Create Springbok Vector Unit Test

Step 0: Repo Sync and Build Prequisites

repo sync
m renode_clean renode
m qemu_clean qemu

Step 1: Select Instruction and Update Tracker

Go to the following spreadsheet and write or select one's name under the DRI - Unit Test.

Select Instructions Here

Now you've signed up to develop a unit test for this vector instruction :)

Side Note: The following pivot table is very useful for quickly scanning through the instructions available: DRI Pivot Table

Step 2: Create operation definition in ${ROOTDIR}/sw/vec/softrvv/include

Add definition of the operation as a file softrvv_<op>h.h in the following folder, where <op> is your operation (e.g. vadd, vor, vmerge, etc...):


This test will contain the definition of the operation (e.g. vadd operation below):

template <typename T>
void vadd_vi(T *dest, T *src1, T src2, int32_t avl) {
  for (int32_t idx = 0; idx < avl; idx++) {
    dest[idx] = src1[idx] + src2;

See softrvv_vadd.h for a reference.

Step 3: Add the header to softrvv.h

Add the header file as an includes in the softrvv.h:

#include "softrvv_vadd.h"

softrvv.h is in the ${ROOTDIR}/sw/vec/softrvv/include directory.

Step 4: Add main test entry within the CMakeLists.txt

cd into the following folder, and edit the CMakeLists.txt file there


Add an entry there with the opcode formats relavant to the operation:

   -Xlinker --defsym=__itcm_length__=200K

Note: this operation uses OPIVV, OPIVX, and OPIVI formats.

A range of tests will be be autogenerated for each one of the OPFMT's added.

The Mako templates for each OPFMT test can be found at ${ROOTDIR}/sw/vec/tests/templates.

Note on __itcm_length__: keeping this number low for each test helps our overall performance, most tests are good with 128K, some might need a little more memory (ctest will let you know if you need to add more here).

Step 5: Create subtest

Please also add a small manual test the new softvv instruction. Steps delineated as follows:

Add brief softrvv test

cd ${ROOTDIR}/sw/vec/softrvv/tests

Then add a test-file named softrvv_<op>_test.cpp.

See other files in the same folder as references.

In this test-file you'll define a few simple test cases to run on the defined functions:

See for example this VV test from softrvv_vadd_test.cpp:

uint32_t src1[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
uint32_t src2[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

uint32_t ref_vv[] = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10};

TEST_F(SoftRvvVaddTest, VV) {
  softrvv::vadd_vv<uint32_t>(dest, src1, src2, AVL_CONST);
  ASSERT_EQ(memcmp(dest, ref_vv, sizeof(dest)), 0);

Add this smaller test to a 2nd Cmake file

Edit another CMakeLists.txt file (path below):


Add the subtest just created:

   -Xlinker --defsym=__itcm_length__=128K

Step 6: Build and Run Tests

Tests must be run from the ${ROOTDIR}/out/springbok directory.

cd ${ROOTDIR}/out/springbok

Next, using Regex in the quoted section, select qemu, renode, and/or other operations to include in a test run:

m springbok && ctest --verbose -R ".*vadd.*"  --gtest_color=yes

Step 7 (optional): view generated code

Code for the main test was autogenerated, however by cd'ing into the following directory, one can inspect the generated code.


Step 8: Mark Tests as Passing

Note: at minimum, one's test should be expected to pass in Qemu. Since Renode vec support is WIP, a unit test failing may indicate problem in the Renode implementation.

On the unit test tracker:

  1. Mark whether the unit test passes in Qemu
  2. Mark whether the unit test passes in Renode
  3. Mark the instruction “Springbok Unit Test” as “implemented”

Step 9: Git Commit

At this point there are two commitable chunks:

  1. operation definition, softrvv.h change, and CMakeLists.txt entry.
  2. the manual test and its CMakeLists.txt entry

These may be added as either one CL, or two CL's separating these two contributions.