STM32 Discovery kit development board with STM32F303 MCU

For more details visit the Discovery kit website.

Flashing the kernel

The kernel can be programmed using OpenOCD. cd into boards/stm32f3discovery directory and run:

$ make flash


$ make flash-debug

Note: Unlike other Tock platforms, the default kernel image for this board will clear flashed apps when the kernel is loaded. This is to support the non-tockloader based app flash procedure below. To preserve loaded apps, comment out the APP_HACK variable in src/

Flashing app

Apps are built out-of-tree. Once an app is built, you can use arm-none-eabi-objcopy with --update-section to create an ELF image with the apps included.

$ arm-none-eabi-objcopy  \
    --update-section .apps=../../../libtock-c/examples/c_hello/build/cortex-m4/cortex-m4.tbf \
    target/thumbv7em-none-eabi/debug/stm32f3discovery.elf \

For example, you can update Makefile as follows.


.PHONY: program
program: $(TOCK_ROOT_DIRECTORY)target/$(TARGET)/debug/$(PLATFORM).elf
        arm-none-eabi-objcopy --update-section .apps=$(APP) $(KERNEL) $(KERNEL_WITH_APP)
        $(OPENOCD) $(OPENOCD_OPTIONS) -c "init; reset halt; flash write_image erase $(KERNEL_WITH_APP); verify_image $(KERNEL_WITH_APP); reset; shutdown"

After setting APP, KERNEL, KERNEL_WITH_APP, and program target dependency, you can do

$ make program

to flash the image.