Arduino Nano 33 BLE

The Arduino Nano 33 BLE and Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense are compact boards based on the Nordic nRF52840 SoC. The “Sense” version includes the following sensors:

  • 9 axis inertial sensor
  • humidity and temperature sensor
  • barometric sensor
  • microphone
  • gesture, proximity, light color and light intensity sensor

Getting Started

First, follow the Tock Getting Started guide

You will need the bossac bootloader tool:

$ git clone
$ cd BOSSA
$ make bossac

Then you will need to add BOSSA/bin to your $PATH variable so that your system can find the bossac program.

Programming the Kernel

To program the kernel we use the BOSSA tool to communicate with the bootloader on the board which then flashes the kernel. This requires that the bootloader be active. To force the board into bootloader mode, press the button on the board twice in rapid succession. You should see the yellow LED pulse on and off.

At this point you should be able to simply run make program in this directory to install a fresh kernel.

$ make program

You may need to specify the port like so:

$ make program PORT=<serial port path>

Programming Applications

This is currently a weakness of the Nano 33 board as flashing applications is not as ergonomic as Tock expects. Right now, you should be able to flash a single application. For example, to flash the “blink” app, first compile it:

$ git clone
$ cd libtock-c/examples/blink
$ make

This previous step will create a TAB (.tab file) that normally tockloader would use to program on the board. However, tockloader is currently not supported. As a workaround, we can directly program a single app. To load the blink app, first press the button on the board twice in rapid succession to enter the bootloader, and then:

$ bossac -i -e -o 0x20000 -w build/cortex-m4/cortex-m4.tbf -R

That tells the BOSSA tool to flash the application in the Tock Binary Format to the correct offset (the app will end up at address 0x30000). You may also need to pass the --port flag.

Userspace Resource Mapping

This table shows the mappings between resources available in userspace and the physical elements on the Nano 33 BLE board.

Software ResourcePhysical Element
GPIO[2]Pin D2
GPIO[3]Pin D3
GPIO[4]Pin D4
GPIO[5]Pin D5
GPIO[6]Pin D6
GPIO[7]Pin D7
GPIO[8]Pin D8
GPIO[9]Pin D9
GPIO[10]Pin D10
LED[0]Tri-color LED Red
LED[1]Tri-color LED Green
LED[2]Tri-color LED Blue


The Nano 33 board uses a virtual serial console over USB to send debugging info from the kernel and print messages from applications. You can use whatever your favorite serial terminal program is to view the output. Tockloader also supports reading and writing to a serial console with tockloader listen.

Kernel Panics

If the kernel or an app encounter a panic!(), the panic handler specified in is called. This causes the kernel to stop. You will notice the yellow LED starts blinking in a repeating but slightly irregular pattern. There is also a panic print out that provides a fair bit of debugging information. However, currently that panic print info is transmitted over UARTE0, not the USB port. So, to view the panic info, you will need to connect to the two pins on the board labeled TX1 and RX0 and view the UART information there.