SparkFun RedBoard Artemis Nano

Board features

  • 17 GPIO - all interrupt capable
  • 8 ADC channels with 14-bit precision
  • 17 PWM channels
  • 2 UARTs
  • 4 I2C buses
  • 2 SPI buses
  • PDM Digital Microphone
  • Qwiic Connector

For more details visit the SparkFun website.

Flashing the kernel

The kernel can be programmed using the Ambiq python scrips. cd into boards/sparkfun_redboard_artemis_nano directory and run:

$ make flash


$ make flash-debug

This will flash Tock onto the board via the /dev/ttyUSB0 port. If you would like to use a different port you can specify it from the PORT variable.

$ PORT=/dev/ttyUSB2 make flash

This will flash Tock over the SparkFun Variable Loader (SVL) using the Ambiq loader. The SVL can always be re-flashed if you want to.