_fpga_nexysvideo.elf  -nographic -cpu rv32,x-v=true,vlen=512,vext_spec=v1.0 -s -S"
@@ -103,4 +115,4 @@
 Above starts up qemu with the debugger and breaks the simulator on the
 `vsetvl` instruction so that you can check the state of the cpu.
-This may be useful when debugging qemu itself.
\ No newline at end of file
+This may be useful when debugging qemu itself.