What is this?

This is Project Shodan, a project to research the fusion of novel hardware and software architectures to produce a low-power, ambient AI core. For more information, see our internal site at sites/cerebrahardware/shodan.

Developing in this Codebase

We've stored our code in Gerrit, and like the Android developers before us, we use repo to manage the projects in our Gerrit repositories.

To get started, first make sure you have a Git login for all our projects by going to googlesource.com/new-password and pasting the provided script into a terminal.

Now you need to pull down a copy of the repo tool from our public facing sites and add it to your path:

mkdir -p bin
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin
curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo

Make sure you've initialized git with your name and email address, and have configured it properly for fetching the sources:

git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global user.email "you@example.com"

Once you‘ve done this, you’re actually ready to check out the sources. Make a new directory where you'd like it to live, and initialize repo with the current release branch.

repo init -u https://spacebeaker.googlesource.com/manifest
repo sync -j$(nproc)

Repository Layout

Our layout is pretty simple:


Contains build scripts for the whole tree. This is effectively just an orchestration layer to make building the whole shebang easier. Each subtree may have its own build systems and have their own ways of building.


Contains continuous integration scripts and tooling for Jenkins, our CI/CD tool.


Lots of extra documentation (we hope) about how the repo is laid out, how the build system works, code reviews, licensing, etc.


The repo manifest used to glue all the git repositories together.

More Information