STM32F4 Discovery Kit with STM32F412G MCU

For more details visit STM32F412G Discovery Kit website.

Flashing the kernel

The kernel can be programmed using OpenOCD. cd into boards/discovery_f412g directory and run:

$ make flash


$ make flash-debug

Note: Unlike other Tock platforms, the default kernel image for this board will clear flashed apps when the kernel is loaded. This is to support the non-tockloader based app flash procedure below. To preserve loaded apps, comment out the APP_HACK variable in src/

Flashing app

Apps are built out-of-tree. Once an app is built, you can use arm-none-eabi-objcopy with --update-section to create an ELF image with the apps included.

$ arm-none-eabi-objcopy  \
    --update-section .apps=../../../libtock-c/examples/c_hello/build/cortex-m4/cortex-m4.tbf \
    target/thumbv7em-none-eabi/debug/discovery_f412g.elf \

For example, you can update Makefile as follows.


.PHONY: program
program: $(TOCK_ROOT_DIRECTORY)target/$(TARGET)/debug/$(PLATFORM).elf
        arm-none-eabi-objcopy --update-section .apps=$(APP) $(KERNEL) $(KERNEL_WITH_APP)
        $(OPENOCD) $(OPENOCD_OPTIONS) -c "init; reset halt; flash write_image erase $(KERNEL_WITH_APP); verify_image $(KERNEL_WITH_APP); reset; shutdown"

After setting APP, KERNEL, KERNEL_WITH_APP, and program target dependency, you can do

$ make program

to flash the image.

OpenOCD Note

The release version of openocd does not fully support stm32412g discovery kit. Uploading seems to work with the setup for nucelo429zi. The openocd.cfg file contains both setups, one being commented.

To install an openocd that full supports stm32f412g you have to build openocd.

$ git clone --recursive openocd-code
$ cd openocd-code
$ git fetch refs/changes/21/4321/7 && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD
$ ./bootstrap
$ ./configure --disable-werror
$ make
# optinally use sudo make install

Please note that you may have some conflicts in a file containing a list of sources when patching. Accept both changes.